
Friday, December 28, 2012

LETHAL INTENT - Janice Olson - One Free Book

Why do you write the kind of books you do?
As a Christian writer, I want to provide a good wholesome read that my readers can enjoy and trust. To me this is the most important aspect of my writing. My readers won’t have to sift through gratuitous sex, cursing, and over-the-top violence. In my books, someone usually dies, but I don’t go into gruesome detail. But I do love to shock with the unsuspected. To surprise the reader and send them down dead ends where the antagonist is concerned is great fun. And if I can keep the reader from knowing who is the killer until the very end … all the better.

Also, I have always loved suspense. I grew up with Alfred Hitchcock movies and would sometimes shiver and shake at the images he produced, and go to bed with his nightmares. ;-) When I started writing, my mind naturally gravitated to a suspenseful story. I love for good to triumph over evil, which in my books is always the case.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
The day that I said I do to my handsome knight. He rode into my life one day on his trusty white steed (a 1961 white British Ford) and swept me off my feet. And I have never regretted saying yes.

How has being published changed your life?
I believe being published has made my life more hectic with its ups and downs. I love the ride of being a published author but there is always another deadline to meet, another edit to do, another push for marketing—the list goes on and on. And working a fulltime job doesn’t leave me with much time. So I would say, if all I had to do was to write the book and someone else did all the other routine business side of publication, I’d be in heaven.

What are you reading right now?
I’m between books right now with my deadline looming, but if I get a moment during Christmas holiday to read, I’ve downloaded A Biltmore Christmas – four short stories which should be a fun, fast read.  

I loved that book. What is your current work in progress?
I am presently working on The Chameleon, my next book in the “Texas Sorority Sisters” stand-alone series. This book is Veronica (Roni) Reeves’ story and will take the reader from Dallas to Athens, Texas. The Chameleon has unrequited love, two murders, and a half brother that no one knew existed, and will be released in spring 2012.

What would be your dream vacation?
South Seas’ Islands. Since I was a little girl, again watching movies like South Pacific and other grand movies depicted on a deserted island—natives only of course, and having read Hawaii I have always wanted to visit those islands. However, I believe I will be sorely disappointed, as I was when we visited Hawaii, because I know the islands will be commercialized and not the uncomplicated lifestyle portrayed in the movies of bygone years—such is life. :-0

How do you choose your settings for each book?
As for my Texas Sorority Sisters series, Texas is my inspiration. I love the feel and appeal of small Texas towns and their charm, the countryside brimming with life, the beauty, and the wide open spaces. And we have so many varied towns to pick from which makes it easy to visualize and incorporate into my stories.

With my first book, however, Serenity’s Deception, I chose a fictitious town that just popped into my mind. It just felt right to plant the story in the Texas Hill Country down around Austin and Brenham (the Blue Bell Ice Cream fame). I apparently did such a good job with the town that one man asked my husband where in Texas was Serenity? He said he would like to visit Serenity and see where the story took place. My husband had a good laugh and said, it’s in Janice’s head.

Lethal Intent takes place in real cities—Austin and Dallas, which having lived in Dallas since I arrived in Texas, too long ago to remember, the story just seemed right and natural for me.

The Chameleon takes place in a lovely small Texas town—Athens, Texas—about seventy miles east of Dallas, surrounded by ranch land, small lakes, and rolling hills and, go figure—New York Texas (what an oxymoron) Cheesecake factory, boasted as one of the best in Texas. When I tried to come up with a town, east Texas was where I had in mind, but for the longest couldn’t settle on a town until I thought of Athens, and it fit.   

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Laura Bush. In my opinion, she is a class act. She’s the epitome of graciousness and of how a real lady should act under fire. I’d love to pick her brain on her many transitions in life and if she were to do it over again—would she? 

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
When I have the time, I love to paint—oil, acrylic, or water, it doesn’t matter. As with my writing, I can be lost for hours creating beautiful sunsets, flowers, and other things. I also love to do all kinds of crafty ideas. I made all the flower arrangements for Christmas as I do for other occasions and as gifts for friends.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
My most difficult writing obstacle is finding the time to write. Working fulltime doesn’t afford me the opportunity to write for long hours which I wish possible. But I’m thankful for the time and how God blesses me to jump right back into my story, utilizing the small increments of time available to me to accomplish a lot.  

What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Attending writing clinics, workshops, and conferences are very important for success as a writer. And don’t stop there. Join a writer’s group. I am president of DFW Ready Writers (DFW WR), a chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers. Each month, DFW RW offers a speaker or workshop that helps hone the writers’ craft. Another must is to find a writing partner or writers’ critique group who, in love, will be brutally honest when something doesn’t work in your story or help you correct what you’re doing wrong so you may grow. As one of my writer friends often says and I repeat here, I’d rather have my feelings hurt by my writer friends than to be exposed as a terrible writer by the world.   

Tell us about the featured book.
Lethal Intent is about Madison Fletcher who has lost her husband and unborn child to a madman’s bullets. When the suspect is set free, Madison decides to flee Austin to Dallas to a father she has never met and has learned to hate for his neglect.

When she finds a love interest, she fights the attraction out of fear. After attaining a modicum of security in Dallas, Madison learns the killer has found her and still wants her dead.

During Madison’s fight to stay alive, she has to work through the issues of hatred, abandonment, and retribution for wrongs done.    

Please give us the first page of the book.
Lethal Intent
“Not guilty.”

