
Friday, October 12, 2012

THE ROAD TO MERCY - Kathy Harris - One Free Book

Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters. 
No doubt there’s a part of me in every character, because imagination comes from our experiences. Still, if there is a similarity, it’s usually only that a character shares my particular worldview.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done? 
That’s a hard one, Lena. I’m a fairly regimented person. Although my humor definitely qualifies as quirky. I’ve traveled a good bit in my lifetime, and many of those trips were spontaneous and/or included spontaneous (as in quirky) detours. Years ago, I was in Nice, France on business. My then husband-to-be, who was a part of the entourage, and I had the opportunity to spend several hours in Monte Carlo on the last night of the trip. It was a spontaneous decision—and one that produced indelible memories, some quite laughable, especially later, because my limited knowledge of French almost caused us to miss our ride back to Nice. J

When did you first discover that you were a writer? 
When I was seven or eight years old, I dreamed of writing books. In high school and college I studied journalism, advertising, and English, hoping to snag a job in the news or advertising industry. Instead, I took a job in the music industry, which I like to call my “Divine detour.”

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading. 
When I was younger, I loved the classics and popular fiction, but over the past twenty years or so I’ve settled very comfortably into reading Christian fiction and non-fiction. I enjoy all genres—from apocalyptic to romantic suspense—but my favorite is Christian women’s fiction.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?  
If I do, which is sometimes debatable (lol), it’s because I realize that God is in control. Even when life is the most stressful, I remind myself that He works all things to the good for those who love Him. Accepting that brings a lot of peace.

How do you choose your characters’ names?
 Character names are important to me—to the point that I can’t begin writing a story until I’m satisfied with the names for the main characters. While a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, to paraphrase another writer, a name does convey a certain connotative meaning. Sometimes I research names for the right connotation, sound, and number of syllables. Other times, name choices are intuitive. For example, in The Road to Mercy the male protagonist’s nickname is a reference to one of my dogs. J

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of? 
I suppose it would be pursuing my writing after decades of saying I was going to write books. Studying the craft, spending the time required, digging in and working hard…

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why? 
I love dogs, so I would have to pick that. Most “kept” American dogs live a wonderful life nowadays. I know ours do. J

What is your favorite food? 
If I must limit my answer to one food, it would be pizza, because it can be made with lots of different food combinations. I love veggie pizza with the works, including broccoli. I make a tasty chicken and artichoke pizza at home—a recipe my husband found. We eat healthy versions of pizza a lot at our house!

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it? 
Finding the ability to focus when I have the time to write. With a full-time job, taking care of family, and writing, I have to compartmentalize my life. I realized a few years ago that writing at a coffee shop helps me to focus solely on the task at hand. When I’m in full writing mode, I generally write one scene a day. It doesn’t sound like much, but it works for me.

Tell us about the featured book.
Josh Harrison, a contemporary Christian singer, and his wife Bethany face a difficult decision that also tests their faith. A rupture in Beth’s carotid artery leaves her on the brink of death even as she’s pregnant with their first child. While Dr. Ben Abrams urges her to terminate the pregnancy to save her own life, she and Josh step out on faith and decide to carry the baby to full term.

During the next few months, Josh struggles with his faith, and Beth hides a secret that may destroy their marriage. She also discovers a decades-old connection to Dr. Abrams that could change his life forever.

Please give us the first page of the book. 
I’d love to! The main story is set in present day, but the first few pages are Prologue, which is set in the late 1950’s.

God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Matthew 5:7

October 10, 1959

Jack Randall jerked his foot from the accelerator and instinctively applied the brakes. His mind raced as his Plymouth Belvedere slowed to a stop. Police cars with lights blazing blocked the intersection that led to his home. The reflection off the wet pavement created an eerie blur, and shadowy figures danced across the sides of the squad cars.

Must be a bad accident. The storm that passed earlier in the night had soaked the black asphalt.

As he watched the policeman walk toward his car, Jack cranked down the driver’s side window. The uniformed officer flashed a bright light in his direction, not quite in his eyes.

