
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Author Jalana Franklin - A Very Special Surprise Giveaway

A winners list for last week's posts will be posted later today.

Today, I'm introducing you to a very special author friend of mine. I found out about her other creative endeavor when we were at American Christian Fiction Writers national conference in September, and I just had to introduce her to you, my reader friends.

Welcome, Jalana. I know you are a writer, and I can't wait to read one of your books when they are published. Tell us about what you write?
I am a true romantic, and I love history and all things Victorian, so I am currently working on two historical romances. One is based on a true love story, set in 1840, and the other is set in 1884. My heroines are usually a little feisty, and my heroes are true gentlemen who can tame a feisty woman. Both of these stories are set in Tennessee, in small towns that did exist at one time. My friends all tell me that I have a bit of a sense of humor, and that it comes out in my writing. If you’re all about an epic love story, then my writing is for you. I really love to read books that have a salvation message, or at least a Christian message, so I wanted my books to be “paper missionaries” too, with an inspirational message in them, and I love a happy ending! I’ve only been published in devotional books, but I hope to have a published novel one day soon!

Do you have another job besides as an author?
I have a Master’s Degree in Education, and taught in the public school system for fourteen years before I followed my heart to homeschool my own 5 children. This is our third year to homeschool.  I tell people that it’s more of a job than a job!! There are not enough hours in the day for mothers!! I also paint reborn dolls and sell them online.

Where do you live, and tell us about your family?
I live in a VERY small town in southern, middle Tennessee. So small, that we only have two red lights. It’s a very friendly town, and I really enjoy living here, where all of my mother’s large family is. We’re really tight-knit.

My husband and I have five children at home, and one in Heaven. Four are boys,(my princes), and the last two are twin girls, (my princesses). They range in age from seven to fifteen. My oldest son plays bass, my husband plays drums, and I play piano for our church praise team. I also sing and lead worship. We enjoy playing together, and are currently working on a family Christmas album where we all play and sing. I have the most wonderful kids on the planet, and the most wonderful husband. I’m also a baseball mom, and love to be a part of whatever my kids are involved in. 

What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to?
Oh, that is an easy question!! Definitely Mackinac Island, Michigan. I fell in love with The Grand Hotel on the movie, “Somewhere in Time,” and I’ve wanted to visit since then. The island has no cars, only bicycles, horses, and buggies. Doesn’t that sound romantic? I’m planning a trip there someday, and I’d love to write a historical book set on the island. So, I’m sure I will have to visit—for the sake of research!!

How about a foreign country you hope to visit?
Well, you know my friend, Dorothy, who is also my critique partner, lives in Australia. We talk on a daily basis, and I want to visit Australia more with every conversation!! The seasons are opposite to ours, and when I’m freezing over here in the snow, she is sunbathing on the beach!! I always wanted to go there, even before I met her, but now that I really know someone from there, makes it even more interesting! One day I hope to visit her and visit all of the places that she has told me about, like her beloved Phillip Island (where her story is set!)

I’d love to visit Pompeii as well. I taught World History for five years, and I developed a deep fascination with Pompeii. I really hope to see some of the ruins there some day too.

I fell in love with Australia decades before it was chic to other North Americans, and I have a number of good friends who are Australian authors. 

You know that I fell in love with the hand-painted baby doll you brought for the silent auction at the American Christian Fiction Writers conference. Tell us about your dolls?
I’ve always loved to paint, and always been willing to try my hand at just about anything. My daughters saw some reborn dolls at a friend’s house, and decided they wanted one for their birthday. I decided I could paint them myself, and their dolls were the first of many. I found a new hobby, and thought that I was pretty good at it. I tried selling one on ebay, and it was a hit!! My mother helps, and she remakes some of the outfits to “fit.”

Reborn means that the doll has been painted to look  like a real baby. Thus, it is “reborn” from a play baby. It’s a very lengthy process, taking two to three weeks per doll.

There are many blank kits available, and many sculpts from all over the world. I’ve painted preemies, newborns, 3 month olds, 9 month olds, and tiny dolls. I tend to lean towards babies with personality, and I try to bring out that personality when I paint. I use only the best materials so that I can offer a great doll. They are painted in layers, and baked to set the paint. The bodies are soft, and filled with weighted pellets to give them a “real baby feel.” I dress them in real baby clothes, diapers, blankets,  pacifiers, toys, etc, and hand root their hair and eyelashes, strand by strand. Some have curly, some have straight, but they all have personality. I print a birth certificate, and make each one a name bracelet, (and love on them a little,) before they are shipped to their new mommy.

