
Thursday, October 23, 2014

THE PROMISE - Beth Wiseman - One Free Book

Welcome back, Beth. Since you’re being published regularly, what new avenues will your future books take?
I’ve been blessed to be able to alternate between my Amish novels and non-Amish Texas contemporaries, but I think that after twenty-two novels and novellas, it’s natural to want to spread your wings. My publisher graciously allowed me to write a story that is very close to my heart and inspired by actual events. The Promise is way out of the box for me, but ultimately I think this is what I’ve been working toward my entire career thus far. I foresee venturing even further out of my comfort zone. That’s how we grow our writing, and I don’t want to ever stop learning and growing as an author.

What conferences will you be attending this year? Will you be a speaker at any of them?
Sadly, this is the first year that I won’t be attending any conferences. I’m going to miss seeing everyone. L My deadlines are incredibly tight (more so than usual).

If you were in charge of planning the panel discussion at a writing conference, what topic would the panel cover, and who would you ask to be on the panel, and why?
I think that most multi-published authors reach a point in their career when they wonder if they need an assistant. Then comes the question—what do I need an assistant to do so that I can be more productive as an author? Through trial and error, my assistant and I have pretty much perfected our professional relationship, and we are doubly blessed to have grown into great friends. We build on each other’s strengths, and we take up the slack for our weaknesses. Actually, I can’t think of any weaknesses she has, lol. My panel would include my publicist, Katie Bond (this was Katie’s idea, to have a class or panel on this topic), my fabulous assistant, Janet, and the newest member of our team, Jamie Foley…an incredible guru on all things technical, from marketing to websites, and all of the above. It would be a panel to discuss the tough choices authors make to “delegate” and when that becomes a necessity.        

I need to take that course. How important is it to you to be active in writing organizations?
I live in a very small town (289 folks) so we don’t have any organized writing groups here, but it has been discussed, so we will see. But I’m a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) and RWA (Romance Writers of America).       

Where in the community or your church do you volunteer?
I teach adult writing classes to benefit Arts for Rural Texas (ARTS), an organization that provides educational opportunities for children. I speak at various church and library events. And I donate books to libraries, charities, and fundraisers as often as I can.

Who are the five people who have made the most impact on your life, and how?
This is a tough question because I’ve been blessed with an amazing family and friends. I could probably name 100 people who have had a big impact on my life, but I’ll do my best to narrow it down to five. Jesus seems an obvious answer, so I’ll assume He is already included and still pick five. I’ve been so fortunate to have the same best friend for thirty-five years. Renee knows everything there is to know about me, like a walking/talking diary that knows what makes me laugh, cry, and all the crazy things in between. She is the keeper of my history and my cheerleader for the future. My husband impacts my life in too many ways to mention, but he mostly keeps me sane. My dear author friend Kelly Long is in my “Top 5.” She is my stepping stone for all things spiritual, writing related and otherwise. Kelly often sees things in me that I don’t see in myself, and she encourages me with her faithful spirit, honestly, and unconditional love. My agent, Natasha Kern, has been a huge surprise for me. I knew Natasha was a great literary agent, but I had no way of knowing what an amazing woman she is and the positive affects she would have on my life, spiritually and professionally. She is also in my “Top 5.” Last, but never least, my mother continues to astound me with her love, support, and life attitude. At 81, she teaches whitewater canoeing, volunteers at the school, and bowls with the same women she’s been bowling with for fifty years. And she reads more books than anyone I know (except maybe Natasha).       

If you could write the inscription on your tombstone, what would it be?
In the end, the cheese got her. Just kidding! I would hope that those who survive me would consider an inscription something like this… A loving wife and mother who wanted to make a difference through words that glorify God.            

Tell us about the featured book.
God never wastes an experience, and such is the case for The Promise. Someone I love was being held captive in Pakistan, and I had to work with the Consulate in Pakistan, the Embassy in Islamabad, and the U.S. State Department to get this person safely home. It was like something out of a movie, and at the time, I couldn’t imagine writing about it. But, here we are … two years later … and I hope and pray that The Promise will help women tempted by this type of deception to walk away. This book is much different from anything I’ve written.

Publishers Weekly had this to say:
“Bestselling author Wiseman encourages readers to think through their feelings about Islam, Christianity, faith, love, and what it means to help others. Her novel will challenge, encourage, and stimulate discussion among her loyal fans and first-time readers.”

Publishers Weekly can be a tough group to please, so I was very happy with this review, since this is what I was striving for – a book relevant to current events in the world that will challenge, encourage, and simulate discussion.

Here is the back cover copy:
Mallory Hammond is determined not to let her boyfriend, parents, or anyone else get in the way of her #1 goal—to save a life. She had that chance when she was a teenager, and the opportunity slipped away, leaving a void she’s desperate to fill. Then a new friend she met online offers her the chance she’s dreamed of. But she’ll have to leave behind everyone she loves to take it.

Tate Webber has loved Mallory for years. He understands that Mallory’s free spirit has to fly, and when he gives her the space she needs, he hopes that when she lands, the two of them will be in the same place and can marry at last.

In a bold move—and with lots of resistance from Tate and those closest to her—Mallory decides to travel across the world to fulfill her dream. Tate begs her not to go, but Mallory embarks on the dangerous journey to Pakistan anyway, only to discover how swiftly and easily promises can be broken. Her new friend isn’t who he says he is. And Mallory can only pray she’ll make it out alive.

Inspired by actual events, this riveting story will take you on a wild journey and have you asking yourself: How far would I go for love?

Please share the first page with us.
Here you go. The first three chapters are available for free at J

Chapter One

Mallory handed Rosa her empty plate. “As usual, dessert was awesome.” The food was what kept the mandatory Sunday dinners at her parents’ house bearable.

Rosa nodded. Though her dark hair was now speckled with gray, her smile still revealed her girlish dimples and laugh crinkles around her bright eyes. “Glad you liked it, Munchkin.”

Mallory smiled at the maid’s use of the pet name after all these years.

Rosa went around the table to pick up dessert plates, but Mallory’s sister, Vicky, was still working on her key lime pie. Though Mallory missed seeing Haley and Braiden, who were with their father today, she was glad Vicky’s children weren’t present in case things were about to get ugly.

“Mom, Dad ... there’s something I need to tell you.” Mallory’s stomach churned and her voice was shaky.

Her mother set down her wine glass. Mallory was pretty sure she’d seen Rosa fill it four times.

“What is it?” Her mother raised her eyebrows. Eyebrows that seemed to be higher up on her forehead. And the tiny lines of time that feathered from each of her eyes had disappeared as well. Mallory was studying the changes, not sure if she liked them or not, when her mother cleared her throat. “What do you need to tell us, Mallory?”

She swallowed hard. “I’m donating one of my kidneys.”

Her father sat taller, his eyes sharp and assessing. Vicky halted her fork midway to her mouth, glancing back and forth between their parents. Her mother slammed a palm against the table, shaking the dishes that hadn’t yet been cleared.

“No! We’re not going through this again.” Mom shook her head as she glared at Mallory.

“Mom, I’m an adult. And I’ve made my decision.”

Her mother put her empty wine glass on the table, then pointed a finger at her daughter. “I knew this was why you took a job working for that man. This has never been about utilizing your business degree.”

Mallory looked at her father. “Dad, please tell me you understand why I want to do this.”

This book just went to the top of my to-be-read pile. Where can my readers find you on the Internet?

I mostly hang out at Fans of Beth Wiseman on Facebook. We have a lot of fun and great conversations there. Also, the first chapter of all of my books are online at my website – And for my current release, The Promise, the first three chapters are available to preview.

Thank you, Beth, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog. 
The Promise -
The Promise - Amazon
The Promise - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Would love to win Beth's book. Thank you for the chance.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W. from Indiana

  2. I love Beth's books! Would love to win this one. Mary B from Western NY

  3. experiences you have had certainly give you ideas to work with, I'd love to read this book :) dstevens from NEBR

  4. I am really looking forward to this book. I find it really interesting that it was based on a true story.

    I love in Oregon.

  5. I have heard a lot about this one! I can't wait to read it.
    Amy C

  6. This book is so close to my heart! Thank you all for the kind comments. And thanks to Lena for running the interview! :)

  7. Sounds like a very interesting read. Would love to win a copy. Thank you.

  8. Love Beth's books and would love to win this one!
    Pam from Missouri

  9. First, I just loved this interview. I live in a small town (not nearly as small as Beth's) and one of my concerns was that there was no writing groups near me. It is nice to know that there are other ways to get that support until you can build it locally.
    Beth's book "Plain Perfect" is what introduced me to Amish fiction. I have been a fan ever since. "The Promise" looks like another work that will completely engage. I can't wait to read it.
    Thank you or the interview and chance.
    Kelly B

  10. I love reading Beth Wiseman's Amish fiction books and I'm really looking forward to reading The Promise even though it's not Amish. It sounds really good. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    Karen G, NY

  11. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one, Lena! Thank you for a great interview!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  12. Wonderful interview with Beth. I can't wait to read "The Promise".



  13. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I love Beth's Amish writing and I would love to read this new book that she has written
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Maryann in NY

  14. I love reading Beth's books. I will have to add this one to my list. lisajcowell(at)cs(dot)com Ohio

  15. Hard to imagine it's based on a true story--makes me want to read it all the more. Sheila, from Oregon

  16. A wonderful interview thank you.

    I can see why you put this book on the top of your reading pile.

    Mary P


  17. Looks like this book is indeed different - but intriguing.
    North Carolina

  18. Lena, I hope you are feeling better. Praying for your recovery : )

  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Hello Lena. Thanks for having Beth here. She is one of the best. I would love to win her book. Thanks for the chance. GOD bless you both. I am from Texas.
    Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  20. Wow! I would be interested in winning The Promise! Captured in Pakistan sounds suspenful and challenging. Love that you are taking on a new challenge in writing! sm CA wileygreen19at)yahoo(dot)com

  21. Sharon Richmond Bryant4:23 PM

    Enter me for this awesome giveaway!!
    Conway, SC.

  22. I've always loved to read Beth's Amish books. This looks like quite a change and I'm sure it will be equally good!!
    Beth from IA

  23. Thank you for sharing a wonderful interview. I would love to win a copy of The Promise and appreciate the opportunity to do so!

    Britney Adams, TX

  24. Would love to win this book.Jackie Tessnair N.C.

  25. The Promise sounds seriously intense and very engaging! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
    Kristen in OK
    kam110476 at gmail dot com

  26. Sounds like a situation I definitely would want to avoid!
    Love Beth's books!!!


  27. I just read the first chapter of The Promise, and I am hooked! Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    Tammi in Maine


  28. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this book! I look forward to reading it!

    Cindy G. In FL

  29. thanks for the chance to read beth's latest novel, lena :)

    karenk....from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  30. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Good Afternoon!!
    I live in New Oxford, Pennsylvania. I am 10 miles east of Gettysburg and 1hour from Lancaster County Amish Country.
    What an interesting book! Thank you for a chance to enter this book giveaway. It would be an honor to win a copy!!
    Have a wonderful day!!
    Thank you!!

    Elaine Shorb

  31. I have wanted to red some of your books for awhile, Thanks for the chance to win one! Please enter me!

    Blanch, NC

  32. Frances Cavallo11:19 PM

    I would be so blessed to win this book!!! Thanks for the chance!!! Good luck and God Bless Everyone!!! I am from Deltona, Florida!

  33. Frances Cavallo11:22 PM

    Your books are so great and I would also be honored to win a copy of one of your books!!! You are a great writer!!! Besides being very blessed!!! Thanks again for the chance and have again wonderful, blessed day!!! Again, I am from Deltona, Florida!
