
Tuesday, July 07, 2015

RED IS FOR ROOKIE - Anne Greene - One Free Book

Dear Readers, my special friend, Anne Greene, is back with a contemporary suspense novel I think you’ll love.

Welcome back, Anne. Tell us about your salvation experience.
My father was an agnostic, so we children were never taken or sent to Sunday School. I missed that wonderful experience. When I was in High School, I attended a church I could walk to. Unfortunately, they did not explain the way of salvation. However I sang in the choir, and some of those old songs helped me work through tough periods in my life. When I was twenty-one, my husband and I visited a small church in San Diego. The handsome pastor preached on the second coming of Christ. I barely knew of His first coming, but that day both my husband and I received the Lord as our savior. Both my husband and I had a dramatic change in our lives. We have never looked back to the old life without Christ. Living with Him has been such a joy and time of growing and learning. I am so thankful to Pastor Tim LaHaye who so faithfully through the years has obeyed God’s call to teach and preach.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
I’ve never attended a writing retreat so I’m not sure how they work, but I would have a difficult time narrowing the invites down to four. I would invite Lena Dooley because she is my friend and mentor. I would invite a publicist so I could learn more about the art and science of selling books. I would invite Ace Collins because he writes great suspense, and finally I would invite Julie Lessman because she’s a friend and writes great historical novels.

Now that would be a fun group. I know some really good publicists you could invite and I love Julie and Ace. Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
I do speak at libraries, book clubs, retirement homes, and anywhere someone asks me. I speak about whatever topic they are interested in. Most of the time, they ask me to speak about writing and how it works and how I got into it. Also they ask me to speak about my books. I enjoy talking with both large groups and small groups. I also am available to teach writing courses about novel writing.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
I try really hard to avoid embarrassment, and usually succeed. But one time I didn’t. I attended a small school because I grew up in a small town. Our high school and junior high school buildings were located on the same grounds. One day when I was in eighth grade, I left school late. Almost everyone had gone for the day. Being somewhat a rebel at heart, I broke a school rule, thinking the rule didn’t matter because no one was in school. We junior highers were not permitted to go inside the senior high school building. But I had to go to the restroom. So I went inside the high school building, since the junior high school building was further away. After I left the restroom and was in the corridor on my way out, the entire varsity football team trooped past…either going to or from the showers. I’m not sure if my face turned more scarlet or theirs. A few of the boys had towels, but most of them didn’t. Nor did they have clothes. Some of the boys brazenly stalked by my wide eyes. Others covered what they could however they could. And, of course, being from a small town, I knew each boy, and they knew me. So, I stood and gazed. And they either hurried by or strolled by, a confident smile on their faces. None of us ever mentioned what happened. And that lesson taught me to be even more of a rebel. Who knew what unforeseen adventures lay in that direction?

People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
I tell them if they are really interested, I can help them with our American Christian Fiction Writers organization and with critique groups. I have read over manuscripts and given input to would-be writers. And I do mentor several writers. I tell them about the pitfalls and the rewards of full-time writing. And I encourage them that today there are more open doors to writers than ever before.

Tell us about the featured book, HOLLY GARDENS, PI, RED IS FOR ROOKIE.
Tracking a kidnapper is an unusual assignment for a private investigator. But Matt is Holly’s lifelong friend. During the race to save him, Holly discovers a lot more than she bargained for. Matt’s in love with her.

Holly’s world has never been more dangerous. Her mother’s convinced Holly will end up dead, so she hires a PI to protect Holly. She needs Stryker’s savvy and expertise and is eager for his help, though she risks her heart working with the danger-loving man.

Stryker’s past returns to haunt him. The kidnapper wants revenge. Stryker risks his life Holly. The dangerous race transforms Holly from a Rookie into a seasoned PI. But with the two men turning her life upside down, can Holly take the heat?

Sounds good! Please give us the first page of the book.
As I turned away to retrace my surveillance route, my gaze swept across a man I hadn’t noticed before. He stood near the ballroom door with his back to me. I did a double-take. An off-duty cop. I could spot one a mile away. The way he walked, stood, and observed his surroundings. A cop couldn’t disguise his identity. Calm, professional, strong, he looked as though he controlled the world. With legs braced wide, right foot behind, he kept his piece away from the crowd. Even from the rear the guy looked cocky.

Someone touched my shoulder. I jumped. While I’d been eyeing the cop, Matt, my detective friend, had crossed to my side of the room.

“Who invited the police?” Matt jabbed a thumb toward the ballroom door.

“My question exactly. Maybe one of the rich types demanding extra protection. Or maybe the cop’s moonlighting as a bodyguard.”

Matt rubbed his clean-shaven chin. “Maybe. Don’t know.”
“Whatever. I’ll find out.”

