
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

BECAUSE OF THE RAIN - Deborah Raney - One Free Ebook

Dear Readers, I recently finished reading Because of the Rain on my Kindle. Its a book that deals with an unthinkable event that changes the lives of a whole family. Deborah has written a number of books that when I first read the premise, I cant imagine how the story can end in a way that I will find satisfying. This was one of those books. One thing about Deborahs stories is that she finds the fine line to the end that can satisfy the reader. Her characters leap off the pages and the reader feels all their pain and journeys with them to the end. You wont want to miss this powerful story.

Welcome back, Deborah. You have a lot of books out now. What is your favorite setting to use in your books?
Ive written quite a few books set in southeast Missouri, including my new Chicory Inn Novels series. I first got to know this beautiful area of the state when our daughter both attended Southeast Missouri State. They ended up both marrying area men and are now both elementary teachers in southeast Missouri. And thus, I have three grandsons there, and a new grandbaby on the way. Its fun to get to see my grandkids when I go on research trips. :)

What do you look for when youre shopping for a book to buy for yourself?
I want something that will be entertainingeven page-turningwhile also being thought-provoking. I prefer contemporary books that explore issues I might find myself dealing with in life. (Which is also why I love to write contemporary womens fiction.)

There are only a few authors of contemporary womens fiction that I read, because I often prefer reading historicals. Of course, you were the first person on that list. Give us a little tour of the setting for this book.
Because of the Rain is set in a fictional suburb of Illinois, Chicago area. I chose this area for my first two novels because I thought it would be boring to write about my home state of Kansas, but I wanted some place in the midwest that would be fairly similar culturally and dialect-wise as well. I soon learned that it was a blast to write stories set in Kansas, and who knew the setting better than someone who lives there?

What other books do you have coming out soon?
My Chicory Inn Novels series, beginning with Home to Chicory Lane, is going strong. The first book in the series was a Christy Award finalist, won the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, a Silver Scroll award from AWSA, a bronze award in Foreword Magazines INDIEFAB Award, and was a finalist for Christian Retailings Best Award. The second book in the series, Two Roads Home, just released in June, and book 3, Another Way Home will be out in October. There are two more books to complete the series.

Please give us a glimpse inside your home.

These photos of my office show how my office is located where the builders of our home intended the formal dining room to be. But we are not formal people and so I nabbed this space at the front of the house for my office. Its a bright, cheery place to be and I love having the coffee bar in my officeespecially so I can smell that wonderful aroma all morning long!

Is this novel part of a series or a stand-alone book?
Because of the Rain is a stand-alone novel. It was first published by Bethany House in 1997 under the title In the Still of Night. When I got the rights back to the book and re-issued it through Greenbrier Press, we learned that in the ensuing years, more than a dozen books with that same title, and many others with similar titles, had been published. So to avoid confusion we chose a new title, which I think is appropriate since my update of the novel (mostly to bring the story into the 21st Century and give my characters cell phones and computers!) has made it almost a whole newand much better, I think!story. My favorite thing about this new version is the gorgeous cover, which was designed by my husband, Ken Raney!

It is a lovely cover. Tell us about the story.
Anna Marquette has everything to live for. Her daughters are in college and, with the support of Paul, her loving husband, she is pursuing her dream of a career in counseling. Then one night, while on a trip to Orlando, the unimaginable happens. She takes a short cut to an evening out with Paul and is brutally assaulted.

When Anna suspects the attack has left her pregnant, her faith is put to the test. As Anna and her family confront the heart-wrenching decisions that lie ahead, Anna gradually comes to realize that God has a plan for her and that she must trust Him. But will her family accept the choice she makes? Will her husbands love for her prevail? And will her marriage survive this ultimate test?

Please give us the first page of the book for my blog readers.
Anna Marquette stepped into the quiet of the carpeted hallway and closed the door to the hotel room behind her. Checking the lock, she tucked the key card into her large leather handbag and headed across the hall toward the bank of elevators. The doors at the far end of the row slid open silently, and she entered the empty car. The air inside smelled of stale cigarette smoke and air conditioning. Anna pressed the button for the lobby and leaned back against the handrail as the elevator began its descent. The elevator shaft was encased in glass, affording Anna a sweeping view of Orlando’s skyline as the cage crept slowly down the sleek face of the towering building and ground to a halt on the lobby level.

It was March, and they’d flown out of Chicago’s O’Hare yesterday morning in below freezing temperatures. But March in Orlando meant ninety degrees. The late afternoon sun beat down on the glass, warming Anna’s bare arms. It always amazed her that the weather could be so drastically different just a few hours’ flight away.

Paul had laughed at Anna as she packed sweaters and wool jackets alongside her summer dresses.

“Anna, we’re going to Florida, not the Yukon.”

“I know, but I’m not taking any chances. You know I can’t stand to be cold.”

“Suit yourself. But I’m only carrying one suitcase.” He gave her the grin that had won her heart twenty-three years ago and continued folding golf shirts and summer dress shirts, adeptly packing them into one half of the large suitcase that lay open on their bed.

An executive with a large advertising agency in Chicago, Paul Marquette was a seasoned traveler. His business trips were usually overnight—two or three days at the most—but he traveled several times a month. Whenever he had to be gone longer than that, he liked Anna to come with him.

When their daughters were younger, Anna had relished the chance to get away with Paul and take a break from being a full-time mom. Her parents lived an hour west of Chicago and were always anxious for a chance to spoil their granddaughters. But now that the girls were grown and on their own, and Anna’s days were more her own to orchestrate, the days spent lounging in a hotel room or shopping the malls of whatever city they happened to be in had lost some of their appeal. Yet the evenings with Paul, exploring the city together and sampling the local cuisine, made the days of solitude worthwhile.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
I love meeting my readers on social media! I dont know how Id survive the life of solitude an author leads without my breaks for Facebook and e-mail interaction! Here are just a few places you can find me online:

Thank you, Deborah, for sharing this book with us. I know my readers will like reading it as much as I did.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
Because of the Rain

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the ebook. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. North Platte Nebraska is where i live.

  2. This sounds like another good story. I'd love to read it.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  3. I love Deb's stories and am eager to read Because of the Rain! Thanks so much for sharing this lovely interview and giveaway.

    Britney Adams, TX

  4. Brenda Arrington6:08 PM

    Can't wait to read this one. Deborah is one of my favorite authors.
    Brenda in VA.

  5. Thank you for the wonderful first page.

    Mary P


  6. Please do enter me! This sounds like an intense book with a lot of substance and I enjoy Deborah Raney's books. Thanks for the interview, the beautiful pics, and the opportunity to win this book!

    Diana in SC


  7. thanks for the chance to read this novel.

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  8. Judy Cooper2:04 PM

    I love anything Deborah Raney writes. It would be nice to win.

  9. This sounds like an interesting book. I have enjoyed several of Deborah's other books and would love to read this one.
    Edward A in VA

  10. I've only read a few of Deborah's books, but have always enjoyed them!

    Patty in SC

  11. I enjoyed seeing Deborah's work area.
    Connie from KY
    cps1950 at gmail dot com

  12. Sounds like a great story!

    -Melissa M. in TN

  13. Congrats, Karen! I'm sending you the link to your e-book this evening!

  14. I so appreciate all the encouraging comments! And thank you, Lena, as always, for being such a wonderful host on your blog! I appreciate you!
