
Sunday, January 31, 2016


Edward (VA) is the winner of Fruit of My Spirit by Deanna Nowadnick.
Shelia (MS) is the winner of Signs in Life by Deanna Nowadnick.

Diana (SC) is the winner of Her Deadly Inheritance by Beth Ziarnik.

Beth S (IL) is the winner of Just Kin by Caryl McAdoo.

Maxie (TX) is the winner of Revenge by Paula Rose.

Susanlulu (NC) is the winner of An Amish Year by Beth Wiseman.

If you won a book and you like it, please consider giving the author the courtesy of writing a review on Goodreads,,, Barnes and Noble, or other Internet sites. 

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Remember, you have 4 weeks to claim your book.

Friday, January 29, 2016

New Releases from Angela Breidenbach - One Free Audiobook

New Release Trifecta!

Dear Readers, I’ve known Angela for over a decade. We were first online, writing friends, but we’ve enjoyed getting together face to face when we are at national conferences. I've loved all of her books that I've read. You will, too.

BIO: Angela Breidenbach is a bestselling author and host of Grace Under Pressure Radio on iTunes. Angela is the Christian Author Network's president. And yes, she's half of the comedy duo, Muse and Writer. There's a fe-lion comedy series in their future … but Muse is still negotiating his contract to include more catnip and oatmeal cookies … Writer just wants him to sign so she can finally take a vacation to Scotland. She did promise to bring back oatmeal cakes. He's considering …
Twitter/Pinterest: @AngBreidenbach
Angie's Amazon Page so you can follow all her new releases:

Welcome back, Angela. How is it you have so many new releases happening in the last few months with more to come this year?
Good things come to those who wait … I spent a lot of time learning the craft, getting educated in the marketing and technology. I'm driven to keep going, learning, growing. 2014 was an incredibly difficult year. I was in the middle of writing Eleven Pipers Piping when my dad suddenly passed away from a stroke. It was a very dark time for me. I still miss him. But after managing his estate full time for 5 months, I started writing again in order to fulfill a different contract by April of 2015. Then the books and contracts just started flowing, or maybe my pent-up writing did. I think I'm not only making up for lost time, but my dad was a great supporter. I think he'd be very proud I'm not only writing, but I'm writing as much as I can now.

So you had to juggle contracts?
Yes. I set aside Eleven Pipers Piping in order to get Bridal Whispers to Barbour in time for The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection ( to get put together. I just love that entire book from the artistic production to the stories inside it.

Tell us about your story in that collection, Bridal Whispers.
Bridal Whispers is the 2nd novella in The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection. It's the retelling of my maternal grandparents' love story. My grandfather was married to my grandmother's cousin first. She passed away on Christmas Day. My grandmother had been given her inheritance, the hand-blown amethyst Swedish pitcher and tumbler set, and told to go make her way in the world at 16. So she did. In fact, she put herself through nursing school. Then about 10 years later, she was called home to care for her family. While helping care for the family store so my grandpa could work the farm, the town started gossiping about them … about one year later, they married. The family story is that the gossip caused it. But they stayed married until my grandpa passed away 54 years later at 99 ½ years old. All that is true. Oh, and so is the battle between speaking Swedish and English. When I was 16, my grandma (moor moor) taught me a little kitchen Swedish. She whispered the whole time because Grandpa didn't like it. Ironic, because by that time he couldn't have heard us speaking it. The marital disagreement was so engrained about that topic that I had to include it in their story. But anyone who knew them as a couple admired their devotion, love, and longstanding marriage.

I fictionalized that love story, moved it back in time 30 years, and imagined their conversations based off of conversations I had with them growing up. But writing this story gave me the chance to enjoy being "with" my grandparents again. It's a pretty special story to me.

Now you have several audiobooks out as well. The Debutante Queen (, (, and Taking the Plunge ( which releases in February. What took you in that direction?
Eleven Pipers Piping
First, I love books in any form. I love writing them, hearing them, and seeing movies made out of them. Again a little irony. I'd hired the acting team of Forrest and Tristan Leder (though they are my son and daughter-in-law, they both hold performance degrees from the University of Montana) to voice The Debutante Queen. It's a short novel. Then I realized I really wanted to do the 1st decade of Montana's history in a way it hadn't been done before. But I didn't want it to be only in book form. As I finished the sequel, Eleven Pipers Piping, I asked Tristan to voice it. Then with the popularity of series on Audible, I decided to go for it and have each one done as an ebook and audiobook. I've been absolutely delighted with the results.

Do you plan more audiobooks then?
You betcha! I not only love writing, but I love that readers can get the books in any form they like experiencing them.

Any form?
Yes. I will begin taking then to screenplays in the near future as well.

You enjoy writing in any form as well?
I love writing in any form from fiction to non-fiction to articles. But it's the communication I love. That's why I started my podcast, Grace Under Pressure Radio ( or on iTunes). It's yet another form of communication that I hope touches hearts and helps people.

What's your podcast about?
It's about becoming a woman of courage, confidence, and candor. I hope it helps women embrace who they are made to be and to do the dreams God placed inside of them. I consider myself a late bloomer. I hope to help other women that feel like they are late bloomers too.

