
Wednesday, December 03, 2014

BIG C, little c - Connie Lewis Leonard - One Free Book

Dear Readers, Connie is a friend of mine. She’s part of our local writing group. This is her debut novel. My husband and I enjoy spending time with her and her husband when we can.

Welcome, Connie. What would you like for our readers to know about you personally?
I accepted Christ when I was eleven. When I was thirteen, I had an English teacher who gave us choices: we could do the assignments in the grammar book, or we could do creative writing. We weren’t taught to write, but that year I discovered I loved to write and wanted to be a writer. I married young, had children, and put my husband through college and seminary. Then God gifted me with scholarships, I majored in English and taught in public schools for twenty-three years. I kept the desire to write buried in my heart. I thought I would write someday, when the kids were grown, someday when I retired. When doctors told me the breast cancer had metastasized to the lungs and liver, which was a terminal diagnosis, I realized that someday may never come. I decided to write a brief story of my life for my children and future grandchildren. As I wrote, I saw the hand of God directing my life even when I wasn’t walking with Him. It was at that point, I realized I didn’t just want to write, but I want to write for the Lord. That was twelve years ago. I opted not to have surgery, and either I didn’t have cancer, or the Lord chose to heal me because I am alive and well. 

Tell us about your family.
My husband and I have been married for forty-four years. Thirty-eight of those years, we have served in ministry together. God blessed us with two great kids and two precious grandkids. Our son is a football coach and teacher and our daughter is a counselor and registered play therapist. I am fortunate to still have both of my parents and a brother who live in New Mexico

Have you written other books?
I have written two short romantic suspense novels that I rewrote into one longer book following the advice of an agent. They are still unpublished. I write devotions and am currently working a devotional book, A Psalm a Day. I have also written a couple of Bible studies used in our church. I also write human interest magazine articles.
Do you have any other books in the works right now?
I am about half-way finished with a romantic novel that takes place in a cowboy church in Texas. The idea popped into my head one Sunday morning while I was listening to the band in our cowboy church.

The idea for one of my books, that is still unpublished, came to me in a praise service. It’s wonderful when that happens. What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
I love baking and cooking, especially when we have family get-togethers. I love reading and writing, and I enjoy scrapbooking.

What is your favorite food?
My favorite foods, besides sweets, are Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter dinners. I also love homemade Mexican food. I was raised in Albuquerque, so I don’t care too much for TexMex.

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
If I were an animal it would be a dog because dogs are loyal, friendly, and affectionate. They are also fiercely protective of their people, and so am I.

Why did you write the featured book?
This is the book of my heart. I am a cancer survivor. I have received the dreaded call and the diagnosis of a terminal condition. Although I didn’t have to endure chemo and radiation, I have seen the ravages of the disease and its treatment. I hope to raise awareness and sensitivity. When someone has cancer, they don’t cease to be a person. Some people focus only on the cancer, like the person has no other life or concerns. Other people act like the cancer, or the cancer victim, ceases to exist because it’s too painful to face their suffering. Cancer affects the family and friends as well as the patient. My prayer is that everyone facing cancer, or any other major life crisis, would have the support system that Lyn Newton has in Big C, little c.

What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
We go through seasons in life. We can be sailing along smoothly, on top of the world, when all of a sudden the bottom falls out, and we plummet into a deep, dark desert. It’s through these valley experiences that we truly come to know God’s great love, mercy, and grace. He reaches down and picks us up out of the pit and puts our feet on solid ground. He walks on the water to rescue us from the raging storms. Christ is the “Big C”—He is bigger than cancer or any other crisis in life.

Is there anything you’d like to tell my readers about you or your book?
My book is a novel, a work of fiction that portrays the human experience. It is more about relationships than cancer—personal relationships with God, relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, siblings, and friends. It is a book about placing our hope in Christ.

Here is the back cover blurb:
Lyn Newton’s foundation is rocked by the diagnosis of cancer. Assaulted by one crisis after another, her family fights for life, life as they’ve known it, life as they hope it will be, and finally the life Christ has planned for them. With prayer and the support of Lyn’s ladies’ Bible study group, they discover the peace of Christ, “The Big C,” who is greater than any calamity of life, including cancer. Through laughter and tears, the Newton family is drawn back together, stronger in love for each other and faith in God.

Where on the Internet can the readers find you?
I write devotions and post them in the Blog on my website:
I am also on Facebook.

Thank you, Connie, for sharing your debut novel with us today.

Readers, here are purchase links for the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Big C, little c - paperback
Big C, little c - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Connie, what a great interview! And congratulations on your publishing career! I wish you all the best!

  2. What a wonderful interview! It was really interesting! It was nice to learn about you and the book! I would truly be blessed to win this book! I would love to read it! Thanks for the opportunity to win! God Bless You and Your Family! Have a wonderful, blessed day!
    Frances from Deltona, Florida

  3. Thank you, Lena, for introducing us to Connie. I would love to read her book.

    Melanie Backus, TX

  4. This promises to be an insightful read thank you.

    Mary P


  5. Hello Connie,

    This sounds like a good read. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Loraine in TX

  6. This sounds really interesting! I would love to win this book!! Thank you Lena for this interview with Connie!

  7. Sharon Richmond Bryant12:51 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway, SC.

  8. Oh, I really would love to win this. My mom had breast cancer about 10 years back. Now in Nov. she found out she has Metastatic breast cancer it is in her skull. I've so love to read this and then pass it on to her. thanks for the chance to win

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  9. Loved the interview! My sister is facing her second round with breast cancer. I would love to read this story and share it with her.

    Kathy from Wendell, NC

  10. Thank you for all the positive comments about the interview. I feel so blessed to be featured on Lena's blog. If you are not the lucky winner, I do hope you can get a get a copy. Check it out on Amazon. I am thrilled with the great reviews I've received so far. Many people who have read the book have been blessed. I pray a blessing on each of you and on your loved ones who have cancer.

  11. I would love to win Connie's book to give to my church library. We have a cancer support group that meets at the church once a month.
    Janet E.
