
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

AMAZING LOVE - K Dawn Byrd - One Free Book

Welcome back, K Dawn. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
My next release is called Amazing Love. It's the contemporary story of Hosea and Gomer from the Bible. I enjoyed writing about how much God loves us no matter what we do. Some people believe that God could never love them because they've done such terrible things. This is not true. God loves us all with an amazing unconditional love.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
Amazing Love- November 1, 2012
The Hot Line Girl (YA romance)- June 2013
Luck of the Draw (YA romance)- December 2013

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
Lisa Gardner. I love reading her suspense novels and would like to spend some time with her talking about her process and soaking up any recommendations she may have for authors who write suspense.

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
Gomer from the Bible. I'd like to interview her about the consequences of her sin and how it felt when God forgave her and accepted her back into His loving arms.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
My advice would be to keep writing no matter what. Write something every day. When you finally get published, you'll have several novels finished. Your publisher may want more than one!

And if they are already written, the time to publication could be shortened. Tell us about the featured book?
Gabe Knight, a pastor in a small coastal town, finds his life is turned upside down when Dee Dillow arrives and hires him to remodel an estate she's inherited from her aunt. Dee dashes his plans for wedded bless when on a drunken binge, she divulges that she's the highest paid call girl in Nevada and part-owner of the ritziest brothel in the state.

Gabe falls in love with her, but can't believe he's hearing the voice of God when a still, small voice tells him to marry her. After much questioning, they marry and he is deliriously happy. Until, Dee betrays him.

Gabe soon discovers just how hard it is to have the unconditional love God calls him to have for his wife, the kind of love God has for his children. When faced with losing her, Gabe realizes what true love is, how much it hurts, and just how much God loves and is willing to sacrifice for his children.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Dee signed the letter with a flourish and then read it aloud.


For the longest time, I blamed myself. There must be something terribly wrong with me, something so bad that even a mother couldn't love me. After years of therapy, I've learned that it's not me, it's you, Maggie. You're not capable of loving anyone. That's a terrible thing to say about a mother, but it's true.

Even here at Carpe Diem, I've continued therapy via technology. Today was a hard day because it's my birthday. As was expected, I never heard from you. Like my therapist said, it's not my fault you didn't call. It's a choice you made, Maggie, like so many other bad choices.

I used to dwell often on the things you allowed to happen to me. You had to have known that John was visiting my room almost nightly. You chose to ignore it even though he was your husband. And then, he sold me to his wealthy friends and you stood back and allowed it to happen. Whoever had the most money. That wasn't the life I would have chosen if given a choice. Even now, I long for a life of normalcy. A husband, a couple of children, and a picket fence is just a dream.

There are times I hate you, but I realize you have demons of your own. Something has happened to you to cause you to be so selfish and full of anger. That's why I try to overlook your hostility and lack of love toward me. You need a good therapist.

My therapist recommends that I write letters to you when I'm angry. It helps. This is letter 642. I've kept them all. You'll probably never read them, but they're not really for you. They're for me.

Your daughter, Dee

Powerful! How can readers find you on the Internet?
My blog is I host the Christian Fiction Gathering site on facebook. I'm also on twitter and pinterist with the user name kdawnbyrd.  I'm in the process of changing website providers and when finished, my website will be

Thank you for sharing this new book with us.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Anonymous3:19 AM


  2. Sounds wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway

    Marianne from northern Alberta


  3. thanks for chance to win
    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to get this book.
    Lyndie Blevins

    Duncanville, Tx

  5. Very powerful, often a story we probably gloss over in the Bible!

    Patty in SC

  6. Thanks for all the comments! Amazing Love will be available until November 1 in both ebook and print format. I'm excited about this book. It was difficult to write because my heroine suffers severe consequences for her sin, but it was also a blessing to see how God rescues her from her sin. God is so good!

  7. Wow! This story is so powerful. Parts of it I've lived! I would love to win a copy of Amazing Love. I have to read the whole story!

    Thanks for this interview and giveaway.

    Judy B from Indiana

  8. I would love to read this book.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  9. Here's the hook from Amazing Love, "The modern-day story of Hosea and Gomer from the Bible, speaks of God's unconditional love, mercy, and grace and how much loving someone that much can cost."

    Can you even begin to imagine what Hosea went through? He was a preacher, a man of God. It must have been a real surprise when God told him to marry a prostitute. I'm sure there were times, he felt as if his heart was being ripped to shreds, but God was always there for him.

  10. What a strong, emotional letter. AMAZING LOVE is going to be quite a read.

    Mary P


  11. Hey, Mary P! Amazing Love is not for the timid. My heroine suffers grave consequences for her sin, but it makes it all the better because the end shows just what God can do in our lives if we let him.

  12. Sounds like a wonderful book!
    Beth from IA

  13. Please enter me.I would love to win this book.Thanks...Jackie Tessnair from N.C.

  14. Sharon Richmond12:40 PM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond

  15. Sounds like another great book K. Dawn and looking forward to reading. Thanks

    Brenda from Georgia
    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  16. I love modern-day retellings of stories! I'm in MN.

  17. I loved the first page of the book! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    Val in NV
    lastnerve2000 at gmail dot com

  18. Diana Gardner8:54 AM

    Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! Portsmouth, VA

  19. Veronica:
    I love the contemporary version of Biblical stories also. Because the Bible is somewhat vague sometimes (ex- we don't really know the consequences of Gomer's sin), authors can allow their imaginations to run free.

    I'm considering writing a contemporary version of the Biblical prodigal son. I think that would be a fun story to write. Even though a love interest isn't given in the Bible, I'd have to give him one since I love romance.

  20. I'm happy to say that Amazing Love released early. It's available now on Amazon at

  21. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I have been reading comments about this book all morning - I am in Love. your writting technique is amazing. The way you retell the story of Hosea and Gomer is well Amazing Love. I think this will be another book that leaves me crying in the most powerful way like Redeeming love did in its rendition of Hosea and Gomer. I am nothing but on pins and needles excited to dive into this book!!! I am thankful to be part of this wonderful giveaway!
