
Saturday, March 08, 2014

A RANCH TO CALL HOME - Leann Harris - Three Free Books

Welcome back, Leann. Tell us about your salvation experience.
I was raised Catholic and always went to mass. In the late 60’s the Holy Spirit swept through both the Catholic and Episcopal churches. I was going to college and went to a prayer meeting with an Episcopal priest. He talked about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. If God wanted me to have it, I wanted it, and accepted it. That day, God was no longer out there floating in the universe, but inside me and walking with me.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
Oh, my, there are so many, but if I have to, I would love to do a retreat with Kelly Gilbert, Lynne Gentry, Lena Nelson Dooley, and Arlene James.

And I would love a retreat with all of y’all. Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
Not at this time, but having gone through my cancer, I think God’s going to open up something new for me. I do teach writing at Collin College.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
Wow, there is such a wealth of incidents. I have this talent of not reading the signs on bathrooms and barrel into the wrong restroom.

Been there, done that. Remember the embarrassment. People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
Write it, but no editor will ever come to you and say, “I heard you wrote a book and I want to read it and buy it.” You have to write that book, even if no one has asked for it. When the market opens up, you will have a finished book to submit.

Tell us about the featured book.
A Ranch to Call Home is about Captain Brenda Kaye who was injured in Baghdad when meeting with several Iraqi women on the education of their children, a suicide bomber walked into the restaurant and blew himself up. Because of her injuries, Brenda resigned her commission. When she returns home, she has to face old hurts from high school and the new pain from her time in Iraq. She meets Caleb Jensen, who is a friend of her brother’s at the ranch. Caleb has his share of wounds and baggage. When Brenda’s brother begs her to help him pull off the charity rodeo the town is doing to help the ranchers, Caleb and Brenda are drawn together and things start happening.

I like it when things start happening. Please give us the first page of the book.
Home. She was home.

After twelve years and a lifetime of experiences gained in the army, ex-captain Brenda Kaye was coming home to the little town of Peaster, Texas, west of Fort Worth to face—what?

Sucking in a long, steadying breath, she turned her army-surplus jeep down the dirt road that led to her family’s farmhouse. When she woke early this morning, she felt an urgency to go home. She knew better than to ignore that little voice, for it had saved her life more than once. She packed her clothes and a few personal items into her vehicle, notified her apartment manager she was going to Texas and started home. She didn’t call. Instead, she wanted to surprise her brother and grandfather. She didn't know what her plans for the future were, she only knew she had to go home. Now.

When the familiar white farmhouse came into view, her stomach tightened. She’d faced some intimidating fellow soldiers and hostile Iraqi men and not backed down, but the sight of her home made her heart pound and her mouth go dry. The gravel road opened up into a large area with the white-clapboard house on the right and the barn on the left, fifty or so yards away. The house had a wraparound porch where the side kitchen door was the main door the family used.

She parked her jeep by an unknown truck but didn’t see her brother’s tan, two-tone F-150. Her grandfather’s old, faded, green Ford pickup sat on the other side of the unknown truck. She sat for a moment and rubbed her right calf, easing the cramping there. She felt the raised scars through the khaki pant leg, a painful reminder of why she was ex-captain Kaye.

Taking a deep breath, she got out of the jeep and looked around. Home. It hadn’t changed much, except for that beautiful horse trailer parked by the barn. She started up the porch steps when a voice called out, “Can I help you?” Kinda like he owned the place.

She stopped on the second riser, turned, ready to open fire and faced a cowboy—an attractive cowboy, to be sure, but still a stranger. He stood outside the barn’s double doors. His clothes—a worn chambray work shirt rolled up to his elbows, well-worn jeans, boots and work gloves—were standard garb for a working cowboy. A curl of wavy brown hair hung over his forehead as he studied her. A 1000-watt smile curved his mouth. “You’re Joel’s sister, Brenda.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Barbara, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
A Ranch to Call Home -
A Ranch to Call Home (Love Inspired LP\Rodeo Heroes) - Amazon
A Ranch to Call Home (Rodeo Heroes) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. I enjoyed the interview and would LOVE to win a copy of A Ranch to Call Home. Thank you for the chance.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

    I live in Indiana.

  2. Your story sounds like a great read, thanks for sharing and also comments on the post with Lena. I love to read and should I win will review on my blog and

    Paula O(
    a reader in Ga

  3. What a great interview! I've had one of those same embarrassing moments! :) I am eager to read A RANCH TO CALL HOME and thank you for this opportunity to be a winner!

    Britney Adams, TX

  4. I've loved your ranch series! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!!

    Heidi, CA

  5. Thanks for having me on your site, Lena. It's always fun to be with you. And thank you, Heidi, for the thumbs up

  6. This book sounds great! I'd love to win.

    Courtney C. from AR

  7. Hi Leann!
    This book sounds good! I've enjoyed your other books and look forward to reading this one.
    I'm so glad you are getting past the cancer. You are a brave woman! If people knew about all the things you've miraculously survived they would be inspired.

  8. Anonymous2:06 PM

    great interview Leann! Love to win your book!

    Shelia Hall

  9. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Sounds like a great book!!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Sydney Harries GA

  10. Anonymous4:37 PM

    would love to win. Angela from Ky

  11. Since this book is a March release, I give behind the scenes tidbits on the book and the characters like to chime in with their opinions on my blog on my website.

  12. Anonymous6:09 PM

    This sounds like a great book to read! I would love to win!! I'm from IL Donna d[dot]brookmyer{at}yahoo{dot}com

  13. Thank you for the wonderful first page.

    Mary P


  14. Thank you for the enjoyable interview. A Ranch to Call Home sounds like a good book.
    Tonja VA

  15. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Sounds like a good read. Thanks.

    Julie (WI)

  16. This sounds like a great book....would love to win it :)

    Faith's Grandma

  17. thanks for the chance to win

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  18. This books sounds fantastic, and I am anxious to read it. I am a fan of Leann's books!!
    I live in Georgia.

  19. I'm liking the books that are coming out of the Iran, Iraq & Afganistan wars. I would like to win and read your books. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  20. Sharon Richmond Bryant11:13 AM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond Bryant

  21. Book sounds really good would love to win.

    Lourdes Long Island

  22. Great post. Looks like a great book!
    Susan in NC