Now let’s reveal the surprise giveaway on the blog today.
Today we are giving away a reborn baby doll, hand-painted by me!! It’s retail value is at least $175.00. Whoever wins can keep it, or give it to someone for Christmas!! I like it well enough to keep it!! It’s a sleeping doll named Sweet Pea. A real cutie!! I’ll also send a CD of our Praise and Worship at church. It has 18 songs, all recorded live. My family plays all of the music, and I’m singing on all of the songs.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
My blog address is: , and I’m listed as Jalana Irvin Franklin on Facebook.  My email is jalanafranklin@ . And you can always “Google” me.

Can they find your dolls on the Internet if they want to buy one?
I mostly sell on ebay, but if someone wants to make a special order, I can do that too. If someone wants to see my dolls, I’m posting on my blog about them, and posting pics too— this week!! And you can find me on ebay- seller name jkfcwb. I usually have one or two dolls posted every month. 

Thanks so much for this interview, Lena. I’ve really enjoyed answering the questions, and I hope someone who’s been wanting a reborn doll wins it! I have enjoyed bringing it to “life.” And maybe someone who reads this interview will be holding my book in their hands one day, reading my epic love story.

Thank you for visiting with us today, Jalana, and for sharing your stories and "reborn" babies today. I would be tempted to put my name in the drawing if you weren't already making a baby for me.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win this "reborn" baby. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your doll.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. mongupp7:49 AM

    The baby is gorgeous and looks so real!
    Hope you get to visit Australia, Jalana. I am an Australian living in Canada and i long for home everyday!

    Monica, Ontario

  2. I like the baby but I don't write here to get it. (too far away) I only say: this was a pretty interview. :-)

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I enjoyed the interview with Jalana. I am also from Tennessee.
    The "baby" doll is beautiful

  4. Wow! what a generous prize! I saw your baby at conference and my kids would love a baby doll, we only have one and well, she's not that realistic. :) I'll post about your giveaway on facebook so others can see what you do.


  5. Thank you Monica, Aritha, and "Anonymous"! Glad to hear from Australians and Tennesseans! How far away are you Aritha?

  6. Thank you too Melissa!!

  7. Thanks for introducing this author, I did not know her and really love what I am reading about her, I too am from small town in Ky so feel little kinship. Jalana just sounds so great, big loving family and all. I like reading historical books so will be looking for hers now.
    thanks again. Paula O(
    A Ga reader

  8. Fantastic! Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful interview and giveaway.

    Wendy from FL


  9. What a surprise. If I win, It will be of my one year old granddaughter. jrs362 at hotmail dot com
    Thanks Lena

  10. This girl can do ANYTHING!!! I'm so proud to call her my sister, and can't wait to have her here in Australia one day. You're one talented chickadee Miss Jalana and God certainly saved one of the best when he chose a writing sister for me. Someone is going to be very happy with one of your dolls in the crook of their arm. Thanks for sharing Jalana with the world, Lena. She's a treasure.
    Dotti xx

  11. Yes, Dotti, I loved Jalana when I first met her, and I fell in love with the doll she brought to conference. She's making a redheaded one for me. Can't wait to see it.

  12. Aritha, I see that you are from The Netherlands. We had an exchange student from The Netherlands when my daughters were still in school.

  13. Jalana, I am amazed by your talent! The doll is beautiful...just like you. :o) Signed, Kim in Kansas

  14. Hi, Jalana, I had no idea about your doll-making. Beautiful! And, as Lena said, I'm looking forward to reading one of your books soon.

  15. I saw the reborn baby doll Jalana had at the conference. So beautiful! And this one is gorgeous! Lovely interview with a classy lady. :)

  16. Forgot to say I'm from Missouri.

  17. Thanks Dottie! You're a treasure too!! And Lena, I just dyed some more hair red to finish your little beauty!! She's a little darling!
    Kathy, I'm writing on God's timing, so I hope it's soon!!! lol. Kim and Margie, you guys are great!

  18. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I would love to win a doll.
    Angela from KY!!!

  19. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I saw your baby dolls and burst into tears. I lost my baby last Sunsay on the 20th of October. Laying in hospital after surgery to stop the hemorage I told my husband, one of the hardest moments was realizing I would never hold my baby Imogen Mercy in my arms. I know a doll will never replace her..but a lady in my grief group said she had a teddy bear that she held when she wanted to think and hold her baby..I would love one of your babys to hold. Even if I didnt win this one, I would love to buy hold..I live in Kansas city Missouri.

