
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

THE LAST LIE - Leann Harris - 2 Free Ebooks

Readers, Leann Harris is a dear friend of mine. I’m excited about this new series she’s started, Legacy of Lies.

Welcome, Leann. How did you come up with the idea for this story?  
Several years ago a question occurred to me: What would happen if you came home from college and discovered your family had disappeared? Then eighteen years later, when you’re in France on vacation you see your dad getting on a bus, but it’s obvious he’s had a stroke. What would do? That’s the basis of my story. And what if the man, a good-looking Scotsman offers to help you search for your father. Later, you discover he’s lying to you. What do you do then?

Wow! What a premise. If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why?
Only six authors? That’s like asking me which of my children I love more. Okay, let’s try.  Margaret Daley, Kelly Gilbert, Angie Breidenback, Beth Shriver , James Rubart, and James Scott Bell. These people each write in a different area, and I’d love to compare experience and compare notes.

Now let’s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why?  
Allie Pleiter, Lynne Gentry, Lena Nelson Dooley, Tricia Goyer, Lori Copeland, and Julie Lessman. I love the books these ladies have done and see how the historical market differs from the contemporary market.

What a party. I’d really enjoy that one. I love all these authors’ books, and I am blessed to be included. Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career?
After I recovered from my cancer, (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma)  God sent people into my life to put this book , The Last Lie, out as an ebook. I wasn’t thinking about it, but years ago, I wrote this book, but knew the time for it wasn’t right. God brought the people to me, and I got the message now was the time. I had to, learn an entirely new skill set, but it was exciting to learn.

Tell us about the featured book.
When Catherine Lyons comes home from college, she discovers her family has disappeared. Fifteen years later when Catherine is on vacation in France, she sees her father getting on a bus, but he’s had a stroke. When she tries to talk to him the nurse taking care of him won’t allow it. Cat shows up at the clinic the next day, but the people there claim to know nothing of the man. This time Cat isn’t going to give up. Cat learns the name of the nurse she talked to and goes to her apartment and finds her dead.
Colin Montrose is with MI-6 and doesn’t know who this woman is who has stumbled into his operation, but he wants to know. He follows Cat and asks if she murdered the woman. Before she can answer, they hear police sirens and flee. Together, Cat and Colin chase after Cat’s father, trying to discover the truth behind her life and her parent's lives.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Thanksgiving Day, 1989
Catherine Lyons glanced around the faces at the dining room table. Her father and Melvin Fitzpatrick were arguing about who would win the Thanksgiving Day football game, the Cowboys or the Broncos. Of course, Papa thought it would be the Broncos by two touchdowns.

 “Go ahead and tell them,” Sarah Fitzpatrick whispered, elbowing Cat.

For the last eight years, her family had celebrated Thanksgiving with the Fitzpatricks. Both of Catherine’s parents were only children and their parents dead. That first Thanksgiving, when the Fitzpatricks discovered the situation, they had adopted the Lyons into their big Irish family. Since that time, holidays were celebrated with the Fitzpatricks, all seven of them. When they invited their family—all aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, it was a houseful filled with noise, laughter, and joy.

Catherine glanced at her friend. “I’m waiting for the right moment.”

“You better tell them before the FBI shows up.”

Sarah had a point. She didn’t want to freak out her parents. They might think the FBI was here for a different reason.

“What mischief are you two thinking up?”

Okay, this book just moved to the top of my to-be-read list on my Kindle. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Leann, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
The Last Lie: Inspirational Romantic Suspense

Leave a comment for a chance to win one of two free copies of the ebook. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Wow! I am intrigued by The Last Lie. Thank you for a great interview, Lena!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  2. Diana Gardner7:18 AM

    Portsmouth, VA

  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Leeann, your book sounds so intriguing! love to win it to read the rest of the story! Shelia from Mississippi

  4. This sounds really interesting! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
    Wendell, NC

  5. I love the suspense. Sounds like a very interesting story!

  6. This book was fun to write. Cat knows Collin is lying to her, but her gut says to trust him. That is what interested me.

  7. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I'd love to read this book and my sister would too.
    J.C. -Indiana-

  8. A book of suspense, count me in!!!! I am intrigued:)
    Great interview!!

    Charlotte Kay, Georgia

  9. What kind of mischief indeed! And what about the FBI!? I have got to get this book and find out what is going on!!
    kam110476 at gmail dot com
    Kristen in OK

  10. What an exciting story this sounds to be.

    Mary P


  11. Great interview Lena! The Last Lie sounds like a great read!

    Cindy W. from Indiana

  12. Great interview Lena! The Last Lie sounds like a great read!

    Cindy W. from Indiana

  13. Wow, great interview and great sounding book....can't wait to read it.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    Jackie S. in GA

  14. The Last Lie sounds wonderful, what an interesting storyline, wow!
    Please add me, I love Leann's books.
    Merry in MN

  15. I'm glad to hear about Leeann's new book!
    Lyndie Blevins

    Duncanville, Tx

  16. I am hooked and would love to read more! Thank you for sharing this great interview and giveaway.

    Britney Adams, TX

  17. That sure is exciting to come home and find your family gone! and then to see your dad in another country! and not be able to talk to him and he has had a stroke! Where in your imagination or your past did this plot come from? Amazing imagination! Love to win this book! sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. What a story line! My kids use to call just to make sure we were still here. Thank you for a chance to win your book.
    Deanna from SE Nebraska :)

  20. Well, you've definitely got my attention! Sounds like a very interesting book. Would love to read it! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Aerykah in Oklahoma
