
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A TIDE WORTH TURNING - Beth Wiseman - One Free Book

Dear Readers, several years ago at an ACFW national conference in Minneapolis, one of the women in my critique group introduced me to Beth. We clicked right from the start. She wasn’t published at that time, but soon her first book released. Now she had a number of books out, and I love her writing.

Welcome back, Beth. How did this book come about?
I love reading books about the beach, and a novella is always nice on vacation. I enjoy writing romances, but my stories are also relationship driven with several subplots going on. In this story, we unravel secrets between Addison and her mother, feeling their pain and rejoicing with them as they find their way back to each other. There are two romances running parallel with each other, but there is also a mystery that isn’t revealed until the end. I write a lot of Amish novels and novellas, so I wanted to do something a bit different.

Tell us about the book’s cover and what makes it unique.
I’m so glad you asked this question. I took the photo on the cover. My husband bought me a fancy new camera for my birthday, and I captured this shot in Mexico. Then I turned it over to a graphics designer who came up with the final cover. The book starts off in Galveston, Texas, but if you’ve been to Galveston, you know right away the photo doesn’t look like Galveston; and it’s not meant to. This story takes my characters to another beach I would like to visit some day—and that is the intended beach on the cover.

Please explain and differentiate between what’s fact and fiction in the book.
All of my books are fiction, but this is another good question since certain truths always find a way into my stories. In the story, we know from the beginning that Logan is in some sort of trouble. But we also know he is a good guy. This mystery isn’t revealed until the very end, so I don’t want to give any spoilers. The idea came to me based on something that happened to my son’s friend.

Yes, we authors often hear or experience something that takes us right into a story. How much research did you have to do for this book?
I had to do quite a bit of research for this book. Novellas need to pack a punch since they are shorter reads, but they also need to be as accurate as full-length novels. I’ve never been to the place my characters visit in the story, so I had to research certain customs and the area. And there were some legal issues that I had to research.

When I was in school, even college, I hated when we had to do research. Now I love it for my books. What are some of the most interesting things you found about this subject that you weren’t able to use in the story?
The food! Logan is from Australia, and he loves to cook, so I researched popular foods in Australia. I included two recipes in the back of the book, but I couldn’t squeeze them all in.

What inspired and surprised you while you were writing the book?
I’m always inspired by the ways God feeds me the story. And I’m always surprised by the ways I’m ministering to myself while writing the story. And there is something in the book that I wrote in early on, but I had no idea if it had any special meaning. One day I looked it up, and I just smiled when I realized it was very significant to the story and my character’s spiritual arc.

What do you hope the reader takes away from the story?
There is a reason for everything. God never wastes a hurt. So, if bad things are happening to good people, it could be God’s effort to direct our journey onto a better path.

What is the next project you’re working on?
I’m working on my second book in the Amish Secrets series (not yet titled). As I’ve done with my other series, I’ve brought back some of the same characters from Her Brother’s Keeper, but I’ve also introduced new people I hope readers will love.

What do you do when you have to get away from the story for a while?
It depends. If I’m just totally brain dead and my eyes hurt from staring at a computer and my phone, I’ll read a book. Other times, if I want a total escape, I’ll play games on my phone, just really tune everything else out. And I clean house. It’s amazing how dirty the baseboards become when I’m under deadline. I’ll find anything to do but write, lol.

Please give us the first page of the book.
ADDISON PACED ACROSS HER MOTHER’S LIVING ROOM as sweat dampened her temples and the base of her neck. May was already punishing them with Texas temperatures that were usually reserved for July and August. But Lee Ann Burke had a steadfast rule not to run the air conditioning until July. If there was any saving grace at all, it was the ocean pushing a breeze ashore, which wafted through the screened windows of the house Addison had grown up in. She breathed in the briny aroma, a smell she’d haul to her grave someday, with enough good and bad memories to keep her balanced on the plank she’d been walking since her father died. She glanced at her smart phone, wondering if she was going to make it to her next appointment on time. The continuous drip of the kitchen faucet around the corner felt like water torture against her left temple. She rubbed the source of the irritation. “Mom, are you sure the agency said three o’clock? It’s almost three thirty.”

