
Thursday, February 09, 2012

THREADS OF HOPE - Andrea Boeshaar - Free Book

Andrea Kuhn Boeshaar has 26 published novels, 8 published novellas, and a host of collective nonfiction under her belt. She knows the peaks and valleys of the publishing industry and loves to share her experience with other writers. She was an agent for more than 10 years, but is now writing full-time and is represented by the Steve Laube Agency.

Some of Andrea’s recent titles (2008 to present) include: Love Finds You in Miracle, Kentucky (Summerside Press); Be Still…and Let Your Nail Polish Dry (nonfiction with authors Sandie Bricker, Loree Lough, and Debby Mayne – Summerside Press); Heartland Heroes (a collection of 3 short novels, Barbour Publishing) and Seasons of Redemption series, which includes: Unwilling Warrior (Realms/Charisma House) Uncertain Heart (Realms) and Unexpected Love (Realms) Undaunted Faith (Realms). Another series, Fabric of Time, is already contracted for. The first book Threads of Hope, released in January of 2012.

Additionally, Andrea is a certified Christian life coach. She is presently taking classes to be certified in Christian counseling.

Andrea is a cofounder of ACFW. She’s taught at several of the organization’s conferences as well as the Oregon Christian Writers Conference, Write-To-Publish, and Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference. Presently, she serves as the vice president in the Wisconsin chapter of Romance Writers of America (WisRWA).

What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
Trust is a big spiritual theme that I like to write about. So many times we can say or even feel that we trust the Lord – but what happens when the bank forecloses on your home? What happens when a child dies? Those are the times that trust is crucial because we cannot understand the whys behind the situations. I can honestly say that I am learning to trust the Lord with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding. But it’s a journey.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
Threads of Hope released last month. It’s a historical set in Wisconsin and book one in my brand new series Fabric of Time, published with Charisma Media/Realms.

A revised and updated version of my contemporary novel, Broken Things (first published ten years ago) will soon be available in e-book format for the first time via Amazon/Kindle. I’m very excited to offer this story to my readers in time for Valentine’s Day! Here’s a blurb:

An old photograph prompts Allison Drake Littenberg to return to Chicago and mend fences with family members and friends, particularly Jack Callahan, the handsome cop she left back in 1969. Now, 30 years later, Jack is bitter from bad decisions and a nasty divorce. Even so, Allie prays that God will use her own broken past to touch his life – and the life of a dying, abused, and disheartened woman who proves to be the key to answering decades of questions.

Threads of Faith, book two in Fabric of Time, will release in October 2012 and Threads of Love, book three in that series, will be on bookshelves in May 2013.

I read Broken Things when it first came out. I know my readers will like it. If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
Well, this may not seem like a very spiritual answer, but in the long run I think it impacts God’s kingdom. I’d like to spend an evening talking with Larry Levinson, a movie producer. He produced Janette Oke’s Love Comes Softly series, which is frequently run on the Hallmark Movie Channel. I’ve got a lot of ideas for movies based on some of my novels and I believe there is a need to continue getting Christian and Inspirational films produced. What a pleasure it would be to discuss my ideas with Mr. Levinson.

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
I can’t wait to meet John the Baptizer in Heaven. He was the voice of one, crying in the wilderness. He prepared the way of the Lord. How awesome it will be to hear about his life on earth!

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
I can tell you that even published authors receive rejection letters. I just got one from the Love Inspired line. While I am currently contracted and so grateful for that fact, it’s also true that my status could change any minute. Book lines fail. Publishers cancel contracts. Publishing companies get sold and major changes occur. None of us is really ever secure in our careers. That said, writers must persevere if they want to succeed in this business, persevere through the rejection and disappointment. I know, first hand, that it’s difficult sometimes. This is a lonely business and discouragement easily sets in. But if you trust in the Lord, delight yourself in the things of God, commit yourself to your calling, the Lord will give you the desire of your heart. That’s a promise from Psalm 37:3-5.

I love the cover. Purple is my favorite color. Tell us about the featured book.
I got the idea for Threads of Hope while researching my family’s history. Here’s a blurb from the novel:

The year is 1848, and Kristin Eikaas has traveled from Norway to Wisconsin with dreams of a new life. But when she arrives, she finds one disappointment after another. Worse, her superstitious uncle now believes that his neighbor’s Oneida Indian wife has put a curse on Kristin. Everyone knows the Sundbergs put spells on people…

Everyone except Kristin. Her run-ins with Sam Sundberg only prove that he is a good man from a Christian family. But when her uncle discovers she’s been associating with Sam, his temper flares. To escape his wrath, Kristin gratefully accepts a job as the Sundbergs’ house girl, finding solace at the family’s spinning wheel.

In the time Sam and Kristin spend together, their friendship develops into much more, and Sam prays about a match between them. But opposition threatens to derail their newfound love. Will they have the courage to stand up for what is right—even against their own families?

Please give us the first page of the book.
It looks like Norway.

The thought flittered across nineteen-year-old Kristin Eikaas’s mind as Uncle Lars’s wagon bumped along the dirt road. The docks of Green Bay, Wisconsin, were behind them and now they rode through a wooded area that looked just as enchanting as the forests she’d left in Norway. Tall pine trees and giant firs caused the sunshine to dapple on the road. Kristin breathed in the sweet, fresh air. How refreshing it felt in her lungs after being at sea for nearly three months and breathing in only salty sea air or the stale air in her dark, crowded cabin.

