
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

TROUBLE IN STORE - Carol Cox - One Free Book

Carol Cox is a long-time writer friend, and I really enjoy reading her books. Trouble in Store is a wonderful read. The characters really leapt from the pages into my mind and heart. Their lives and trouble are often in my thoughts.

Welcome back, Carol. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
I’m very excited about this month’s release of Trouble in Store. This historical romantic suspense was so much fun to research and write! Arizona offers a wide panorama of settings to explore, and I love the opportunity to bring those fascinating places to life in my books.

A bit farther out on the horizon is a novella collection where I detoured from my Arizona settings and traveled to your part of the country. Mary Connealy, Karen Witemeyer, and Regina Jennings were the other authors, and working with them was such a delight! Look for A Match Made in Texas next January.

I want to feature that book on my blog. I love to read books by all four of you. Tell us a little about your family.
Dave and I celebrated our 39th anniversary earlier this month, and what an adventure it has been! He’s the pastor of two small churches. In addition to that, he owns and operates the Davis Leather Company, which means I have a handy resource available for information on guns and gun leather.

Our daughter will be a senior in high school this fall. One of her goals for this summer is learning to drive … with me as her teacher. If you sense a nudging to pray for the two of us, please feel free to act upon it!

Our son is in the Air Force, and I’m very proud of his service to our country. He and his wife have blessed us with three sweet grandchildren who light up our lives.

I have a grandson in the Army overseas now. And I know how much grandchildren add to your lives. We now have a great grandson with another on the way. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
Between writing, making revisions, checking galleys, promoting the current release, and researching the next project, I simply don’t have the free time I used to be able to devote to reading. Much of the reading I do these days is for research, so I treasure the rare moments when I’m able to curl up with a book and read for sheer pleasure!

What are you working on right now?
I’m nearing completion of another story set in Arizona. This one features a heroine who inherits a newspaper, and I’m having a great time learning about the printing process in the late 19th century!

I’ll want to feature that book on the blog as well. What outside interests do you have?
As you might suspect, church activities take up a lot of my time. I play the piano at both our churches, teach children’s Sunday school, and lead a monthly women’s Bible study. And then there’s the youth group, which keeps us hopping! We’ve been blessed with two wonderful congregations, and I’m very grateful to be able to work with all these different age groups.

When I do have some free time, I enjoy knitting and crocheting. And one of my favorite ways to beat stress is working in the garden.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
More often than not, I feel like the setting chooses me. Sometimes, all it takes is a visit to a location to start the creative juices flowing. What kind of people would have lived there? What problems did they face? How did they resolve them? When questions like that spring to mind—and when the answers start flowing—I know a new story idea may be on its way.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
One of my favorite places to research Arizona history is the Sharlot Hall Museum in Prescott. Ranch woman, activist, lover of history—and a writer, to boot—Sharlot was fiercely independent, preferring to live life on her own terms, unencumbered by the constraints society placed on a married woman.

Her appointment as territorial historian in 1909 made her the first woman to hold office in the Arizona Territorial government. Her new post was a perfect fit for her passion to preserve history, and she conceived the idea of establishing a historical museum in the cabin that served as the Governor’s Mansion for the territory’s first governors. Eventually, the museum that now bears her name came into being, and her dream became a reality.

I can only imagine what a treat it would be to spend an evening with Sharlot, listening to the stories this remarkable woman could tell!

I’d love to be there with you when you talked to her. What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
I always heard that writing is a solitary pursuit, so I expected a degree of isolation . . . but I was in for a wonderful surprise. I never dreamed of the enduring friendships I would make with other writers, and with my readers as well. Those connections have been unexpected blessings that have enriched my life immeasurably!

Yes, they make it all worth it. What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
Right now, the lessons are all about priorities. I can’t say this is a new topic for me, but it seems like the Lord sends a reminder every so often. And I’m so glad He does! With today’s hectic pace of life, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the urgent and let the most important priorities slip out of place without even being aware of it.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Here are the 3 B’s of Writing listed on my website’s “For Writers” page:

Be patient.
Like any career, writing requires preparation and training. The learning process takes time, so gear yourself mentally for a marathon rather than a sprint.

