
Friday, March 06, 2015

SPY OF RICHMOND - Jocelyn Green - One Free Book

Welcome back, Jocelyn. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
Yes, He has. Spy of Richmond is my tenth book and the end of my Heroines Behind the Lines Civil War series. Right now I’m exploring a few different directions for where I want to invest my writing energies next. I foresee both nonfiction and more historical fiction in my future, Lord willing!

Tell us a little about your family.
My husband Rob is the most supportive husband this homeschooling writer mama could ever ask for. He’s also a graphic designer, and has created the maps in my novels! Rob is the Web developer for the University of Northern Iowa library and is also in grad school for a master’s in Instructional Technology. Our 8-year-old daughter loves to read, ride her bike, write stories, and play violin. Our 6-year-old son loves anything with wheels on it, and is more athletic than my husband and I combined. We have one pet, a cat named Oreo who the children find absolutely irresistible.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
I’m a much more thoughtful reader than I was before I wrote fiction. I keep a notebook and pen with me when I read so when I notice a striking passage, I’ll jot it down in my notebook or just scribble a note to myself about the author’s technique. I have much more appreciation for authors and books now that I know how challenging it is to do it well! I also read a wider variety of genres and authors now as I look for new and different ways to tell stories.

What are you working on right now?
I’m in the final stages of my current interlibrary loan spree for a new series I’m researching. In a few weeks, I’ll be ready to make travel plans to visit the location and really dive into some archives and get a sense of setting. I never feel like I’m ready to write until I’ve spent time “on-site.”

What outside interests do you have?
Between writing, reading, and homeschooling, I don’t have much time leftover. But if I did, I’d spend more time gardening, knitting, baking, and scrapbooking.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
With my Civil War series, I chose the roles women played during the war first, and the settings fell into place. Wedded to War was about the first band of trained professional nurses, which took place in New York City and Washington. I wanted to also show how civilian women were affected by battles close to home, so Gettysburg was a great setting for book 2. Yankee in Atlanta combines two different roles—that of the female soldier, and the secret Unionist in Atlanta. I chose Richmond for the setting of Spy of Richmond because Elizabeth Van Lew, the most famous female spy for the Union, lived there on Church Hill. My heroine, Sophie Kent, works in Van Lew’s spy network.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
Nellie Bly. Born in 1864, she grew up to be a ground-breaking reporter, which was remarkable for a young women in those days. She launched a new kind of investigative journalism and wrote an exposé on the conditions inside an insane asylum, among other stories. She also traveled around the world without a chaperone in a record-breaking 72 days. I was trained as a journalist, so Nellie’s story fascinates me.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
Honestly, I wish I would have had a little more confidence in myself early on. When I switched from nonfiction to fiction, I had a lot of self-doubt, and it’s really difficult to be creative when you feel lousy about yourself. Ironically, my first novel, Wedded to War, was a Christy Award finalist in two categories. I could have saved myself a lot of hand-wringing if I had just been able to turn off those negative voices in my head.

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
He’s teaching me to wait upon His timing. It’s so easy to rush around and behave as though my success is defined by my productivity. But that’s not the case. My success is determined by how closely I follow God’s will for my life. That could mean I write ten books and I’m done, or it could mean I have many more to write than that. Trusting God’s timing releases me from comparing myself to others. I need only seek His will, rather than try to match someone else’s success.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Read, read, read. Work on your craft even when you’re not in the mood. Find creative ways to market—and one way to do this is by joining associations that foster cooperative efforts.

Tell us about the featured book.
Richmond, Virginia, 1863. Compelled to atone for the sins of her slaveholding father, Union loyalist Sophie Kent risks everything to help end the war from within the Confederate capital and abolish slavery forever. But she can't do it alone.

Former slave Bella Jamison sacrifices her freedom to come to Richmond, where her Union soldier husband is imprisoned, and her twin sister still lives in bondage in Sophie's home. Though it may cost them their lives, they work with Sophie to betray Rebel authorities. Harrison Caldwell, a Northern freelance journalist who escorts Bella to Richmond, infiltrates the War Department as a clerk-but is conscripted to defend the city's fortifications.