Gasps were heard around the courtroom. Judge Colby’s hard scowl and banging gavel brought an unsettling hush among the spectators.

Numb, horrified, the words thundered inside Madison Fletcher’s head as the ceiling fans clacked and whined, mocking her. She wanted to scream bitterly at the injustice of the verdict. Instead, she held her breath.

Judge Colby repeated the litany of words, rendering another not guilty. He called for the third and final verdict. The foreperson took a deep breath, uttered a repetitive not guilty, then sat down as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

The courtroom erupted as a death knell pealed over in Madison’s soul.

The judge banged his gavel loud and insistent causing a semblance of order.

She gulped air into her starved lungs, as her friend, Kelly Vandergriff, patted her arm. Madison clung to Kelly’s hand as if it were a rope, a lifeline pulling her up from an abyss that threatened to swallow her whole.

This isn’t justice. Her head angled downward. Her heart plummeted in utter defeat as her life seemed to shatter into a million pieces. How could this happen?

Quite a hook there, Janice. How can readers find you on the Internet?
They can go to my Website:, or email me: Also they can find my books, Serenity’s Deception and the new release Lethal Intent at and for the Nook and Kindle. The trade paperback will be available on the 10th. Also, for registering at my site, their name will be entered into a drawing that one person will be selected to receive one lovely wooden jewelry box.

Thank you, Lena. Once again it has been a pleasure doing this interview for you and your readers.
Dare to believe in the impossible. Mark 9:23

Thank you, Janice for sharing this book with us.

Readers, I was privileged to get to edit this book. It is amazing. I love Janice's writing and her suspenseful plots and characters. Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I love suspense books and these sound great too. Again thank you for introducing me to another great author. Blessings, Susan Fryman New Mexico

  2. Oh, Lena and Janice...this sounds like a page turner suspense. i would love to read it. Thanks for the great interview and chance to win

    Marianne from northern Alberta


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Susan, thanks for reading Lena's blog and for you interest in Lethal Intent. I had fun writing about Madison. I believe you will enjoy reading about her journey.

    Blessings, Janice

    Thanks, Lyndie, for entering the drawing. Blessings, Janice

    Marianne, thanks for dropping by. It was a pleasure doing the interview. Lethal Intent, Madison's story, will keep you turning the page. Madison's character, as with BJ in Serenity's Deception, was exciting to write. Amazing what my character will do, act, or say. They shock me sometimes.
    Blessings, Janice

    You're welcome, Breanna. I loved doing the interview. Lena is such a sweetheart to authors. Your name made me think of my niece . One of my books will have a Breanna as a heroine. If you like suspense with something happening in every chapter, then you'll love Lethal Intent. I had a blast writing the story and even some surprises.
    Blessings, Janice

  5. Hi Janice,
    Thank you for the chance to win your book. I love suspense books to and i really like if you don't know who the killer is until the end. You book sounds like it is really good taken place in Texas. God bless you.
    Norma Stanforth from Ohio

  6. So nice that you dropped by and entered your name for the book. Yes, Lethal Intent and Serenity's Deception both take place in Texas. There will be several more in the stand-along series, Texas Sorority Sisters. Texas is where I live and I love to right about it and try to give a little of the flavor for the state to those who don't know anything about Texas. I try to not give away the killer until the very last. Hopefully, I did a good job in Lethal Intent. Most of my readers say I had them fooled until the very last in Serenity's Deception. Read them both and let me know what you think.
    Blessings, Janice

  7. I like a good thriller, too. :)

    Melissa M. from TX

  8. I love suspense! Thanks for the giveaway. I'm from MN.

  9. Melissa, Thanks for checking out my interview on Lena's blog. I believe for some of us, it's the thrill of the unknown, and the what ifs? I know you will enjoy both books. They're packed with suspense.
    Blessings, Janice

    Veronica, so glad you stopped by. How wonderful. I love your name. My next book after Lethal Intent -- Chameleon, that is coming out in late spring 2013 -- the heroine's name is Veronica and sometimes called Roni. There is a brief mention of her in Lethal Intent. Thanks for entering.
    Blessings, Janice

  10. Love it thanks for the chance to win.

    Lourdes, Long Island, NY

  11. I love suspense books but the author is right, it is hard to find a 'clean' one. Thanks Janice for writing suspense stories all of us can read!
    Jasmine A. in Montana

  12. LETHAL INTENT looks very exciting. I do enjoy a thrilling read thank you.

    Mary P


  13. Looks like a great suspenseful book! I'd love to win a copy. Janice is a new author to me and I can't wait to read this book.

    Judy from Indiana

  14. Another new author to me. I do love suspense books and this sounds like such a interesting book. Looking forward to reading it.

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  15. This sounds like an exciting suspense book. Thanks!
    Beth from Iowa

  16. I would like to read it now!!
    The book would be a great addition to our Church Library.
    Thanks for entering me in the giveaway.
    Janet E.

  17. I so very much appreciate the opportunity to get this book!

    Jean Kropid
    West Palm Beach, Fl

  18. Sharon Richmond10:27 AM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond

  19. Looks like another good book from Janice. Can't wait to read it.

  20. This sounds like a very interesting story. One that I would love to read.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  21. great opening!
    sign me up!
    Kandra in TN

  22. Happy New Year Janice,

    Your Title, Cover & storyline really make me want to read your book. Please enter me in your draw.

    Jan from B.C. Canada