Be teachable.
The longer I write, the more I realize how much I still need to learn. There is always the joy of growing, of improving my skills, of learning to be a “workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (from 2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Be willing.
If we’re called to write for the Lord, we need to do this for His glory and not our own. Place your writing in God’s hands and be willing to give Him control as to what happens with it. He’s the one who sees the big picture and knows what’s best—both for us and for His plan.

Tell us about the featured book.
Fired from her most recent governess position, Melanie Ross muse embrace her last resort: the Arizona mercantile she inherited from her cousin. But Caleb Nelson is positive he inherited the mercantile, and he’s not about to let an obstinate woman with newfangled ideas ruin all he’s worked for. In hope of turning her interest elsewhere, he determines to get Melanie married off, and luckily, there are many single men in town quite willing to take her off his hands.

The problem is, Caleb soon realizes he doesn’t want her to marry any of them. He’s drawn to her more every day, and he has to admit some of her ideas for the store offer unexpectedly positive results.

But someone doesn’t want the mercantile to succeed, and threatening words have escalated into destruction and danger. Will Melanie and Caleb’s business—and budding romance—survive the trouble that’s about to come their way?

Please give us the first page of the book.
Marietta, Ohio
April 1885

“Are the children ready, Miss Ross?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Melanie Ross bobbed her head, trying not to wince at her employer’s clipped tone. She shot a quick glance at Mrs. Deaver’s daughter and son to make sure nothing had happened to mar their appearance since her last inspection.

Five-year-old Olivia stood on Melanie’s left, long golden curls framing her cherubic face and cascading over the wide collar of the pink dropped-waist dress so carefully ironed by Melanie the night before. The little girl’s eyes glowed with anticipation, and the dimple in her round left cheek deepened when she offered her mother a bright smile.

Mrs. Deaver’s features softened enough to give her daughter a fleeting smile in return.

On Melanie’s right, Clarence Harrington Deaver Jr. dug the toe of his black patent-leather shoe into the Aubusson carpet, his dark scowl indicating the nine-year-old’s distaste for the blue velvet suit, complete with lace collar, designated as his attire for the afternoon.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
I love to connect with readers online! Visit my website at: to learn more about me and my books.

Then there’s my Facebook page at:

I also blog at Writes of Passage on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month:

And I’m just getting started with Pinterest:  I’m still very much a beginner there, so if any of you would like to share helpful hints, I’d love to hear them!

Thank you for inviting me to visit your blog again, Lena. It’s always a joy to spend time with you and your readers!

It's a pleasure to talk to you and help you introduce your new books to my readers.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Trouble in Store -
Trouble in Store: A Novel -
Trouble in Store - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google +, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    would love to win. Angela from KY

  2. I read Love in Disguise last year and became an instant fan of Carol. Looking forward to reading Trouble in Store.
    Amy C

  3. Angela, thanks for stopping by!

  4. Amy, that comment made me grin! I'm thrilled to hear how much you enjoyed Love in Disguise. Hope you enjoy Trouble in Store every bit as much!

  5. Enjoyed your interview. Would love to win your book. Thank you for sharing with us.
    Barbara in Louisiana

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Looks so good!!!! Thanks for the giveaway.

    Katie J. from FLORIDA

  7. I have so been looking forward to this release! Hope to get to read it.

    Donna, TX doing summer mission work in Nicaragua

  8. I loved Love in Disguise last year and I've been anxiously awaiting my chance to read Trouble in Store, it sounds so good! Thanks for the Chance to win!
    Abbi Hart-PA

  9. Thank you, Barbara! Chatting with Lena is such fun, and I always enjoy spending time here!

  10. Katie J., I love that cover too! They did a fabulous job of capturing the way I pictured Melanie .

  11. Melody, I'm thrilled to know you've been looking forward to this book! Trouble in Store was such fun to write, and I hope you'll enjoy spending time in Cedar Ridge as much as I did!

  12. I'm so glad to know you enjoyed Love in Disguise, Abbi! I loved writing about Ellie's adventures in Pickford, and some of the folks Melanie deals with in Cedar Ridge are even quirkier, if you can believe it. :) Hope you enjoy Trouble in Store!!

  13. The first page of Trouble in Store sounds like a great beginning! I am looking forward to reading the book.
    I live in Tennessee

  14. Great storyline - thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  15. This sounds like a great plot! Going on my to-read list! Thanks!