Tell us what your Montana Beginnings series is about.
I'm really having fun with the Montana Beginnings series! I'm choosing a lesser (or unknown) part of Montana history and building a story around that lost tidbit. We had newsies, a Victorian plunge (indoor hot spring pool), amazing battles in becoming a state, and some of the most colorful or astounding people. The history of Montana is fascinating and fun. So each story deals with something special about our state. The Debutante Queen is set as Montana earns her statehood. That story brings the newsies to life. Those little boys have a statue in our capitol because they were so important at that time. Eleven Pipers Piping shares about the mines and the drive of our people to bring tourism to the state as mines began to shut down (started in book 1). But those little newsies captured my heart and the heart of readers. So we find out what happens to them in book 2. Then the 3rd book, Taking the Plunge, is set in the astoundingly lavish Broadwater Hotel and Natatorium. The builder and owner, Charles A. Broadwater, was a hugely important figure in Montana history. So my characters interact with him as their employer at the resort. And the newsies have a cameo. I'm currently writing the next book set in 1895, Bitterroot Bride, that we plan to release through Forget-Me-Not-Romances in early March (also to audiobook).

But if you're following the series, you'll realize there's a time gap.
There's a very good reason. Seven Medals and a Bride sold to Barbour for the Blue Ribbon Brides Collection. That's my 1893 story. It'll be coming out Jan. 1st, 2017. As the Montana Beginnings series was forming, this particular book actually occurs more at the World's Fair in Chicago. Many Montana women left the state to attend the major event. And so, though it's the story I want to tell, it didn't quite fit into the Montana Beginnings series that's completely set in Helena, Montana. It did fit in the Blue Ribbon Brides where all the stories are set at some special fair venue. I'll plan another book to pop into the series for 1893 in the future. I need to find another fun lesser known historic tidbit in the meantime. There's so many to choose from that it won't be hard. Montana is a very entertaining place ;)

Do you have any special events lined up around your books?
Yes! I coordinated a 9-week Lassoed by Marriage Author Event with a bookstore just outside of Chicago, The Vine. But the cool thing about it is that anyone can participate by clicking into the Google Hangout each Monday night. If you miss one, you can still catch the author's chat and the Q and A on Youtube. Here's the entire schedule and the links are added the week before the event. You can watch it live or later. I'm having so much fun learning more about my sister authors in this collection and helping the store create a brand new book club. The whole world is invited via Google Hangout On Air or Youtube. Definitely the most challenging and interesting event I've ever done because of the coordination skills I'm using and learning each time! Please come! Here's the link to the schedule… (
Here's the link to the Youtube page for past videos of each weekly author chat:

Books and descriptions:
The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection
Nine historical couples find themselves suddenly married. After beginnings involving a bride swap, the gossip mill, angry brothers, ulterior motives, a child’s parentage, jail time, a family feud, mistaken identity, and a well-played trick, can love possibly grow for these couples who have married as virtual strangers?

Taking the Plunge (Book 3, Montana Beginnings series)
A progressive thinker in 1892 Montana, Delphina O'Connor believed in God-given dreams for women didn't stop at marriage and children. Hers might not include a husband or family at all. So when Hugh Thomas rescues the new swimming instructor at the elegant Broadwater Natatorium from near drowning in the plunge, how can anyone believe the freedom to enjoy swimming, competition, and a healthy body is an appropriate activity for a proper lady? Hugh is about to find out status quo is the starting line for a courageous woman with a dream!
Taking the Plunge explores the real-world question: What do you do when you think differently from the world around you?

Eleven Pipers Piping (Book 2, Montana Beginnings series)
What would you do if you were given eleven rowdy street newsies and told either you turn them into model citizens or they get sold into indenture or sent to the military? Of course, start a pipe and drum corps! Eleven Pipers Piping is the story of a sweet music teacher and eleven boys given one chance or else, but one boy doesn't seem like the others. And just who is his father?
(Did you read Snowflake Tiara: The Debutante Queen and wonder what happened to the newsies, Frankie and Joey? Find out in Eleven Pipers Piping, Montana 1890.)

The Debutante Queen (Book 1, Montana Beginnings series)
1889 (Helena, MT): Calista Blythe enters the first Miss Snowflake Pageant celebrating Montana statehood to expose the plight of street urchins. But hiding an indentured orphan could unravel Calista’s reputation, and her budding romance with pageant organizer, Albert Shanahan, if her secret is revealed. Will love or law prevail?

Thank you so much for having me here!

It's my pleasure, Angela. I'm going to join you in making some of my books audiobooks, and soon I'll be turning one into a screenplay.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of an audiobook. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

21 DAYS OF LOVE - Kathy Ide, Editor - One Free Book

Dear Readers, I first became acquainted with Kathy Ide when she was the editor for my book Pirate’s Prize. Then we met face to face at an intimate writer’s retreat in Texas. Since there were only about a dozen women there, we really got to know each other. We have been friends since then. I’ve been included in several of her collections. I used the 21 Days of Christmas devotional book in December. I’m looking forward to using 21 Days of Love. Several of my favorite authors have selections in this one.

