
Saturday, July 19, 2014


I found out this week that my latest book, Catherine's Pursuit, is a finalist in the Will Roger Medallion Awards this year for Inspirational Novel. The awards ceremony will be in October at an event at the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame in the Stockyards in Fort Worth.

How are we doing on the Summer Reading Challenge?

Three months of reading challenge - June, July, August. Keep a list of all the books you read and list them this way:

List one will be books with covers on either sidebar of this blog. You will get 3 points for each of them you read.

List two will be the books featured on my blog that aren't in either sidebar. You will get 2 points for these.

List one will be any other book you read in these three months.

When you make your list, we want the title and author(s) of the book.

You'll be reporting on your progress at the end of each month. At the end of June and at the end of July, you can leave a comment with only the number of books read. At the end of August, we'll want your complete lists in the comments. The one who has the most points will receive a gift card to Deeper Shopping Online Christian store.

I'll be reading along with you. This is going to be fun.

I have been reading books, but I've also been reading pre-published books for endorsement. And I'm writing my next novel at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. HOLY COW!!! You are a Multi-Tasking Queen! :)

    I've completed 4 in July so far....after reading the numbers from other people I don't think I'm gonna be winning anything for how many books I read any time soon, but it's kinda fun to look back and see how many I've read! :) I'm a self proclaimed slow reader anyways! I like to take my time and really enjoy the books I read (savor them for lack of a better word :D )and I personally can't do that if I read too fast! LOL! ;)

    Many Blessings, Lena
