
Friday, September 18, 2015

UNCONDITIONAL - Tanya Eavenson - One Free Book

Bio: Tanya Eavenson enjoys spending time with her husband, and their three children. Her favorite pastime is grabbing a cup of coffee, eating chocolate, and reading a good book. Tanya is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Word Weavers International, and writes for Christ to the World Ministries.

Welcome back, Tanya. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I write Contemporary Romance and Historical Romance under the heading Inspirational Romance. My hope is when readers pick up my novels, they will witness God’s grace through my characters and perhaps experience God’s unconditional love for them.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
The day I found out I was pregnant with our first child. My husband and I had been through so much within our marriage, our daughter was an answer to prayer and a precious gift from the Lord. 

How has being published changed your life?
Being published is a journey I’m on as an author, but also as a follower of Christ. Since becoming an author, I’ve faced more doubt about myself and about my writing than ever before. There are days it’s a struggle, but it’s relying on God to direct my path that takes faith—a lot of faith. This seems funny to say, but sometimes I feel like I’m in training, allowing God to have His way in my life, and when I do, He uses me to touch others in ways I’ve never dreamt. I know one thing for sure, the Lord is fulfilling a purpose in me, and whether it’s in word or in deed, He will be glorified.

What are you reading right now?
As of right now, I’m not reading anything due to my fast approaching deadline for my current work in progress Restored. However, the first few books on my reading pile are from Mary Connealy’s series Wild at Heart. Once I finish my Unending Love series, I’ll be snuggling up in a chair with one of Mary’s books.

I love Mary’s books, too. Her newest just arrived this week. I’m eager to start reading it. What is your current work in progress?
My current work in progress is the next novel in the Unending Love series called Restored. Restored is about my secondary character, Dr. Steven Moore, from Unconditional. He’s the tall, dark, and handsome type, but not only is he good looking, his heart is for the Lord.  He lives for what is true and right, even if it breaks him in the process. I loved Steven’s character so much, I had to write it! Steven’s story releases winter of 2016 and I can’t wait!

Be sure to let us feature it on the blog. What would be your dream vacation?
My husband and I have always wanted to take a family trip to Bass Pro Shop in Missouri and stay in their log cabins, rent a boat, and go fishing. Twice we planned it, but we’ve had to cancel for various reasons. It’s a simple dream, but I hope we’ll be able to accomplish it in the future.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
Settings depend on where I’ve lived or where I’d like to visit. If I’ve never visited the location for my novel, I research the setting and find someone who has lived in the area. This is where research comes in regardless of whether it’s a contemporary or historical novel.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
I’d love to spend an evening with author Lori Wick. I love the biblical aspects of her writing and how the characters feel like family. God was calling me to write, but it wasn’t until I read her series, The English Garden Series that I began to write. God used her in my life and I’d like to say thank you.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
You won’t believe it, but it is fishing! I enjoy getting out in the bass boat and spending a few hours on the water. My dad always wanted a boy; instead he got a baby girl. He taught me how to fish at an early age, and it came in handy when I met a guy from my church who loved to fish. =) Now married nineteen years, my husband said it was one of the things he found attractive about me, a companion to share his life with.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
My greatest obstacle, and one I mentioned earlier, is doubt. It’s funny, I relate to Peter from the Bible so well, how he inspires me to step out of my comfort zone and meet Jesus, but also how he turned his attention to the storm. In a similar way, at times I take my eyes off Jesus. The inadequacies I feel or the doubts can almost topple me over. When that happens, I have to remember to take courage, to remember He is with me, to stop doubting and have faith. My faith isn’t built on my abilities, but the character of God. He will help me accomplish any task and walk alongside me in the journey.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?
The best advice I’d give to a new writer besides encouraging them to study the craft or find a critique group, is to never give up. Writing isn’t easy. The journey has so many highs and lows that if you give up, you’d never know the person you’d become, or how your stories impact hearts and lives in the process.

Tell us about the featured book.
Unconditional is a story of a husband and wife who struggle with disappointment and heartache and ask if marriage is worth fighting for. But it’s also a story of how God’s grace can lead to healing beyond the imagination, because with God, nothing is impossible.

Back cover blurb:
He will fight for her at any cost...