A clearing suddenly came into view and, a minute or so later, Kristin eyed the farm fields stretched before her. The sight caused an ache of homesickness. Her poppa had farmed…

“Your trip to America was good, ja?” Uncle Lars asked in Norwegian, giving Kristin a sideways glance.

He resembled her father so much that her heart twisted painfully with renewed grief. Except, she’d heard about Onkel—about his temper—how he had to leave Norway when he was barely of age, because, Poppa had said, trouble followed him.

But surely he’d grown past all of that. His letters held words of promise and there was little doubt that her uncle had made a new life for himself here in America.

Just as she would.

Visions of a storefront scampered across her mind’s eye—a shop in which she could sell her finely crocheted and knitted items. A shop in which she could work the spinning wheel, just as Mor had…

Uncle Lars arched a brow. “You are tired, liten niese?”

Ja. It was a long journey.” Kristin sent him a sideways glance. “I am grateful I did not come alone. The Olstads made good traveling companions.”

Her uncle cleared his throat and lowered his voice. “But you have brought my inheritance, ja?” He arched a brow.

Ja.” Kristin thought of the priceless possession she’d brought from Norway.

“And you would not hold out on your onkel, would you?”

Prickles of unease caused Kristin to shift in her seat. She resisted the urge to touch the tiny gold and silver cross pendent suspended from a dainty chain which hung around her neck. Her dress concealed it. She couldn’t give it up, even though it wasn’t legal for a woman to inherit anything in Norway. But the necklace had been her last gift from Mor. A gift from one’s mother wasn’t an inheritance…was it? “No, Onkel.”

She turned and peered down from her perch into the back of the wooden wagon bed. Peder Olstad smiled at her and Kristin relaxed some. Just a year older, he was the brother of Kristin’s very best friend who had remained in Norway with their mother. She and Peder had grown up together, and while he could be annoying and bad tempered at times, he was the closest thing to a brother that she had. And Sylvia—Sylvia was closer than a sister ever could be. It wouldn’t be long and she and Mrs. Olstad would come to America too. That would be a happy day!

How can readers find you on the Internet?
And I’m on Facebook.
Readers can also follow me on Twitter: @AndreaBoeshaar

Thank you for coming by, Andrea. And thank you for allowing me to read the book in manuscript form. I can assure the readers that it's a very good read.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Threads of Hope - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.
The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Reading about others coming to America and the hardships they faced reminds me that my forefathers gave much to give me freedom here. Thanks for the interview, Lena and Andrea and the great opportunity to win Threads of Hope.

    Marianne from Arizona


  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Please sign me up. This book looks really good! :) Pretty cover too!


  3. Anonymous7:40 AM


  4. Can't imagine a trip like that! Three month on an ocean crossing... we are so blessed to liev in the time we do.

    Patty in SC

  5. This sounds like a very interesting story. One that I would love to read.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  6. Sounds like a great book. I look forward to reading it..

  7. Sharon11:07 AM

    Thanks for the interview Andrea and Lena. Would love to win a copy of Threads of Hope.
    Sharon from Eagan, MN

  8. Sounds like a very interesting book.

    Jen from FL

  9. Looks like a great book. Very interesting.
    Ali from NY

  10. thanks for the chance to read this wonderful story ;)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com
    (from pennsylvania)

  11. Thank you all for your comments. Marianne, I agree: The hardships our forefather's faced were incredible, which makes our freedoms so valuable.

  12. This looks like a great book. I would love to read this. Thanks for the chance to win.

    I am from Oklahoma.

  13. This is an author who's books I enjoy. Please enter me to win.
    jrs362 at hotmail dot com

  14. Judy Cooper8:30 PM

    I always enjoy Andrea's books but I must seek out Broken Things, I have not read it and I know Threads of Hope will be another great book. Please enter my name, thank you. Judy C. in Louisiana.

  15. Both BROKEN THINGS and THREADS OF HOPE look amazing. I'm looking forward to reading these.

    Mary P


  16. Love your books Andrea:) Would love to read this one!

    Lorna from Alberta

    lornafaith at gmail dot com

  17. love Andrea's books please enter me thanks
    Live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  18. Being a seamstress & quilter - the Title immediately had me hooked! Thanks for the interview - always good to hear about new books coming out.
    Elaine for Iowa

  19. sounds very interesting. thanks for the chance enter me.
    Thanks Joanna Richmond,
    Blanch NC

  20. Looks interesting!!
    Please enter me in the drawing!
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    God Bless,
    Sarah Richmond

  21. Sharon Richmond9:24 AM

    Enter me I would love to win a copy of this book it sounds like a great story! Thanks and God bless.
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  22. Looks very interesting! Please enter me. Thanks and God Bless!
    Blanch, N.C.

  23. I love to read immigrant stories, especially of another time.

    Thank you for the chance to win this book.


  24. Forgot to say that I live in Texas!!!


  25. I've enjoyed some of your other books. Would like to read this one, too.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  26. Sounds like a great book and one that I would love to read.

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  27. Oh yes, please include me. Book sounds great.

  28. Hi Andrea, Enjoyed your interview. I can't wait to read "Threads of Hope" and already have on my wish list. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.

    I am from Georgia

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  29. This sounds like a wonderful book. I am looking forward to reading it.
    Please enter me.
    Krista from Oregon

  30. Andrea, your life seems so full. One of my teenage daughters is contemplating going into Christian counseling. I would love to read this book. I live in S. CA.

  31. It's interesting that some people were so superstitious at that time. I wonder why? Hopefully these two can find happiness together and grow in love and faith in a common God. Sounds great! I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com
