
Thursday, December 20, 2012

SOUL'S GATE - James L Rubart - One Free Book

I anxiously awaited the release of this new book by Jim. I knew I wanted to feature it on my blog, and when it arrived, I started reading it immediately. The book is phenomenal. Frank Perretti introduced a multitude of Christians to the spiritual warfare that surrounds them. Jim takes readers even deeper into spiritual warfare with a finesse not many authors ever achieve. You will want to read it.

Welcome, James. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
A friend told me long ago, “Every pastor has one sermon they keep preaching over and over again in different ways.” I think that’s true, and true for authors as well. I believe all of us are divinely designed with one main theme in our lives that resonates more deeply than any other. Mine is freedom. (Gal 5:1) I want every novel I write to bring people to a place of more freedom than when they started the book. Under that banner of freedom, I like to explore healing, spiritual warfare, risk, and stepping into destiny.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
My latest novel, Soul’s Gate, released on November 6th. I’m so pumped about this one. I think it will really take people on a ride. Both huge entertainment and huge spiritual depth.

Publishers Weekly says, “Readers with high blood pressure or heart conditions be warned: this is a seriously heart-thumping and satisfying read that goes to the edge, jumps off, and “builds wings on the way down.”

RT Book Reviews named Soul’s Gate a Top Pick and says, “RT named Soul’s Gate a Top Pick and says, Rubart’s novel is enthralling and superlative. Truly a story about freedom from things that we hold onto, this tale will captivate readers and encourage a more active, dynamic spiritual life. The original plot and well-drawn characters elevate this book to “must read” status.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
Would you consider my wife a family member? My sons? Okay, give me a moment to think. I’d have to say, John Eldredge of Ransomed Heart Ministries. Why? Because his books, his retreats, and his team have shown me the way of freedom available in Jesus like no one else. I’ve met John a few times and he’s the real deal. The same when he’s in front of 1,000 people or ten.

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
C.S. Lewis and no one else is even close. He’s the main inspiration that made me want to be an author and his books (both fiction and non-fiction) opened up worlds to me I’d never known.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
My friend Allen Arnold staggered me with a comment the other day. He said, “What if God tells you to write a novel and He wants to be the only one who ever sees it? Would you still write it?”

In other words as Christians we are writing for Him. Period. If it gets published, wonderful. If it doesn’t, still wonderful because we stepped into the journey he has for us and answered the call. I know that’s easy for me to say on this side of the pub world, but I want to have that attitude toward my writing.   

Tell us about the featured book.
What if you could send your spirit into other people’s souls to fight for their freedom?

That’s the premise of Soul’s Gate. Here’s the back cover copy:

Reece stood and faced the group. “Every now and then we get a break from reality. A glimpse into the other world that is more real than the reality we live in 99 percent of our days. The Bible is about a world of demons and angels and great evil and even greater glory. A world the prophets saw; the world Enoch, and Elijah, and Paul, and John the apostle all saw. A world that is all around us in every moment if we would have eyes to see and ears to hear.”

What if you could travel inside another person’s soul? To battle for them. To be part of Jesus healing their deepest wounds.

Thirty years ago that’s exactly what Reece Roth did. Until tragedy shattered his life and ripped away his destiny.

Now God has drawn Reece out of the shadows to fulfill a prophecy spoken over him three decades ago. A prophecy about four warriors with the potential to change the world . . . if Reece will face his deepest regret and train them.

They gather at a secluded and mysterious ranch deep in the mountains of Colorado, where they will learn to see the spiritual world around them with stunning clarity. And how to step into the supernatural as powerfully as anyone in the Bible did.

The four have a destiny to battle for a freedom even Reece doesn’t fully fathom. But they have an enemy hell-bent on destroying them as well and he'll stop at nothing to keep them from their quest for true freedom and the coming battle of souls.

And if you’re into book trailers, here’s a link to the one we did for Soul’s Gate:

Please give us the first page of the book.

Reece Roth spun at the sound—a dull scrape like log on log. But there was nothing behind him except a small pile of driftwood worn white by years of ocean rain and wind. A shadow flitted in the corner of his eye, but as he turned farther to his left, the darkness vanished.

His heart pumped faster as he took another quarter turn to complete the circle. His feet dug into the russet sand, his gaze darting from ground to sky, taking in everything—seeing nothing unusual. Only waves and seagulls and an endless beach stretching beyond his sight both north and south. But the sensation that skittered up and down his back didn’t come from his imagination. Reece forced himself to breathe slower as he brushed his thick graying hair back from his forehead and squinted at the orange sun sinking below the horizon.

Calm. Abba’s peace. Embrace it. He needed to be here. To get comfortable with doing this again after so many years away. You killed them.

