
Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Kathleen Y’Barbo has been a long-time friend. We’ve shared many life events as well as our love of reading and writing. As soon as Hollywood, Texas released as an ebook, I downloaded it to my Kindle and read it. I love this story, and you will, too. I love all of Kathleen’s books. I highly recommend that you read all of them. Of course, this will take you a while, because she’s a very prolific author.

Welcome back, Kathleen. What kind of files takes up the most space on your computer?

Do you have plans to ever retire from writing? Why or why not?
No! I can’t imagine not writing, although I can imagine that the older I get the slower I will write. Or maybe not!

Are you a stay at home kind of person, or do you like to be on the road a lot?
Actually, I like both. I’m a complete homebody—love curling up in my chair for a good book or a television show—but my husband and I love road trips together.

Please share a Bible verse or passage that has had the most impact on your life.
Ephesians 3:20 has become my life verse because God has indeed showed me time after time that He can bless me in ways far greater than I can imagine.

Do you have a favorite Bible character? Who is it and why?
I love Paul. He was the worst of the worst and then after that moment on the Damascus road, the best of the best. Even then, he never claimed to have things figured out completely. Always he was humble and devoted to God. I aspire to that level of faith, but I am so far away from it, even on good days.

I know what you mean. I grow closer to Jesus all the time, but I am still so human. What has been your favorite time in your life? And why?
There have been so many great times! I’ve led such an interesting life! However, I have to say my favorite time is right here and now. I love my life, and I cannot wait to see what comes next.        

Do you have an ereader? If so, what kind do you use?
I have a Kindle Fire, a Christmas gift from my kids. I’ve used Kindles since 2009, so I’m pretty much stuck on that brand. So far the Fire is my favorite.

Just last week I got a Kindle Paper White, and my husband immediately asked me for my previous Kindle. Do you read mostly print books or ebooks?
I read mostly e-books because most of my reading is done with my husband asleep beside me. Having an e-reader neatly solves the issue of page lighting, so that’s my preference.

Do you like to read books in the genres you write, or do you read only other genres … and why?
I read all over the map. Right now I’m finishing a nonfiction book. Before that, I read a contemporary women’s fiction. The book before that was in a similar genre to my own historical romance. Next up? I’m not completely sure, but I did just purchase an older general market suspense title that has me intrigued.

Please tell us about the books we’re featuring today.
Today we’re featuring the Brides of Texas Novellas. Each of the five novellas—soon to be six—feature either a Texan hero, a Texan heroine, or both. While some are contemporary romances and others are historical, all are set at least in part in Texas. The titles of these novellas—all e-books—are: Coffee Scoop, Plain Trouble, The Marrying Kind, Hollywood Texas, and Idle Hours.

Please give us a peek at the first pages of one of the books for my readers.
Hollywood, Texas
Adam Chambers set his coffee cup on the counter, never once taking his eyes off the female trespasser on his deck. At least she sat with her back to him, buying him some time to think.

Zeke nuzzled his hand. Adam reached absently for the black Lab’s morning treat and tossed it to the other side of the kitchen. He did the same for Rufus, the aging, half-deaf Springer Spaniel who pranced in circles around his more sedate counterpart. For good measure, he threw several more into the hall beyond them. Neither dog needed to catch sight of the visitor. The last thing he wanted was to let the noisy canines announce his presence before he figured out what to do.

What to say.

Whether to say anything at all or just head for the hills. Not that there were many hills in coastal Hollywood, Texas, beyond the sand dunes on Two Mile Beach.

He drummed his fingers on the tile and watched her shift positions. Honey-colored hair, gathered into a ponytail and caught up with a simple tortoiseshell clip, framed a face whose features he could recite from memory. Brows a shade darker than her hair, eyes the color of a gray winter’s sky, and a nose so straight you’d never know it had been broken in junior high at the last basketball game of the year when she’d dropped her pom-pom and. . .

He shook off the stupid memory and reached for his coffee.

Think, Chambers. Think!

Lifting the cup to his lips, Adam took a sip and let the strong brew slide down his throat before he realized he hadn’t added his customary three spoons of sugar. He made a grab for the spoon and stabbed it into the sugar bowl. Where had things gone wrong?

The day had started just like any other. He rolled past each detail of his comfortable routine in his mind: Every morning, he awoke at precisely four forty-five. At a quarter past five, he threw on his shorts, sweatshirt, and sneakers to run the three-mile perimeter of his property with his dogs then poured a cup of black coffee and went to sit on his eastward-facing deck to watch the sun rise over the pines. By seven on the dot, he’d showered, shaved, and begun the three-mile drive to town. The only variation to his day came on Sundays, when he would turn his well-loved Ford pickup toward Sunday services on Main instead of his clinic at Park and Elm.

This morning, the first day of October, the alarm sounded as usual, the air felt crisp with the promise of an early winter, his run was invigorating, and the coffee tasted fine as he’d headed for the deck. Unfortunately, that is where his familiar routine fell apart, for right there in his rocker, the very one he’d sat in until the outline of his posterior could be seen in the sagging seat, sat a woman.

And this wasn’t just any woman. No, of all the females who’d ever arrived at his doorstep—not that the number was high, by any means—this one was the least welcome of all.

Why, after all these years, would Amy Foreman—the pride of Hollywood, Texas, and the toast of Hollywood, California—plant herself in his rocker on his porch? Better yet, why was the woman of his dreams—lately the female of his nightmares as she seemed to be smiling back at him from every movie billboard, television show, and women’s magazine in existence—sitting here at all?

Where can my readers find you on the Internet?

Download a sample chapter, read reviews, and see the trailer for Sadie’s Secret

Thank you, Kathleen, for sharing your life and these new ebooks with us today.

Readers, here’s a link to the ebooks. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of one of the featured ebooks. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Now this sounds interesting with a "dashing" man's morning ritual interrupted by a femme fatale of Hollywood. Thanks for the interview and quick excerpt.

    Vera in middle North Carolina s where here on March 18th it is AGAIN icy!

  2. Thank you, Lena, for allowing me to be featured on your fabulous blog! I'm thrilled to be here today!

  3. that's very interesting. I wonder what's next. And, all of those other fun novellas, too. How great. I hope I get lucky.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  4. Very interesting! I am intrigued!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  5. I enjoyed the peek thank you & look forward to reading more.

    Mary P


  6. Judy Cooper2:45 AM

    I love anything Texas and I certainly enjoy Kathleen Y'Barbo's books. Thanks for the chance to win. Judy C. in Louisiana.

  7. Lena & Kathleen - Your books sound like fun, but take me out of the "running" to win since I don't have an ebook.

  8. I have read some of Kathleen's books and have enjoyed them. Thank you for the chance to win another one.
    Susan in Texas

  9. I enjoy Kathleen's books and she has been very encouraging to me.
    Norma in VA.

  10. That is a very interesting intro! I look forward to reading Kathleen's novellas.

    Patty in SC

  11. I have always enjoyed Kathleen's books in the past - it's time I read another one!

    Donna, TX

  12. Love to read novellas. Like fiction from Texas. Ready to win! sharon wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  13. I enjoyed Kathleen's interview and can't wait to read these novellas. Thank you for the opportunity to be a winner!

    Britney Adams, TX

  14. Thank you all for the kind words! I can't wait to see who wins!

  15. Thanks for the peek at Hollywood, Texas, it sounds intriguing. I love Kathleen's books!
    Merry in MN

  16. I would love a chance to win!

    Boones Mill,VA
