
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

BRENTWOOD'S WARD - Michelle Griep - One Free Book

BIO: Michelle Griep’s been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She seeks to glorify God in all that she writes—except for that graffiti phase she went through as a teenager.

She resides in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, where she teaches history and writing classes for a local high school co-op. An Anglophile at heart, she runs away to England every chance she gets, under the guise of research. Really, though, she’s eating excessive amounts of scones.

Welcome back, Michelle. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
That’s the great thing about a great God—life is such an adventure I don’t know what to expect next. But I do have a few ideas . . .

First off, I’ll be dipping my toes into the realm of non-fiction with a writing craft book to encourage writers of all shapes and sizes. Writer Off the Leash: Growing in the Writing Craft will be available in February.

Secondly, I recently spent an entire month in England, which filled me with a bajillion more story ideas. All historical. All romantic. All incredible. I’d better get writing!

Tell us a little about your family.
My crowded nest is currently gaining a bit more elbow room. Three of my four birds have flown the coop, leaving behind my twenty-year-old baby. But I’m not crying about it. My husband and I have adopted a replacement—a bouncing, baby boxer. Ada Clare is our newest addition, a seven-month-old fuzzy muzzle of love.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
I’ve become a jaded reader. After studying the writing craft, I have a lower tolerance for those who haven’t and put out lazy writing. Now more than ever, I’m a lot more picky about what I read.

I know. I used to read everything, no matter whether it was well-written or not. But now, if there are too many glaring errors in the first few chapters, I stop. What are you working on right now?
A sequel to Brentwood’s Ward, though honestly, either could be a stand-alone. Here’s a blurb for Moore’s Maiden:
Officer ALEXANDER MOORE goes undercover as a rogue gambler to expose a traitorous plot against the crown—and a master he is with his disguise, for JOHANNA LANGLEY believes him to be quite the cad. But when Johanna is swept up in the intrigue, Alex must choose between his mission and reputation as a crack lawman or the woman he’s come to love.

What outside interests do you have?
I love to cook. Well, I suppose eating ranks right up there as well, but cooking and baking are a fun means to an end.

I’m also a closet season binge-watcher. I know, kind of sounds like a felony, right? Not at all. My husband and I have a few favorite shows to watch, but we wait until the entire season is out and watch it all in one weekend. Next on the docket is Downton Abby’s season four.

James and I are waiting for season five to be finished, so we can watch it that way. How do you choose your settings for each book?
It’s usually a place I’ve either been or would love to visit ... and always in England, whether the entire story takes place there or just part of it. I’m an Anglophile at heart.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
Jesus, but I’m guessing that’s what everyone would say. I’d pick Ruth—as in the book of the Bible. I think she was pretty spunky so conversation might be interesting. Plus I’d like to hear first-hand her love story with Boaz.

I’m that way about Esther. What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
That writing is a humbling road to travel. Actually, sometimes it’s downright humiliating. Thick skin is mandatory and mine used to be wafer thin.

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
That no matter what He asks of me, as hard or devastating as it may seem, it’s always for my good and His glory.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Be teachable.
Take the time to learn the craft, always striving to polish your writing. Listen to what those who have been in the business longer have to say. There’s no room for pride in your baggage on this trip.

Be patient.
It takes a long time to write a book. Don’t expect to crank out three or four a year and have them be literarily fresh.

Don’t take things—especially yourself—so seriously.

Tell us about the featured book.
BRENTWWOOD’S WARD is a blend of Sherlock Holmes and Dickens. Here’s a blurb:

It takes a criminal to catch one, and Nicholas Brentwood is just the man for the job. Reformed in more ways than one, the rough-around-the-edges Brentwood is a member of the Bow Street Runners, London’s early nineteenth-century fledgling police force. There’s none better than Brentwood at catching the felons who ravage the city’s streets, and there’s nothing he loves more than seeing justice served.

Beautiful and beguiling, Miss Emily Payne is not the sort of miscreant Brentwood usually hunts down. When he is assigned as her bodyguard, he vows to protect her from her father’s enemies, who will stop at nothing to carry out their mission fueled by greed and revenge.

All her life, Emily has longed for love, but it remains beyond her grasp. This season she’s determined to find a husband, which is quite the undertaking with a hound-dog guardian like Brentwood watching her every step. If he would just give her some measure of freedom, she is sure she could win the heart of society’s most eligible bachelor.

Emily’s headstrong persistence challenges Nicholas in ways he doesn’t expect but of one thing he’s certain—of all the cunning criminals he’s dealt with in the past, this time he’s met his match.

Please give us the first page of the book.
London, 1807
“You, sir, are a rogue!” Emily Payne scowled into the black marble gaze fixed on hers, determined to win the deadlock of stares. Horrid beast. Must he always triumph?

Without so much as a blink, the pug angled his head. Sunlight from the front door’s transom window streamed over her shoulder, highlighting each of his fuzzy wrinkles. The pup’s face squinched into a doggy smile, coaxing a sigh from Emily. Who could remain cross with that scrunched up muzzle?

“I should’ve named you Scamp instead of Alf, eh boy?” She smiled, then laughed outright when he snuck in a quick kiss on her neck.

Beside her, Mary, her maid, joined in—until Mrs. Hunt, equal parts housekeeper and sergeant-major, huffed into the entry hall. Emily glanced at the matron over the pup’s head. If the Admiralty were smart, they’d press her into service, and the royal navy would learn a new meaning for shipshape in no time.