“That’s what they said.” Her mother didn’t glance up, but kept focused on the jigsaw puzzle she was hunched over. Addison couldn’t recall a time that her family—small as it was—had ever shared a meal at the kitchen table, except maybe Christmas and Thanksgiving. On most days, her mother had one of her puzzles spread atop the oak table, with a sweating glass of sweet tea nearby and an ashtray. There was still sweet tea within reach, but at least Mom had taken to smoking her cigarettes outside a few years ago, something she should have done when it became common knowledge that secondhand smoke was unhealthy. 

I can hardly wait until my copy arrives, so I can read the rest of the story. How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website is the best place to start. It’s updated all the time, and you can read the first chapter of all my books for free. There is a place to sign up for my newsletter and direct links to vendors for each book. I’m also at Fans of Beth Wiseman on Facebook. I’m on Twitter as Beth Wiseman. I have a Pinterest account and an Ello account. I sell my photography at www.FineArtsAmerica. And I’ve just recently signed up with Periscope, which is live videos, kind of like having your own TV broadcast.

Thank you, Lena, for the opportunity to be a guest on your blog.

I am always happy to host you on my blog, and I look forward to the next time we can meet face to face.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog. 
A Tide Worth Turning: A Novella

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Walking on the beach is one of my favorite things to do. Thanks for the virtual trip to Galveston and the white sand beaches of Australia.

  2. Beth Wiseman10:48 AM

    Thank you for featuring A Tide Worth Turning on your blog, Lena. I'm so glad we connected all those years ago, and I look forward to seeing you in person too!

  3. This sounds like a great book! Living in the mitten, I love going to the beach. It takes me away from the problems of life, like a great book! Thanks for an amazing interview and review!


  4. I haven't been to the beach since my son as young. I don't go just to tan any more. The book sounds great. I'd love to read more.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  5. Beth, I cannot wait to read your book! It sounds wonderful!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  6. The first page gave me an interesting glimpse thank you. Love the cover.

    Mary P


  7. Oh, yes please! I love Beth Wiseman and everything Australian! Thx so much for the opportunity to win this!

    Diana in SC


  8. Whoo Hoo! Sounds like a great book.

  9. Brenda Arrington7:27 AM

    I'm looking forward to reading this book. It sounds very interesting. Your cover is great.

  10. Sounds like a good read. kamundsen44ATyahooDOTcom. North Platte Nebraska.

  11. Beth Wiseman8:01 AM

    Wow! Thanks so much for all these great comments. If interested, you can sign up for my newsletter at We only send ONE per month...kind of an "insider scoop" type thing, and I usually recommend a book I've recently read. Another big thank you to Lena for having me as a guest on her blog. Happy Thursday to all! :)

  12. I would love to win this for my wife. She has always LOVED the beach. She used to collect sharks teeth and got our son and grandsons hooked on it. Whenever they go to the beach now, they come back telling us how many sharks teeth they found and showing us their treasures.

  13. thanks for the chance to win

    live in ND

  14. I love the lesson of this book!

    -Melissa M. in TN

  15. I agree that God uses our situation for his good. I am learning to see how can can use me in the bad as well as the good things.
    Love the picture on the cover. Looking forward to reading this story.
    New Brunswick, NJ

  16. Sandy womack Barela3:21 PM

    I live in California. It is beautiful here today :)


  17. Sharon Richmond Bryant3:57 PM

    Enter me in your amazing contest!!
    Conway, SC.

  18. I enjoy the beach, mostly enjoying sunsets. Your novel about the beach sounds really good. I enjoy your books. sm CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  19. Please enter me,I would love to win a copy of this book.Thanks for the chance.Jackie Tessnair N.C.

  20. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I have read Beth's Amish books and would love to read this book. It sounds interesting.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Maryann in NY

  21. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Hi lena and Beth. I would love to win Beth's book. Thanks for the interview. Maxie (TX) > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  22. Thank you, Lena, for inviting Beth to your blog. I especially love her statements 'There is a reason for everything. God never wastes a hurt. So, if bad things are happening to good people, it could be God’s effort to direct our journey onto a better path'. It was good to be reminded of this.
    Blessings to both of you.
    Connie from KY
    cps1950 (at)gmail (dot)com

  23. I always love Beth's books. The beach setting sounds beautiful!
    Beth from IA

  24. What a gorgeous cover pic, Beth! That fancy camera was money well spent. :) Would love to win the book.

    Pam in Ohio

  25. I love going to the beach, it's just so restoring and beautiful. I love Beth's contemporary stories, A Tide Worth Turning sounds wonderful.
    Merry in MN
