
Monday, June 08, 2015

BACKFIRE - Elizabeth Goddard - One Free Book

Welcome back, Beth. Do you have a favorite genre to write? If so, what is it?
I love romantic suspense! I’ve always loved a suspense element along with romance even when reading a historical novel.

If you didn’t live in the part of the country where you do, where would you live?
I’d love to live in the Pacific Northwest again. Maybe Washington instead of Oregon this time.

What foreign country would you like to visit and why?
Scotland because I love the landscape and the accents and the lore. Italy because I love anything Tuscan.

Describe what you think would be the most romantic vacation you could take.
I never thought I’d want to go to Hawaii because I love Mountains and winter sports, but I’ve been thinking about that lately after reading a Kristen Heitzmann book set there.

Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet?
I’ll probably keeping setting my stories in the Pacific Northwest for a while because I love it so much, but since I recently moved to Minnesota I’m starting to research and look around for key locations to set a story.

What is the main theme of this novel?
Beauty for ashes. That in our struggles we sometimes wonder why bad things happen, but God takes the bad things and makes something good out of them.

Tell us about the story.
Here’s the blurb:
Book 3 in Mountain Cove
Tracy Murray had thought she’d be safe disappearing in the wilds of Alaska after her testimony put away a gang leader. But the gang symbol tattooed on an attacker’s arm means the clock has run out. She’s been found—and she knows the killers won’t let her escape alive again. She can’t fight an entire gang alone—she needs help. But when she finds herself relying on widowed firefighter David Warren, a new struggle emerges. Fleeing Alaska and cutting all ties could be the only way to survive…but it would mean leaving her heart behind.

Mountain Cove: In the Alaskan wilderness, love and danger collide

Please give us the first page of the book.
Mountain Cove, Alaska
Tracy Murray knew she had little time. A storm brewed in the distance.

But Solomon’s urgent bark pulled her up the rising trail, indicating that there was someone in danger.

She sucked more air into her lungs that were already screaming from her workout.

Any other season on this trail—spring, winter, fall—she’d have to be concerned about the avalanche danger. But not during the summer, and because the season was so brief in Alaska, Tracy had every intention of enjoying the outdoors. Out for a run with her search-and-rescue golden retriever, summer abounded around her in the form of wildflowers and sundry small wildlife scurrying in and out of the flora.

Tracy had been heading for Keller Falls, four miles up the trail, until Solomon had taken off. She’d let him run free, and hoped to practice a few commands. Up until a moment ago he’d run beside Tracy, surprisingly ignoring his natural instinct to chase forest animals, but then he’d taken off. With his continued excited and urgent barks, she knew that he had caught a human scent and was sending his vocal cue to alert Tracy that something was wrong.

Dread replaced the serenity she’d found on the trail.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
At they can find links to my Facebook and Twitter pages, sign up for Great Escapes, my newsletter and sign up for email updates as well. Also, I blog at and Thank you for having me!

I always enjoy hosting you on my blog, Beth. And I love reading your books. I can't wait until my copy arrives.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Backfire -
Backfire (Mountain Cove) - Amazon
Backfire (Mountain Cove Book 3) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Thanks for the interview, I too love romantic suspense. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance to do so.

    Lourdes in Long Island, NY

  2. Elizabeth Goddard is a wonderful author & her newest book "Backfire" is a must have for me! I won her first one "Buried" a while back and I have ordered her "Untraceable" so this one would be a great addition to the Mountain Cove series! I also have a copy of "Riptide" that I picked up from a second hand store quite a while ago. So all that to say, I would be thrilled to have this book from an author I already love :-) And she also loves the Pacific Northwest which is where I live (Oregon, we already have that in common, lol!
    Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

    Trixi in OR

  3. This does sound very exciting.

    Mary P


  4. I love the LIS line of books and would love to win a copy of Backfire. Thank you for the chance.

    I live in Indiana.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  5. Hi Elizabeth & Lena! I'm so excited about the Mountain Cove series and can't wait to read it - I already have Buried & Untraceable so I just need Backfire and then Submerged in the fall!
    Kristen in OK
    kam110476 at gmail dot com

  6. Brenda Arrington8:17 AM

    Can't wait to read this one. I would love to win a free copy. Thanks so much.

    I live in VA.

    Brenda A.

  7. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Love to win a copy of this book! Shelia from Mississippi

  8. I'd love to read this! thanks for gifting a copy :)
    Deanna from Nebr.

  9. That cover really intriugs me!


  10. Sharon Richmond Bryant6:43 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway, SC.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks so much for stopping by, and I love all the encouraging words from those who have read the first two books in Mountain Cove. Honestly I wish I could keep writing them!

    I've asked my publisher if I could write two more books and so I've recently signed a new contract for two more Mountain Cove books and then I'm starting a new series set in the Wild Rogue Wilderness, also in the Pacific Northwest.

  13. Great first page! I really enjoy Love Inspired Suspense books. Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the chance to win.

    Beth in Montana

  14. Sounds interesting!

    -Melissa M. in TN

  15. Glad to hear you are writing more of the Mountain Cove books!
    Beth from IA

  16. Sounds like an awesome book! I would love to win.

    I live in Canada

  17. Pam Graber1:16 PM

    I am a huge fan of the Love Inspired Suspense line! I have Untraceable from this series and would love to win Backfire.

  18. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I would love to win Elizabeth's book. Thanks. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <
