
Thursday, March 07, 2013

PRETTY IS AS PRETTY DOES - Debby Mayne - One Free Book

I read this book for endorsement, and here's what I said: 
I was thoroughly entranced by this book by Debby Mayne. I've loved her books for a long time, but this one had so much in it that hit close to home for me. My daughter is a hairdresser, and Debby's character hit the mark--her motives for helping women feel better about themselves, her artistry and abilities. And this book has a large cast of unique characters, who display almost the whole gamut of human frailties. And the book was full of humor and pathos. I highly recommend it.
-Lena Nelson Dooley, award-winning author of Maggie's Journey, Mary's Blessing, Catherine's Pursuit, and Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico 

Welcome back, Debby. How did you come up with the idea for this story?
I wanted to write about something that a lot of women could relate to, and then I remembered watching my mother-in-law get ready for her fiftieth high school reunion. She went on a diet, had a makeover, and bought a Cadillac. Even people who haven’t been to reunions often feel insecure about seeing people they haven’t seen in many years. I used that as a theme for this story and the other two books in the series – Bless Her Heart and Tickled Pink.

If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why?
Margaret Daley, Sandie Bricker, Jenny B. Jones, Kristin Billerbeck, Loree Lough, and Diann Hunt. These women make me smile. All of them are kindhearted, talented, fun, funny, and super intelligent.

Now let’s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why?
You (of course, and we’d split a meal like we did at Bubba Gump’s at the Mall of America), Martha Rogers, Rhonda Gibson, Paige Winship Dooly, Cathy Marie Hake, and Janet Spaeth. Y’all are fun, interesting, smart, and make me laugh.

That would be a fun party! Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career?
I want to keep my writing fresh and improve with each book, and I think that requires refilling the well with other artistic activities. Over the past couple of years, I’ve had back-to-back deadlines with different publishers, making it a challenge. I’m backing off the frantic pace just a little bit so I can spend time walking on the beach with my husband, doing crafts with my granddaughters, and reading some of the books on my ready-to-topple stack.

Tell us about the featured book.
In Pretty is as Pretty Does, Priscilla Slater goes to her ten-year high school reunion with equal parts dread and eager anticipation. Even though she’s a successful owner of a chain of hair salons and no longer has the mousy brown hair, crooked teeth, and discount-store wardrobe, she still feels like the ugly duckling. But when she arrives at the reunion, Priscilla soon realizes that her old classmates aren’t exactly as she remembers them. With humor and a just a touch of sassiness, Priscilla finds herself facing her own truth—and she may be surprised at what she discovers.

In this series, readers will go on the life journeys with these characters through their twentieth high school reunion. Priscilla Slater was voted “Most Likely to Succeed,” but is that what really happened? Laura Moss found a way to hang out with the movers and shakers in high school by dating a guy everyone liked but no one wanted to date … and she married him. Former beauty queen and “Miss Everything” in Piney Point Trudy Baynard has been forced to deal with divorce, the real world, and pounds that have found their way to her thighs. Tim Puckett didn’t attend Piney Point High School, but you’d never know it after he gets involved.

Please give us the first page of the book.

(Priscilla Slater)

We are thrilled to announce
Piney Point High School’s
10 year reunion
on June 7, 2003, at 7:30 PM
in Piney Point High’s
Newly renovated gymnasium.
Attire: Sunday best.
RSVP: Laura Moss 601-555-1515
PS: There will be a pre-party
At Shenanigans in Hattiesburg
Starting at about 5:00 PM.

Wow. Ten years. As I read my high school reunion invitation a second time, I can’t help but smile. Although I own one of the most successful businesses in my hometown of Piney Point, Mississippi, I’ve lost track of most of the people I graduated with.

            Knowing the people I went to high school with, this is going to be one crazy event—that is, if everyone attends. I’m not surprised Laura added a pre-party to the invitation. Her husband has never attended any social event before pre-partying his face off—even in high school. Pete Moss graduated with the distinct honor of high school lush, and as far as I know, he continues to hold that honor, which is ironic since I don’t remember Laura touching a drop of anything stronger than her mama’s two-day-old sweet tea.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Debby, for visiting with us again. And I know my readers will love this book.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
Pretty Is as Pretty Does: Class Reunion | Book 1

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google +, Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. What's up with me being here first today? i have a sister who is a hairdresser...would love to read this novel. Loved how you used the insecurities of a class reunion as the theme! Thanks for being here, Debby and the great giveaway.


  2. Hey Marianne,
    One of the most valuable people in a woman's life is her hairdresser. I think everyone has insecurities, but we all have different ways to hide them. Our hairdressers know what they are, and the good ones help us overcome them. There's nothing like a good haircut, the right color, and some kind words to make us feel good about ourselves.

  3. I can relate to this post as I went to my 50th hs reunion couple yrs ago and felt sure others would look so much better then I, I had been thin in school now was heavier. I would like to read this story and think you chose an idea for story that many will relate to Debby.
    Paula O(
    A Ga reader

  4. I love, love, love Debby Mayne's books. I think the high school reunion series will touch us all because we all have those insecurities from high school. We wonder how everyone else turned out. Although we only spent four years in high school, it's still such a huge part of lives and it defined us in one way or another. I'm excited about this book!

