
Monday, December 22, 2014

THE FRUITCAKE CHALLENGE - Carrie Fancett Pagels - One Free Book or Ebook

Bio: Carrie Fancett Pagels, Ph.D. “Hearts Overcoming Through Time,” is an award-winning Christian historical romance author. In 2015, Carrie’s novel Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter will release with Pelican Book Group. Carrie’s Amazon Christian Historical Romance #1 bestselling novella, The Fruitcake Challenge, released September, 2014. Her short story, “Snowed In,” appears in Guidepost Books’ A Christmas Cup of Cheer (2013). She’s the Amazon best-selling and top-rated author of Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance (2013). Her short story, “The Quilting Contest,” appears in Family Fiction’s The Story 2014 anthology. Carrie received Honorable Mention for the 2014 Maggie Awards for Excellence for her unpublished novel Grand Exposé. Former psychologist (25 years) and mother of two.

Welcome back, Carrie. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
For Christ. My message is because of Him. My tagline is “Hearts Overcoming Through Time” and intrinsic in that is—with God’s help.  I write Christian historical romances because that is what I like to read, too.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
Giving birth to my first child, my daughter, Cassandra Rose, in 1989. God showed me how love can just keep growing in your heart, more than I ever thought possible.

How has being published changed your life?
I think the main thing it does is give some credibility to my writing. There are so many amazing writers out there. Many of whom aren’t yet published. People don’t take your writing as seriously until you have something out in print.

What are you reading right now?
I’m finishing a two-part Christmas novella by Angela Breidenbach and Valerie Comer, entitled The Snowflake Tiara.

I featured that book on my blog. I loved it. What is your current work in progress?
The Lumberjack’s Ball is the sequel to The Fruitcake Challenge. One of my heroine’s (Josephine Christy) brothers wants to be a master cabinet maker and furniture designer. He takes a side job from his lumberjacking to create stunning built-in cabinetry at a local mercantile. And the store owner’s daughter catches his eye! I also have a book due out in 2015 from Pelican Book Group that you’ve previously critiqued a section of, Lena. It is currently entitled Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter, so I’ll have edits due this winter.

What would be your dream vacation?
I’d love to stay on Mackinac Island for the entire season, staying in a gorgeous Victorian up on the bluffs.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
Usually it is someplace I love. With Saving the Marquise’s Granddaughter, however, I set it in France, Germany, and Philadelphia because of the history behind the story. So the second part of my answer is the history of the story does determine where I normally will set it as I’m often inspired by real life stories.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Joyce Meyer. I’d love to “pick her brain” and hear about her vision for her ministry into the future. She’s been an inspiration to me.

My husband and I love to listen to Joyce. We also have read several of her books. We’ve seen her in person when we were in the studio audience for James Robison’s show when she was there. What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Beadwork and travel, as my health permits for both. And of course snuggling with my 12-year-old son!

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
I have multiple forms of arthritis. But I’ve found that when God wants me to be writing then He makes a way for me to do so. I believe I’m firmly in His will that way.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t skip learning the craft. I’ve seen too many who have. Read, read, read all the comparable authors in your genre. Like Lena and I were told some eight years ago or so, blog. It has many benefits.

Your advice is very good. Tell us about the featured book.    
Here’s the blurb:
The Fruitcake Challenge
When new lumberjack, Tom Jeffries, tells the camp cook, Jo Christy, that he’ll marry her if she can make a fruitcake, “as good as the one my mother makes,” she rises to the occasion. After all, he’s the handsomest, smartest, and strongest axman her camp-boss father has ever had in his camp—and the cockiest. And she intends to bring this lumberjack down a notch or three by refusing his proposal. The fruitcake wars are on! All the shanty boys and Jo’s cooking helpers chip in with their recipes but Jo finds she’ll have to enlist more help—and begins corresponding with Tom’s mother.

Step back in time to 1890, in beautiful Northern Michigan, near the sapphire straits of Mackinac, when the white pines were “white gold” and lumber camps were a way of life. Jo is ready to find another life outside of the camps and plans that don’t include any shanty boys. But will a lumberjack keep her in the very place she’s sworn to leave?

Please give us the first page of the book.
Near Mackinaw City, Michigan 1890
Vast evergreens crowded the roadway on both sides of the wagon, towering over a hundred feet to the sky, almost obscuring the sunlight. Every time the dray hit a bump in the mucky road, Tom Jeffries grasped his crate of books in one arm and his boxy leather suitcase in the other. After the last spine-jolting rut had been crossed, he pulled out his father’s gold pocket watch.

Shouldn’t be too much longer now.

He swatted at the mosquitoes that swarmed the deep woods. No wonder the men at the mercantile had laughed when Tom had asked about purchasing arm garters to go with his new work shirts. He’d need to leave his shirt sleeves unrolled, even for summer, to keep the pests off him. Even that wasn’t working now, though. Tom draped his Hudson Bay blanket around his shoulders and pulled it up over his neck and then squashed his felt slouch hat down further to cover his forehead.

