
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

HOPE REBORN - Caryl McAdoo - One Free Book

Bio: With fourteen titles released by six publishers, Simon & Schuster author Caryl McAdoo is excited about her newest historical Christian Texas Romance series HOPE REBORN (1850/Jan. 9, 2015), book three after VOW UNBROKEN (1832/March 2014) and book two HEARTS STOLEN (1844/September, 2014). The novelist also edits, paints, and writes new songs. In 2008, she and her high-school-sweetheart husband Ron moved from the DFW area—home for fifty-five years—to the woods of Red River County. Caryl counts four children and fourteen grandsugars life’s biggest blessings believing all good things come from God. Praying her story gives God glory, she hopes they books will also minister His love, mercy, and grace to all their readers. Caryl and Ron live in Clarksville, the county seat, in the far northeast corner of the Lone Star State.

Welcome back, Caryl. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
Indeed He has. After writing for almost thirty years … Suddenly … I find myself a hybrid author standing on a precipice shared by so many Christian authors. I believe what’s in store is an amazing surge—a tsunami—of God’s best blessings given His children. I remarkably have nine new titles planned for release, and I’m going to say God willing, because everything can change in a moment when you walk with Him. And there are even more than just those nine already written or half completed, if He makes more time for me. I expect His awesome favor this year on those who seek His Kingdom first! I pray that He’ll let me know if busyness ever places me in jeopardy of getting kicked off that list!

Tell us a little about your family.
I share my life with the wisest, most Christ-like man I’ve ever known. With him, I brought four little McAdoos babies into the world, three sons and a daughter. All live in north Texas relatively within three hours drive. All but the youngest have married, doubling their numbers, and given me fourteen grandsugars. Four of those little boys have lived with O’Pa and me (Grami) almost twelve years, but this year, two of them left—one to college, and one to his other grandparents’ because that granddaddy fell and broke his hip and our boy asked to go so he could be a help to them. So we’re down to two now and enjoy our little family of four. We’ve found a wonderful Church of God with a great youth group only about twenty-five minutes away, and toward Paris which is where my Walmart is. That would be in Northast Texas.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
Oh, yes, so much in that I need to spend that time writing and all that goes with that including editing, proofing, cover design, formatting, marketing, and even building a platform by visiting and being seen all over every form of social media. With rearing grandsons, and all that entails, I have very little free time to read. I still carry books with me to read every time I get a few minutes, but it takes me a long time to finish a book.

What are you working on right now?
I love sharing works in progress! Presently, I’m writing three novels. Book five, DAUGHTERS OF THE HEART, in the historical Christian Texas Romance series. Debuting September 1, 2015, God willing, it’s the story of Henry Buckmeyer’s three youngest daughters who are all reaching courting age.

 Also TOKEN OF THE COVENANT, volume three of my new Biblical fiction series The Generations. It’s planned for release in July, 2015 and tells the story of Noah’s family on the ark and those early years after the waters subsided. It follows volume one A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS, with Adam and Eve and their children to Seth, and volume two THEN THE DELUGE COMES (March 2015) featuring Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah and his three sons Japheth, Ham, and Shem.

 And lastly, AQUIRING A WIFE, a contemporary Christian Texas Romance that I’m writing as my Thank You gift to all those who subscribe to my newsletter The Caryler! I give away a free novel every quarter to let them know how much I appreciate them. This story is fun because Ron, my high school sweetheart husband of forty-six years, and I love playing this game called Acquire, and I’m using that game in the story! It’s for the third quarter gift. I already have the stories written THE PREACHER’s FAITH to give away first quarter, and SING A NEW SONG the second—both contemporary Christian Texas Romances.

What outside interests do you have?
Music, I love to sing – mostly praise and worship, but God gives me new songs that go along with my children’s books I take into schools, and He gave me Susannah’s Ballad for VOW UNBROKEN. He gives me scripture songs to help me with whatever I’m going through and to praise Him.

