
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

FOR LOVE OR COUNTRY - Jennifer Hudson Taylor - One Free Book

Bio: Jennifer Hudson Taylor is an award winning author of inspirational fiction set in historical Europe and the Carolinas. She provides keynotes and presentations on the publishing industry, the craft of writing, building an author platform, and digital marketing.

Both her debut novel, Highland Blessings and Highland Sanctuary, received a 4 1/2 star review from RT Book Reviews. Highland Blessings won the Holt Medallion Award for Best First Book and she has had reviews appear in USA Today, Publisher's Weekly, and the Library Journal. Jennifer's work has appeared in national publications, such as Guideposts, Heritage Quest Magazine, RT Book Reviews, and The Military Trader. Jennifer graduated from Elon University with a B.A. in Communications/Journalism. When she isn't writing, Jennifer enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, visiting historical sites, parasailing, horseback riding, cycling, long walks, genealogy and reading.

Welcome back, Jennifer. Tell us about your salvation experience.
I was 9 and I had watched a movie about Jesus’ life. I was crying because I couldn’t understand how people could be so cruel to him. I was a very inquisitive child and had lots of questions. My mother did her best to answer my questions and led me to the Lord through prayer.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
I am not sure. I have been on many writer retreats and I have enjoyed all of them. None of those retreats were ever with the same people. God has always surprised me in meeting new people. I think I would leave it up to suspense and see what God had in store for me.

Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
I’m not sure I would call it a speaking ministry, but I do speak at various writing workshops and conferences. While some of my topics are about the craft of writing, most people ask me to speak on Digital Marketing and building an online platform. My full-time job is Digital Marketing and Communications. I am fascinated by technology and you’ll find me reading about the latest marketing techniques as much as you’ll find me reading fiction.

I build responsive web designs for desktops, tablets and phones. I am a graphic designer and provide social media marketing and promotion campaigns with content management. These are the things I talk about to other authors. These days the publishing market is constantly changing and authors are having to do more and more of their own marketing, and in spite of this need, most authors are not equipped in this field and struggle to keep up with changing techniques and best practices. I provide these services through and have expanded beyond the publishing industry to help small and medium sized businesses through

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
I was at a LifeWay bookstore for a book signing. I had set up a 3-ft banner and put it in a frame on an art easel. It never occurred to me that the store would stick me in the back in front of the children’s section since I don’t write children’s books. Of course, there were kids playing around and their parents were browsing in other parts of the store. The kids got carried away knocked over my banner. Actually, it fell on me, specifically my head. The glass in the frame shattered everywhere and it was so loud. Everyone came running to see what had happened. I was trying to get my bearings and make sure the kids didn’t step on any glass. Thank God, no one was hurt. Needless to say, I don’t carry around pretty glass frames for my banners anymore. I learned my lesson. As for how I handled it, as gracefully as I could.

People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
My advice is to be sure you want to write a book and know your reasons for wanting to do it. If you have images of being famous, having your work read by millions, traveling around the world to do speaking engagements, and write full-time as a means of making a living—my advice is—change your mind. The truth is most writers are not famous. Many either work another full-time job or depend on their spouses to be the breadwinner.

Statistics show that the average reader only reads five books a year. In fact, I believe that everyone believes they can write a book and with today’s technology many are attempting to do it and the market is overflowing with as many writers as there are readers, possibly more. It used to be that many would attempt to write a book and never finish or pursue publishing it. That is changing with digital publishing. The cost is no longer the barrier it used to be and agents and publishing houses are no longer the gatekeepers like they once were.

Tell us about the featured book.
Christian Fiction: A colonial Romance: At the height of the Revolutionary War, Tyra MacGregor is successful at thwarting the British Army with her colonial spy efforts. But her sleuthing ways come to a screeching halt when Captain Donahue "Hugh" Morgan puts her under house arrest.

Hugh is intrigued by this courageous spy the natives call "War Woman." She's more daring than most men and is intelligent in defending her convictions. Even more impressive to Hugh is the strength of Tyra's unshakeable faith in God.

When Tyra saves his life during an attack, Hugh vows to return the favor. Before he can intervene, however, she is caught by his superior officer and imprisoned. Soon Hugh's honor, faith, country, and love are all on the line. Can he risk it all to gain everything?

Please give us the first page of the book.
Tyra MacGregor did not want the Christmas feast to end. She leaned back in her wooden chair and peered at her family gathered around the long dining table, laughing and talking in jovial spirits. It had been a miracle her father, Lieutenant Malcolm MacGregor, and her elder brothers, Callum and Scott, were given a few days off from the Continental Army to spend Christmas with them. This time when they left, they would be taking her younger brother, Alec, now that he had turned ten and five. Tyra blinked back sudden tears as a searing ache twisted her insides.

