
Wednesday, April 09, 2014

AWAKENED REDEMPTION - Jennifer Hudson Taylor - One Free Ebook

Welcome back, Jennifer. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
Forgiveness, overcoming emotional pain, and special needs—all three have been significant in my life and in my spiritual walk with Christ.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
For Love or Country in June and For Love or Liberty in November—Books 1 & 2 in The MacGregor Legacy series. The first one is set during the Revolutionary War and the second one is set during the War of 1812.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be?
Joyce Meyer

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
Can I choose someone from each time period? A different person comes to mind each time I am asked this question. Tonight it is Jane Austen because I love her novels and wish she could have lived longer to write more.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
Don’t give up and stay on top of the latest changes in the publishing industry and be open-minded to new technologies. So much has changed since I first started out and even more so since I’ve become published in 2010. The publishing industry and the way people buy books will change even more in the next decade.

Tell us about the featured book.
Awakened Redemption, 1815
Preston Mallory hires Elyse Brigham as a nursemaid for his son. Recovering from an abused past, she begins to open her heart to him until she discovers Preston's true identity. Betrayed, she flees to London and Preston follows hoping to mend things. His plans are thwarted when his former fiancée is murdered. With plenty of motive and no alibi, he's arrested. How will he prove his innocence and convince Elyse to forgive him?

Elyse has nowhere to turn and believes the Almighty has forsaken her. As her life unravels, a new foundation and path are laid before her if she has the courage to forgive and cling to a forgotten faith.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Her life needed to change—most ardently.

            But that wasn’t likely to happen. Elyse Brigham’s very existence depended upon her stepfather, a drunken driveler. He halted the rickety old wagon as the wheels squeaked to a stop. While he set the brake, Elyse jumped down and hurried to the back.

            “Gel! I expect ye to be useful today,” he called after her.

            Elyse didn’t bother to respond. She learned long ago that she’d be better off saying as little as possible. Soon he’d go drink himself into a stupor and Elyse would have a few hours alone. The only thing that kept her from running away was the fact that he always took all the money she earned. The few times he had caught her hiding a couple of farthings, he’d beaten her.

            “I promised to meet a gent down the street.” He grunted, hauling himself down from the wagon, huffing as if the slight move had winded him. “Don’t be gettin’ into any mischief whilst I’m gone.” He stumbled over a rock and murmured incoherent curses as he grabbed his shin. It sat in plain view, large enough for one to sit upon.

            Elyse suspected he’d missed it due to the swigs of gin he’d already taken that morning. Avery Croxton couldn’t get out of bed without succumbing to the vile drink. She wrinkled her nose at the stench on him.

            “Better not ’old out your earnings.” He strode to her and wagged a crooked finger in her face. “Remember what ’appened last time.” Avery glared at her with his chin set at an angle and his balding brown head tlted. “I’ll do it again an’ won’t think twice.”

            “Yes, Papa.” Elyse dropped her head and adopted a humble state, hoping obedience would rid her of him sooner.

            Satisfied, he moved past her and beyond the people setting up beside them. Elyse sighed with relief and relaxed her shoulders. She waited until his swaying gait disappeared in the growing crowd before turning her attention to her surroundings.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing this book with us today. I know my readers will love it.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog. 
Awakened Redemption - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Diana Gardner7:18 AM

    Portsmouth, VA

  2. I enjoyed the first page. Sounds like an interesting story.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I've never heard of this book. However I have some books by this author. This sounds like an interesting story.
    J.C. -Indiana-

  4. Thank you for swinging by and I hope you enjoy Awakened Redemption.

  5. What an intriguing story line. Loving the cover too.

    Mary P


  6. I would absolutely love to win a copy of Awakened Redemption. Thank you for the chance.

    I live in Indiana.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  7. This sounds like a very interesting story with a lot of plot twists.
    Susan in Texas

  8. I would love to win this. Thank you for the opportunity and the interview!

    Diana from SC


  9. Wow! The book sounds wonderful! Thanks for this opportunity!

    Jean K
    West Palm Beach, FL

  10. What a difficult situation for Elyse to be in, to have an alcoholic as a father... I look forward to her story.

    Patty in SC

  11. This sounds so good! I loved the Highland series and this sounds just as good! I can't wait to read Elyse's story!
    Kristen in OK
    kam110476 at gmail dot com

  12. Thank you for sharing this interview and giveaway. I would love to read Elyse's story!

    Britney Adams, TX
