Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WHEN THE SMOKE CLEARS - Lynette Eason - Free Book

Why did you become an author?
I was lonely. Seriously. My husband’s job took him out of town and all over the country 4 days out of the week. I had a nine month old baby at home and when she was sleeping, I was BORED. I had always said I wanted to write a book so I figured that was as good a time as any to give it a try.

If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job?
I’d probably be a realtor even though the economy for houses stinks right now. I could go in houses all day, just to look. I have no idea why I’m that way, just am. LOL.

I used to go to realty open houses or parades of homes a lot, but I don’t have time anymore. If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why?
I would want to live on a ranch in the 1800’s. I just think it was such a romantic time period. Tough, hard to eke out a living sometimes, but it just looks like it would have been extremely interesting. And I like horses. J

What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to?
I’d love to see the Grand Canyon.

I’ve wanted to do that, too, and even more so since Mary Connealy wrote her Grand Canyon novel. How about a foreign country you hope to visit?
Ireland or Israel. I’d love to walk where Jesus walked.

What lesson has the Lord taught you recently?
That He’s totally in charge of my writing career and He will allow things to happen as He has designed it to happen. Don’t get me wrong. I still have to do my part, promoting and marketing, etc. But because I’m surrendered to Him, He will guide my path.

Tell us about the featured book.
When The Smoke Clears is book one in the Deadly Reunions Series. I’m really excited about this story as it kicks off this new series.

Here’s the back cover blurb:

As a member of the North Cascades Smokejumpers, Alexia Allen always takes care of the equipment that keeps her safe. So when she nearly dies in a fire due to equipment failure, she knows something is up. Ordered to take time off while the investigation continues, Alexia makes a last-minute decision to recuperate at her mother's home and attend her high school reunion. Yet trouble seems to be following her, and within hours of arriving home she's involved with murder, arson--and a handsome detective. But the conflicts ahead are nothing compared to the ghosts of her past. As she strives to remember and forgive her family history, she must also decide if the secret she's been guarding for the last ten years must finally come to light.

Chock-full of the suspense and romantic tension readers have come to expect from Lynette Eason, When the Smoke Clears is the explosive first book in the Deadly Reunions series.

Romantic Times gave it 4½ stars. I’m hoping the coming reviews will be just as good.

Sounds like a story I’d love to read. Please give us the first page of the book.

First page of Chapter ONE:

He suspected what was in the envelope. Shaky fingers opened it and pulled out the single white sheet with the block style printed words.

 Senator Frank Hoffman leaned back in his plush leather chair and drew in a deep breath.
 It was Jillian; he knew it. She’d decided to come out of hiding. He’d searched high and low for the girl ten years ago, when she simply dropped off the face of the earth.      
 But the letter proved she wasn’t dead. She was back, taunting him with the skeleton in his closet.
 Jillian Carter. The one person that could kill his career, ruin his shaky marriage, and sabotage his future.
 He’d rather put a bullet in her brain than let that happen.
 Again, he read the words.
 Amazing that two small words could instill such terror.
 Jaw tight, he started to crumple the letter into a ball, then thought better of it.
 Pulling out a large brown envelope, he added it to the one that had come two weeks ago. The one that said, “HELLO FRANK. I’LL BE IN TOUCH.” The one he’d been praying was from anyone but her.
 He shoved the envelope into the bottom drawer of his desk and shut the drawer with a snap.
 What did she want? There’d been no blackmail demand, no reason given for the subtle threat.
 Just, I KNOW.
 And only two people on this earth knew his secret.
 Of course one wasn’t talking. Were there others?
 He doubted it. The fact that the last ten years had flown by without a peep from anyone was proof of that. With dread in his heart, he knew the truth of his situation. A truth he had avoided facing for ten years. Now that truth stared him in the face, mocking him. Letting him know that his comfort zone had been penetrated.
 He had to find Jillian Carter.
 There was only one way to restore peace back to his life. He picked up the phone and called the one person he trusted with absolute confidence to bury this secret so deep it would never stir again.

I know I’ll love it, and so will my husband. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I LOVE to hear from my readers. My email address is My fan page is Lynette Barker Eason. Please come LIKE me to keep up with the most recent news about me and my books. If you want to sign up for my newsletter, you can find the sign up box on my website. It’s  I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you so much, Lena, for having me here.

It was totally my pleasure. I’ve always loved your books, and I know my readers will, too.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
When the Smoke Clears: A Novel (Deadly Reunions) - paperback
When the Smoke Clears (Deadly Reunions) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


Coolestmommy said...

That first page is quite gripping. Sounds like I'll be on the edge of my seat throughout the story. Can't wait to read it!

coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

Lorna Faith said...

Love the 1st page! Would love to read the rest:)

Lorna from Alberta

lornafaith at gmail dot com

Lynette Eason said...

Hey y'all, thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the story if you get a chance to read it. :)

Unknown said...