“Lauren, this was a delicious meal.” Da leaned over and gave their mother a kiss on her rosy cheek. They shared an intimate glance of love and devotion. Tears sprang to her mother’s blue eyes. Tyra looked away, unable to witness the emotional exchange as the back of her own throat constricted.

“I did not prepare it alone, Malcolm.” Mama’s voice carried down the long table. “Tyra’s cooking skills have greatly improved since ye’ve been away at war.”

“Indeed?” Her father lifted a russet eyebrow, as the corners of his mouth curled in an approving grin. A full beard and thick mustache layered with gray specks in his reddish-golden whiskers branded its mark into her memory. “Then I daresay, well done, lass.”

“Thank ye, Da.” Tyra forced a tender smile to hide her fearful worry. Thinking of her gift to them, genuine joy crept into the muscles of her tense face. “And now I have a surprise for you all.”

“Dessert?” Kirk's voice cracked as he shoved his empty plate aside. At ten and three, her youngest brother often suffered the embarrassment of his tones vibrating from his throat. He rubbed his hands. “I thought I smelled a sweet treat earlier.”

Tyra took his empty plate and placed it on top of hers, biting her bottom lip to keep from blurting out the answer. She whirled and stepped toward Alec.

“No, leave mine.” Alec threw a hand out to protect his unfinished plate. “I intend to eat every bite.” He glanced at their father and older brother, Scott. “I do not know when I might have the blessing of another home-cooked meal after this day.”

How can readers find you on the Internet? and I am on all the major social media sites, just click the social media icons at the top of my site. You can also find me by searching for Jennifer Hudson Taylor. On Twitter and Pinterest my user name is @jt4novels.

Lena, thanks for having me!

Jennifer, it's always a pleasure to host you and your books.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
For Love or Country -
For Love or Country: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 2 - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. I am intrigued by For Love or Country and would love to read more. Thank you, Lena for a great interview.

    Melanie Backus, TX

  2. I REALLY LOVED for Love or Loyalty and I've been wanting to read the next in the series! Thank you Thank you for a chance to win! :)

    Blessings, Amada (pronounced:, New Mexico

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    intrigued by this book! Love to win it! Shelia from Mississippi

  4. How I enjoy hearing when a family still sits around the table. Would enjoy reading your book.
    DK Stevens from SE Nebr.

  5. This book sounds fascinating.
    Amy C

  6. What a great interview. This sounds like a great book.
    Susan in Texas

  7. Anonymous12:00 AM

    What a great interview! This book sounds very interesting. I would love to read it!! Donna in Illinois

  8. A fantastic first page thank you.

    Mary P


  9. I would love the chance to read For Love or Country, thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    I live in Indiana.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  10. Anonymous4:22 AM

    I would love to win a copy of this historical keeper. Christy C. in North Carolina

  11. Colonial period! MacGregors! A woman spy! Sounds super good! One I hope to have an opportunity to read.

    Vera in North Carolina

  12. Thank you for sharing and a chance to win. I have been wanting to read this book. ~ Blessings ~ lisastifler(at)yahoo(dot)com
    I live in Virginia

  13. Christy C.7:07 AM

    Looks like a real historical keeper. A new author for me to read. Thank You. Christy C. in North Carolina

  14. This look like a great book!!!!


  15. Anonymous8:52 AM

    This book sounds wonderful!

    D.L. Kamstra, Michigan

  16. I've never read anything by Jennifer Hudson Taylor, thanks for the intro.

    Patty in SC

  17. Revolutionary War books are always interesting.
    Beth from IA

  18. Sharon Richmond Bryant11:13 AM

    Enter me!!

  19. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I would love to read this!
    J.C. -Indiana-

  20. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Hello Lena. Thanks for having Jennifer today. I en-joyed the interview. I also love the sound of her book. I would love to be the winner. Thanks for the give-away. Maxie from Texas.
    > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  21. Hi Jennifer & Lena! I am hooked - I've got to know what Tyra's surprise is! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
    Kristen in OK
    kam110476 at gmail dot com

  22. I have not read one of Jennifer Hudson Taylor's books, although I have been following her books. I would love to read a Colonial Romance. Sharon CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  23. Thanks everyone for stopping by. Even if you do not win a free copy in this contest, I hope you will consider purchasing "For Love or Country." Have a blessed season!

  24. I love historical fiction! Kathy from NC

  25. I would love to win!!! I am from Deltona, Florida!

  26. I love historical fiction and would love to read FOR LOVE OR COUNTRY!

    Britney Adams, TX
