
Friday, October 04, 2013

THE GOVERNESS OF HIGHLAND HALL - Carrie Turansky - One Free Book

Welcome back, Carrie. I've been eagerly awaiting the release of this book. Tell us about your salvation experience.
When I was fourteen, Christian friends invited me to a Campus Life meeting, which was a high school club program of Youth For Christ. That was the first time I heard the Gospel clearly presented, and as soon as the leader finished speaking, I prayed and asked Christ to come into my heart and life. I began reading my Bible and attending Campus Life and growing in my faith. I’m very grateful that God sought me out and brought me into His Forever Family.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
How fun! I love writers’ retreats. I go away a few times a year with Cathy Gohlke, Terri Gillespie, and I’d love to bring along some other historical authors like Julie Klassen and Tammy Alexander.

Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
I have been invited to speak to book clubs and women’s groups about my writing journey, and I always enjoy that. I’ve also spoken at homeschool events and for women’s retreats. This summer I spoke at the Philadelphia Christian Writers’ Conference about self-editing and writing historical fiction, and I’m looking forward to doing more teaching at writers’ conferences. I have more information about my speaking ministry at my website: .

People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
I hear that comment often, and I usually probe them a little to see how deep their interest goes. If they are serious, I try to help them find resources and information to move to the next level with their writing. When I first started writing I reached out to a few authors, asking for advice. I was very grateful to those who to time to help and mentor me, and I want to do that for others if I can.

Tell us about the featured book.
The Governess of Highland Hall is a historical romance set in England in 1911-1912. During the Edwardian Age, wealth and social standing ruled the day. But when Julia Foster, a spirited young governess and former missionary to India, arrives at Highland Hall to care for Sir William Ramsey’s two children and teenage cousins, everything changes. William has recently inherited his late cousin’s title and estate, but increasing financial pressure makes it seem as though he will lose it all. He must decide if he will follow his heart and marry for love or choose a wealthy bride whose fortune can save his family’s estate from ruin. Can Julia’s godly character and pure heart secure William’s affection, or will the pull toward wealth, power, and position destroy their future happiness?

When I watched the English television series Downton Abbey I fell in love with the Edwardian time period. That inspired me to begin my research and plan a trip to England to learn more about it and see some of these beautiful places for myself. I think anyone who enjoys Downton Abbey or novels like Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice will be eager to read The Governess of Highland Hall. It will appeal to readers who enjoy romantic stories that carry them away to another time and place and include fascinating characters who face dramatic, emotional choices. The spiritual themes of trusting God and following Him in spite of hardships, along with a focus on abiding love for family, will give the story added meaning and make a memorable impact on readers’ hearts.

I love Downton Abbey. Please give us the first page of the book.
October, 1911

Julia Foster lifted her gaze to the clear October sky as a lark swooped past. Her steps slowed and her thoughts took flight, following the bird as it dipped into the golden trees beyond the meadow. If only she could fly away, back to the familiar life and cherished friends she had left behind in India. But that dream would have to wait.

She shifted her gaze to the country lane rising before her. Around the next bend, she would see Highland Hall. At least, that was what she remembered, but twelve years had passed since she had attended a charity bazaar at the large estate before her family left for India. What if she had misjudged the distance or the time it took to walk from the village of Fulton to Highland Hall? She quickened her pace, not wanting to be late for her ten o’clock appointment with Mrs. Emmitt, the housekeeper.

When she reached the top of the rise she spotted an expensive-looking, navy blue motorcar with a black leather roof pulled to the side of the lane. A tall man, who had discarded his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, stood over the open engine. He reached in and pulled on something, then bent lower and scowled.

She considered walking past since they had not been introduced, but her conscience would not allow it. Stopping a few feet away, she cleared her throat.

“Excuse me, sir. Do you need some assistance?”

He turned and glared at her. “Assistance?” His dark eyebrows rose to a haughty slant. “I suppose you know something about car engines?”

Julia lifted her chin, suppressing the urge to match his mocking tone. “No, sir. But I’m on my way to Highland Hall, and I could ask someone there to come and help you if you like.”

He huffed, grabbed the rag lying on the car’s running board, and wiped his hands. “It won’t do any good. No one there knows a blasted thing about cars.” He tapped the gold Highland insignia on the door.

Julia stepped away, fully intending to leave the brooding chauffeur behind.

“Wait,” he called. “You say you’re headed to Highland Hall?”

She turned and faced him again. “Yes, I have an interview with Mrs. Emmitt.” Perhaps if he knew she might soon be working for Sir William Ramsey, the new master of Highland Hall, he would treat her with a little more respect.

He narrowed his deep blue eyes and assessed her. “An interview? For what position?”

She looked away, debating the wisdom of continuing the conversation with a man who wasn’t civil enough to introduce himself.

“It’s all right. You can tell me.” He nodded to her, obviously expecting a reply.

“If you must know, I’m applying for the position of governess.”

A look of disbelief flashed across his face, and the scowl returned. “You look too young. Do you have any experience?”

She straightened, trying to add another inch to her petite stature, but she was still at least a foot shorter than him. “I’ve been teaching children for nine years.”

“Really? Did you begin teaching when you were ten?”

She clenched her jaw. Was there no end to the man’s rudeness? “No, sir. I was eighteen. And if you’ll excuse me, I must go, or I’ll be late for my appointment.” She turned and strode away.

