
Friday, November 28, 2014

ELECTRIC ANGEL - Sue Dent - One Free Book

Dear Readers, Sue Dent is a friend of mine who has a ministry writing books that shine the light of redemption into the lives of people who love the fantasy world of werewolves, vampires, and like. Her books have received accolades by many of the fantasy organizations. I’ve read her first two books. We featured them on this blog when they released several years ago.

Welcome back, Sue. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
Publishing has changed so much that it’s hard to even glimpse the horizon. One day it looks one way and the next day all that has changed. What a mess I’ve gotten myself into!

Tell us a little about your family.
I’d like to give a shout-out to my big brother Dr. (Reverend) Jeff R. Steele who recently won the Dottie Rambo Songwriter of the Year award at the Diamond Awards earlier this month for his recent release “But God.” I guess we’re just a family of writers. 

That’s wonderful. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
Yes. I know longer read as much as I write. I can’t seem to cut off the self-editing mode that I’ve become accustomed to being in.

It takes a really good book too pull me away from my self-editing mode. What are you working on right now?
My readers are screaming for the third book in my Thirsting for Blood Series, Cyn No More as well as another story to follow my recent release Electric Angel. But until there are sales of my other books, I can’t really dedicate a lot of time working on something that isn’t going to bring in income. Sadly, it seems that you have to invest a lot in promotion to even get folks attention in spite of having accolades from the best in the business including a four-star (unasked for) review of Never Ceese by Eric Wilson of Fireproof, having Never Ceese named #1 Christian Horror Novel at beating out the likes of Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti, making the preliminary ballot at the Horror Writers Association for Superior Achievement in a First Novel and receiving rave reviews from the British Fantasy Society. Accolades do matter but it’s all about getting the right folks talking about it which is why I appreciate you so much Lena!

I’m also excited about working with Matt Chasin of Matt's Marketing, PR and Management Services who took me on as a client earlier this year and is working to make a movie from Electric Angel.

That’s wonderful, Sue. I’m actually working with a new Christian production company as a screenwriter. And I know what you mean about the accolades. I’ve received a number of them on my books. What outside interests do you have?
Presently I’ve found myself caught up in fostering cats. Yes. I’m your resident Crazy Cat Lady!!

How do you choose your settings for each book?
It all depends on the story of course. Well, most of the time. Sometimes I just go by my knowledge of certain areas. For instance in Electric Angel I needed a location that depended heavily on power stations to provide electricity and therefore chose New Jersey.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
I believe I’d pick one of my favorite authors Roger Zelazny. I would just love to sit down and talk to him about his books. Amazing and fantastical stories.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
There’s really nothing that I’d wished I’d known before writing novels but TONS I’d wished I known about publishing to the general market. And the list is far too long ... far ... too ... long to break down in this interview!

With Indie publishing growing as it is now, there are lots more avenues open to authors today than when I started writing. What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
To shut up and listen to Him and to quit trying to make things work all by myself.

That’s a biggie that all of us need to learn. What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Write your story.

Invest wisely. If you’re serious about offering it to the general market and competing with the “big dogs” put out the money to have a professional editor. A “real” professional editor.

It’s a long, sometimes frustrating, ride and often it’s very difficult to enjoy. If you can hang on though, it’s well worth it ... I think ... I’ll let you know once I’m successful. LOL

Tell us about the featured book?
The blurb from the book reads:

Because of her cancer, Anna Chadwick wouldn't live long enough to carry her twin infants to term. Yet she wanted nothing more than for them to have a chance at living. Learning one would be stillborn didn't lessen her desire.

It would take a she prayed for one.

When an electrical entity arrives to take the place of her stillborn, some would reflect that prayers aren't always answered the way we'd expect them to be.

Please give us the first page of the book.
The two-lane road wound its way around the foothills of the lower Appalachians like a ribbon carelessly tossed on the ground. Anna Chadwick gripped the steering wheel tighter and eased her foot from the gas pedal. The long day’s drive bearing down on her, she began to reconsider. Nothing about this makes sense. No one just picks up and leaves everything behind. I don’t even know where I’m headed.
Panic took root. Confused tears blurred her vision. She wiped at them with the back of an uncertain hand, then gave her head a determined shake.

“No! You can do this. You have to do this.” She placed a maternal hand on the small bulge of her stomach. “They deserve a chance. Both of them.”

With this thought, she pushed away her panic and drove on. Yet when dusk threatened, the uneasy feeling returned. How much farther would she have to go? Was she on the right road? The landscape looked the same no matter which road she took, rolling hills populated by thick pockets of pines. With no directions, one could easily get lost in an area like this. She’d taken this road because at the moment she had to make a decision, it seemed the road to take. Now, she wasn’t sure. Nothing really distinguished this road from the other five or six she passed up already. That suffocating thought was enough to make her consider turning around.

Then, as the road curved, she saw it.

“Yes,” she sighed. Just like the dream, the recurring dream that began over a month ago, one that had her driving this very road. Yes, this road, she thought, and nodded, all doubt gone. I remember this. I remember all of this. There’s the weathered old billboard. That barn too! She drove the car to the top of the next hill. “And that!”

She jerked the steering wheel hard and pressed on the brakes; the car skidded onto the shoulder. The instant the vehicle screeched to a stop, she shoved the gearshift into park, pressed the button to lower the driver’s-side window and stared out. “I’m not crazy,” she half-laughed and cried. “I’m not!”

How can readers find you on the Internet?
They can go to my official website at where they can purchase any of my “signed” books directly from my own S D Enterprises. They may also purchase any of my books wherever books are sold. It is important to know that the only books I receive money for are the ones distributed through S D Enterprises and those ISBN’s follow:
978-0996012188         Electric Angel
978-0996012102         Never Ceese
978-0996012119         Forever Richard

And yes, these are all available wherever books are sold. You won’t see them in brick and mortar stores but all of them can order it for you.

Thank you so much, Sue, for sharing this book with us. I'm anxious to read it.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
Electric Angel

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. I love Christian Fantasy books!!!! Thanks for the giveaway :D


  2. Thank you, Sierra and just so you know while none of my stories would ever lead anyone away from my core believes, neither are they written for a particular market. So there is no distinction as Christian fantasy. It's just a good story written from my viewpoint as a Christ follower. ;) Hope you win!

  3. Sue, well done and God Bless. I guess I should elaborate on well done. Reading about your journey and being a Christian (Amen) the quote you gave " To shut up and listen to Him and to quit trying to make
    things work all by myself." hit me in the heart. Something I have been struggling with. One of my favorite's is "Be Still and know that I AM GOD!" I was really interested in how you picked your theme locations also. Can't wait to read. And always learning something new is just a plus now I will be looking up who Roger Zelazny is. Well done! That is also what I would like to hear Jesus say at the pearly gates on day.
    Kim Henderson, Tonganoxie Kansas

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Sounds interesting Sue! Shelia from Mississippi

  5. Oh, it's quite the read Sheila. And that's not just my opinion. I loved this story ever since I thought of it and am excited that many folks enjoy it as much as I do. The British Fantasy Society reviewed it but the reviewer was forced to go back and say more than just two words. Those two words? "Simply Brilliant!"

    There are more editorial reviews on my Amazon page and I have a lot on my FB page about me as well at Oh, and of course I'm from Mississippi as well. ;)

  6. Here's a link to Leslie Osbourne reading an excerpt from Electric Angel

  7. You'll have to cut and paste the above link! But it's worth it, I think. ;)

  8. You've certainly got my attention, want this at the top of my TBR list :)
    Dee S

  9. You won't regret it Deanna! Here's a link to a recent review from reader's lane, if you'd like more insight. This reviewer asked for all of my stories after reading Never Ceese. It's refreshing to be able to offer "clean" fantasy with enough "grit" for all readers to sink their teeth into.

  10. This would be a different kind of read for me. I like that idea.

    Mary P


  11. The first page sounds quite interesting. I would love to win a copy.

    I live in Indiana.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  12. Went over to the review and found they said -- similar to Dark Shadows ! ! I loved Dark Shadows, never missed an episode if I could help it.. I would go home from the swimming pool just to watch it :) So on my list !
    Dee S

  13. A new author for me! YEAH!
    From one Christ-follower to another, I thank you for using your God-given talents for Him!!!!
    Great interview and thanks so much for the chance to win this book!
    Many Blessings and Smiles :)
    Charlotte Kay, Georgia

  14. I never saw Dark Shadows but I used to read the books, and I'd love to read this too.Sheiladeeth at gmail for com.

  15. Sharon Richmond Bryant11:40 AM

    Enter me.
    Conway, SC.

  16. Deanna, my Thirsting for Blood series is where she gets that Dark Shadows vibe mostly. AND that was my inspiration as I too LOVED Dark Shadows and Barnabus of course, AND Quenten! I was ecstatic when the reviewer got that impression. Here's the review she left of Never Ceese the first in the series.

    Again, cut and paste. Just know that the book cover is of a copy of Never Ceese that is no longer available. The link at the bottom of the page takes you to the correct book though. Amazon has 30% off most of their books now though and you can get a signed copy through my site at Always nice to find fellow Dark Shadow fans ESPECIALLY among those of like Faith!!!

  17. I have to say that it is very disappointing to me that I can't get help from Christian publishers to bring attention to my stories when most of my avid fans are ecstatic they've found something to read in a genre that usually strays into very dark areas with no real message of hope. Maybe I'm turning to the wrong folks though. So if any of y'all can help by getting the word out there, that's be great. Parents need to know that there are books in this genre that are actually worthy of reading. I'm open to interviews, coming to church's to sell my books . . . whatever it takes. And thanks again to Lena for helping me out this way.

  18. Here's a blip from the four-star review Eric Wilson of "Fireproof" left on "Never Ceese." I was never more surprised than when he left this. And humbled as well.

    ". . . Sue Dent has done the unthinkable. She's pushed the boundaries of Christian fiction, circling the camp with a small publisher, howling for someone to take notice. And it's working. . . "

  19. I'm my own publisher now as my first traditional publisher and second Indie publisher both went under. And I'm out of contract with my third publisher. Other than that, they weren't doing anything I wasn't already doing anyway.

  20. I have not read any of Sue's work yet. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the introduction. lisajcowell(at)cs(dot)com

  21. My favorite thing about Sue's writing is that it's just great writing. It's perfect to give to your teenager or your unsaved friend. All her books are page turners, so get ready for a paper cut and to ignore everyone :-) Perfect Christmas gift for the reader in your family.

  22. THANK YOU Raquel for that wonderful PSA!!!! I couldn't have said it better myself!
