
Friday, November 15, 2013


The author who was scheduled in this slot today didn't get the information to me.

Then the publicity firm that introduced us to the book and movie of Grace Unplugged contacted me yesterday with an advance movie trailer for the movie that will release in March 2014. We will be part of the publicity campaign. All that we have right now is the trailer, so I want to share it with you.

Enjoy. We'll have more information with giveaways before the scheduled release.


  1. Looks good. Hope it stays close to Scripture and not toooooo Hollywood! Nice to get the message out about God saving His own. sharon, ca

  2. Looks like an awesome movie. I will definitely have to check it out come March.

    Cindy in Indiana

  3. It looks like a good movie. I also hope it stays close to Scripture. Thank goodness God has given me the gift of discernment!

    Judy B

  4. I don't want to sound like a downer but I think I will wait to hear what Christian reviewers who watch the movie say about it. For one thing, the trailer says the story was "written by" the director. I think the director *adapted* the story b/c the story has already been written in the Bible. It just makes me wary about how this director will present the story. I hope he's not going to make it as something out of the fantasy/mythology genre. The director (and actors) don't have a history of making Christian movies. The special effects are good so I hope the story will be correct and draw people to God rather than to just some "creator" as is stated in the trailer.

  5. I agree, Lis. I will want to see what Christian reviewers say. The publicity firm that sent the trailer to me to run is a Christian firm.

    I feel that is a production company wanting to capitalize on the new surge in Christian films right now.

    If they stay close to the Bible story, it should be a good film.

  6. I worked on NOAH and it was an amazing experience!
