
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

MENEHUNES MISSING - Cheryl Linn Martin - One Free Book

Welcome back, Cheryl. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I’ve worked with and loved kids in this age group (8-12+) for years in parks and recreation. A fellow author told me a number of years ago that kids in this age group needed wholesome books to read. So, I write mysteries set in Hawaii—fun, exciting, intriguing and wholesome!

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
My last day of work outside the home, when I realized I could now write full-time! Yaaaaaaaay! (I’m bopping up and down and screaming like Kimo, Leilani’s ten-year-old annoying brother!)

How has being published changed your life?
I now do less writing and HUGE amounts of marketing and promotion! Ugh! But it’s all good because I am living my childhood dream of being the published author of a mystery series!

What are you reading right now?
You can usually find me reading a mystery or a suspense novel. Although, I’ve found some historical/historical romances rather enticing. Right now I’m reading a historical as well as a suspense!

What is your current work in progress?
I am working on books four and five of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club in hopes the series will be extended beyond the first three. I am planning a rewrite of book one of my series, Detective Michael Macks and Me and my mind is also rumbling with thoughts of a new series!

What would be your dream vacation?
I LOVE Hawaii and have visited a couple times. My dream vacation would be to be invited by the Robinson family (descendants of Elizabeth Sinclair who bought the island in 1863) to visit Niihau. The island is virtually untouched by the outside world. I could experience their way of life and hear them speak the ancient language. What an amazing blessing that would be!

How do you choose your settings for each book?
I try to think of what might be interesting to kids, someplace they can experience and learn about, yet someplace real. Hawaii came to mind as the perfect setting.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Beth Moore because I think she’s amazing and inspiring! I could use a dose of her enthusiasm, and I’d love her thoughts on serving the Lord and furthering God’s kingdom.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I love planting a vegetable garden, although it’s sometimes difficult to get many red tomatoes in the Pacific NW! I also participate on the drama team at church and love all the roles I’ve played—challenging, yet rewarding.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Finding time! When I decide to push through on writing, I set a weekly goal with room to catch-up or get ahead on the weekends. I record my word count every week. It encourages me to continue plugging away.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Set goals for your word counts—and make sure they are reasonable goals! Reward yourself as you reach those goals each week or each month.
Attend workshops and find those helpful hints, but, most important, apply them!

Tell us about the featured book.
Menehunes Missing is about a school fundraiser in which participants search for Menehune statues hidden around town. Leilani, Maile and Sam enter the contest and soon discover that the statues are disappearing. They are determined to find out who is taking them and why.

Oh yes! You may ask—what exactly is a Menehune? They are Hawaii’s treasured little people who worked hard (generally at night) building things like ponds and roads.

Please give us the first page of the book.

I smoothed the crumpled paper, stared at the words, and read the first clue.

I’m Menehune Number One. Find and check me out if you can. I’m hiding amongst kids and cords.

Maile Onakea and Sam Bennett, my best friends, suddenly burst into my room.

Sam jumped onto my bed, his shaggy blonde hair flopping around like palm fronds in the wind. “Did you get it? I’m crazy pumped about this whole Menehune Hunt thing. Bet no matter how hard the clue is, you’ve already figured it out, huh? Come on, Leilani! Read that puppy out loud.”

Maile giggled. “Sam, you’re insane.” She also plopped onto my bed, tucked a strand of her long hair behind an ear, and locked dark brown eyes on mine. “So, what does it say?”

I ignored her question. “You guys sure got here fast.”

“My mom and I picked up Sam, then came straight over. Mom thinks it’s cool we’re doing the statue search thing.”

I nodded. “So does mine. She says the money raised will really help the school. Guess there’s been a couple hundred people who’ve already paid the entry fee.”

I pictured myself starting eighth grade with a computer room full of brand new equipment.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website address is I also have a blog all about Hawaii at
You can also connect with me on my facebook author page at
“Tweeters” can add the hashtag: #HIDC for The Hawaiian Island Detective Club if they’d like.

