
Friday, August 23, 2013

ON DISTANT SHORES - Sarah Sundin - One Free Book on This Blog, Plus More

Sarah Sundin is the author of With Every Letter and the Wings of Glory series. In 2011, A Memory Between Us was a finalist in the Inspirational Reader's Choice Awards, and Sarah received the Writer of the Year Award at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. A graduate of UC San Francisco School of Pharmacy, she works on call as a hospital pharmacist. During WWII, her grandfather served as a pharmacist's mate (medic), in the Navy and her great-uncle flew with the US Eighth Air Force in England. Sarah lives in California with her husband and three children.

Tell us about your salvation experience.
Mine isn’t terribly dramatic. I was raised by a loving, church-attending family. When I was ten, we attended a concert by a church high school choir. Those kids glowed with the love of Jesus, and I wanted what they had. Suddenly all the Bible stories and verses made complete sense, and I prayed to accept Christ.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
Oh dear. I’m afraid I can’t pick. I’ve made so many dear friends in the writing community and I’m horrible at playing favorites.

Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
I do. I speak to various church and community groups and for writers. Since I started by teaching women’s Bible studies, I love to help women overcome fear, shame, pride—whatever holds them back from loving and serving God completely. For community groups, I present on historical topics, such as “Lessons from the 1940s Woman.” There’s a list of speaking topics on my blog:

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
So, so many to choose from. This contributes to my insomnia. One of my “favorites” occurred when I was a pharmacy resident. Since the hospital I was serving at closed during my residency (earthquake standards), the six of us residents were farmed out to hospitals throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, but we met once a week and shared what we were learning. One pharmacy I worked at had an incredibly antiquated system, and I railed about it at one of these meetings. I was on a roll, getting lots of laughs, but the pharmacy director and his assistant were just giving me these odd smiles. When I finally ran out of steam, the assistant director asked me, “Sarah, who do you think started that program?” It was my boss. He’d started that program about fifteen years earlier. All the systems I’d mocked—he’d designed. Oy. I actually stood up and walked to the corner of the room. He was so gracious though! He used that as a teaching point—the same systems that were revolutionary fifteen years earlier had become antiquated because the current management refused to change. I was off the hook, but I learned several valuable lessons.

People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
I always tell them the same thing: “Write it.” My grandmother was an amazingly eloquent woman and a gifted writer. She always said she should write a book. She never did. I didn’t want to get to the end of my life and say, “I should have written a book.” Write it. Good or bad, write it. Then you’ll have no regrets.

Tell us about the featured book.
On Distant Shores is the second book in the Wings of the Nightingale series, which follows three World War II flight nurses in the Mediterranean area, but the book stands alone. Lt. Georgiana Taylor has everything she could want. A boyfriend back home, a loving family, and a challenging job as a flight nurse. But in July 1943, Georgie’s cozy life gets more complicated when she meets pharmacist Sgt. John Hutchinson. Hutch resents the lack of respect he gets as a noncommissioned serviceman and hates how the war keeps him from his fiancĂ©e. While Georgie and Hutch share a love of the starry night skies over Sicily, their lives back home are falling apart. Can they weather the hurt and betrayal? Or will the pressures of war destroy the fragile connection they’ve made?

Please give us the first page of the book.
Chapter 1
Over French Morocco
July 7, 1943

If only the plane would keep flying over the Atlantic and straight back to Virginia where Georgie belonged.

Flight nurse Lt. Georgiana Taylor spun her gaze from the khaki landscape below to the interior of the C-47 cargo plane. More khaki. And olive drab. And aluminum.

Six canvas litters suspended on aluminum racks. Twelve canvas seats. Eighteen patients in khaki and olive drab. This plane needed a little magenta or tangerine or violet.

Georgie strolled to the front of the plane. She might be the only color in the lives of these poor wounded soldiers, so she’d shine as brightly as possible.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen. I hope you’re enjoying your flight.” She looked into each patient’s face long enough to make him feel cared for, but not long enough to give him the wrong idea about her. “We’ll land in Casablanca in an hour. Sergeant Jacoby and I will make one last round. If y’all need anything, please let us know.”