  5. Haven't read this author before, but this book looks interesting!

    Heidi, San Diego CA

  6. Thank you, Paula and Julie!

    I think most readers will find at least one character in this series to relate to.

  7. Heidi, this is the first of a 3-book series filled with flawed characters who all want the same thing: acceptance. I hope you enjoy their journeys!

  8. My youngest daughter is a hairdresser too, and I know she'd love to read this book, after I do of course:)
    I love Debby Mayne's books, she is one of my all-time favorite authors. I can't wait to read this one!

    Debra from Alabama


  9. Thanks for the great interview. Pretty is as Pretty Does sound like a really fun book. I would love to win!
    Hannah P

  10. My daughter is a hairdresser, and her clients are often her mission field. She prays for them and does a little counseling with biblical principles. I'm very proud of her.

  11. I love a good hairdresser! Mine is a good listener, offers advice on styling, and makes me feel good about myself.

  12. Would love to win this one! Sounds fantastic! :) I'm from NC. Thanks!

  13. Leauphaun1:41 PM

    This sounds like such a fun book!! I love hairdressing, so this type of book appeals to me.

    Thanks for the chance to read it!!

    - Leauphaun

  14. Thank you Debby for giving me a chance to win your book. I know when i was going to our 50th H.S. reunion, i kept worrying what all my classmates look like after all this time and what i looked like, that i was about to back out of going. But i went and was glad i did. Can't wait to read your book. Thank you and God bless you. Oh i almost forgot to tell you i like you cover, that remind you of high school.
    Norma Stanforth from Ohio

  15. I've never been to my high school reunion. I moved my senior year of high school, so that kind of messed up any desires of reconnecting with people. My mom actually was able to go to her 50th high school reunion! She had a wonderful time! Thank you for an opportunity to win a copy of Pretty is as Pretty Does.
    may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com

  16. I would love to read this book. My 50th is coming up in a few years now. Wonder if I should go.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  17. sharon m9:44 PM

    I really enjoy books with the development and stories of multiple characters. This one looks good. sharon, san diego

  18. Looking back at yourself through a reunion would be an eye opener.

    Mary P


  19. I haven't been to any class reunions and recently found out that my school is going to have a 50th reunion this year that I have debated going to. This book sounds quite interesting!

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  20. I talked to quite a few people about their class reunions. Their experiences were varied, but one thing was constant: Most of them were concerned about what everyone else would think about them, until they got there and discovered their former classmates had the same worries.

  21. I have enjoyed Debby's books in the past and this one sounds fabulous. I would love to read it.
    Carly in NC

  22. CLass reunions are always a little frighting but always interesting, especially if you are the one not drinking.

    Thanks for the opportunity to get this book.
    Lyndie Blevins

    Duncanville, Tx

  23. sharon m.8:49 AM

    Love to read this book. Class reunions-I've never been to one. Like to read about all the lives of the classmates. sharon, san diego

  24. My mother did almost the same thing - joined Wt. Watchers, got a new hairdo, clothes....

    Sounds like a wonderful book to read!

    Donna, TX

  25. Count me in!
    Kandra in Tennessee

  26. Anonymous12:02 PM

    would love to win. Angela from KY

  27. I would love to win this book to add to our church library collection.
    Janet E.

  28. Would love to read this book because I think that most hairdressers are fascinating people!

    Carol from Texas


  29. Lyndie, so true about the drinking.

    Thank you, Debra, for such kind words!

    Hannah, Leauphaun, Sharon, and Katie, I enjoyed writing this series because I got to act out all the parts. I suspect my husband was glad when I typed "the end" on the last manuscript.

    Carly, thank you! I hope you enjoy this series!

    Norma, Kay, Mary, and Jo, I think going to a class reunion really is an eye opener. And I really do love the covers of all 3 books in the series. Abingdon Press did a fabulous job of capturing the theme of the stories.

  30. Melody, LOL about your mom. That seems perfectly normal to me.

    Carol, Janet, and Kandra, I hope y'all enjoy the book!

  31. I would love to read this book! Thank You.

    Jean K
    West Palm Beach, FL

  32. This sounds really intriguing! I love reunions! I'm in MN.

  33. I think everyone has a bit of dread/anticipation for those reunions. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Julie in MN

  34. new author for me would love to win thanks

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  35. Would love to read this one. It sounds great. Plus, I'm 2 years away from my 20th high school reunion, which is very hard for me to believe.


  36. Sharon Richmond4:15 AM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond

  37. Sounds like a great book. I know I never felt secure enough to go to my high school reunion until my 30th. I had a blast.

    Would love to win a copy of Pretty is as Pretty Does. Thank you for the chance.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W. from Indiana

  38. High School reunions are perfect for finding drama, I'd love to be entered for Pretty is as Pretty Does. Thanks!
    Merry in TX
