
Monday, May 21, 2012

SUBMERGED - Dani Pettrey - Free Book

Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
Not a lot. My characters might share some similar interests or a particular struggle I’ve had in the past, but they are very much their own :)

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
I won an indoor mock rodeo competition. Instead of bulls, we rode hoppy balls. Definitely the quirkiest thing I’ve ever done.

When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I’ve always loved telling stories, but it wasn’t until after the birth of my youngest daughter and a serious health scare that I decided to pursue my love of writing.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I enjoy a wide range. In fiction, I read everything from the classics to mysteries to romantic suspense. Some of my favorite novelists include Dee Henderson, Terri Blackstock, Gina Holmes, Sue Grafton and Jane Austen. I also enjoy a great deal of non-fiction. I enjoy reading travel commentaries, history books, and Christian living titles by authors like Max Lucado and Alistair Begg.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I find spending time in God’s Word and in prayer each morning before I start the day to be an enormous help. I also set aside family time every evening and, of course, take a daily coffee and chocolate break—very helpful. J

How do you choose your characters’ names?
I usually pick my hero and heroine’s names when I first begin brainstorming the story. Secondary characters are a lot tougher for me, particularly last names. I often end up scrolling through the yellow pages looking for a name that fits. In my first draft, it’s not unusual for me to have characters simply named landlord or new deputy.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
I consider it more of a blessing than an accomplishment, but I would have to say homeschooling my daughters. I joyfully still have one at home, but my eldest is a freshman in college this year and it was such a tremendous blessing to be able to homeschool her since kindergarten. 

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
I would say a pelican. You can fly and you get to live at the beach. Our family often vacations at the Outer Banks in North Carolina and watching the Pelicans glide over the water at sunset is absolutely gorgeous.

What is your favorite food?
Does chocolate count?

It certainly does. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
I think learning not to listen to everybody’s opinion. I know that sounds weird, but bear with me. As an aspiring writer you want to learn as much as you can and you should. But you’ll find you get a lot of conflicting information. Some authors are plotters others are seat-of-the-pants writers. Neither is better than the other. It’s simply a matter of what works best for you, and you may find that is a combination of the two. I believe all writers, published or aspiring, should continue to learn, to hone their craft and to receive constructive criticism, but the key is to take what resonates with you, what makes you a better writer and disregard the rest. Just because something worked for one author doesn’t mean it has to work that way for you. I think that is the enormous blessing of writing organizations like ACFW. So many authors generously give of their time and share their knowledge. If you ask a question about character development, you’ll get a ton of varied answers. Take the lessons that make sense to you and cherish them.

Tell us about the featured book?
Submerged is the first book in my Alaskan Courage series. It’s the story of Cole McKenna and Bailey Craig.

A sabotaged plane. Two dead deep-water divers. One single clue.
Bailey Craig vowed never to set foot in Yancey, Alaska, again. She has a past, and a reputation--and Yancey's a town that doesn't forget. She's returned only to bury a loved one killed in the plane crash, but then dark evidence emerges and Bailey's own expertise becomes invaluable for the case.

Cole McKenna can face dangerous rescue dives. He can face the fear a murderer may be threatening his town. But facing the reality of Bailey's reappearance is a tougher challenge. She broke his heart... but doesn't seem to be the same girl who left Yancey ten years ago. And he's not the same guy she left behind.

Racing against the clock and a rising body count, Bailey and Cole must move beyond the hurts of their pasts to work together until the truth of what is hidden in the depths finally surfaces.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Never wager unless you control the stakes.

And she’d thought she held such a strong hand.

Agnes Grey forced her head against the rattling seat back, clenched the armrests with such force her nails broke. Perspiration soaked her brow, seeping into her eyes, but she refused to cry. She was too old to cry.

The plane was going down into the water within sight of her home. Home—warm, safe, dry. She’d never see it again.

              Her friend Henry Reid strained to look back, his white knuckles bulging on the wheel as he fought to regain control of the spiraling Cessna, but the fiery plane seemed bent on destruction. Panic flashed through his eyes. “Tighten your belts. Put your head between your knees.”

His concern was sweet, but it wouldn’t change the outcome. Their fate was set.

            They were going down—hard and fast. The other passengers’ terrified expressions said they knew it too. Innocents, every one, Agnes thought, fury on their behalf trumping her own fear. She was the only one on board who knew this catastrophe was no mechanical failure. It was him. She knew it as surely as she knew she’d seen her last sunset.

A bitter cry tore from her cracked lips. Any semblance of control on her part had been an illusion,

She’d played her hand, and he’d just called her on it.

If she hadn’t been so stinking stubborn, if she’d kept her mouth shut and given him what he wanted . . . But Momma hadn’t raised her like that. She’d done the right thing. She only wished she hadn’t brought the others down with her.

Managing to crane her neck left, she took in the sight of the loving couple’s hands clasped tight, crying as they whispered frantic words to each other.

Agnes’s stomach lurched. She’d brought them on this journey, doomed them to a watery tomb.

At least now he’d be satisfied. She’d be gone. They’d be gone. No one was left to . . .

