
Monday, May 28, 2012

CHAMELEON - Jillian Kent - One Free Book

Welcome back, Jillian. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I love the time period. And because I’ve worked in the mental health field for 32 years I’m fascinated by the human mind and illness. Why we do the things we do is pretty much the same in the Regency as it is today.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
The day I married my husband. We’re still married 32 years later.

How has being published changed your life?
The crazy aspect.

I used to think I was busy. J Now I know I am. Writing  a series is a challenge. Writing and editing and marketing and blogging and everything thing else that comes with publication has changed my life. Spending time with family and friends has become more challenging. I work full-time as a counselor 10 months a year.

The fun aspect.

I get to see how publishing works up close. Even though I’ve studied the craft for 22 years there’s so much I didn’t know. Publishing is like earning a whole new degree. I’ve worked with 2 different editors so far and learned a lot from both.

What are you reading right now?
What Remains of Heaven by C.S. Harris

What is your current work in progress?
Mystery of the Heart, The Ravensmoore Chronicles, Book Three

What would be your dream vacation?
Hawaii with hubby.
British Isles with hubby.
Australia and New Zealand with hubby.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
Love England. I’ll probably keep writing novels set in England for awhile.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
J.K. Rowling. Because she’s an incredible British novelist and she lives in Scotland. I would want to meet with her at her place. J

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Word find puzzles. 

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Finding the hours in the day to do my very best writing. I never find them so I write in snatches of time. Lunch time, after dinner, late at night. Anytime I can find time.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t work on one book forever. Finish it and write another one. You’ll want as much product and experience as you can get when you get published.

Tell us about the featured book.

How much can you really know about someone?
Lady Victoria Grayson has always considered herself a keen observer of human behavior. After battling a chronic childhood illness that kept her homebound for years, she journeys to London determined to have the adventure of a lifetime.

Jaded by his wartime profession as a spy, Lord Witt understands, more than most, that everyone is not always who they pretend to be. He meets Victoria after the Regent requests an investigation into the activities of her physician brother, Lord Ravensmoore.

Witt and Victoria become increasingly entangled in a plot targeting the lords of Parliament. Victoria is forced to question how well she knows those close to her while challenging Witt’s cynical nature and doubts about God. Together they must confront their pasts in order to solve a mystery that could devastate their future.

Please give us the first page of the book.

Chapter One
We should come home from adventures, and perils, and discoveries every day with new experience and character.
—Henry David Thoreau
London, 29 March 1818

St. James Park loomed in front of them, shrouded in a heavy mist that created difficulty for horse and driver as the coach and four maneuvered its way into the park.

Inside the vehicle, Victoria leaned toward the window, straining to see the outline of trees. “Such a disappointment,” she sighed. “This is not what I expected my very first morning in London. I’d so hoped to see more on the ride through the park, something exciting to tell Devlin when we get to his home.”

“Don’t despair, my lady.” Nora, her maid, pulled a heavy shawl tighter about her shoulders. “’Tis sure to be the same mist that abounds in Yorkshire. This nuisance will lift eventually. It always does.”

Victoria patted the sleek head of her dog. “Even Lazarus grows bored.” She marveled at her best friend, a behemoth of a mastiff, as he lowered his bulk to the floor of the coach with a loud groan and laid his head across her slipper-covered feet, creating a comfortable warmth. He’d been with her for years, and she couldn’t leave him behind. The poor dear would cry himself to sleep every night.

Victoria allowed the clip-clop of the horses’ hooves and Nora’s penchant for humming songs to lull her into a light sleep. Nora’s humming had comforted her all those years she’d been sick at Ravensmoore. While everyone else lived their busy lives out around her, she’d done little but survive, taking comfort in the small things that brought her joy.

A sudden crash caused the coach door to vibrate. Victoria screamed and bolted upright as Lazarus pressed his nose and giant paws against the carriage window. A low growl rumbled in his throat.

She grabbed Lazarus by the collar. Heart pounding, she turned to Nora. “What was that?”

By the bye, you can read the first chapter at

How can readers find you on the Internet?
@JillKentAuthor on Twitter
I write and coordinate The Well Writer column here:

Thank you, Jillian, for sharing your new book with us.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
Chameleon (The Ravensmoore Chronicles)

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Love historical fiction! This book sounds great!
    Amy Campbell
    Southwest VA

  2. Sounds like a good read! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Liz R in Al

  3. Hi Amy and Liz,
    This is one of those novels that will keep you guessing. When you read it you've got to promise not to give away the ending when you talk to your friends about it. :)

  4. Chameleon draws me with it's title... a lady, a spy, and some mystery, it sounds wonderful. Please include me!
    Merry in TX

  5. You are included, Merry. I love the spelling of your name. :)If you or anyone else wants to check out some of the reviews that have started to come in you can see them here and at the other online bookstore sites.

