
Saturday, December 01, 2012

TREACHEROUS SKIES - Elizabeth Goddard - One Free Book

Welcome, Beth. I just read this book this week. I absolutely loved it. This is the type of fast-paced suspense that keeps me turning pages. I can hardly wait for the next one. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
Forgiveness always seems to pop up, along with putting the past behind you. In Treacherous Skies, something came up that completely surprised me—my character feels like she is having to pay for the sins of her father—she’s running from a past she didn’t create.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
HEARTS IN THE MIST (Heartsong) released in October, RIPTIDE (LIS), the sequel to TREACHEROUS SKIES, releases in July 2013, and the third book in December. Also in the fall of 2013, LOVE IN THE AIR, my hot-air balloon story releases with Heartsong Presents.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
I’d love to spend an evening with my friend Lisa Harris in her home in Mozambique. We communicate frequently online and get to see each other once a year, maybe. I’d love to experience a day in her life, spend it with her where she lives.

I’m with you on that. Wouldn’t it be fun if we both could go visit her at the same time? What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
Maybe Amy Carmichael—missionary to India. I read a biography about her and was amazed at her great faith and her tenacity, her ability to endure hardships in a foreign country.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
I always enjoy visiting websites that list all the rejections received by big name authors. That puts everything into perspective when you realize that every single writer receives rejections.

Tell us about the featured book.
After years of peace and quiet, Maya Carpenter thinks she's safe—that her drug-lord father's world will never catch up with her. Then she's abducted and secretly stashed on a plane. And once she and the test pilot who finds her land in the Keys, the real threat begins....

Daredevil pilot Connor Jacobson is no one's hero. And this time, he's in way over his head. Yet he can't leave Maya to face danger alone. Besides, he has a few tricks up his sleeve that might keep them long as he's willing to put everything at risk, including his heart.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Belize City, BelizeMaya Carpenter glanced around the crowd in the Blue Moon Cafe, searching for her father, a man she hadn't seen since she was five years old. A man wanted in ten countries, including this one.

Though uncertain she'd recognize him, he'd said he would know her. A glance at her watch told her he was already twenty minutes late. This wasn't the type of circumstance that allowed for tardiness.

Something was wrong.

That meant he probably wasn't going to show. She'd spent a lifetime trying to escape her heritage, but he'd sounded so sincere on the phone two weeks ago—the first contact since she was five—when he shared that he was terminally ill and wanted to see her one last time.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Beth, for sharing your new book with us today.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Treacherous Skies (Love Inspired Suspense) - paperback
Treacherous Skies (Love Inspired Suspense) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. I enjoy fast paced suspense so I know I would love this book. Thanks!
    Beth from IA

  2. Great interview and giveaway, Lena and Elizabeth...would love to win, my adreniline is high just from reading the blurb! Thanks for the chance.

    Marianne from northern Alberta

  3. Love this interview and the book sounds great!
    Amy C

  4. Sounds good!
    Rebekah TN

  5. Hi everybody! Lena, I have a Christmas party to attend over lunch, but I'll be back and here to comment and interact. :)

    So glad to hear you loved the fast-paced. That's the kind of reaction I love to hear.


  6. Anonymous1:29 PM

    It sounds like a really interesting book!
    Martha T. from Iowa

  7. This looks amazing! I'm eagerly awaiting the moment I can get my hands on it.

    Eldra from BC

  8. I love suspense!

  9. I liked what you said about rejections received by big name authors. That is very good advice.


    in Kansas

  10. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Can't wait to read this!!

    - Leauphaun

  11. Can't wait to read this book. Would love to win a copy.

  12. New author for me, I read historical romance mostly but like a good suspense once in a while, this is exciting name for a book and would make you look further into it, thanks for sharing.

    Paula O(
    A Ga reader

  13. Thanks for stopping by, everyone. So appreciate Lena and her blog to bring more exposure to Christian fiction and new authors.

    On the rejections--there used to be a website or a blog article where you could read those stories. I wish I could remember what it was.

    One of them is about the Wizard of Oz an how many rejections he received--it was a LOT.

    Everyone gets them and knowing that helps the rest of us to keep going. :)


  14. I love the Love Inspired Suspense line of books. Would love to win a copy of Elizabeth's book.

    I'm from Indiana.

    Cindy W.


  15. I would love to win,Enter me!!
    Thanks for the giveaway and God Bless!!
    Sarah Richmond

  16. Loved the interview, and you know Beth, that I would LOVE to be chatting with you right now face-to-face here in Africa. How cool would that be! Congrats on all your new releases. I'm so very proud of you!

  17. You never know, Lisa! Maybe it will happen one day. Maybe we could both send that little request to the Lord and see what things may come. :)


  18. Sharon Richmond1:41 PM

    Enter me this book looks great!!
    Sharon Richmond

  19. thanks for chance to win
    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. sharon m.7:20 PM

    Suspense is good and I love giveaways. Christmas is a great time to win. Sharon, San Diego

  21. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I love to read the "Love Inspired" Series.
    The books are small enough to take with you anywhere.
    Thanks for entering me in the contest for "Treacherous Skies" by Elizabeth Goddard.
    Janet E.

  22. Would love to win this book from fellow Texan, Beth. I love anything by this sweet lady.

  23. Thanks for the opportunity to get this book.
    Lyndie Blevins

    Duncanville Tx

  24. Thanks, Martha!!

    And Lyndie--so good to "see" you here. :)

  25. Treacherous Skies sounds like an exciting start for a new series. I'd love to win it!
    Merry in TX

  26. Jasmine A.2:58 PM

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Jasmine A. in Montana

  27. The story sounds intriguing! The cover looks great! :)

    Jes (CA)

  28. Oh I would really love to win.

    Thank you.

    Lourdes in Long Island, NY

  29. This sounds so suspenseful! I'm in MN.

  30. Looks Interesting!
    Enter Me!
    Blanch, NC.

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