Acid burned up her throat.


How can readers find you on the Internet?
I’m online at my website www.danipettrey, on Facebook and on Twitter.

Thanks so much for the interview, Lena. You had very thoughtful and fun questions. Blessings, Dani 

Thank you, Dani, for sharing your new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Submerged (Alaskan Courage) - -paperback
Submerged (Alaskan Courage) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. stephanie landsem6:11 AM

    Nice interview, Dani. Can't wait to read Submerged!

  2. Can't wait to read this novel, Dani and Lena. It sounds great and i've been waiting for it. If Costco doesn't carry it, it's hard to get except online, and that's not my first choice. Thanks for a great post!

    marianne from Northern Alberta

    mitzi underscore wanham at yahoo dot com

  3. Hoppy balls, chocolate, and not listening to every piece of writing advice you ever got works for me, Dani. I used to drive myself crazy thinking I was doing it all wrong and then I found that I just had to write my own way and hope for the best. It worked! You're book is one I want to read. Jill from Ohio

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Gotta have the the coffee and chocolate breaks!

    JoyAnne in TN

  5. Awesome interview. I can't wait to read it, Dani! :)

    Rosie from FL

  6. Would love to read this!

    Cathy in British Columbia

  7. Thanks, Stephanie! So good to 'see' you here :)

  8. Hi Marianne,

    Hope Costco has it for you :)

  9. Hi Jillian,

    Yep.I did the same thing. So glad you have found what works for you :)

  10. JoyAnne,

    A woman after my own heart :)

  11. Rosie--So glad you enjoyed the interview!

  12. Cathy--So cool you are from British Columbia. Part of Book two (which will be out in February) is set there :)

  13. Enjoyed the interview. The book sounds like it will be a really good read as well.

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  14. This book sounds gripping! I've read other reviews, and I'd love a chance to read it. Thank you for offering this giveaway!
    Nancee, Michigan

  15. Looks like a good book. Would love to be included in the draw.

    Ali from NY

  16. I would love to win a copy of this book.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  17. Pelicans are one of my favourite birds. I asked for one for my birthday when I was a child. Alas!!

    The Alaskan Courage series and indeed SUBMERGED looks like great reading.

    Mary P


  18. Wow, what a gripping opening to this book! I would love to read it!
    kandrajane at bellsouth dot net

  19. Thanks, Jo. Best of luck!

  20. Thanks, Nancee. So glad you're excited to read Submerged! Hope you'll enjoy Cole and Bailey's adventure.

  21. Thanks Ali and Linda :) Best of luck to you both!

  22. Marybelle--How fun! I love watching the pelicans when we're at the beach. How great you live in Australia. It's on my 'dream trips' list :) Looks breathtaking!

  23. Kandra,

    So glad you enjoyed the opening :)

  24. Homeschooling is a joy. My second son will graduate this month. Time goes by so fast, doesn't it?

    I look forward to reading Submerged. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

    Ginger in AL

  25. This sounds like a really good book. Please enter me!

    Krista in Oregon

  26. Enter me!
    Blanch, N.C.

  27. Sharon Richmond12:50 PM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  28. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Sounds like a very interesting book.
    Please enter my name for a chance to
    win it. God Bless You!

    Dennie Richmond
    Blanch, NC

  29. I'd love to win a copy of this exciting book. Thanks, Lena, for offering this giveaway!
    Nancee, Michigan

  30. Sounds interesting...Jackie Tessnair from N.C.

  31. Ginger,

    That's wonderful you homeschool. Yes, the time goes by so very fast!

  32. Would love to read this book! It continues to show up on my Amazon recommended list - and the first page an hook every mystery fan. Blessings as you minister thru writing! Jeanie in Phoenix

  33. This sounds like a really good book and I've read some really good reviews!

    Liz R in AL

  34. Hi! This book sounds really good! Please enter me. I'm from NC. Thanks!

  35. Hey Mama Cat (Jeanie),

    Thanks so much for your encouragement! That is awesome to hear. Best of luck in the giveaway. Hope you'll truly enjoy Submerged.

  36. Thanks, Liz. So glad you're hearing good things about Submerged :)

  37. Thanks, Katie G. Hope you'll enjoy Submerged!

  38. Fun interview! I'm excited for a chance to read this book--

    cbus.blogger at gmail dot com

  39. Please enter me in the drawing!
    Would love to win a copy!
    Blanch, NC.

  40. Diana Gardner7:53 AM

    Looks terrific. Please enter me in the drawing. Portsmouth, VA

  41. Thanks Bethany, Nathanael, and Diana. Hope you'll all enjoy Submerged!

  42. I look forward to reading Submerged.
    Beth from Iowa

  43. This book sounds so interesting. I'm putting it on my wish list if I don't win a copy.

    Karen, Troy, NY

  44. Submerged sounds so exciting and I love Alaska settings, so please pick me! :)
    Merry in TX

  45. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Nice interview. Love Alaska. Would love to win and read this book.

    Kay from upstate NY

  46. Thanks so much, Beth and Karen!

  47. Thanks, Merry. Best of luck :)