“There’s no need to rush off in a huff.” He quickly caught up with her. “I didn’t mean to insult you.”

“I’m not insulted, just intent on being punctual.” She cast him a quick side-glance. “I don’t have the time or luxury to stand by the roadside and fiddle with car engines.”

He grinned and then chuckled.

Heat flashed into her face. Infuriating man! How dare he laugh at her? She hurried on, not giving him the satisfaction of a reply.

I can hardly wait for my copy to arrive. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I love to connect with readers! I recently redesigned my website with my readers in mind, so please stop by and see what’s new: . Readers can also connect with me on Facebook:

Blessings and Happy Reading to All!

Thank you, Carrie for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
The Governess of Highland Hall -
The Governess of Highland Hall: A Novel (Edwardian Brides) -
The Governess of Highland Hall: A Novel (Edwardian Brides) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google +, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Oh, how I would love to win this book! I have only recently discovered Carrie Turansky and have been reading so many wonderful things about THE GOVERNESS OF HIGHLAND HALL! The excerpt certainly left me wanting to read more. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a copy of this book!

    Britney Adams, TX

  2. Hi Britney, so glad you stopped by today! I'm glad you're hearing good things about The Governess of Highland Hall. I hope you will enjoy the story. Blessings and Happy Reading! Carrie

  3. What a gorgeous cover! I've been reading about your book and I definitely need to read it.

    Pegg in Ossineke, MI
    twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com

  4. So awesome. I love interviews with authors, getting to know the back stories of their lives. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to possibly winning a book. Blessings!

  5. I'm from North Carolina and have been looking forward to reading this book. I think we need more CBA books about the families from the wealthy English estates. These are always fun books to take us away from our ordinary lives for awhile.


  6. I haven't read many novels set in this time period so I'm looking forward to this one! Thanks!

    Heidi, CA

  7. Hi Friends, Thanks for coming by to share your thoughts! Rikki, I'm waving to you! I hope you all have a chance to read The Governes of Highland Hall!

  8. Great interview, Lena. Thank you for introducing Carrie to me. The Governess of Highland Hall sounds like a wonderful book. I can't wait to read it. Thank you for the chance to win.

    Melanie Backus, TX

  9. The gentleman with the car trouble must be Mr. William Ramsey! Would love to read the rest of the story.

    Patty in SC

  10. Carrie knows I am anxious to have a copy of this book! I'm in Tullahoma, TN.

  11. Carrie, The Governess of Highland Hall sounds like a delightful read. It goes on my TBRL (to be read list). Now I just need a copy.
    Thanks for the opportunity to receive one.

    A J Hawke

  12. Would love to win this. Sounds wonderful!

    Cathy from B.C. Canada

  13. How fun to read that so many of you are looking forward to meeting the Governess of Highland Hall! Diane, I know you would love to win a copy. If you are not the lucky one here, check my Facebook Author page, we have several more giveaways next week and a video chat on Facebook Oct. 15th. More info on my website and Facebook! Happy Reading to all!!

  14. I'm a DOWNTON ABBEY fan myself.

    I loved the first page thank you & look forward to reading more.

    Mary P


  15. This is my kind of book! Thank you for this opportunity!

    Jean K
    West Palm Beach, FL

  16. thanks for the chance to read this novel :)

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  17. Hi Mary, it's good to meet a fellow Downton Abbey fan. I loved touring Highclere Castle last summer. It was so fun to walk through the rooms where some of my favorite characters walked. Lovely! I hope you enjoy meeting the Governess of Highland Hall.

    I'm waving to Jean, Karen K. and Sarah. Thanks for stopping by. More giveaways are coming up next week! Stop by my website/blog for more info. Blessings to all! Carrie

  18. Hi, Carrie!

    I've read some interesting facts, in some of your other interviews, about governesses of this time period, & would love to read The Governess of Highland Hall! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!



  19. This sounds like such a good book, looking forward to finding out!

    Donna, TX

  20. I have beeen wanting to read The Governess of Hightland Hall. I follow Carrie's blog - now I want to read it even more.

    Tonja (Virginia)

  21. Charlotte Kay2:46 AM

    As a teacher I just LOVE books about governesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love Downton Abbey as well so I am excited about your book!
    That would be a thrill to tour the castle! !
    Tell me more about it!

    Blessings and Smiles:)
    Charlotte Kay, Ohio

  22. I loved the first page, what a fun introduction! I'd love to be added to the drawing.
    Merry in MN

  23. Enjoyed the interview. Love to read this!
    Beth from Iowa

  24. Great interview. The book sounds intriguing, and I LOVE that time period.
    Megan from Colorado

  25. Thank you for a chance to win a copy of Carrie's book.

  26. I love historic English novels! Medieval, Victorian, Edwardian...doesn't matter! I'm anxious to get a copy of The Governess of Highland Hall!

    Binghamton, NY

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  27. Sharon Richmond Bryant12:46 PM

    Enter me this book looks soo interesting and I can't wait to read it!!
    Sharon Richmond Bryant

  28. I love "Downton Abbey" also. Currently I'm watching "Lark Rise to Candleford." Love it! This book sounds wonderful!! It's nice that you assist other aspiring writers. We are having an Author Panel at my library in November. It's our first one. I'm excited and nervous. That sounds like something you would do well at. Kristie from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