  6. Ohh! Chameleon looks like a fantastic read. The summary reminds me a bit of Lee Roddy's "The Pinkerton Lady Chronicles." I loved those books, so this is certain to be an incredible read.

    Eldra in BC

  7. Hi Eldra,
    I've never heard of the "The Pinkerton Lady Chronicles." I'll have to look those up, thanks for the tip.

  8. Historical fiction is my favorite. Just in time for my Wednesday 5/30 birthday! Please enter me in drawing.
    Missouri ~*~ Kathleen

  9. Hi Kathleen,
    An early Happy Birthday to you! If you like historical romance with a heavy dose of mystery/suspense then you will love Chameleon. I guarantee it!

  10. CHAMELEON looks like such a wonderful read. I enjoyed the first page thank you.

    Mary P


  11. This Book sounds like a great one. Would Love to read it, Thanks for the chance to win, Thanks
    Joanna Richmond,
    Blanch NC

  12. I really enjoyed the first book in this series and would feel blessed to win this one. Jillian Kent is a good writer!

    Diana from SC

  13. I just finished reading this and if you aren't the winner here, go buy the book. It was awesome.

    And there's a twist. ;)

    Ginger in AL

  14. Sharon Richmond7:26 AM

    Enter me this book sounds great!!
    Sharon Richmond

  15. Sounds Awesome! Please enter my name in the drawing. :)

    Anna W. from GA

  16. Hi Mary,
    So glad you enjoyed the first page. If you want to read the first chapter go here:

    I just love it that you are in Australia and posting on this blog. So cool. I'm still in awe of what technology has done to make the world a little closer. :)

  17. Hi Joanna and Diana,
    I'm so glad you enjoyed Secrets, Diana. I think you'll like Chameleon too. :) Hope you all had nice weekends.

  18. I have to agree with you - I'd love an evening with JK Rowling. And thanks so much for including the link to your first chapter, Jill! Put my name in the hat. I'd love to soak in Chameleon. :)

  19. Sounds fabulous! Please enter me!

    Krista in Oregon

  20. Hey Ginger,
    Aren't you awesome to drop by and say how much you liked Chameleon. Thank you! And yes there is a twist as you know.:) I'm hoping and praying no one gives it away in reviews and such.:)

  21. Sharon and Anna,
    You are entered. Glad you are interested in this type of novel.

  22. Looks and sounds interesting!
    Please enter me in the drawing!
    God Bless!

  23. Hi Donna!
    I wonder what the chances would be of spending a day with JK? Probably not very good, but one can hope. :)Your name has been tossed in the ring or hat so to speak.

    You're name is in the hat too!

  24. Looks Very Interesting!!!
    Please enter me! Thanks and God Bless!
    Blanch, N.C.

  25. Sarah and Abigail,
    Thanks so much for your interest. You are entered. Have a great day!

  26. Sounds great!!! Please enter me. I'm from NC.

  27. Gotcha in the mix, Katie. Thanks for stopping by.

  28. I can't wait to read this book!!

    Leauphaun from BC

  29. Glad you're looking forward to it, Leauphaun.

  30. I would love to win and read this book...Thanks...Jackie Tessnair from N.C.

  31. Good Morning Jackie,
    Thanks for your interest in Chameleon.

  32. Diana Gardner5:13 PM

    Would love to win a copy. Please enter me in the drawing. Portsmouth, VA

  33. Glad you stopped by, Diana. Watch for the drawing when Lena posts the winner. If you don't win, just ask your library to carry it. :)

  34. Please enter me. I look forward to reading this book!
    Beth from Iowa

  35. Hi Ruby!
    Those cats in your pic look exactly like two of ours called Yuma and Snow. Bet you don't know which is which. :) Thanks for joining in the fun.

  36. Lady DragonKeeper12:45 PM

    I adore regencies! This one sounds unique also --if it's not too late, please enter me for a chance to win!


    (p.s. - I'm from Hawaii) =)

  37. Hi Lady Dragon Keeper,
    Love the name. Wish I was in Hawaii, you lucky. :)