  20. Michelle, I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been where you are, and my mother bought me a porcelain baby that was the same size as my baby, and looked so much like him. I have him in a basket on my dresser, and it does help to hold him, or just look at him. He would have been 15 this year. Send me a picture of your little one, and tell me about him or her. Maybe I can find something that resembles your baby.

  21. Her. Tell me about Imogen Mercy. Such a pretty name.

  22. Jalana has more than "a bit" of a sense of humor! I was blessed to room with her at last months ACFW conference (we were 'set up' by friends!). She is a beautiful woman, with a feisty/sweet heart, and the stories she is working on are FANTASTIC. I can't wait to see them in print!

  23. Anonymous8:49 PM

    i hope i can win yur baby too.

  24. What a wonderful post! I so enjoyed hearing about your busy household and your dreams! I just came back from Mackinac Island two weeks ago. The autumn foliage was gorgeous! My dream to visit there started out just like yours--because of Somewhere in Time.When you get there, you'll see lots of places on the island that played a part in the movie--not just the Grand Hotel. Blessings on your busy, hectic, wonderful household!

  25. Judy Cooper12:53 AM

    I really enjoyed the interview with Jalana. She really has a fascinating life and talent. A novelist and painter of something so precious as a baby. It is a very generous prize and I am looking forward to reading her novels. Thank you Mrs. Dooley for conducting these interviews and enjoy your reborn baby. Blessings!

  26. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Imogen Mercy: her name means Beloved Child...She was only barely 3 months gestation. Many comment to us she was a "real" baby...but for us...we quote Horton hears a who...persons a person no matter how small. We saw her tiny heart beat..141 the last recorded. The day she passed I got to se her teeny tiny feet. Its all I could make out in it all..her feet..she was very small...but has left a huge whole in our hearts and lives. her name was going to be Imagine..cause I could only imagine what she would look like fully developed..but Imogen..beloved fit..because she is so loved..and so very missed. Our 3 other children vary in their look..Emily 9 has strawberry redish (more blond but she insists its strawberry cause someone said it and blue eyes. She is tall and thin. Sophia has brownish blond hair and hazel eyes. Benjamin has the blondest blond hair and big blue eyes. They all have suffered through chubby trait I think..I havent outgrown mine. Imogens sonograms she is teeny..still very huddled..sleeping looking..tiny hands , tiny feet..tiny feet that left a big impression on my heart

  27. Anonymous2:40 AM

    All of our babies have been born with fine hair. Not bald, but fine

  28. what a great posting...and special giveaway, lena...please count me in ;)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com
    (from PA)

  29. Oh, I'd love to win this new-born. I have a charming 3year old great granddaughter who would love her and what a heritage for her children in the future. Please enter my name. I'm from MO. Blessings! Darlene


  30. Oh, that doll is co cute! It looks so real! Would love to have one. I would really enjoy the praise worship cd also!

    from South Mississippi


  31. Anonymous6:45 AM

    i would like to win the reborn doll too. i'm fr tn...hope to win... my email

  32. I really enjoyed answering Lena's questions. They were fun questions, and made me "think!" And I've decided this doll is one of my favorites!

  33. It looks so real! My aunt fixes up dolls and really enjoys it. I'm in MN.

  34. Wow great job on that doll it looks soo real!!
    Sharon Richmond

  35. I enjoyed the interview. The baby doll is so pretty! I have several dolls and she would fit in just right with them!!! Thanks!
    Beth from Iowa

  36. Jasmine A.4:57 PM

    Wow, didn't even realize it was a doll at first!
    I live in the mountains of Montana near Glacier Park

  37. Wow! What an amazing giveaway! Please enter me. I am from NC. Thanks SO MUCH for the opportunity.

  38. would give anything to win. your books sound like they will be great I hope my library get them in soon. thank you

  39. Jalana I would love to read your work. I also love dolls and collect them. I have always wanted to paint one myself also but have never done it. I really would like to win this doll she is beautiful.

  40. Hopped over from Dorothy Adamek's blog. Glad I did! Best wishes to you, Jalana! :)

  41. Breathtakingly beautiful - just like Jalana!

  42. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I love the interview and the doll....I want it!!!(lol) I'm still waiting to read Lana's book..can't wait!!

    Tina R.

  43. I'm excited to see who wins!!