Elizabeth Roberts can't remember her past, and the present is too painful. She turns to nightclubs and drinking to forget her infant daughter's death, her husband's affair.

When his wife's coma wiped out the memory of their marriage, Chris Roberts found comfort elsewhere. He can't erase his betrayal, but with God's help he’s determined to fight for Elizabeth at any cost.

She wants to forget. He wants to save his marriage. Can they trust God with their future and find a love that’s unconditional?

Please give us the first page of the book.
Sure! Hope you enjoy!

 “Please, Elizabeth...I can’t lose you.” Chris Roberts gently kissed his wife’s hand. He focused on her bandaged head and breathing tube, looking for any sign she heard his pleas, felt his touch. Nothing.

“Your daughter needs you. I need you.” His voice faded into the quietness of the room. He wiped his cheek with the back of his hand and tried to force his mind clear. The image of his pregnant wife slipping from the church steps still haunted him. He should have been closer, should have caught her.

The doctor and nurse came into the room, but he barely acknowledged them as they checked his wife’s vitals and changed her bandage. There was nothing more they could do.

“Mr. Roberts,” the doctor spoke from Elizabeth’s bedside. “There’s been no change, but the wound to her head is healing nicely.”

“It’s been two weeks. Will she ever come out of this coma?”

"I don’t know. All we can do is wait and pray. But I thought you should know about your daughter.”

Chris met his gaze. “Katherine. Is she all right?”

The doctor’s eyes softened. “Her breathing is still our main concern since her lungs weren’t fully developed, but she is doing better than we expected. What I’m trying to say is she’s thriving and should be able to go home within the week.”

Chris tried to smile but failed. Katherine had survived the terrible incident, but what about Elizabeth? He turned back to his wife and squeezed her hand. “Did you hear the doctor? Katherine’s doing well. We can go home soon, but you have to wake up.” He bowed his head and fought against his tears. The door clicking closed behind him echoed in the room.

The days passed in slow motion — the next day, and the next — all blending together into one long vigil, one long prayer that never seemed to go farther than the ceiling. Where was God? Was he even listening? 
Doubts preyed on Chris as he entered Elizabeth’s room and found his brother standing at Elizabeth’s bed. Phillip’s eyes were closed, head bowed. He held Elizabeth’s limp hands in his. He spoke in soft whispers, and though Chris couldn’t make out his words, his brother’s expression suggested he was pleading to God in prayer.

What good would it do? Another week had passed, and still his wife lay unconscious. Three weeks, and Elizabeth’s condition hadn’t changed. The window to her recovery was quickly closing. He’d never in his life felt so helpless.

After several minutes, Chris touched his brother’s shoulder. “Phillip.”

Phillip whirled to face him. “She squeezed my hand. It was soft, but I felt it. I think she’s waking up.”

Chris went to Elizabeth’s side and searched her features, her eyes, as he’d done many times before for any sign she’d come back to him. A vise tightened around his heart. False hope, yet again.

He fought the desire to sink into a chair and sob, but instead collected her hands within his. A small moan escaped her lips.

Chris’s breath caught. “Oh, Elizabeth. I’m here. Look at me.”

“I’ll get the doctor!” Phillip rushed from the room.

Chris touched her forehead where the bandage had once been and smoothed down her hair. “Open your eyes.” He ached for her touch, for her smile, for her love. “Sweetheart, I’m here. I love you.”

Slowly, surely, Elizabeth’s eyes fluttered open. Tears filled his own eyes.

The doctor burst into the room with a nurse on his heels. Even while they examined Elizabeth, he refused to leave her side. She squinted and blinked twice. A frown touched her brow as she gazed around the room, then at him.

He smiled down at her, joy filling his heart. His wife was alive. “Katherine’s home. We’ve been waiting for you.”

Elizabeth licked her lips, her gaze never leaving his. “I’m sorry…” she paused. “Who is Katherine? Who are you?”

I want to know what happens next. I know my readers do, too. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Readers can connect with me at my website There they can sign-up for my newsletter, learn a little about me, my journey as an author, and grab more of the opening of Unconditional. They can also contact me on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Google, or on Amazon.