Lynette Eason's novels are a must have on my shelf...and i read them the day i get them, too! Thanks for keeping us abreast of what's coming up. i would love to win.

Marianne from Arizona


BarbaraD in South GA said...

If "When the Smoke Clears" is anything like your other books, I know it will be a great read. Barbara in very south Georgia.

Janet Page said...

Love Lynette's books. Have my co-workers at the bookstore reading them now too!! Will be starting "Smoke". Great work!! Janet from Arizona

Lynette Eason said...

Wow, thanks, Marianne, Barbara, and Janet! Y'all are making me smile. I hope you enjoy When the Smoke Clears if you get a chance to read it. That was a HARD book to write and I was quite sure it was the worst story ever. LOL. But it turned out to be a great story. RT magazine gave it 4.5 stars so I guess I did something right! Hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by.

misskallie2000 said...

Hi Lynette, I enjoyed reading your interview. I read To Close To Home and can't wait to read When the Smoke Clears. Chapter 1 quickly drew me into the story and I want to read what happens next. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.

I live in Middle Georgia

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

would love to win. angela &taco from ky

Mama Cat said...

Lynette, I have read almost every one of your books, and your writing just gets better and better! This has been one of my "wish lists" since seeing that it was coming out, and I just added it to another. The Women of Justice series was over the top!!! I would love to win a copy of your new book, it already has my attention. Blessings to you and your family! And I hope that we both get to see Israel one day, walk where our Redeemer has walked! Jeanie in Phoenix, AZ

Judy said...

Lynette, you are a new author to me and I'd love to win a copy of, When The Smoke Clears. Just reading the first page makes me want more. I'm looking forward to learning more about you through your books.

Thanks for this giveaway!

Judy from Indiana


Pam K. said...

Lynette writes books that are suspenseful enough that it's hard to put them down. I'd love to win a copy of "When the Smoke Clear." Thanks for the interview and for giving away a book.


Holly Magnuson said...

I love Lynette's books and would love the chance to win a copy. Thanks for the interview I'm very glad Lynette was bored!
Blessings to you both.
Southern California

Mary Preston said...

WHEN THE SMOKE CLEARS looks very interesting. Loved the first page thank you.

Mary P


Abigail Mitchell said...

Sounds interesting! Please enter me.
Thanks and God Bless!
Blanch, N.C.

Bethany said...

This sounds like a great book! I'd love the chance to win a copy :)

A.Jones said...

I would really like to read this book. Lynette seems like a great author!

I live in New York

Anonymous said...

I love your suspense novels.
Please include me in your drawing.
God Bless You!

Dennie Richmond
Blanch, NC

Lynette Eason said...

Hey MamaCat, thanks so much for your kind words. I hope you get a chance to read When the Smoke Clears. God Bless!

Lynette Eason said...

Barbara D and Janet, thanks so much for stopping by!

Lynette Eason said...

Hey thanks everyone for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I hope each and every one of you get a chance to read the story! God Bless!

Jo said...

The first page is great and I definitely have to read this book. Please enter me.

Jo in Southern Arizona

Patsy said...

I am a volunteer firefighter and would love to read this book. Sounds great!

from South MS


Kristie said...

I went to the Grand Canyon in September. It was AWESOME. We also took a hot-air balloon ride in Sedona. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I like romance and suspense too. It would also be interesting to read about a female firefighter. Different but intriguing. I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Kandra said...

Okay, now I'm interested in the whole Deadly Reunions series! Why haven't I heard of them before? This one sounds so interesting! I'm from Tennessee.

Sharon Richmond said...

Enter me I would love to win a copy of this book it sounds like a wonderful story! Thanks and God bless.
Sharon Richmond
Blanch, NC.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good book. Please enter me!

Krista from OR

Courtney said...

Sounds great! I've loved all of the books I've read by Lynette! Can't wait to read this!!

Courtney from WA state

Rebecca said...

Sounds like a great story! The first page is awesome. I'd love to read the rest of it!
I'm from NC.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interesting interview. It's always interesting to find out the reasons why authors write. It's nice that you were able to find time when you had a baby. I love tour books and am intrigued by your latest one.
I live in California.

rubynreba said...

Suspense and romance combined always make a good book.
Beth from Iowa

Bakersdozen said...

This book sounds really interesting. I loved the interview and would love to read this book. I live in S. CA. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

Whew...what an imaginative story! Already I'm putting it on my TBR list. Lynette and I have in common the enjoyment of looking at homes. My favorite TV channel is HGTV, and I almost became a realtor once. Another dream that faded. Thanks for this giveaway and the chance to win Lynette's book.

In Christ,
Barb Shelton
Arlington, TX
barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

Janet Kerr said...

This book sounds wonderful. Please enter me in the draw!


Cindy in So IL said...

Just finished rereading the Women of Justice series. Can't wait for When the Smoke Clears!

Merry said...

I have been waiting for Lynette's newest book. I loved the Women of Justice series and I am hearing raves for When the Smoke Clears.
Merry in TX