“You do that.” Matt sauntered back to patrol his side of the ballroom.

I planned to check the cop out, but didn’t want to meet him this way. I had an image to project. I was an investigator. A professional. Strong. Independent. Cool. Granted, I had a lot to learn, but I sure didn’t want to be seen on Valentine’s night appearing to shop for a man at a meet-a-thon. In a town as closely-connected as Dallas, if we met in the line of fire–and I had no doubt we would—he’d never take me seriously. Some time tonight I’d inform him I was actually working.

I policed my half of the room then headed back toward the Champion Wrestler table.

Big, warm fingers grasped my arm with just enough pressure to make me brake and take notice. The dark-haired, fine-looking man extended his other hand. A sense of recognition nagged me. But I didn’t know him.
He sat with his back to the wall at the Attorney table catty-cornered to the wrestlers’ enclave. I shook his waiting hand, feeling warmth and solid strength I hadn’t expected to find in a lawyer’s grip. He wore his dark suit like other men wore uniforms. Daring. Proud. Indomitable. Candlelight reflected mystery in his brown eyes. With the kind of smile you see on a man given an unexpected dish of ice cream, he stood and offered me the empty chair his polished wingtips had guarded. With the chair now free, a bevy of females flew over from different tables and circled him.

“Sit a while.” 

His compelling expression excluded everyone in the room but me. It was an invitation I didn’t want, but my feet, aching from the unaccustomed spike heels, did. So I slid into the seat. I turned to the attorney, a real James Bond type. Unwanted sparks ignited my insides. Too intense to be handsome and too electric to be ignored, he was big, tense, and concentrated. I’d never met a man who looked so ready for adventure.

Here was trouble masquerading as charm.

I love the different voice in this book, Anne. How can readers find you on the Internet?
My books can be purchased on any on-line bookstore and at type in Anne Greene. My links are, @TheAnneGreene, Pinterest The Anne Greene,  
I love to hear from my readers.

Thank you for sharing this new book with us, Anne. I can hardly wait to read it.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This sounds like a book I could really get into because I love mystery, suspense, action, and interesting characters.
    Edward Arrington, Martinsville, VA

  3. This sounds like an interesting story that I would enjoy reading.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  4. Hi Edward, nice to meet you here. I know you'll love this book of my heart. You have a good chance to win!

  5. Lena, thank you so much for inviting me to your blog and for a chance to visit with your readers.

  6. Linda, so nice to meet with you here. I'm willing bet you won't be able to detect who the murderer turns out to be!

  7. I do enjoy a mystery read. Sounds fantastic.

    Mary P


  8. Looks interesting. Please enter me.
    Blanch, NC

  9. Sounds like a good book. I enjoy reading mysteries! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Beth in Montana

  10. I can actual "hear" this story. I totally expect some suspense or detective TV theme song to begin playing (can you hear the theme from "Dragnet"???). Sounds like a fun (though not comical) read.

    Vera from the middle of North Carolina - midway between the beautiful Atlantic coast line and the Great Smoky Mountains.

  11. Sounds like a great read! I live in downeast Maine, and love reading new to me authors.

  12. Brenda Arrington6:43 AM

    This book sounds awesome. I live in VA.

  13. Mary, I think you'll fall in love with the characters. This is a first book of a series. Thanks for visiting.

  14. Hi Abigail, nice to meet you here on Lena's blog. I think you'll find Holly Garden, PI, a page turner. Good to talk with you.

  15. Hi Beth, Authors write what they love. I also love a good mystery. This one has suspense as well. Oh, yes, and romance!

  16. Hi Vera, You're just the kind of reader I love. But, yes, there is a bit of humor in my books as well. Maybe not knee slapping, but funny! Nice to talk with you here.

  17. Hi R Merr from Maine. I'm so glad you love new to you authors. I hope after you read Holly Garden, I won't be a new to you author any longer. I do have four other books available besides Holly Garden books. You can find them at Amazon. Just type in Anne Greene. So good to talk with you here on Lena's lovely blog.

  18. Hi Brenda from VA. I love your state. I'm from Texas, near Dallas. But I have visited almost every State in the US, even Alaska and Hawaii. We have a beautiful country. I love our USA.

  19. I would love to have one of Anne's books.

    Lyndie from

  20. Sharon Richmond Bryant1:06 PM

    Enter me in your great giveaway!!
    Conway, SC.

  21. Hi Lyndie, lovely to visit with you here. I know you'll enjoy Holly Garden, Lyndie. It's fast-paced and I think that even you might not be able to discover the murderer and why Holly's best friend was kidnapped.

  22. Hi Sharon, I hope you like humor and suspense with your reading, because you'll find both in Holly Garden. Nice to meet you.

  23. Anonymous5:51 PM

    sounds like a great book! Shelia Hall from Missisippi