The vehicle slowed. Sitting in the bed of the flat dray, Tom swiveled so he could see the reason for their halt.

The drayman turned to him, as did his son beside him. “Here’s yer camp.”

Nothing but woods surrounded them. Tom hesitated. He wasn’t about to be dropped off in the middle of nowhere.

The barrel-chested man pointed straight ahead. “That there’s Boss Christy’s office and the cook shack is beyond.”

Tom hopped down, but left his belongings on the wagon bed.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Purchase Links:
The Fruitcake Challenge (2014) on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble

A copy of the book–choice of paperback or ebook (Kindle or Nook) USA only for paperback choice.

Carrie, thank you for sharing it and some of your life with us today.

Readers, this would be a good book for all of you who get a Kindle or a Nook for Christmas.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:



  1. Thanks for the post..I love how you ask unique questions! Thanks for having Carrie here today, and for the chance to win this wonderful book. Merry Cgristmas!

  2. oh, thanks for the chance to win this book

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  3. Lena thanks for having Carrie on your blog.

    Hi Carrie, great interview!! You know I can't wait for the Lumberjack's Ball!!

  4. TY for having me on, LENA! Love visiting on your blog! Have been at doctor appointments this morning and glad to come back and see the post up! Merry Christmas!!!

  5. MARIANNE, Great to be here and love Lena's questions! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

  6. APPLE Blossom, TY for coming by! Stay warm!!! Merry Christmas!!!

  7. TERESA!!! I should get on the phone and brainstorm with you!!! Big hugs!!! Merry Christmas!!!

  8. Hi, Lena and Carrie! Great interview - and this sounds like a fun and interesting book.

  9. Bonnie Roof2:12 PM

    Thanks for the interesting interview, Carrie and Lena!!

    I love Joyce Meyer too - she is always right "on the mark".

    Loved "The Fruitcake Challenge" and looking forward to your coming releases, Carrie!! Yes, God always equips us for what He would have us do!!

  10. Hi DELIA! Great getting to know you better through Pelican!!! Thanks for coming by! Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Hi Bonnie!!! TY for your kind words!!! Good thing God equips us or I'd be doing nothing! Merry Christmas!!!

  12. After reading the first page, I feel I must read the rest! Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.
    Merry CHRISTmas!
    Kandi in Montana

  13. Anonymous4:35 PM

    would love to win a printed copy of this book. Angela in KY

  14. KANDI, TY!!! I hope you'll get to read the rest. If you don't win, this novella will be on sale Christmas eve through Dec 26th on Kindle for only 99 cents. ALSO, if you order a paperback on sale right now you'll get a FREE ebook Kindle copy on Amazon! Merry Christmas!

  15. ANGELA, I suspect you are an Angela I know in KY!!! I'd love to sign a copy for you!!! Blessings!

  16. My favorite time period, and a great looking cover! Looks awesome! Please enter me!

    Blanch NC

  17. What an interesting premise for a story. I am looking forward to reading how the fruitcake turns out! Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    sounds like a great book :)
    Sydney Harries GA

  19. Sharon Richmond Bryant7:20 AM

    Enter me for the paperback copy!!!
    Conway, SC.

  20. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Your book sounds so good! Love to read a book that can give you a good laugh with the characters! Shelia from Mississippi

  21. Hi LORAINE, You'll have to read it to find out, lol! The ebook goes back on sale tomorrow for only 99 cents! All the books in the Christmas Traditions series will be either 99 cents or even FREE for some of them!!! So check that out tomorrow! TY!

  22. What a fun story line! I love that she wants to put him in his place, but I'm suspecting she will change her mind. :)

    Lancaster County, PA

  23. I would love to win a paperback copy of "The Fruitcake Challenge" to give to my church library.
    Thanks for the opportunity to do so.
    Merry Christmas!
    Janet E.

  24. SYDNEY, I had SO much fun writing this novella and God gave me SO much help!!! God is so good. Here's a link to my inspiration song I listened to while writing the last third:

  25. SYDNEY, I had SO much fun writing this novella and God gave me SO much help!!! God is so good. Here's a link to my inspiration song I listened to while writing the last third:

  26. Hey SHARON!!! We used to live in Charleston and I know where Conway is!!! Blessings!

  27. SHEILA, this is SO different from most of my other stories. Jo Christy was just kind of a comical character, especially when you put her together with Tom Jeffries!!! TY and have a Merry Christmas!!!

  28. DOREEN, I got this character in mind and I got her gut reaction to Tom's proposition. Then my son goes--Mom, a Christian can't keep acting that way! And I said--you're right, that's part of the story arc! Merry Christmas!!!

  29. JANET, We need to make sure you read this and have a copy to share with your library! Merry Christmas!!!

  30. I loved my Mom's fruitcake! It was so delicious and she worked so hard making it. A book about a fruitcake challenge sounds delicious to me. Sm. wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  31. This book sounds great! I know it would be a GREAT read!
    Susan in NC