The thought slammed into Reece’s mind like a fist to his temple. Admit it. It was your arrogance. Your pride. Just like you’re going to kill the four of the prophecy. You will fail again.

“No.” Reece squeezed his eyes shut. it wasn’t the truth. Take every thought captive. Every idea.

He prayed against the attack and a few moments later the thoughts melted away. The power inside him was more than enough to counter any kind of assault. Without question Reece’s head knew it was true. If only his heart could believe with the strength it used to.

He looked up the beach to his right. A hundred yards away two men in tan pants and white T-shirts seemed to materialize out of the dusk. They strolled toward him, glancing between the waves and the rocky cliffs to their left. A blast of wind shrieked into Reece’s ears and kicked sand into his eyes. He slammed his eyes shut and covered his face.

When he lowered his hands and opened his eyes, the two men stood ten feet away. Smiling. Reece’s heart rate spiked.

“Good evening, Reece.” The man on the right flicked his finger toward the orange-and-red-smeared clouds and the sky turned dark. He motioned again and the thundering waves froze in place as if they’d been doused in liquid nitrogen. “You don’t mind, do you? Always nice to set an appropriate mood, you know?”

“Greater is he that is in me.” Reece riveted his gaze on the two men.

“Yes, we’re familiar with that sentiment. Thanks for bringing it up.”

Reece stumbled back a step. “Jesus.”

The man on the left smiled wider and pointed in back of Reece. The wood-on-wood sound filled the air again and Reece glanced behind him. What was a pile of driftwood minutes earlier had morphed into a sort of hut, maybe three feet tall and four feet wide.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Twitter: @jimrubart

Thanks for having me again, Lena! Always great to be with you. Much freedom,


And thank you, Jim for the marvelous journey in this book, and for sharing your life with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Soul's Gate (A Well Spring Novel) - paperback
Soul's Gate (A Well Spring Novel) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. We have Mr. Rubart's books in the Church Library but we don't have the book, "Soul's Gate".
    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win the book.
    Janet E.

  2. i have The Room by James, and i found it very provoking. My flesh pulls away from reading Soul's Gate, and yet i think i could definitely benifit from it. The interview is fascinating. Thanks Lena and James, and for the chance to win!

    Marianne from northern Alberta

  3. I haven't read Mr. Rubart's work but "Soul's gate sounds different than my normal read and I would love to win and delve into this genre. Thanks for the great interview and to him for offering the book for the drawing. Blessings, Darlene MO

  4. This book looks great! I'd love to win.
    Hannah P

  5. Pam K.3:25 PM

    I read a couple of James' books and liked them, though they are quite different than my usual reading. One of my book club friends really likes his books. It would be fun to win a copy of "Soul's Gate" to give to her.
    Thanks for the chance.


  6. I appreciate the support, all!

    Nice to know about my books being in your church, Library Lady. :)

    If you do end up reading it, Marianne, love to know what you think.

    Thanks for considering giving Soul's Gate a try, Spangldlady!

    Thanks, Hannah.

    I like your Book Club friend, Pam. :)

    You all might like discovering an author new to you ... I like hearing from new readers, so it's great to get your comments!


  7. A very interesting & exciting first page thank you.

    Mary P


  8. Anonymous3:10 AM

    I love the presmise of this book and it's on the to be read list. Thank you for sharing and introducing me to this author. Blessings & Merry Christmas, Susan Fryman New Mexico

  9. Soul's Gate looks like a book I would enjoy. I really liked the first page. Thanks!
    Beth from IA

  10. Thanks for the opportunity to get this book

    Lyndie Blevins
    Duncanville, Tx

  11. thanks for the chance to read this novel

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  12. Sounds very intriguing! I haven't read any if James' books, but I have read Frank Peretti's spiritual warfare ones. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Anna W. from GA

  13. Sharon Richmond12:06 PM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond

  14. This looks outstanding! After reading the review on regarding the lengths the Lord goes to in order to fight for our souls, it is on my kindle wish list - unless of course I win it! My husband and I were both impacted by by Frank Peretti's books, and this book promises to further open our eyes to the true battles in the heavenly realms. Thank you! Jeanie in Phoenix

  15. Thanks all.

    Hoping you have an outstanding time celebrating the birth of our Lord.


  16. Hi James,
    Thank for the chance to win you book
    "Soul's Gate" The Bible is about a world of demons and angels. The world the prophets saw. God bless you and i hope you have a Merry Christmas in celebrating Christ's birth.
    Norma Stanforth

  17. Justin10:14 PM

    Loved the Book of Days. Looking forward to checking this one out.