What They’re Saying About Pineapples in Peril, Book One of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club

Nancy Drew is Back . . . And She's Hawaiian! –Jessica Nelson 


My daughter, who is not a huge reader, is loving her copy!  She is reading Pineapples in Peril and I don’t have to push her to read the 15 minutes she’s supposed to read every day! –A Mom

My son was super excited to show his class the book that you autographed. He has already finished the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. He is already excited about the next book in the series! –A Mom

My thirteen-year-old twin girls just finished reading Pineapples in Peril and both loved the book. One particularly focused on the characters. "I felt like I knew them by the time I got to the end." She also enjoyed how the author built the plot in such a way that kept her guessing. My other twin writes: "What I liked was the never-ending excitement, as well as the atmosphere of intensity growing with every page. I enjoyed how Leilani includes her brother even though he gets on her nerves." –A Mom

Bethany loved your first book! I will be ordering this one for her. –A Mom

The fifth-grade class in library this morning were so excited to check out Pineapples in Peril! Also, a few of the students who had purchased books were carrying them into library. I had one student tell me she has already read it all the way through one time and is in the process of reading it a second time because "it is soooo good!" –C. Reed, Librarian

This is such a great book! –A Fourth Grader

Thank you for writing my favorite book ever! –Emma

Thank you, Cheryl, for sharing this book with us, and giving us a peek inside your life.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. 

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    would love to win a copy of this book. angela from ky

  2. I love this series. Such cute, fun books!

    From the black hills of South Dakota!

  3. Thanks for the opportunity to get this book.
    Lyndie Blevins

    Duncanville, Tx

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Angela! Menehunes Missing is a fun new mystery for Leilani, Maile and Sam--and of course Leilani's brother, Kimo, is always in the mix!
    Aloha! --Cheryl

  5. Hi, Lady Saotome! Thanks for the great comment--I appreciate it so much when people enjoy The Hawaiian Island Detective Club! Aloha! --Cheryl

  6. Thanks for visiting and for enjoying Lena's blog, Anonymous! Aloha! --Cheryl

  7. Thanks for commenting, Lyndie! If you win, I know you'll love reading (or maybe a kid in your life??) all about the antics of Leilani, Maile, Sam and Kimo.
    Aloha! --Cheryl

  8. Thanks so much, Lena, for taking time to run a blog about Book Two, Menehunes Missing, of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club!
    Mahalo and Aloha! --Cheryl

  9. I've already read, and can tell you, the parents will enjoy as much as the kids. I'm hooked!

  10. Congrats on another winner, Cheryl! Love this series so much and so do my granddaughters.

  11. Thanks, Linda! Your support through this journey has meant so much to me. Mahalo and Aloha!

  12. Thanks, Karla! So glad to hear that your granddaughters loved Pineapples in Peril. Your kind words and support mean the world to me. Mahalo and Aloha!

  13. Excellent interview, as always, Lena! Cheryl, my girls loved Pineapples in Peril and they still use the flip-flop book marks you gave me. Such a fun series!

  14. I'm so glad your girls loved Pineapples in Peril, Marji! Maybe you'll win a copy of Menehunes Missing. Some really fun stuff happens in this one--totally different than book one. They'll love what Kimo does! Aloha! --Cheryl

  15. Cheryl, thank you for the chance to win your book. From what i have read it sounds like it is a great book, i can't wait to read it. You said that Menehunes is Hawaii's treasured little people who work hard at night building things. Again thank you.
    God bless you.
    Norma Stanforth from Ohio

  16. What's not to love about Hawaii and kids and pineapples and those little Menehunes? We heart the HIDC!

  17. The books in The Hawaiian Island Detective Club sound like stories that my daughter & I could enjoy together.

    Mary P


  18. I have not heard of these books and I'm looking for books in this age group. I would love to win one.
    I live in Illinois.

  19. sounds interesting

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. I love reading Nancy Drew and I loved visiting Hawaii.
    This book would be a wonderful addition to the church library.
    Thanks for entering me in the giveaway.
    Janet E.