Like: ♥ ♪♫•*It isn't only Your grace♪♫•*♥¨♪*•.♪✞ that's amazing. ♪♫*♥ ♫✞The sound is as sweet♥♪*•♪♫✞of Your faithfulness, too. ♥¨♪*•.♪♫✞You never slumber or sleep; ♪♪*•.♪♫✞You've promised my soul to keep!♥ ♪♫•✞*♥, and when I get in too deep, !♥ ♪♫•✞*Your love always lifts me!♪♫•✞ ✫*Amazing!♥ ♥ •♥✞ ♪♫.♥✞You're so amazing! ♪♫♥♫✞Everything about You! !♥ ♪♫•✞* Everything that you do!♥♥ ♪♫•*♥✞✫The stars✫in the sky! ✫♥ ♪♫•✞*¨*•.♥✞ ♪♫.♥✞ a baby's first cry, ♪✫*♪•♪✞the newness of Spring!♥ ♪♫•✞*¨and the joy that it brings!♥♪♫• ✞✫*You're so amazing, Lord, ♪♫•*♥¨♪*•.♪♫✞You're amazing to me! !♥♥ ♪♫✞♥✞

I also like to paint and garden – not so much the getting down and in the dirt anymore (pretty hard to get up) but decorating the garden, adding touches. I love Pinterest for remembering great ideas.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
In my historical Texas Romances, the Buckmeyers and Baylors who revisit throughout the series live on the very land my husband and I do. The McAdoo Ranch is 916 acres and sits five miles South of Clarksville proper in far Northeast Texas. This way I know all the hills and creeks and fields and timberland so I never get confused where they are. On the cover of Hope Reborn, the house in the background is a recognized historical home in Clarksville proper that belonged to the Lennox family. They also used to own the McAdoo ranch many years ago! So that’s a fun connection! J

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
If I could choose a historical person who’s a bit not real, it would be Henry Buckmeyer. I’d really love spending an evening with him. But if I have to choose an actual person, I think I would choose the statesman and movie actor Ronald Reagan who I see as such a down to earth, Christian man who loved America and his family. By far the best president in my lifetime, he would be fun to sit down with and visit.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
Well, the marketing involved to get going, but it wouldn’t have stopped me. I love people and getting to interact with my readers, but it is never ending at this point in my career. It seems that my life is about the next release and all it entails, which is understandable considering I plan on ten new releases in 2015, God willing. All the books through May are already written, and I’m working on July, August, and September now. I’ll add three novels to the historical Texas Romances, four to the contemporary Red River Romance, and three to the Biblical fiction. I am so excited about what God is doing. I didn’t ask for a word at the beginning of this year, but He gave me one anyway. He spoke PROMISE to me. What a year 2015 will be!

What new lesson is the Lord teaching you right now?
This question ties right into the last one in so much as one of my favorite verses, Habakkuk 2:3, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” I have it marked in my Bible that He spoke this to me back in the ’80s and I have been holding fast to it all these years while going through many trials and tribulations, losses, and broken relationships, but I held fast to the vision. I couldn’t let go. In recent years, since 2012, I have seen His great blessings – a Simon and Schuster contract, a new home, a brand new car (didn’t pay for either) and now what He is accomplishing in 2015 with the books that I’ve written that I pray give Him glory. I know I am right where He wants me to be. What a great place!

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
#1 Find a good critique group where peers offer hard critique you may hate hearing, but that will improve your work
#2 Go to conferences! Even small ones if that’s all you can afford, they will help! Learn there from the instructors giving their time, and network with other authors, agents, and editors.
#3 Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness THEN all these things will be added unto you!

Tell us about the featured book.
Hope Reborn was so much fun to write! I loved my heroine being a successful dime novelist, and fell in love with May Meriwether. She carries deep, dark secrets that could change her life so drastically. She longs for true love like she writes about in her books, but at forty-one is convinced time and her dream has passed her by. An article in the New York newspaper catches her eye as she reads about two Texas Ranger heroes. She decides they could spark new life to her writing and immediately plans to leave for the Lone Star State and interview these men as inspiration for the love interest for her next heroine! She finds way more than she ever bargained for.