Bio: Kathy Ide is a published author/ghostwriter, editor/mentor, and writers’ conference speaker. In addition to being the author of Proofreading Secrets of Best-Selling Authors, she is the editor/compiler for the new Fiction Lover’s Devotional series. Kathy is the founder and coordinator of The Christian PEN: Proofreaders and Editors Network ( and the Christian Editor Connection ( To find out more about Kathy, visit

Welcome back, Kathy. Tell us a little about yourself.
I’ve been writing for publication since 1989, and I’ve been a full-time freelance editor since 1998. I teach at writers’ conferences across the country, and I’m the director of the Orange County Christian Writers Conference. I’m also the founder and director of two organizations for freelance editors: the Christian Editor Connection and The Christian PEN: Proofreaders and Editors Network.

You’ve created a Fiction Lover’s Devotional series. What inspired you to gather a collection of short fiction stories to be used as devotions?
I’ve always loved Christian fiction, and I’ve seen the power of fiction to touch hearts and change lives, both firsthand and hearing about the experiences of others. But you know, in my quiet times with the Lord, reading a chapter from a novel just doesn’t seem quite appropriate. So a devotional with short fiction stories seemed like a great solution.

Tell us about the books in this series.
Each one contains 21 short fiction stories, followed by brief life applications, each written by a different author. Some contributors are best sellers, some are mid-range authors, and some are new writers. The first book was 21 Days of Grace: Stories that Celebrate God’s Unconditional Love. That came out June 1, 2015. The second book, 21 Days of Christmas, came out September 1st.

Tell us about this third book, 21 Days of Love.
21 Days of Love: Stories that Celebrate Treasured Relationships contains stories about all kinds of love. Boyfriend-girlfriend. Husband-wife. Parent-child. Teacher-student. Even love for pets and showing love to strangers. It released January 1, in plenty of time for Valentine’s Day. It makes a wonderful gift for friends and loved ones. And it’s a great way to get yourself into the spirit of love.

What is unique about this series?
Most devotionals contain true stories. And those are great! But so many believers today are big fans of Christian fiction … because fiction can be a powerful way to soak in spiritual truths and apply them to our daily lives. In this devotional, the authors share the themes and messages they see in the pieces they’ve written, and encourage readers to look for those types of things in these devotional stories as well as in other fictional things they might read.

What life circumstances worked together to put you in a position to be able to create this series?
Since I’ve been a professional freelance editor for several years, I’m able to edit the submissions I choose to use, polishing them without losing the author’s unique voice. And since I’ve been teaching and speaking at writers’ conferences across the country, I’ve connected with several authors at all levels, including well-known best sellers. So there are a lot of people I can personally ask about submitting to the books in this series. And I’ve developed a strong social media presence, so I can get the word out to other writers as well.

What other books have you written?
I wrote Proofreading Secrets of Best-Selling Authors, to help writers and editors learn how to proofread manuscripts for typos, inconsistencies, and errors in punctuation, usage, grammar, and spelling, according to the industry-standard guidelines.

What do you do besides write?
Read, of course. And go to movies. I also love to travel with my husband. We visit our out-of-state relatives (when they’re not visiting us—which happens often since we live in Southern California). We also enjoy going jet skiing and camping in our RV.

Can you share some of the names of the authors who have contributed stories to the devotional?
Absolutely! 21 Days of Love has chapters written by several well-known, best-selling novelists, including Susan May Warren, Sherry Kyle, Renae Brumbaugh, and New York Times best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall. There are also stories by writers you may not have heard of. At the end of each chapter is an author bio that gives some background information, and usually the author’s website. So if you really like a story you read, you can find out what else that author has written. You may just find some new names to add to your favorites list.

And if you haven’t read much Christian fiction, this devotional will give you a small taste of several different authors and genres, without having to commit to reading an entire novel. You might just discover that you actually love Christian fiction!

What other books are planned for the Fiction Lover’s Devotional series?
21 Days of Joy: Stories that Celebrate Mom, comes out April 1.

If these first books sell as well as we anticipate, the series will continue with new titles, topics, and themes. I’ll be announcing those on the Fiction Lover’s Devotional website, www.FictionDevo , and on my website, . Fiction readers can find out what new titles are coming out, and fiction writers can get the writers’ guidelines that explain how to submit to a future book in the series.

Where can people purchase the books?
They’re available online at Amazon,, Barnes and Noble, and other websites. If you go to, you’ll find several links that will take you directly to the ordering pages for all of the books in the series. You can also find them at Christian bookstores and Barnes and Noble.

Tell us about some of the stories in 21 Days of Love.
This book has stories about all kinds of love. The first chapter is about a high school girl who is suffering the aftermath of a tragedy that has left her wondering if God really loves her. Another story is about a little girl whose family is too poor to purchase store-bought valentines for her classmates. One is about a young Amish mother who’s grieving over some choices she and her husband made that separated them from their families. Some of the stories are about people who don’t have a special someone in their lives to celebrate Valentine’s Day with. And one is about a harried wife who decides to do something unexpected and spunky for her husband.

What is your story in 21 Days of Love about?
I wrote about a young woman who believes she has found the love of her life, a man who has swept her off her feet with grand romantic gestures of affection, like filling her apartment with fresh-cut flowers. But one night he shows his true colors and she begins to second-guess what love is really all about.