As Sophie's spy network grows, she walks a tightrope of deception, using her father's position as newspaper editor and a suitor's position in the ordnance bureau for the advantage of the Union. One misstep could land her in prison, or worse. Suspicion hounds her until she barely even trusts herself. When her espionage endangers the people she loves, she makes a life-and-death gamble. Will she follow her convictions even though it costs her everything-and everyone-she holds dear?

Please give us the first page of the book.
Outside Savannah, Georgia
Thursday, March 3, 1859
It is madness.

Rain hissing to the earth in torrents behind her, Sophie Kent shivered and craned her neck toward the platform, half expecting lightning to strike the Ten Broeck Race Course any moment. It was the second day of the auction selling more than 420 slaves, and the second day of boiling, weeping storms. Gripping her pencil and papers beneath the folds of her wrap, Sophie trained her eyes and ears to the drama around her.

Humiliation tightened her throat as she watched a woman on the stage made to jump, bend, twist, and turn. Her smooth complexion was the color of tea with milk and honey, a bright contrast to the cocoa and coffee bean shades of the others. Her almond-shaped eyes were cast downward as a man tugged off her shawl and head rag before pinching her arm and pulling her lips apart to display her teeth. Modesty told Sophie to avert her gaze from the indignity, but she resisted. For years, she’d been blind to the horrors of slavery. This time, she would not look away. Neither will I stay silent. Not any longer.

The man spun the woman around and made some remark into her ear; she let him expose her back to the audience. “No scars from the disciplining lash—no trace of rebellion in her spirit,” he said. The woman covered herself once more.

As the bidding began from within the two hundred buyers in attendance, Sophie withdrew her auction catalogue from her wrap, her pencil poised to take notes. Humidity curled the pages, and the list of souls for sale drooped in her gloved hand.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Jocelyn, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Spy of Richmond -
Spy of Richmond (Heroines Behind the Lines) - Amazon
Spy of Richmond (Heroines Behind the Lines Book 4) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Jocelyn Green writes a really good book and Spy of Richmond promises to be another fabulous read. Would love to win a copy.

    I'm in NC

  2. I like the stories about female detectives and spies. This sounds like a good read. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

    Loraine in TX

  3. I love to read about women spies. sounds like an intriguing story.. thanks for gifting someone a copy! Deanna in Nebraska

  4. Hi ladies! Thanks so much for reading the interview! Vera, I'm so glad you've enjoyed this series, so far. Good luck to all of you in the drawing!

  5. Thanks for making this offer available! I love Jocelyn's work.

  6. Hi -- I'm living in Virginia and if I would be lucky enough to "win" this offering ..I would ship the book to my 92-year young grandmother!! She is currently reading the first two books, in the series. She lives in Nebraska and has loved the books so far!!

  7. LOVE all Jocelyn's books!
    Sheila (living in New Mexico)

  8. Oh I see some familiar readers here! I'm so glad you made it to Lena's blog! Thanks for your enthusiasm!

  9. I've loved all the books in this series, so I cannot wait to read this last one... although I'm sad that it is the last one:(

    I'm from North Carolina.


  10. Ah, Brittany, the end of this series was bittersweet for me, too. I will work on creating more stories, OK? :)

  11. I love Jocelyn's books and would love to win this one. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Cheryl in Kansas

  12. This series is SO interesting! When I'm done with the books I just have to get the next one to read! :D

    ~Amada (pronounced: NM

  13. I'd love to win a copy, this book sounds really interesting and mysterious. :) I love reading about this time period! Sherri in snowy, cold PA God bless :)

  14. April Sutton12:27 PM

    I absolutely love this series. Her writing is comforting but challenging, informative but not too overwhelming. Can't wait to read the last one!

  15. Anonymous2:07 PM

    This book sounds so intriguing!Shelia from Mississippi

  16. Pam K.5:52 PM

    I've read the other books in this series; I think they are probably the best books I've read about the Civil War. I'm really looking forward to reading Spy of Richmond to finish this series. I'm sure I'll be wanting to read Jocelyn's subsequent books as well. Thanks for the interview with Jocelyn and the chance to win her book.


