
Thursday, October 02, 2014

DREAMING ON DAISIES - Miralee Ferrell - One Free Book

Welcome back, Miralee. Since you’re being published regularly, what new avenues will your future books take?
I’m actually trying something new starting in the spring….I should say, two new ventures. The first is a middle-grade girls’ horse series of four books with David C Cook. A Horse for Kate (book 1 in the Horses and Friends series) releases March 1, with each successive book releasing in four month intervals. I’m really excited about this series, as I’m using a group of three friends, two girls and a boy, who have adventures, solve a mystery, and take part in various horse activities. Parents will appreciate the wholesome family values woven in as well. Then I’m branching out to try independent publishing. I’ve had one book release already, Forget Me Not, a novella that is tied to my current traditionally published Love Blossoms in Oregon series. There may be one more in that series to tie up a few little details if I have time, as well as a full set of three historical romance (western) books following.

What conferences will you be attending this year? Will you be a speaker at any of them?      
I decided not to attend any conferences this year and chose to take part in two smaller writers’ retreats instead. I felt the need for less teaching and more interaction with other published authors, where I could brainstorm, pray, talk, laugh, and rest. It was a wise decision for me, and I’ll jump back into the conference scene in the spring, possibly at Mt. Hermon in California.

If you were in charge of planning the panel discussion at a writing conference, what topic would the panel cover, and who would you ask to be on the panel, and why?
I think it would be about the changing face of the publishing industry and where it’s headed for authors and publishers—especially as indie (or independent) publishing among traditionally published authors seems to be truly taking hold and become more and more accepted. I’d ask James Bell, Randy Ingermannson, Angela Hunt for starters, but there are a number of others who are not only self-publishing but getting into cover design (like Angie) who bring more than one talent to the mix.

How important is it to you to be active in writing organizations?
It was vital when I started my career, and while I’m still involved, I don’t have as much time to interact as I once did. My focus has shifted more to targeting specific areas of learning as well as helping newer writers who need encouragement or support. I’m a member of several organizations and have grown as a result.      

Where in the community or your church do you volunteer?
I volunteered for the past 20 years in our church as a lay counselor ministering to women. I’m taking a break this year and focusing on my writing, but I do plan to return to that ministry when the Lord releases me to do so.   

 Who are the five people who have made the most impact on your life, and how?        
My mom, who has always been one of my best friends and confidant, my daughter who is the same….they’ve both laughed and cried with me, and shared many wonderful memories…. the same with my son and my husband. All of these people have supported me emotionally and spiritually with encouragement and love. The last is my friend Shannon, who always wants to know what she can pray for in my life. We share equally in the time we talk about ourselves, and try to give equally to the other—a true friendship, and something I don’t have with everyone. She’s been such a blessing in my life.

If you could write the inscription on your tombstone, what would it be?           
She was obedient to God’s calling.

Tell us about the featured book.     
This is book 3 in the Love Blossoms in Oregon series. All of the others were set mostly in the boardinghouse owned by Katherine Galloway and her two young daughters. This one follows all the same characters as the first three books, but the setting a ranch on the outside of Baker City, Oregon, but with a number of scenes still taking place in the boardinghouse.

When her father's debts, brought on by heavy drinking, threaten Leah Carlson's family ranch, she fights to save it. When handsome banker Steven Harding must decline her loan request, he determines to do what he can to help. Just as he arrives to serve as a much-needed ranch hand, Leah's family secrets—and the pain of her past—come to a head. They could destroy everything she's fought for. And they could keep her from ever opening her heart again.

This is western historical romance that offers hope and healing to the deepest wounds in a woman's past.

Please share the first page with us.
One mile outside Baker City, Oregon
Mid-March 1881
Leah Carlson kicked a wicker chair out of her way and stormed off the porch, angrier than she’d been in years. Well, years might be a stretch, but at least weeks. Or perhaps several days. Maybe riding to town and finding Pa would be a good idea.

She glared at the ground, her mood not improved by the thick mud clinging to the bottom of her boots, and scraped it off on a horseshoe nailed to the bottom step. March—her least favorite month—always felt somewhere between winter and spring, with none of the benefits of either.

She trooped up the steps and righted the chair. Not the chair’s fault Pa had gotten drunk again and stayed all night in town. Buddy, their aging ranch hand, had seen Pa go into the saloon when Buddy had headed home from the mercantile last night. At first he hadn’t told her in hopes that his boss would return at a decent hour, but that hadn’t happened.

Leah wrapped her coat closer around her shoulders. Now most of the chores would fall on her, Buddy, and Buddy’s wife, Millie. With Buddy’s back giving him fits, she couldn’t ask him to do the heavy work, although his pride would force him to try. Why did Pa keep falling off the wagon whenever hope set in that he’d finally beat that horrible habit?