How do you hope readers will use 21 Days of Love?
This book makes a great gift for family and friends, with its beautiful debossed hardback cover, full-color interior, and even a ribbon page marker. With stories about all kinds of love, it’s great for just about anyone.

Like the other books in this series, 21 Days of Love makes a wonderful daily devotional. And if you want to go deeper, you can get a Study Guide with additional questions to ponder about each of the stories. It’s available as a free PDF download at or as a 99-cent e-book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

What do you hope readers will get out of reading 21 Days of Love?
I’m praying the Holy Spirit will speak to the hearts of everyone who reads this devotional about how much God loves them and how they can show that love to those around them.

Thank you, Kathy, for sharing this beautiful book with us. I've enjoyed the first two and look forward to my book arriving so I can use it soon. I know my readers will love it, too.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the hardback book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

BEYOND THE SILENCE - Tracie Peterson and Kimberly Woodhouse - One Free Book

Dear Readers, when my copy of this book arrived, I was eager to read it. The story had a different kind of plotline, and I liked the uniqueness. The characters were totally human, flaws and all. They pulled me into the heart of the book and didn’t let go … until the end of the book.

We’re going to talk to each of the authors in this collaboration. First Tracie Peterson.

BIO: Tracie Peterson is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than 100 novels. Tracie also teaches writing workshops at a variety of conferences on subjects such as inspirational romance and historical research. She and her family live in Montana

Welcome back, Tracie. I know that this is a collaboration. How did this story come about?
Kim and I so much enjoyed writing All Things Hidden that we immediately started talking about co-writing another book. We both share the desire to share the Gospel through our stories so it was a natural fit for us. We started talking about locations and storyline ideas and Beyond the Silence was born.

Did you find it easy to work together on it?
Yes. In this age of computers, emails, Skype, and of course the telephone, it isn’t at all difficult to co-write with someone hundreds, even thousands of miles away.

How did collaborating with this team impact you?
It’s always a positive experience working with Bethany House/Baker Books and Kim. I can’t think of a time when it didn’t bless me in some way. Kim and I like to pray with each other for our families and projects and that always makes the relationship all the tighter.

What is the hardest thing about writing as a team?
I have to laugh at this question – the hardest thing is probably that we can easily get distracted talking about other things or future projects we’d like to write. Otherwise, the hardest thing is not being able to sit down face-to-face over a cup of coffee.

What are you reading right now?
Several books. Non-fiction Dangerous Books for Girls by Maya Rodale and Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi. Fiction – my bookclub just finished reading The Lady and the Mountain Man. I’m also reading Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult one of my favorite authors.

How did you choose your characters’ names?
As usual we looked at names appropriate to the time period and also names we’d already used in other stories. We considered the storyline and the location and hit upon the exact names. Some of the names even related to friends and family making them all the more special.

Would you want to work on another book together?
Absolutely and we have just had word that we’re getting a contract to do just that.

What do you want to tell us about the book?
The story deals with harsh, judgmental, jumping to conclusions types of thinking. It’s easy to look at something and think we understand it, but then upon looking deeper we learn we had it all wrong. This story is about a man who is falsely accused of murder. Despite him not going to trial because of a lack of evidence, his neighbors and most of his friends condemn him. It’s also a story about a young woman who is trying to figure out what matters in life and where she fits in. And ultimately it’s a story about redemption and learning to trust God even when things look hopeless.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Far-off screams filled the air and rattled six-year-old Jimmy Colton’s bones.


Jimmy paused to listen again and looked back toward the house. Another scream echoed across the yard. Something was wrong! He dropped his bucket of dirt and took off toward the house as fast as his legs could carry him, following the long path through the olive trees and gardens. Why did he go so far from the house? Mama had told him to stay close, but he’d wanted to chase the butterflies.

He tripped and fell on a tree root. Dirt filled his mouth and his knees hurt.

Another scream split the air and made his heart beat faster. He had to get to mama. Something bad was happening. Real bad.

Where can our readers find you on the Internet?

Now we’ll hear from Kimberly Woodhouse.

Bio: Kimberley Woodhouse is a best-selling, multi-published author of fiction and nonfiction. A popular speaker and teacher, she’s shared her theme of “Joy Through Trials” with hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Kim is a pastor’s wife and is passionate about music and Bible study. She lives and writes in Colorado with her husband of twenty-plus years and their two amazing kids.

Welcome back, Kim. I know that this is a collaboration. How did this story come about?
Tracie and I were doing a Bible study together and the topic of gossip came up in the Scripture we were studying. It sparked an incredible discussion, and we decided we wanted to weave into the story how devastating our words can be.

Did you find it easy to work together on it?
Yes. We love writing together and work together with ease.

How did collaborating with this team impact you?
Well, for one thing – it’s incredible to write with the amazing Tracie Peterson. But the most important is how we both grow spiritually through each collaboration. I love how we truly can be “iron sharpening iron.”