Buy links for the book:

Thank you, Tanya, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    would love to win. Angela in KY

  2. Angela, Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    This sounds terrific! Thanks for the chance to win this book!
    J.C. -Indiana-

  4. looks like a great story.
    Yeah, writing is hard, doubt is always present, and we have to keep stepping out on faith.

  5. Appreciate your kind words, J.C.! Grateful for your visit!

  6. Thank you, Jeff! As an author you understand, and how stepping out in faith makes all the difference. Thank you for your visit!

  7. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Thank you for sharing your struggles as a writer. I'm a fairly new writer and often struggle with doubt, but your words are encouraging. I also appreciate you sharing the prologue for your book. You have me hooked and I look forward to reading it! May the Lord bless you as you serve Him through your writing.

  8. sounds like a wonderful story. I'd love to read more.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  9. Anonymous, I'm so glad I was able to encourage you. This was actually my prayer as a shared my experiences with doubt, that someone would be encouraged. I'll be praying for you as you write for Him. And thank you for your kind words. =) I hope you enjoy Unconditional! Thank you for stopping by!

  10. Linda, thank you for your visit! Hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Tanya, your story sounds wonderful and I would love to read it. Keeping my fingers crossed! Thank you for the opportunity!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  12. Thank you for the great prologue.

    Mary P


  13. I love that this is a romance, but within the confines of marriage. We don't see that very often anymore.

    Terrill - Lynden, WA

  14. Sounds like a good read.kamundsen44(at)yahoo(dot)com. North Platte NE

  15. Melanie, Thanks so much! Lena has you entered and good luck! =)

  16. Mary and Kim, I appreciate your visit and your kind words! You both have a GREAT weekend!

  17. Terrill, I agree and one of the reasons I enjoyed writing this story. Thanks for stopping by and visiting with us!

  18. This sounds like a very interesting book that I would enjoy reading. My wife would also. We have had some difficult times with illnesses but never like this.
    Edward A in VA

  19. Edward, May God bless you, your wife, and your family with continual health. Hope you both enjoy Unconditional. Thank you for visit today!

  20. Wow! This excerpt is a terrific way to catch a reader's attention. I definitely want to read more.
    Connie from KY
    cps1950 at gmail dot com

  21. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Oh my. This sure has my attention. I would love to win it. What a horrible situation to be in. can't even imagine how hard for your loved one not to know you, as happens with Alzsheimers. Thanks for having tanya here. GOD bless you both.
    Maxie (TX) > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  22. What a page turner this book promises to be. I would be very interested in reading it.
    Deanne in PA

  23. Thank you, Connie! So glad you enjoyed the excerpt to Unconditional! Appreciate your visit!

  24. Maxie, Thank you so much! Yes, I have a family member with Alzheimer's so I understand. My heart goes out to others with love ones with Alzheimer's. It seems you understand as well. So grateful for visit. Blessings to you as well!

  25. Thank you, Deanne! Lena has you entered and I appreciate your visit! Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Sharon Richmond Bryant7:33 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway, SC.

  27. I can certainly relate to the love of fishing!! My dad taught me when I was a kid too & we'd go every opportunity we could. Sadly, I haven't been in quite a few years, my husband is not a fisher. We have, however, learned how to crab and since we live on the Oregon coast, there's lot of chances to go :-) The next best thing in my opinion!
    Thanks for the author interview, I sure enjoyed learning more about you and "Unconditional". Sounds like a wonderful book, though a bit heart-wrending. I'm hookes just from the first page & as Paul Harvey always said, I want to know the rest of the story :-)

    Trixi in OR

    1. Trixi, yes, it is the next best thing! =) Oh, I'm sure it's beautiful on the Oregon coast. And when you mentioned Paul Harvey, I had a feeling I knew what you were going to say. =) I hope you enjoy Unconditional. Thank you for visiting. It was wonderful meeting you!

  28. I would love to win and read this book.I don't think I have read a book by this author before.Thanks for sharing.Jackie Tessnair N.C.

    1. Thank you, Jackie! Lena has you entered. =) Hope you have a great week!

  29. Thank you for stopping by, Sharon! Have a great Monday!

  30. Looks like a great story! Would love to read the whole thing.

    Pam in Ohio