Empty promises, that’s all she’d ever gotten. Promises he’d change. Promises he’d do better. Promises he’d broken ever since Ma died nine years ago. And lately it had only gotten worse. Leah had gone from a child at the tender age of fourteen to a caretaker and ranch foreman almost overnight, and to this day she still felt robbed.

Where can my readers find you on the Internet?
Thanks for asking, Lena! A number of places, with the most important being my blog/website at I have a link there to sign up for my newsletter, and I also have a very active Fan Group on Facebook where members get advance news, chances to win books and sneak peeks at new releases. They can find me there at  The last place is Twitter, at

Thank you for the opportunity to share with your readers.

Thank you, Miralee, for sharing this new book with us. It's always a pleasure to have you. I can hardly wait until I can read this one.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Dreaming on Daisies -
Dreaming on Daisies: A Novel (Love Blossoms in Oregon Series) - Amazon
Dreaming on Daisies: A Novel (Love Blossoms in Oregon Series Book 3) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. I would LOVE to win a copy of Dreaming on Daisies. Thank you for the chance.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  2. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win this book.
    We have the first book in the series in the church library.
    Janet E.

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    would love to win. angela in KY

  4. I love Miralee and I love her books. I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed for this one! Thank you Miss Lena for the great job you do!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  5. Sounds like a fun book. Thanks for the opportunity for a giveaway.

    A J Hawke

  6. It seems I've been reading a lot of good books about strong, having to take over young women lately. Sounds like one I'd enjoy :) DKStevens from NE
    dkstevensne (at) outlook .com

  7. I'm looking forward to reading this entire series.

    Mary P


  8. I live in Lancaster County, PA and historical fiction is my FAVORITE!
    Hoping I win!


  9. Loved the first two Love Blossoms books, especially Blowing on Dandelions! Looking forward to reading Daisies!

    Binghamton, NY

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  10. I would like to read this book. Thank you! Staten Island, New York

  11. I really enjoyed the first two books in this series and can wait to read Dreaming on Daisies!

    Patty in SC

  12. I would love to read this, have already read the first two. Great series, great interview! Phoenix, Arizona

  13. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Would love to read this!

    Dana, Michigan

  14. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I would love to read Dreaming on Daisies. I read the first book in this series and loved the story. Miralee is a wonderful writer!
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Maryann in NY

  15. Congratulations on another published book, Miralee. I look forward to reading DREAMING ON DAISIES

    I would love to receive a copy as a giveaway.

    A J Hawke

  16. Diana Gardner11:06 AM

    Portsmouth, VA

  17. thanks for the chance to read this novel ...

    karenk....from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  18. Daisies are so beautiful and the cover is stunning! Please enter me.
    Beth from IA

  19. Sharon Richmond Bryant2:30 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway, SC.

  20. Thanks for the chance to read a new to me author.

    Kathy from Wendell, NC

  21. Hi Miralee & Lena! I am loving this Oregon series of yours and since daisies are my all time favorite flower I'd be tickled pink if I won a copy!
    Kristen in OK
    kam110476 at gmail dot com

  22. Just read my First book by Miralee Ferrell the other day and enjoyed it a lot!! Sure this one would be just as good :)


  23. I really enjoy Miralee's books! =)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Thank you all for your wonderful comments and for taking the time to read my interview and enter the drawing--and especially a huge thank you to Lena for hosting me! I love this lady!

    Several of you mentioned reading book one and two in the series, and wanting to read this book, #3...did you all know there's actually FOUR books in this series? I also wrote a 162 page, long novella--more of a short book than a novella--called Forget Me Not, that is Pastor Seth's love story and fits between book 1 & 2, but could be read at anytime, as it contains no spoilers (you'd just want to read it anytime after book 1. I've had some people say it's their favorite, while other says Dreaming on Daisies edged it out. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you read it. Right now it's only available in paperback on Amazon and B&N, and in ebook on Kindle/Amazon, but it will be on Nook and possibly Kobo and iTunes by late November or early Dec. Thanks again, one and all!!

  26. Anonymous8:00 PM

    This looks wonderful and I'd love to complete my set! Thanks for the post and the giveaway!

    Lynda in Colorado
    danandlyndaedwards (at) msn (dot) com.

  27. Not sure if I'm to late for this weeks contest, but I've read and enjoyed the first 2 books in this series and would love this most recent one!

    Patty in SC

  28. I love that your focus is being obedient to God's calling. That is my goal in life too. Would love to win your book, Miralee. Thanks! Rhonda
    nashhall AT aol DOT com live in VA

  29. I would like to read Leah's story. Thank you for this opportunity to join the drawing for Dreaming on Daisies. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  30. I would like to read Leah's story. Thank you for this opportunity to join the drawing for Dreaming on Daisies. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  31. I'm in TN and I would so LOVE to win a copy of Dreaming on Daisies. I read the first book in this series and it was amazing!