What is the hardest thing about writing as a team?
Our distance in location. We’re always trying to convince the other to move so we can live close J

What are you reading right now?
Blood Ransom by Lisa Harris

A very good suspense novel. How did you choose your characters’ names?
Woody – the hero – and his son are named after my beloved father-in-law who went to be with the Lord in recent years. They are very special characters to me.

Would you want to work on another book together?
Yes!! Most definitely. In fact we are working on a new three-book standalone series set in Curry, Alaska.

What do you want to tell us about the book?
We would LOVE for you to read it and let us know what YOU think! J

Where can our readers find you on the Internet?
Twitter - @kimwoodhouse

 Tracie and Kim, thank you for sharing this wonderful book with my blog readers. I know they'll love it as much as I did.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Beyond the Silence -
Beyond the Silence - Amazon
Beyond the Silence - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

THE WARRIOR SPY - Dony Jay - One Free Book

Dear Readers, here’s another author who is new to the blog. Give him a warm blog welcome. This sounds like a dynamite book.

Welcome, Dony. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
Good question. Some of my characters have a lot of me in them. For instance, Reagan Rainey, the protagonist in The Warrior Spy, has a lot of me in him, but he definitely has qualities that are all his own. In any case, the characters in a work of fiction are one of the most important things to me not only as an author, but as a reader, too. I take each one seriously, almost treating them as if they were real people. Ask my wife … lol. One of the true joys—and sometimes frustrations—that I believe all fiction writers share is the process of character creation and development. I know it’s one of the things I most enjoy. Perhaps it’s because it permits us to explore ourselves in ways that are fun, emotional and sometimes even a little scary. By shining a flashlight into those dark corners of our imaginations, we discover more about ourselves. So in that way, I suppose I put a lot of myself into my characters.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
I don’t know about quirky, but if unexpected is what you’re after, I can tell you that I love to laugh. It may surprise some to know that I love a good practical joke. Nothing “over the line” or hurtful, but like I said, I love to laugh. Big belly laughs. As a cop (my day job), if you can’t find something to make you laugh, you’ll burn out quickly, especially in the current cultural climate.

I think that’s true in any profession. When did you first discover that you were a writer?
When I was in high school, I used to write stories for laughs (did I mention that I love to laugh?). I really wish I’d saved them. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but it was probably mid 2010 when I first considered writing seriously. People have often told me, “You should be a writer.” Actually, when I did my entrance testing for my freshman year of college, I tested into honors English. Tested, but I never pursued English or writing in college. I guess I was too interested in sports back then. I credit much of my love for writing to my middle school and high school English teachers. I had some good ones!

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I enjoy a broad range of books, both fiction and non-fiction. I read thrillers and mysteries; biographies; books on politics, history, and historical figures; books on faith and personal enrichment. I have a passion for books about real heroes, military operations, and exciting exploits of derring-do.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I spend time with my family. They keep me grounded … and laughing. I read the Bible (there is real peace there) and also lots of other books. I listen to music, I exercise, and most importantly I allow myself to act like a kid sometimes … okay, lots of times. You can’t take yourself too seriously in life. Life is serious enough. When my son or daughter has soccer practice, I run around the complex or find a patch of grass and knock the soccer ball around or juggle. Nostalgia probably comes into play here—I played soccer (and basketball) since I was a kid all the way into college, but I just love walking across a field of freshly cut grass, better yet with my soccer cleats on. Even now, it’s just really invigorating and refreshing. I love the outdoors, too. Hiking, being on a beach, and even shooting hoops in my driveway are all ways that help me disconnect from the stress of life.

How do you choose your characters’ names?
Honestly, I use an all-source method when it comes to my characters’ names. Names from my past, names I’ve heard or seen while reading some history book, names I unearth online or in old phone books. Oftentimes though, the names just come from my imagination. You wouldn’t believe how much time and energy I put into my character names though. It’s painstaking sometimes, but then again I’m a bit of a perfectionist.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
That’s easy. Being a father. It’s not only the accomplishment I’ve most proud of, but one of the things in life I take extremely serious. I approach fatherhood with, of course, love, but also vigilance and ferocity. Raising my son and daughter to be children of God is my life’s mission. And I will do whatever it takes to see that the mission has the chance to succeed. There are no guarantees in life. I know that, but when I’m dead and gone, I want my kids to be able to remember me as a guy who loved them without condition, who gave everything he had so they would grow up to be respectful and respectable human beings, hard workers and to be able to think for themselves. Most of all, I want them to passionately pursue the truth, hope, and love that is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. In a sense this is not an accomplishment, but a work in progress. Yet sometimes success is measured one day at a time. 

That is so true. If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
A bald eagle. They are solitary, graceful, and independent creatures, yet boldly fierce when they need to be. I’d say that the fact that the bald eagle stands for freedom and liberty also has a lot to do with my choice.