    Heidi, CA

  16. I always thought I would be fun to own a store of some sort!

    Patty in SC

  17. OH another looks like another great book from Carol Cox.

    Would love to win.

    Lourdes Long Island, NY

  18. I would love to win this book.

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  19. I'm glad you liked the first page, KayM! Hope you enjoy the other 350 even more. ;-)

  20. Thank you, bonton! It was fun to work with that storyline. I loved spending time with those characters!

  21. That's great, Heidi! I hope you enjoy the book!

  22. Patty, I think it would have been fun to interact with the customers who come into the Ross-Nelson Mercantile on a regular basis. Even more fun if you aren't squabbling over the ownership of the store like Caleb and Melanie! ;-)

  23. What a lovely comment, Lourdes! Thank you so much!!

  24. Hello from one Arizonan to another, Jo! Trouble in Store is set in the central part of the state. See if you recognize the inspiration for the cliff dwellings when you read the book!

  25. I could picture the first page. Just wonderful. I am looking forward to reading more of TROUBLE IN STORE.

    Mary P


  26. Thanks fof the opportunity to win this book! I live in Western NY near Buffalo.

  27. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
    I hope to have some time this summer to catch up on my reading.
    Janet E.

  28. I enjoyed Carol's first book and would love to win a copy of Trouble in Store!
    Kandra in OK

  29. this sounds like a most fun book thanks for the chance to win

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail[dot] com

  30. I would love to win. It looks like fun.
    Rebekah Gyger TN

  31. By the way, I wanted to let everyone know about a fabulous giveaway Bethany House is doing to celebrate the release of Trouble in Store!

    It's the Mercantile Mystery Sweepstakes, and every one of the prizes was inspired by the book. I could try to describe them here, but you really have to see them for yourself!

    You can find all the details at the following link on my Facebook page. And if you don't have an account there, no worries! Even though it's hosted on Facebook, a Facebook is NOT required to enter! Have fun!!

  32. New author to me but the book sounds great! Loved the interview as well.

    Jasmine in Montana

  33. Sharon Richmond1:05 PM

    Enter me this book looks great!!
    Sharon Richmond

  34. Please drop my name in the hat! Thanks!

    Anna W. from GA

  35. Pam K.1:50 PM

    I really enjoyed Carol's book, Love in Disguise, so would love to win a copy of Trouble in Store. It sounds like another great book! Thanks for the chance.


  36. I can't wait to read this book! And I love the cover!

    Marissa from CO

  37. Looks Awesome!!! Please enter me!

    Blanch, N.C.

  38. I always enjoy reading Carol's books even though they make me homesick for Arizona. I bet Sharlot would be a very interesting person to talk to.

    Elaine from Iowa (via 48 yrs. in AZ!)

  39. I would like to win and read TROUBLE IN STORE about historical suspense in old Arizona. sharon, ca

  40. Oh, my goodness! I step away from the computer for a few hours, and look what happens--I can't believe all the wonderful comments that came in while I was gone!

    Thanks to all of you for your encouraging comments and your excitement over Trouble in Store. It's fun to talk about Melanie, Caleb, and the people of Cedar Ridge...and I hope you'll all enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  41. Enjoyed Love in Disguise. Sounds like another great book!

    Binghamton, NY

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  42. Carol is a new author to me. I look forward to reading this book. Greetings from GA.

  43. I absolutely LOVED this book! I received a copy from Bethany House Publishers and I'm so glad I chose it! It was fantastic! I can't wait to read more by Carol!

    Here is a link to the review on my blog:

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I would love to read this.

    Deborah D , FL

  46. Shannah, that's a lovely review! Thank you so much!!

    I'm loving all the wonderful comments from everyone. For those of you who haven't read Trouble in Store yet, I hope you enjoy it!

  47. thanks for the chance to read this wonderful novel

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  48. I would love to win a copy of Trouble in Store. Thanks for the chance.

    Cindy W.

    I live in Indiana.

    countrybear52 AT yahoo DOT com

  49. This sounds really cute! I'm in MN.

  50. Anonymous5:05 PM

    love the cover would love to win. Angela from KY

  51. Trouble in Store looks very good. Very nice cover!
    Beth from Iowa

  52. Fun series, I'm ready for trouble , so please add me!
    Merry in MN