  17. I love Jocelyn's books! Thanks for the informative interview and for the giveaway!

    I'm in MN.

  18. Sounds like a fascinating story. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    -Melissa M. from TN

  19. I've only read one book in this series, but I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to reading the others.

  20. I am very intrigued by this book and would love to read more. Thank you!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  21. This is going to be a fascinating read.

    Mary P


  22. Bonnie Roof1:20 AM

    Thank you for the interesting interview, Jocelyn and Lena!!

    I love the story line of "Spy of Richmond" - it sounds like such an exciting, emotional, inspiring novel!!

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!!

    Bonnie in Ky.

  23. Love stories of war.

    Jean in Fl

  24. I enjoy books from this time period. I would love to win a copy. I am in Florida. Thank you for sharing. griperang at embarqmail dot com

  25. Jocelyn is a new writer to me & I really enjoyed the book blurb! Civil War era books are so sad yet gripping to read. I enjoy being transported back to that time in books, but very grateful not to have lived during the turmoil. Thanks for sharing!
    Robin in NC rw620 at aol dot com

  26. I have enjoyed Jocelyn's Civil War series! Looking forward to what she writes next!

    Binghamton, NY

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  27. We have the first 2 books in this series in the church library.
    I know a lot of our readers will be disappointed to know that this is the last book in that series.
    Thanks for giving me the chance to win, "Spy of Richmond".
    Janet E.

  28. Sharon Richmond Bryant8:49 AM

    Enter me in this awesome giveaway!!!
    Conway, SC.

  29. Hi everyone! So glad to see you here! It's fun to see all the different states (and countries! Hello Australia!) you represent! Thank you so much for reading this series, or for those of you for whom this is completely new, thanks for your interest in giving it a try. Spy of Richmond can be read as a stand-alone novel, but if you think you might read more than one in this four-book series, it would be ideal to read them in order. Good luck to all of you in the drawing!

  30. Love this series. Looking forward to reading Spy of Richmond. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
    Karen G.

  31. Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Beth in Montana

  32. This sounds so interesting, especially since I enjoy Christian fiction from the Civil War period. Thank you for the chance to win! I live in Phoenix, AZ

  33. I'm not sure who designs the covers for Jocelyn's books but they are amazing. This one really captures my attention.

    This looks like another wonderful story that I am looking forward to reading.
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

    Cindi Altman in PA

  34. Jocelyn Green is a fantastic author and I can't wait to read Spy of Richmond! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful interview and giveaway.

    Britney Adams, TX

  35. Sounds like Jocelyn really does her research before writing! That is one of the reasons I love historical fiction...

    Patty in SC

  36. I really enjoy reading historical fiction about the Civil War and have read a trilogy by Lynn Austin telling the story of this war from three different perspectives. I woul love to win and read your book. Sm. CA. wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  37. Hi Jocelyn & Lena! I can't even begin to imagine the horrors the people who were being sold as slaves had to be subjected to on the slave blocks and their daily lives! It just breaks my heart.
    Kristen in OK
    kam110476 at gmail dot com

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I love books set in the Civil War!


  40. Marguerite6:56 AM

    Elizabeth Van Lew is a favorite person of mine. I love the pictures of her sitting by her mansion (the one the State of Virginia tore dowm). Slower Lower Delaware

  41. Anonymous12:58 AM

    I am in Fort Loudon, PA. I have been anticipating the release of this book for a long time. I love civil war fiction and she writes the best. Civil war fition that has a great storyliner and plot is hard to find. I would love to win a copy.

  42. Your book sounds full of suspense! Thanks for the chance to win!


  43. Looks Awesome!!! Please enter me! :)

    Abigail RICHMOND (notice my last name) :)

    Blanch, NC

  44. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Would so love to win this book. I met Jocelyn in her blog of a tour of the Wars. It was so fun. She seemed a very nice and interesting lady to me. I have her first book. Would sure love to win this one.
    Maxie (TX.) > mac262(at)me(dot)com <