“Sorry, sir, no through traffic this morning. A small plane crashed on the Neimann farm.”

Jack’s heart pounded. “Anyone hurt? I need to see if my family is—”

“No one on the ground was hurt, sir. Everyone in the plane was killed. May I see your driver’s license?”

Jack reached into a back pocket for his well-worn wallet. From it he pulled a small piece of paper, which he placed into the gloved hand of the Illinois State Trooper.

Intriguing! How can readers find you on the Internet?
 My author site is I regularly interview literary and music guests on my blog at Or you can find me on Facebook at, or Twitter at @DivineDetour.

Thanks, Lena, for having me here today. It’s been fun!

Yes, it has, Kathy. Thanks for the interesting interview.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
The Road to Mercy - paperback
The Road to Mercy - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Ah! I need to read more! Thanks, Kathy for stopping by!

    Rosie from OH

  2. i agree with Rosie...i need to read this novel! Thanks Lena and Kathy for a great interview and giveaway!

    Marianne from northern Alberta


  3. Good morning, Rosie and Marianne! Nice to meet you both!

  4. thanks for the chance to read this wonderful story

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com
    (from PA)

  5. Hi, KarenK! Thanks for dropping by this morning!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Would love to win and read this book. Read part of it on Amazon and got me hooked. Library doesn't have it and I need to read more!
    Thank you for the chance to win it.

    Karen, Troy, NY

  8. Kathy Harr1:02 PM

    Breanna, I'm thrilled to be here. Hope you're having a good day!

  9. Thanks for your kind words, Karen! Good luck with the drawing!

  10. I would love to win a copy of this book.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  11. Nice to meet you, Linda. Good luck with the drawing.

  12. I could eat pizza everyday. Names are very important to a story.

    I loved the first page thank you.

    Mary P


  13. I've great reviews on this one!
    Amy C

  14. I've great reviews on this one!
    Amy C

  15. Sharon Richmond9:35 AM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond

  16. This sounds like a wonderful book! Angie in Illinois

  17. Wow, the beginning sure is intriguing. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Kandra in TN

  18. Thanks for the opportunity to get this book!

    Lyndie Blevins
    Duncnaville, Tx

  19. Thanks, Mary! You've reminded me that I haven't had pizza this week : ) I'm going to need to fix that : )

    For health reasons, we eat low-sodium (and I eat gluten free) at our house. I've posted an easy reduced sodium pizza recipe on my website if you're interested.

  20. Hi, Sharon! Good luck with the drawing.

  21. Hi, Angie, a fellow Illinoisan! If you're near Carterville, IL, I'm scheduled to sign books at the LifeWay there next Friday, Oct. 19, 3-5 p.m. and would love to meet you!

  22. Thanks, Kandra! Good luck with the drawing!

  23. Lyndie, it's nice to meet you! Hope you're having a great weekend! Good luck with the drawing.

  24. This sounds very interesting. I'm in MN.

  25. Enter me! Thanks!!!


    Blanch, N.C.

  26. Faith's Grandma :)9:32 AM

    Wow! what a way to leave us guessing :) I would love to win this book....Faith's Grandma/Ohio

  27. Thanks for your note, Veronica! Have a blessed Sunday.

  28. Hi, Abigail! Thanks for dropping by!

  29. Hi, Faith's Grandma : ) Good luck with winning the book.

  30. I always enjoy the interviews, thank you for them. Would love to win.

    Lourdes from Dix Hills, Long Island

  31. Lourdes, I agree . . . Lena asks some fun (and unique) questions.

  32. This sounds so interesting!!!

    I love in Colorado!


  33. This book sounds sooo goood!!! Will have to put it on my to read list. Thank you.

    Kay from NY

  34. Hope you enjoy it, Kay! Thanks for taking the time to post.

  35. The book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway! Chicken and artichoke pizza sounds good too!! :)

    Jes (CA)
    jswaks at gmail dot com

  36. Would love a chance to win "THE ROAD TO MERCY". Cannot find it in any of the libraries. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Kevlin, NY.

  37. Diana Gardner9:03 AM

    Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks! Portsmouth, VA