“Sorry, miss. The little beastie got clean away from me.” Mrs. Hunt reached for the fugitive, the smell of linseed oil and hard work wafting with the billow of her sleeve. “Hand him over, if you please. It won’t happen again.”

 “Hmm. Don’t be so sure.” Emily nuzzled his furry head with the top of her chin, well aware he ought not be encouraged, yet completely unable to stop herself.

Mary tsked. “He just can’t bear to be parted from you, miss, that’s all.”

“Which is more than I can say for the males of my own species,” she mumbled into the pup’s fur. Alf nestled against her shoulder. If only Charles Henley might become so attached, the empty void in her heart would be filled at last. After a last snuggle, she held the pug out to Mrs. Hunt.

But Alf wriggled during the transfer. His back paw caught the lace on her glove, tearing the sheer fabric. Frowning, she inspected the damage. “Oh, bother. Mary, would you—”

“I shall.” Her maid turned, but a rap on the front door spun her back around. “Right after I answer the—”

Emily shook her head. “I’ll do it. You see to the gloves.”

She opened the door to the height of fashion. By faith, the only thing Reginald Sedgewick prized more than his garments was his looking glass. “Uncle Reggie!” She smiled. “A bit early in the day for you, is it not?”

He nodded. Nothing more. Perhaps it was indeed too early for his usual cheerful banter. “Is your father home?” His voice crackled at the edges.

“I’ve not seen him, though that’s not unusual. Come in.” She stepped aside, and the scent of bay rum entered with him—or was it? One more sniff and her nose wrinkled. There was nothing bay about it. The man reeked of rum.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Follow my adventures at my blog WRITER OFF THE LEASH or visit, and don’t forget the usual haunts of Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter.

Thank you, Michelle, for sharing this new book with us. My copy just came, so I haven't had time to read it. It went to the top of my to-be-read pile.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Brentwood's Ward -
Brentwood's Ward: - Amazon
Brentwood's Ward - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    would love to win Angela from Ky

  2. Thanks for hosting me today, Lena! Good luck, readers!

  3. I have heard so many wonderful things about this book, I'd love to win!

    Shannah, NC

  4. I REALLY want to read and review this one!!! :D

    Blessings, Amada (pronounced:, NM

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I love books of this era. Jane Austen, Sherlock Holmes, and Charles Dickens, along with many others, are some of my favorite reading materials!
    J.C. -Indiana-

  6. I'm also a fan of Sherlock Holmes and Dickens, so I think I'll like this. :)

    -Melissa M. from TN

  7. Lena, thank you for the interesting interview with Michelle. Brentwood's Ward sounds like a great read. :)

    Caryl in TEXAS

  8. I'm reading good things about this book... I am so wanting to see if she will win the heart of society’s most eligible bachelor. Dee from NE

  9. Great review, Lena! Thank you for the opportunity!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  10. I wish I had enough books to give away so you could all win!

    Thanks for stopping by Lena's blog today. It's been great to be here.

  11. I'd love to read your book! I'm from MO! :D

  12. A fabulous first page thank you.

    Mary P


  13. The regency period is one of my favorite times to read about. I am really looking forward to reading Brentwood's Ward. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Loraine in TX

  14. Thx for the interview! I have heard some great things about this book from my bestie who reviewed it for our blog! Please count me in!

    Diana in SC


  15. Ooh, sounds great! A little Regency mystery!

    Binghamton, NY

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  16. Sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Beth in Montana

  17. I enjoyed A Heart Deceived, and look forward to reading Michelle's newest book.

    Patty in SC

  18. You had me at Sherlock and Dickens! I'd love to read this. Sheila in Oregon

  19. I have never visited England, but love to read books with an English theme!
    Beth from Iowa

  20. I've really been looking forward to reading this book! Thanks for the chance to win it! :)

    Aerykah in Oklahoma

  21. I JUST bought this book on Kindle today because I heard nothing but rave reviews about it from my friends! But I would love to have a paper copy to add to my Regency shelf :)

    Anne, rural NC

  22. I'd love to read the whole book!
    You've got my interest. :)

    Lancaster County, PA

  23. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I would love to read Emily and Nicholas story. This sounds like a great winter read!
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Maryann in NY

  24. I love learning about new authors! This book looks good!!


  25. Sharon Richmond Bryant4:44 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway, SC.

  26. This sounds wonderful! I would love to read and review it - absolutely love some mystery, history, and romance all mixed together. I live in Phoenix AZ

  27. This sounds wonderful! I would love to read and review it - absolutely love some mystery, history, and romance all mixed together. I live in Phoenix AZ

  28. Pam K.6:10 PM

    This sounds like a great book. It's certainly getting a lot of good reviews from other bloggers. Thanks for the chance to win Brentwoods's Ward.


  29. I'v interested in this book, Thanks for sharing

    Lyndie Duncanviile TX

  30. Brentwood's Ward sounds so intriguing, I would love to win it!
    Merry in MN

  31. I like historical novels. lisajcowell(at)cs(dot)com in Ohio

  32. Would love to win this book!

    Cathy from BC Canada

  33. Hi Michelle and Lena! I have been anxiously awaiting Brentwood's Ward's release since I first read about it a few months ago. I love Michelle's writing and sure look forward to her new book!
    Kristen in OK
    kam110476 at gmail dot com

  34. Looks Awesome!!!
    Enter Me!

    Blanch, NC