Please give us the first page of the book.

May smiled at the Tribune’s headline, “Fillmore Says Pay Texas Off.” Even the President was thinking about the new state. She returned her gaze to the line close to the bottom of the front page.

Could it be that more than one Henry Buckmeyer lived in Texas? She seriously doubted it, and that settled the matter. She was going west.

Chester, would you come in here, please?”

While she waited, she reread the article that lacked the prominence due—in her estimation. It hadn’t changed. The man’s name stared back at her in bold type.

Chester.” She hated raising her voice. “Where are you?”

For a minute more, she tapped her nails in a rapid syncopation—little finger to index—on her desk. Finally, she stood. Where had he gotten off to? And what could he be doing?

Before she reached it, her parlor’s left side door opened. “Did you need me, ma’am?”

“Yes, I wanted to know if you read that article I gave you about the exploits of those two Texas Rangers.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Well? What did you think?”

“Interesting. Might be a novel there, but really, ma’am, not your sort of story. Is it?”

“Well, I don’t see why not.” She headed back to her chair with the man following then flopped into it. “Oh, Chester.” She massaged her face, thumbs on her jaws.

“Yes, ma’am?”

“I’m so sick of snooty-prude ladies doing whatever they can think of to trick stuffy-shirted men into marriage.” Her hands went high into the air in defiance then relaxed into a stretch. “Really. I can’t write another.”

He looked around the rather large room; it tickled her that the New York mansion’s grandeur still impressed him, always had. “But those stories do pay the bills.”

She hated that everything always boiled down to gold coins. “Ah, but certainly, there’s got to be more to life than money.”

“Well said, if you have plenty.”

The last thing she wanted this evening was to get into a debate over dollars. Besides, she didn’t like to think of herself as having plenty, as he put it.

“Fine. I’ll capitulate. Life requires filthy lucre. There. Now if you’re happy, how about you remove a handsome amount out of the safe for me? I’m going to Texas.”

“What?” He grinned, and his snowy teeth glistened as white as any of her heroes’. “No. Millicent May. Texas is unruly, primitive. And there are wild Indians. You cannot.”

She glared. “Do not call me that, you know better.” Clearing her throat, she smoothed her hair, pushing up a curl, and willed herself calm and reserved. “And do not presume to tell me what I can—or cannot—do. Please.”

He lifted his brows and tucked his chin a bit, but only looked at her, didn’t speak.

“So why not?”

Texas came into the Union as a slave state, ma’am.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?
(All First Chapters are offered here)
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(Join Caryl’s Street Team!)

Thank you, Caryl, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Hope Reborn - Paperback
Hope Reborn (Texas Romance Book 3) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    would love to win. Angela in KY

  2. Hello Angela in Kentucky! Thanks so much for coming by. I'm happy to answer any questions :) And Lena, thank you so much for having me on A Christian Writer's World! Hugs and Blessings from Texas!

  3. Love to read this book. I enjoyed your other book I reviewed for you. Sm. wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  4. Wonderful Sm :) I think you'll enjoy it as much as the first two. I really had fun writing May Meriwether, the dime novelist! :) Thanks for the reviews! Blessings!

  5. Hi Caryl! You know I would love to win your wonderful book. The cover is beautiful and it sounds like a winner!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  6. I live in Madison Heights VA......your life sounds very interesting and busy! where do you find the time to write? would love to win! Rhonda

  7. A lovely post thank you & an interesting first page.

    Mary P


  8. I live in St. Cloud, FL - your book looks good, thank you for the chance to win. griperang at embarqmail dot com

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Caryl is a new author to me. I am looking forward to reading some of her works. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Loraine in TX

  11. How neat that God has given you songs to go along with your children's books! I'd love to read Hope Reborn.
    Beth from IA

  12. Thanks for the opportunity to get to know Carol

    Lyndieb Duncanville Tx

  13. I can't imagine having all that going on at once. How do you stay focussed?
    Jan in West Texas

  14. I'm 41, the same age as the heroine! Would love to read May's story.

    How did you decide to write an older heroine?