  21. This sounds like a great book to read!
    Hannah Peasha

  22. Would love to be entered in th drawing! I love clean mysteries!

    Amber S.
    Larkspur, CO

  23. Thanks, Norma, for visiting and commenting! Yes, those little Menehunes are treasured by the Hawaiians. There are many stories about them. I have a book entitled, Tales of the Menehune. It's filled with wonderful little stories. The Menehunes in my story are actually statues of the little guys, hidden around town for a contest. But when the HIDC kids discover they're missing . . .

  24. Thanks, Sadie and Sophie! You two are always so supportive of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club! Yeah, Hawaii and the Cuffe Sisters! Aloha! --Cheryl

  25. Yes, Mary, I've heard from a number of parents who have read book 1, Pineapples in Peril to/with their children. They all love it together! Hope you have a chance to read all three books in The Hawaiian Island Detective Club! Best of luck in the drawing. Aloha! --Cheryl

  26. Hi, Tammie! So glad you found me and The Hawaiian Island Detective Club! I hear from so many parents that they are looking for wholesome books for this Middle Reader/Middle Grade age group. Good luck in the drawing! Aloha! --Cheryl

  27. Thanks for visiting, Apple Blossom--and you're right--they are fun! I had a blast writing them too. Aloha! --Cheryl

  28. Yes, Library Lady, I've donated book 1, Pineapples in Peril, to many school libraries and would love to get it into the hands of church libraries. Would love to hear from you, and who knows?? Maybe you'll even win a copy of book two!! Aloha! --Cheryl

  29. If you love fun, wholesome mysteries, you'll love The Hawaiian Island Detective Club, Hannah! As one of my reviewers said, "Nancy Drew is back and she's Hawaiian!" Aloha! --Cheryl

  30. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Vision Writer! I think I wrote these mysteries for myself as much as for Middle Readers. I feel just like you do about reading something fun and wholesome. Aloha! --Cheryl

  31. Sounds like stories my daughters would like!

    Monica, Ont

  32. Lisa E.5:33 PM

    This sound like a book my nine year old daughter would love! She's a voracious reader and she loves mysteries. I'm so glad I've found this series!


  33. thanks for the chance to read this novel

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  34. Sharon Richmond6:04 PM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond

  35. Would love to share it with my niece! Thanks!
    Julie in MN

  36. Monica, I've had a number of e-mails from girls and boys who have read Pineapples in Peril and LOVE it, so I'm pretty confident your girls will love it too! If you win Menehunes Missing, you'll have to make sure you get hold of Pineapples in Peril so you can read all about the first mystery the kids solve! Aloha! --Cheryl

  37. Thanks, Lisa! Nine is a perfect age for reading any of the three books in The Hawaiian Island Detective Club. Menehunes Missing is book two. Best of luck in the drawing! Aloha! --Cheryl

  38. Thanks for visiting Lena's blog, Karen! Reading mysteries set in Hawaii is really fun for kids and kids at heart! Aloha! --Cheryl

  39. Thanks for stopping by, Sharon! Aloha! --Cheryl

  40. Yes, Holden, I'm sure your niece would really enjoy this series. Kids 7-13 have been reading and loving book one, Pineapples in Peril. And--guess what?? Parents are enjoying it as well. Aloha! --Cheryl

  41. I have a 10 year old granddaughter who would enjoy this book. She has friends who moved to Hawaii so it would make this even more special!
    Beth from IA

  42. Oh yes, Beth! Your granddaughter would love to have a taste of Hawaii in her reading! Best of luck in the drawing, and thank you so much for visiting and commenting!

  43. Hannah--just saw your comment! Thanks so much for visiting, and I hope you'll have a chance to read all three books of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club! (Ukuleles Undercover, book 3, releases August 14) Spread the word to the kids in your life! Aloha! --Cheryl

  44. Oh I love Nancy Drew! I think I may have to go download Pineapples in Peril!

    Liz R in Al

  45. Wonderful, Liz! Let me know what you think. Both books (Pineapples in Peril and Menehunes Missing) are available for Kindle as well as a regular book. Thanks for visiting! Aloha! --Cheryl