A corporal raised his hand and a mischievous smile. “I need Ingrid Bergman to meet me at the airport in Casablanca and kiss me hello like she kissed Bogart good-bye.”

The men hooted and hollered.

Georgie cocked her head. “Sorry, honey. She’s off fighting Nazis with her husband, remember?”

The corporal flapped a hand at her. “Ah, you’re spoiling my fun.”

“All in a day’s work.”

I like the humorous tone of this page. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I love to connect with readers! You can find me at…

Sarah Sundin is celebrating the release of her latest novel, On Distant Shores, with a Romantic Weekend Getaway giveaway!


  One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A $200 Visa Cash Card (good for a perfect couple's getaway)
  • With Every Letter and On Distant Shores by Sarah Sundin
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on September 2nd. Winner will be announced September 3rd at the "On Distant Shores" Author Chat Party on Facebook. During the party Sarah will be hosting a book chat, testing your trivia skills, announcing the winner of the Weekend Getaway, and giving away a ton of books, gift certificates, and more. Oh, and she'll also be giving party goers an exclusive look at the next book in the Wings of the Nightingale series.

So grab your copy of On Distant Shores and join Sarah on the evening of September 3rd for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book, don’t let that stop you from coming!)


Thank you, Sarah, for sharing this new book and giveaway with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
On Distant Shores -
On Distant Shores: A Novel (Wings of the Nightingale) -
On Distant Shores (Wings of the Nightingale Book #2): A Novel - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google +, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. I love the excerpt and want to read more! ON DISTANT SHORES sounds like a wonderful book!

    Britney Adams, TX

  2. Oh! Your embarrassing moment sounds like something I would do! :)

    Heidi, CA

  3. I have been forward to reading this!

    Donna, TX

  4. On Distant Shores would be memorable and special. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  5. I can't wait to read this! I already have With Every Letter.
    Amy C

  6. Enjoyed your interview, Sarah, & would love to read your book - haven't read any books on this subject, also love war stories.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!



  7. Fun interview! I LOVE all of Sarah's books, and can't wait to read this one... Georgie was a lot of fun in With Every Letter! =)



  8. Jenny4:09 PM

    Oh, goodness... that must've been so embarrassing! Thankfully your boss was gracious about it!

    Thanks for the great giveaway! Can't wait to read this book! I'm from New York.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Pam K.7:54 PM

    I enjoyed Sarah's other books and would love to win a copy of On Distant Shores. Thanks for the chance.


  11. Look forward to Sarah's posts, and even more so, the chance to read one of her stories. Mona, MI

  12. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I would love to read this book!! I think I would have just died of embarrassment on the spot! Donna, IL

  13. Anonymous11:48 PM

    would love to win. Angela in KY

  14. I think that if you have ever thought of writing a book you should not hesitate. You don't want to regret not having a go.

    Mary P


  15. I have loved all of Sarah's books! Looking forward to reading On Distant Shores (soon, I hope)!

    Binghamton, NY

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  16. I'm excited to read Sarah's new book! Loved everyone of them so far!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Debbie6:22 AM

    Wow, that was a great interview. I've never read any of Sarah's books, but this one looks really good!!


  18. Wonderful interview! Book sounds great! Would love to win. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you!

    Barbara Thompson (Louisiana)


  19. I can't wait to read Georgie and Hutch's story!

    Marissa from CO

  20. Oh Lena, I forgot to leave my state earlier when I commented. I am such a goose! I would really love to read On Distant Shores. I love the title! Thank you so very much. Melanie Backus from Texas

  21. thanks for the chance to read this novel :)

    karenk....from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  22. Hi everyone! I'm so glad you liked the excerpt! Georgie was such a fun character to write.

  23. Thanks for the chance to win one of Sarah's books! She sound slike a fun character.

    Patty in SC

  24. Since my Dad was in World War II, I enjoy books by that era.
    Beth from Iowa

  25. thanks for chance to win

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  26. Sharon Richmond Bryant1:10 PM

    Enter me this book looks thrilling!!!
    Sharon Richmond Bryant

  27. The WWII setting in Italy sounds great, I love Sarah's books.
    Merry in MN

  28. Sounds like a great story, and I love the cover! I also enjoyed reading about you most embarrassing moment.
    Tonja S. (Virginia)