My husband loves bald eagles. He has ball caps and shirts with them displayed. He wears them a lot. What is your favorite food?
It’s a toss-up between pizza and a good cheeseburger sub … and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

Your diet preferences sound a lot like my husband’s, too. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Finding the time to write. It’s incredibly hard to juggle my day job (working different shifts and being on call), family time, exercising, driving kids to sports practices and games, and squeezing in a little “down time” with writing and researching. Notice that I used the present tense, because it’s an ongoing battle. I know it always will be. But through much prayer and perseverance, and a very supportive wife, I adapt and overcome. The key to writing, and many things in life, is resolve. Unwavering, stubborn determination to succeed. Simply refuse to quit even in—especially in—those moments when you are frustrated and discouraged, which, if I may say, is my advice for anyone out there pursuing writing in particular, but anything worthwhile. Never quit. NOT EVER! You will fail. It’s a given. But will yourself to always get back up and try again. Failure, or should I say daring to fail, is the secret to success. And of course be faithful to God, because He is always faithful to His children.

Very good advice. I wouldn’t be where I am today with Jesus as the center of my life. Tell us about the featured book.
The Warrior Spy is the first book in my Warrior Spy Thriller series. It’s about a Delta Force special operator named, Reagan Rainey. He’s a man of faith, but also a lethal American warrior. I think of him as a modern-day George Washington, and I think readers will, too. Perhaps more on what went into the creation of Reagan Rainey as a character is for another time, but I think he’s a guy that patriotic Americans, especially these days, are in search of. And if I’m honest, the type of leader the country desperately needs in the White House.

Put succinctly, The Warrior Spy is about America’s best counterterrorism operator being sent to uncover a diabolical plot that is designed to push the United States to war. The book weaves elements of espionage and special ops with political intrigue. It’s a tale of old adversaries engaging in modern-day spy warfare. In the balance hangs merely the fate of nations. It’s about America. It’s about the power of prayer and about good versus evil.

Reagan Rainey’s indomitable drive to serve God and country propels the story forward at a fast pace that I think readers of Vince Flynn and Brad Thor in the general thriller market, and Joel C. Rosenberg and Bob Hamer in the Christian market will thoroughly enjoy. Time and time again, Rainey is thrust into peril, but he simply will not quit the mission unless and until he discovers the very real threat his nation is facing and who is behind it all.

Sounds like a book all Americans need to read in the current political climate. Especially before the elections. Please give us the first page of the book.
First page of The Warrior Spy (plus a little more, wink):
Bullets snapped by his head like popcorn on a stove. Reagan Rainey crouched behind a low-slung stone wall, at least what was left of it. They were everywhere, men with AK-47s shouting angrily in Arabic, far more than what original intelligence estimates had indicated. Several rounds jack-hammered against the exposed engine block of an old Land Rover behind him, throwing a brilliant shower of sparks into the obsidian darkness.

“Frag out!”

Rainey hurled the grenade into the swarm of terrorists pouring toward him and his team. His voice was nearly drowned out by the cacophony of gunfire. The resulting explosion rattled the mud brick structures all around them, pocking walls and shredding bodies. As Rainey’s team began to push forward, a man appeared on their right, shouldering an RPG. But just before the terrorist could fire upon them, his head exploded.

Thank you, Wizard.

The Delta Force sniper in the overwatch position had just saved their butts.

America’s shadow warriors, games faces on, swiftly curled inside the first structure on the west side of the compound and advanced down a short featureless corridor carved into the sun-baked, wasteland of southern Qatar. Reaching the first corner, Rainey and his stack of guys stopped in quiet chorus, remained still. Except for their eyes, which continued scanning for threats.
Several sporadic cracks of gunfire coughed in the distance, muffled by the earthen walls. Somewhere on the other side of the compound the guys from Blue Team were still taking names and doing so with extreme prejudice.

Then all was quiet. Eerily so.

His radio clicked. Rainey clicked back a response, then a voice came alive in his earpiece: “Bronco, we’re clear on this side of the compound. He’s not over here. Got a few phones, a laptop, and some digital media though.” Rainey clicked his radio in acknowledgment as the sweat trickled down his back beneath his gear-heavy vest.

Rainey knelt along the blind corner, dug into a pouch on his vest. Behind a mask of coal-black face paint, he studied a tiny, telescoping mirror for threats and danger zones, for booby traps. There was a long hallway that descended into the bowels of the compound now transformed into hues of green and gray by his helmet-mounted NODs (night optical devices). He quietly stood, gave several hand signals, then readied his rifle and fell back in line behind his fellow operator, Mouse.

Rainey took a breath. Protect us, Lord. He reached out and squeezed Mouse’s shoulder, wordlessly signaling that he was ready to move.

Wow! What an opening. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Readers can find me at my website and on Facebook and Twitter. They can also check out my author pages on Amazon and Goodreads. I try my very best to be responsive to readers’ e-mails, posts, and tweets. Also, I would encourage readers and those perhaps seeking more information about me or the book(s) to contact me via e-mail. In addition they can sign up for my e-mail newsletter: Dony Jay’s Reader Intel Bulletin. They can do so through my website.

My ultimate goal is to forge a genuine and lasting relationship with readers. I want them to know that I’m just like them; I will always consider myself a reader first.

Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, Lena, for giving me this opportunity. I have been blessed in so many ways. God is good. And He is faithful.

Thank you and may God bless you richly!