    Patty in SC

  15. Sharon Richmond Bryant5:52 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway, SC.

  16. I apologize for not getting her until now. I have a cousin coming to stay with us for awhile. I've never met him in person, and haven't seen his daddy, my first cousin, since I was a ten-year-old, but the young man's lost both parents and needs some guidance. I've spent the day preparing a place. I covet your prayers. He's coming Friday!

  17. Melanie! I just see you everywhere! :) I so appreciate your love for all things books! Hugs and blessings!

    And Rhonda! I have a granddaughter in VA. I'd love to come there and enjoy the mountains, with with two school age boys, A Grami can't travel. Though I have the highest respect for homeschooling mothers, I do not...I'm not patient enough (Dear Father God, please do not consider that a need or prayer...Your Holy Spirit and I are working on it!) SO, anyway, THAT's when I write mostly - when they're at school :) The bus picks them up and drops them at our door every day, so unless it's band or basketball practice day...I've got lots of free time :)

  18. Mary Preston! Old Australia! Glad you enjoyed page one. Chapter Ones are always my favorite! I've been blessed to have Australia readers and Canada and United Kingdom, and Denmark, too! Isn't that fun?? is for me anyway. I thonk it's simply awesome! :) Blessings from Texas!

    Angela in Saint Cloud - what a peaceful name for a city! Is it on the Atlantic or gulf side? Blessings and Joy!

  19. Loraine! A new Texas reader! All the novels in my historical series are 'Texas Romances'! SO you're sure to love them :) I hope you do! Blessings!

    Ruby and Reba in IA - That's Iowa, right? Davenport is in Iowa, right? There's a writers conference there this July/August I hope I get to go to. I'll have to see if God makes a way. And He gives me songs for my grown-up books, too! Book one's heroine Sue Baylor in VOW UNBROKEN (this series) has a ballad to sing. It starts off "A promise is a promise, and I have made a vow though I never thought it meant I'd be alone. For ten long years, I've worked this land, and only God knows how I've made these little ones and me a home."

  20. Lyndie Blevins! You're in Duncanville. My son used to manage the Domino's there for awhile! I'm coming to Arlington in February - the Half Price Bookstore, February 21 2-4 pm if I remember the time right :) Maybe you could come! If you win, I could sign your new book! I went to school with a Pam Blevins. We were good friends :)

    Another Texan, Jan! I don't focus, I just do do do do do and pray I don't forget stuff :) The Holy Spirit keeps me in pretty good and steady going from writing to blogging to Facebooking to setting up booksignings to laundry. Praise the Lord my husband likes to cook! And he recruits those two grandsons to clean the kitchen quite a lot :) Blessings!

  21. Pattie and Sharon, both in South Carolina. Though I adore Texas, I did think it would be fun to be Caryl of the Carolinas :) I like to write what they call 'mature romances' where the heroine and hero are older. My Lady Luck's a Loser's heroine is even older :) It was so much fun creating May as a novelist. And she writes several of MY stories! tee hee hee (Only a few of the readers who have read all of them mentioned it, but thought it was fun :) Hugs and blessings, y'all!

  22. Pam Graber6:16 AM

    Three books in progress?? How in the world do you keep everything straight? Hope Reborn sounds fun. Would love to win!

    Pam in Ohio

  23. Carly McAdoo, a new author for me, has caught my attention. Loved the description: "For a minute more, she tapped her nails in a rapid syncopation—little finger to index—on her desk." I have seen 'she tapped her fingers' many times but this was so much better. If it is any indication of the writing in the rest of the book I will be truly impressed. Please enter me in the giveaway.

    A J Hawke

  24. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Sounds great! Shelia from Mississippi

  25. Sounds like an interesting read! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Beth in Montana

  26. Wow, looks awesome!!! Please enter me!
    Blanch, NC
