
Friday, November 21, 2014

CALCULATED RISK - Zoe M McCarthy - One Free Book or Ebook

Welcome, Zoe. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
Especially with Calculated Risk, I wrote a lot of myself into Cisney, a marketing rep, and into Nick, the analytical actuary. (Actuaries evaluate financial risks for insurance companies.) I’m a retired actuary. Two popular personality tests confirmed I’m creative and expressive on one hand and analytical and introverted on the other. So it was easy to get into the heads of expressive, vibrant Cisney and analytical, numbers-man Nick. My analytical husband, also a retired actuary, was good model for Nick.

The tests have shown that I am equally strong in both sides of my brain as well. What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
When I was twenty, I accepted a ride in a taxi with a drunk American stranger in his fifties in Bangkok, Thailand. That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. When I was ten, my sister, two friends, and I walked on ice to the middle of a lake and all fell through. That was plain dumb. But quirky? Well, at a come-as-your-character dinner, I dressed up like Cisney with yellow stickies plastered all over my suit and hair. Attendees didn’t remember my name, but the next day, they said, “You’re the one who had adhesive notes stuck to her outfit.” So, the quirky part is, I’m going to wear my Cisney costume to my upcoming book signing and to my launch party.

When did you first discover that you were a writer?
Others have said if you write anything, even journals, you’re a writer. I didn’t start calling myself a writer until I wrote contemporary Christian short stories to explain to myself what I read in the Bible and heard in Bible studies. People liked the stories, so I self-published two books of them. Then I performed dramatic readings of the stories in several venues, including a male juvenile correctional center. I felt guilty calling myself a writer at that time. But now, I believe if one spends time writing on a regular basis, he’s a writer. That doesn’t mean he’s a good writer.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I especially enjoy witty romances with sassy or droll heroines. Much to my husband’s chagrin at bedtime, I laugh through Jenny B. Jones’s adult and young adult books. Reading her books gave me permission to use my dormant writer’s voice. Check out her Just Between You and Me, So Not Happening (YA), and In Between (YA). I also loved the heroine in Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove. In addition to romances, I like suspense, legal thrillers, and historical fiction. On the non-fiction side, I read biographies and books classified as Christian living or spiritual growth.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I spend considerable time in the early morning praising, praying, reading devotionals, and studying the Bible. And I’m blessed to have a husband who loves me, supports me while I treat writing like a 9 to 6 job, and does all the laundry, grocery shopping, and vacuuming. I won’t say I’m calm and serene. (I grind my teeth while I sleep.) But my life is full and good.

My husband is like yours. We truly are blessed. How do you choose your characters’ names?
Cisney is my deceased maternal grandmother’s middle name. I liked it. For Nick, I looked for an unusual last name. Finally, I asked my husband what was the least common surname of someone he knew from his past. LeCrone. The name fit Nick.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
My college freshman math teacher assigned a “marbles” problem. My three roommates worked on it for an hour and gave up. I worked on it all afternoon and evening. Well after midnight, I climbed into my top bunk. But the problem wouldn’t go away. I had my hands in the air, using my fingers for marbles. Then the solution hit me. The answer wasn’t one case but a set of cases. On the floor outside our room, I scribbled like crazy, writing out cases. Someone approached and asked me a question. I’d been in “marble world” so long I couldn’t compute what she said. The next day the professor asked smugly if any of us got the answer. Two of us out of fifty had. I shot my hand up so forcefully, the professor chose me to put it on the board. After I started writing the second of multiple cases, he smiled and nodded. So exhilarating.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
A puma. I startle very easily. Two kinds of people cause me to jump: quiet people who are suddenly there and loud people who come in talking. One Christmas, I gave everyone in the office rattles to wear so they wouldn’t scare me. At another company, the chief actuary started rapping on my outer office wall for ten feet so he wouldn’t scare me when he reached the door. So, if I were a stealthy puma, I could startle others for a change.

What is your favorite food?
Potpourri. I like to bring all kinds of foods from the pantry that are in bits and put a little of each on a plate. For example, one meal might be: Froot Loops, Craisins, peanuts, and dark-chocolate-covered pomegranate nuggets. Another might be: small chunks of ham, cherries, chips, and almonds.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Characterization. For a while, I’d been adding traits to people like I was dressing and accessorizing paper dolls. In my first four “practice” books, I avoided letting my hero and heroine have family near them. To me, creating parents and siblings was too much painstaking work. Then during a couple of short stories I wrote, I found my voice. I felt free to just let the characters be who they are. I loved writing all the members in Nick’s family. Their quirks surfaced so easily. For me, it’s easier to model characters using bits from several people I know. Cisney’s mother was the hardest to write because she’s somewhat like my deceased mother.

