
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

TWICE PROMISED - Maggie Brendan - One Free Book

Welcome back, Maggie. Tell us about your salvation experience.
My mother was a huge influence on my faith, so at an early age, I knew who Jesus was. Her Bible was always open on the coffee table. I gave my heart to the Lord when I was nine years old. I memorized all the books of the Bible too, and later had to recite them and was awarded a Bible that I still have to this day. When I was sixteen, I followed with a recommitment and baptism at a little country church in Lyman, MS at the urging of my older sister who was a fine Christian lady.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
I’d want my critique partner, Kelly Marie Long, Rick Bragg (dreaming here!), Lavyrle Spencer and my brother, Jess McCreede. Kelly because we are very compatible at brainstorming and we’re soul mate friends. Rick Bragg, because I admire his writing, and his family background is similar to mine—without the Pulitzer Prize, of course! Although, she’s retired, I’d give anything to spend some time with Lavyrle Spencer. I devoured all her books many years ago. Jess McCreede—my brother, who passed away suddenly in 2004. He was my true mentor, urging me to finish what I start and submit! He wrote seven books and had a keen wit and his own special brand of storytelling.

Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
Not really, however, I was asked to speak about the value of Christian fiction at a Southeast Bookstore and Librarians conference, at my daughter’s church for a Bible study class and I’ll be speaking to my granddaughter advance literature class in October. I also spoke at the formation of the new chapter of ACFW in North Georgia this spring.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
The only thing that comes to mind is when I missed my first critique appointment with DiAnn Mills at my first conference in Denver. I didn’t know a soul at the conference and was horrified that I’d missed this important critique with her. Allison Wilson just calmly called DiAnn who was napping at the time, but graciously agreed to come down meet me five minutes later. I’ll never forget that because she told me that my book, No Place For A Lady, was close to being ready to submit for publication. She’s such a lady and great mentor to writers.

People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
Yes, they certainly do that at book signings. I begin by telling them to join a writer’s critique group because it’s so valuable to get input on their writing. Then I tell them to go to writer’s conferences whenever possible and read as much as they can. I also tell them they’ll never write a book by talking about it. Writing is hard work! If they would only write a page every day—very little—then they’d have an entire book written by the end of the year. Last, but not least, connecting with other writers is vital.

Tell us about the featured book.
Greta Olsen arrives in Central City, Colorado, as a mail-order bride, expecting to marry Jess Gifford, the man she’s come to know through his tender letters. But when the dust clears, she meets Cora Johnson and discovers she’s not the only bride waiting at the train station for Jess. Already shocked to find they must compete for Jess’s affection, the young women can hardly believe it when not Jess but his brother Zach picks them up from the station—and reveals that Jess knows nothing about any mail-order bride, let alone two. Will either bride make the match she hopes for? Two beautiful brides. One unsuspecting groom. Three weeks to figure it all out.

I love the cover. Please give us the first page of the book.
Central City, Colorado August 1888

Greta perched primly on her seat clutching her Bible on the train headed to Central City, and stared out smudged window at the moving landscape along the mountain ridges and canyons, where snow capped the distant purple peaks. The ride was somewhat thrilling, and frightening on The Colorado Central that chugged up its winding tracks around the Rocky Mountains and the sparkling Clear Creek. Greta held her breath at their incredible beauty wincing as her ears popped with the changed in altitude. The further up the mountains they traveled, the chillier and drier the air became, so she pulled her woolen cape tighter about her shoulders, thankful that she hadn’t packed it since the coach was drafty.

She contemplated the new venture she’d thrust herself into. The mail order bride ad was tucked safely into her reticule. Greta had hated leaving the crowded farmhouse on the prairie outside of Cheyenne where she’d lived since coming to America. After saying goodbye to her only family, she’d watch as the wheat fields, already ripe with promise, was soon a distant memory. Her eyes flooded with hot tears and an ache planted inside her chest.

But that was yesterday and today there would be no tears. In fact, she was excited about living this deep in the mountains, even after the rumors of the cold and snow, and rugged life where miners, she was informed by Peter, were as thick as fleas on a dog’s back. But that hadn’t deterred her. Greta wanted adventure, and had closed the door to her heart on love once and for all. She had no illusions when it came to love. It may have finally worked for her sister and Peter, but just look what happen to Clara, Peter’s mother! Greta decided when she wed, her marriage would be a marriage of convenience more or less, and if she had to perform her wifely duty, then she must. She twitched her nose in distaste at the very thought.

How can readers find you on the Internet? Resident Blogger

Thank you, Maggie, for sharing this book with us. I love mail-order-bride stories.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Twice Promised: A Novel (The Blue Willow Brides) - paperback
Twice Promised: A Novel (The Blue Willow Brides) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I would love to win. Angela from KY.

  2. I really want to read this book!

    Colletta from PA

  3. I'm pretty sure I have a copy of Deeply Devoted in my TBR stack, guess I should pull it out and read it sometime soon! I always enjo mail order bride books too. Guess it's the romantic in all of us that looks for a happy ending in unexpected circumstances.

    Patty in SC

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. love mail order bride stories


  6. OH MY! I MUST read this!!! :) I LOVE the concept!!! Excellent and unexpected idea Maggie!

    Amada Chavez, NM

    Acts 16:31

  7. I love the premise of this book. Too funny, though I imagine they find it anything but!

    from the Black Hills of SD!

  8. Hi everyone! I'm breaking away from edits on book three for a moment to drop by. I hope my readers will enjoy my herione who struggles to sort it all out in Twice Promised. It's a fun read but s element of serious undertones. Thanks for having me Lena!

  9. Oh yeah I really want to read this book.

    Lourdes from Dix Hills Long Island

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I LOVE Maggie's books! I always finish them so quickly because I just can't put it down! :) Misty from WV

  12. I would like to win this book!!
    I enjoyed reading Deeply Devoted and am looking forward to reading this one!!
    I live in Arkansas, and I enjoy reading Historical Christian Fiction!!

  13. Would love to read, i love mail order brides. thanks

  14. Maggie Brendan's writing speaks to my heart. I have to remind myself it is a work of fiction when I read her books. She has an amazing way of making the characters come to life with her stories. I would LOVE to win a copy of the 2nd in this series.

  15. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

  16. I would *LOVE* to win a copy of this book....I read the first book in this series, Deeply Devoted, and I couldn't put it down. Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

    Amy from Utah

  17. I really would love to win a copy of "Twice Promised." I am reading "Deeply Devoted" on my IPad and love it. I have read the sample of Twice Promised. "Ask and you shall receive." You have to ask first. I have no hard copies of your books yet. That is why I would love this one.

    Wiggins, MS

  18. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Looking forward to reading this book!

    Kelly from CA

  19. I'm just so happy that you all loved Deeply Devoted. It's just what this author needs to hear as I slough through a round of edits. You're all so very encouraging. God bless.

  20. Hi Maggie,
    Thank you for the chance to win "Twice Promised" sounds like a really great book.I would like to find out if Greta ever got married. God bless you and have a great week.
    Norma from Ohio

  21. Wooo! Who's the letter writer? I think both of those ladies should open a mercantile and let Zach and Jess both find out how lovely they are! Kathleen ~ Missouri

  22. Sounds intriguing. Thanks for the chance to win, Maggie and Lena.

    Marianne from northern Alberta


  23. Mail Order bride stories can be very interesting. Would love to read a copy of this book. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  24. What a fabulous idea for a story. I'm going to love this.

    Mary P


  25. Would enjoy reading this book.

    from South MS


  26. Mail order bride books are always interesting.
    Beth from IA

  27. Mail order brides are fun to read about & I always enjoy Maggie's books. Elaine from Iowa

  28. This sounds fabulous!

  29. I love to read stories by Maggie Brendan, sounds like a good read on this one...
    Paula O(
    from Ga

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. sounds like a nice book thanks for chance to win
    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  32. Let me start over. Thank you all for your comments. While researching, I discovered mail order brides stories were as varied as the stars in the sky. They were very strong women and it made me wonder would I have been brave enough to do that back then. Would you?? Back to edits again. :)

  33. Looks and sounds interesting,Enter me!
    God Bless!

  34. thanks for the chance to read this beautiful novel.

    karenk...from pa
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  35. Sharon Richmond4:17 PM

    Enter me this book looks great!!
    Sharon Richmond

  36. I love the twist of two mail-order brides! Can't wait to read it! I'm in MN.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This has got to be a great story and can't wait to read. Have added to my wish list.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.


    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  39. Sounds like a wonderful story!
    I agree with Lena it is a beautiful
    cover image. I would like very much to win.

    Patricia aka Mamaw

  40. Diana Gardner6:51 AM

    Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! Portsmouth, VA

  41. The sneak peak is enticing. Going in my to read pile, for sure. Would love to win it here.

    Ginger in AL

  42. Julia9:31 AM

    I'm a librarian in a Christian school, so I would read the book and put it on the high school Christian fiction shelf. Who knows, it might help a young lady in her walk with the Lord.
    Julia Parissi, Gallipolis, OHIO

  43. I think mail-order brides were brave and had to have a bit of adventure in their souls. I'd love to win Twice Promised, I love Maggie's books.
    Merry in TX

  44. I wanted to drop by and thank all of you for taking the time to post for a chance to win Twice Promised.
    It's always such an encouragement for me to hear from readers. I do hope you enjoy Twice Promised. If you don't win this go round, stop by my blog later on in the coming weeks for another chance. Thanks Lena for hosting me. :)

  45. I love mail order bride stories......Angie in Illinois

  46. Looks Great!!! Please enter me!
    Thanks and God Bless!

    Blanch, N.C.

  47. Jeannette Shields7:35 AM

    "Deeply Devoted" was such a great book. I'm looking forward to reading this one. I will buy it even if I don't win because I liked the first so well. You are a great author and I really enjoy your books.

  48. Lady DragonKeeper3:33 AM

    Sounds like an interesting book --I don't thinnk I've read anything by Maggie Brendan. Thanks for the interview and the chance to win!


    (p.s. I'm from Hawaii)