Thank you, Dony, for sharing this book with us. It's a great pleasure and a privilege to introduce you and your book to my readers.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
The Warrior Spy: A Thriller (A Warrior Spy Thriller) - Paperback
The Warrior Spy: A Thriller (A Warrior Spy Thriller Book 1) - Kindle

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Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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Monday, January 25, 2016

NO ACCOUNTING FOR MURDER - Leeann Betts - One Free Book

Dear Readers, here’s another author to welcome to our blog for the first time. You know how much you love contemporary suspense.

Bio: Leeann Betts writes contemporary suspense, while her real-life persona, Donna Schlachter, pens historical suspense. No Accounting for Murder and There Was a Crooked Man, books 1 and 2 in her By the Numbers series, recently released. Book 3, Unbalanced, releases in January, with plans for Book 4, Five and Twenty Blackbirds, due in April, with more planned for later dates. Leeann and Donna have penned a book on writing, Nuggets of Writing Gold, and Donna has published a book of short stories, Second Chances and Second Cups. You can follow Leeann at and Donna at . All books are available at in digital and print, and at in digital.

Welcome, Leeann. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I think it depends on the book. Carly is an accountant, and I am an accountant. Carly likes mysteries, and so do I. Carly isn’t a joiner, and I tend not to be either. Carly is married to a computer programmer, and guess what my hubby does—right, he’s a programmer. Apart from that, I don’t live in a small town. I do have step-children, but two daughters not a son and a daughter. And as much as I love a good mystery, I’ve never found a body or identified a murder suspect.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
I guess that depends on your definition of quirky. Co-writing a book with my real self would probably count.

When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I’ve loved to write ever since I was a kid, and I could fill a page with words in a flash. However, it wasn’t until about ten years ago that I knew I had at least one book in me. When I began writing No Accounting for Murder, I hoped I had at least one book.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I enjoy mysteries, suspense, and almost any genre that includes either mystery or suspense.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I have a husband who is very calming. I also make lists so I don’t have to keep everything in my head. And I like paper files so I can capture stuff inside the covers.

How do you choose your characters’ names?
Carly’s name came from my step-mom’s name which was Carrie. Mike is my husband’s brother. Other characters sometimes come from people I know that I like. If I don’t like the character, I use a name dictionary that includes character traits, and I look for negative traits.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
I think that changes with time. I was very pleased that I had one book in me. And then when I finished the second, wow! Third—you’re getting the picture. I’ve completed more than 20 novellas and novels, so I guess that’s a good accomplishment. Being published in devotional books—a dream come true. And now I’m independently published—never thought I’d go this route.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
A cat. Stress free. Do what you want when you want, and ignore people who are asking you to do something J

What is your favorite food?
Chocolate. If I could eat it without any negative health repercussions. As it is, I eat it sparingly.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
I think my greatest roadblock was thinking anybody but me would want to read what I was writing. I took a chance and sent the first book to ten people I didn’t know (they volunteered through a couple of online writers groups I belong to) and when I got their responses, I saw they laughed where it was funny, cried where it was sad, couldn’t figure out whodunit but were very satisfied with the conclusion.

Tell us about the featured book.
No Accounting for Murder features Carly Turnquist, forensic accountant. While this is her first book, this is not her first mystery. If readers would like to read a prequel short story to this book, they can go to and read “Roasted Bean Counters.” In the first book, Carly’s daughter is suspected of embezzling money, and a disreputable business receives a building permit under the table, threatening the peace and quiet of Bear Cove, Maine. When Carly investigates both situations, she receives threatening faxes, she has an accident that was no accident, and a key witness goes missing, only to turn up dead in yet another suspicious accident. Can Carly figure out who is behind all of these events, or will the killer succeed in keeping her quiet—for good?

Please give us the first page of the book.
Bear Cove, Maine, population three hundred and twelve souls at the height of the lobster season, was normally a sleepy little town, just the way Carly Turnquist liked it.

But not this morning.
Faintly at first, building in volume, came sounds not normally heard in quiet Bear Cove. Horns blared, voices shouted, and bass music boomed, rattling the pictures on the walls. Carly pressed her face closer to the windowpane, tipping her head first right, then left, determining the direction of the commotion.

"Sounds like it's coming from downtown," she muttered to no one in particular. "I hope it's not one of those Watkins boys joyriding again."

Not wanting to be left out of the loop, she took the stairs two at a time up to the bedroom she shared with her husband Mike, arriving at the top landing slightly out of breath. Deciding what to wear to check out the blaring horns and loud voices wasn't difficult. As a forensics accountant who worked out of her home, Carly had a handy wardrobe replete with sweats, jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
and Facebook and Twitter

Thank you, Leeann, for sharing this new book with us. My blog readers will love it.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
No Accounting For Murder: Book 1 (By the Numbers)

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Apple Blossom (ND) is the winner of Candle Love by MaryAnn Diorio.

Collette (PA) is the winner of Hand-Me-Down Princess by Carold Moncado.

Sharon (SC) is the winner of Whatever Happened to the Zodiac Killer? by Kathie Fitzpatrick.

Jo (AZ) is the winner of Double Header by Clarice G James.

R Merr (ME) is the winner of Mermaid Moon by Colleen Coble.

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Remember, you have 4 weeks to claim your book.