Tell us about the featured book.
I decided to use the little known actuarial profession for my hero. I like romances about extreme opposites, so I knew Cisney had to be a social marketing rep. I maintain that opposites distract before they attract. This’s true for Cisney and Nick. In the throes of being dumped by her overbearing father’s choice, Cisney has rashly accepted Nick’s invitation to spend Thanksgiving with his family. After Nick witnessed the dump-Cisney call, he extended the invitation only because he felt sorry for her. Now she’d rather be skiing with her single marketing friends in Colorado than spending four days with a house infested with actuaries. And so the fun begins.

Please give us the first page of the book.
In search of the yellow sticky with her ideas for today’s meeting, Cisney Baldwin sifted through papers on her desk. She had a choice: honor her rash commitment to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with Nick LeCrone and his family, or lie and join her friends on the Colorado ski slopes.
Biting cold air and exhilarating speed might keep her mind off slime-ball Jason. And, she’d need her Richmond friends nearby to nurse her self-esteem after she told Daddy she’d lost his pick for her future.

She planted fists on her hips and stared at the papers sprinkled with yellow stickies that covered her workspace. Minutes before her meetings with Nick, she could never put her fingers on her notes. Why did this always happen?

How was she going to face him today, after he’d stood in her office doorway last week and watched her disintegrate during Jason’s dump-Cisney phone call? If only she’d stopped there, but no, she hung up and blubbered about the end of her six-month relationship and having nowhere to go for Thanksgiving.

She splayed her arms over her paper-covered desk and knocked her head on the piles. This was all Jason’s fault. Jason needed space? Right. What he needed was freedom to date that woman with a waist the size of his muscular neck.


Way to leave us hanging, Zoe. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Zoe, for sharing your new book with us and giving us a peek into your life.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Calculated Risk -
Calculated Risk - Amazon

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Lena, thank you for the wonderful interview with Zoe! Calculated Risk sounds like a fun book indeed. I'm looking forward to reading it. :)

    Caryl in TEXAS

  2. Hi Caryl, I hope you have as much fun reading Calculated Risk as I did writing it.

  3. Linda, You're not the Linda Kish from my last church are you?

  4. You hooked me, girl. I've been waiting for this one. I forgot to say I'm from Nebraska, just in case you forgot.

  5. Congrats on your release, Zoe!! Wishing you many devoted readers!

    Sue :)

  6. LoRee, when we lived 3 years in Kansas, we visited Nebraska several times. Thanks for the encouragement. So nice to hear you were waiting for Calculated Risk. Music to my heart.

  7. Hey Susan, thanks for your wish. I want to be devoted to my readers too.

  8. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Sounds like a funny book. I'd love to win a copy!
    J.C. -Indiana-

  9. Love all the sticky notes on the cover... Dee from NE
    dkstevensne AT outlook DOTCom

  10. Thanks J.C. and Deanna. Cisney and I love sticky notes on anything. Thank goodness for COSTCO, which sells them in bulk!

  11. What a fun story. Well done!

    janalynvoigt at gmail dot com

  12. A novel with an actuary in it! Sounds great. Sheila in Oregon sheiladeeth at gmail dot com

  13. This sounds like a fun book, thank you for the chance to win griperang at embarqmail dot com

  14. Thanks, Janalyn, Sheila, and Angela. Yes, Angela, a book with an actuary. I had to show even analytical actuaries have red blood and romantic feelings. :0)

  15. Sharon Richmond Bryant5:07 PM

    Enter me for the book copy!!
    Conway, SC.

  16. Tweeted and shared in a Facebook group! Congrats, Zoe.

    I'd love to win your book.

    susanjreinhardt AT gmail DOT com

  17. By your definition, I am a writer, but I would never consider myself one. I had a couple of small things published in the 1970s, but never went any further with it. I did become an accountant, though, which is about as close to an actuary as you can get! lisajcowell(at)cs(dot)com in Ohio

  18. Susan, Thank you for sharing Calculated Risk on your networks. I appreciate that.

  19. Lisa, I've worked with lots of accountants in my actuarial career. We actuaries looked to you accountants to record the truth of what was happening and you accountants looked to us to help explain why it happened. We teamed up a lot.

    As far as writing, I hope that if it remains a passion in your heart you will free it. Blessings on your work and God-given passions, Lisa.

  20. I love reading stories about characters with professions that you don't hear about in romances. This sounds like a great read! Thanks for the giveaway.

    Loraine from TX

  21. Loraine, I like your adventurous nature. I think Nick is a fairly typical actuary.

  22. I love it! This book sounds very unique. I've never read a novel about an actuary.
    Tonja (Virginia)

  23. "Calculated Risk" sounds like a hoot! Can't wait to read it! Thank you for the interview, the giveaway and the chance to win!
    Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving!
    Kelly Y in central VA

  24. Tonja, I wasn't sure how readers would accept an actuary as a hero. But I fell in love with him, even if he is private, introverted, and hates to be wrong. He was perfect for expressive Cisney.

  25. Kelly, I don't know if all readers will think it's a hoot, but I confess these characters had me laughing out loud.