Friday, January 22, 2016

AN AMISH YEAR - Beth Wiseman - One Free Book

Welcome back, Beth. Do you have a favorite genre to write? If so, what is it?
I’m blessed to be able to “genre hop” between Amish Fiction and Contemporary Fiction. I got my big writing break with an Amish series, at a time when no one in the industry really knew if Amish stories were going to stick. But after two Amish series and numerous Amish novellas, it’s still a hot genre eight years later. I enjoy writing about the Plain people, but I’ve also penned several non-Amish books—Need You Now, The House that Love Built, and The Promise. I’m grateful to my publisher, HarperCollins Christian Fiction, for allowing me to try new things. I think that by alternating between Amish and Non-Amish stories, it keeps me from getting bored with one genre or the other. I’m not sure I can pick a favorite genre, but all of my stories are relationship driven. I can’t imagine writing a book that didn’t delve deep into a character’s psyche.

If you didn’t live in the part of the country where you do, where would you live?
This is a question my husband and I continue to ponder. We love to travel, and there are still a lot of places we hope to visit. Hubby Patrick says we will know when we see that perfect place we were meant to live, but I’m wondering if I could ever leave my home state—Texas. You know what they say … it’s great to go on a trip, but it’s even better to arrive back home.

What foreign country would you like to visit and why?
Singapore. My oldest son has been working in Singapore for the past three years. It’s a gorgeous country filled with a hodgepodge of folks from all over the world. Son—Eric—wants us to visit there and experience that culture with him. I hope we are able to go soon!

That would be wonderful. Describe what you think would be the most romantic vacation you could take.
I’m pretty sure we’ve had the most romantic vacation we could take. I can’t imagine anything being more romantic than a recent trip to the Mexican Riviera. My husband’s employer gifted us with an “over the top” trip in 2014. We stayed in the Presidential Suite at Riviera Maya, complete with private butlers, our own pool, indoor/outdoor bathtubs, exquisite meals, private beach cabanas, and a host of other amenities that made it beyond romantic. Following a wonderful meal prepared by chefs in our suite, we followed a trail of rose petals to a bubble bath where rose petals floated atop luxurious bubbles, lit candles, and champagne. They were speaking my language, lol.

Sounds wonderful. James and I have spent time in Manzanilla, which is near the Mexican Riviera. It’s a lovely place. We had some romantic times on the beach right outside our hotel. We liked to walk the beach after midnight and sit in the beach lounges and listen to the waves while we talked. Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet?
 Montana. I have no idea if there are Amish folks in Montana, but I’ve always wanted to visit that state. I’ve heard that it’s beautiful, and I think the movie The Horse Whisperer with Robert Redford fueled my desire to visit Montana.

I have one book set in Montana. What is the main theme of this novel?
There are four short stories in An Amish Year. Two of the novellas have been published before, and we added two new tales to the mix. While these short stories are romantic in nature, there are also strong secondary characters sharing the stage with the main players. These subplots not only enhance the romance, but also add aspects of interest to readers who don’t want just a straight romance. All of my books are reflective of my own life and always include themes of forgiveness, faith, hope, and love.

Tell us about the story.
My favorite story in the collection is A Love for Irma Rose. In 2008, I released my first book—Plain Perfect. It was Book #1 in the Daughters of the Promise series, and it included my most beloved characters—Jonas and Irma Rose. This elderly couple stole the hearts of readers, and for the past eight years readers have asked me to write their love story when they were teenagers. I was finally able to do that in this novella collection. The year is 1957, Burger King had just released the Whopper, “Jail House Rock” was playing at the movie theater, and Amish boys raced buggies for sport, much like they still do now. It was fun to write about that time period, incorporating the Amish ways into a story that revived my two most popular characters, and finally being able to give readers a story they’d asked for. 

Sounds like a fun read. Please give us the first page of the book.

A Love For Irma Rose by Beth Wiseman
Jonas clutched the reins with sweaty hands, his fingers twitching as he waited for Amos Hostetler to blow the whistle, signaling the start of the race. He glanced to his right and scanned the crowd, at least fifteen onlookers—including Irma Rose Kauffman. This buggy race down Blackhorse Road was more than a friendly competition. More than just a group of Amish kids enjoying their rumschpringe on a Saturday afternoon. He peered to his left at Isaac Lapp’s flaring nostrils, knowing that his rival for Irma Rose’s affections wanted to win as badly as he did. Jonas knew that pride was a sin, as Isaac surely did, but when it came to Irma Rose, Jonas figured Isaac’s thoughts were as jumbled as his own. Jonas had been waiting to court Irma Rose for three years, since right after his father died. He recalled the way she lit his soul at a time when his grief threatened to overtake him. And now that she was sixteen, her parents were allowing her a few freedoms. ​

How can readers find you on the Internet?

I hang out at “Fans of Beth Wiseman” on Facebook, but my website— —is a “one stop” for everything. There are book descriptions and trailers, a place to sign up for my newsletter, and the first chapter of all of my books are free on my website. A true “try before you buy” system, lol, with links to most retail sites. I’m also on Twitter @bethwiseman, and I have a site at Fine Art of America where I showcase my photography.

Thank you, Beth, for sharing this book with us. I know my readers will enjoy it, and I look forward to my copy arriving. I want to read about Jonas and Irma Rose.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: