
Friday, January 29, 2016

New Releases from Angela Breidenbach - One Free Audiobook

New Release Trifecta!

Dear Readers, I’ve known Angela for over a decade. We were first online, writing friends, but we’ve enjoyed getting together face to face when we are at national conferences. I've loved all of her books that I've read. You will, too.

BIO: Angela Breidenbach is a bestselling author and host of Grace Under Pressure Radio on iTunes. Angela is the Christian Author Network's president. And yes, she's half of the comedy duo, Muse and Writer. There's a fe-lion comedy series in their future … but Muse is still negotiating his contract to include more catnip and oatmeal cookies … Writer just wants him to sign so she can finally take a vacation to Scotland. She did promise to bring back oatmeal cakes. He's considering …
Twitter/Pinterest: @AngBreidenbach
Angie's Amazon Page so you can follow all her new releases:

Welcome back, Angela. How is it you have so many new releases happening in the last few months with more to come this year?
Good things come to those who wait … I spent a lot of time learning the craft, getting educated in the marketing and technology. I'm driven to keep going, learning, growing. 2014 was an incredibly difficult year. I was in the middle of writing Eleven Pipers Piping when my dad suddenly passed away from a stroke. It was a very dark time for me. I still miss him. But after managing his estate full time for 5 months, I started writing again in order to fulfill a different contract by April of 2015. Then the books and contracts just started flowing, or maybe my pent-up writing did. I think I'm not only making up for lost time, but my dad was a great supporter. I think he'd be very proud I'm not only writing, but I'm writing as much as I can now.

So you had to juggle contracts?
Yes. I set aside Eleven Pipers Piping in order to get Bridal Whispers to Barbour in time for The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection ( to get put together. I just love that entire book from the artistic production to the stories inside it.

Tell us about your story in that collection, Bridal Whispers.
Bridal Whispers is the 2nd novella in The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection. It's the retelling of my maternal grandparents' love story. My grandfather was married to my grandmother's cousin first. She passed away on Christmas Day. My grandmother had been given her inheritance, the hand-blown amethyst Swedish pitcher and tumbler set, and told to go make her way in the world at 16. So she did. In fact, she put herself through nursing school. Then about 10 years later, she was called home to care for her family. While helping care for the family store so my grandpa could work the farm, the town started gossiping about them … about one year later, they married. The family story is that the gossip caused it. But they stayed married until my grandpa passed away 54 years later at 99 ½ years old. All that is true. Oh, and so is the battle between speaking Swedish and English. When I was 16, my grandma (moor moor) taught me a little kitchen Swedish. She whispered the whole time because Grandpa didn't like it. Ironic, because by that time he couldn't have heard us speaking it. The marital disagreement was so engrained about that topic that I had to include it in their story. But anyone who knew them as a couple admired their devotion, love, and longstanding marriage.

I fictionalized that love story, moved it back in time 30 years, and imagined their conversations based off of conversations I had with them growing up. But writing this story gave me the chance to enjoy being "with" my grandparents again. It's a pretty special story to me.

Now you have several audiobooks out as well. The Debutante Queen (, (, and Taking the Plunge ( which releases in February. What took you in that direction?
Eleven Pipers Piping
First, I love books in any form. I love writing them, hearing them, and seeing movies made out of them. Again a little irony. I'd hired the acting team of Forrest and Tristan Leder (though they are my son and daughter-in-law, they both hold performance degrees from the University of Montana) to voice The Debutante Queen. It's a short novel. Then I realized I really wanted to do the 1st decade of Montana's history in a way it hadn't been done before. But I didn't want it to be only in book form. As I finished the sequel, Eleven Pipers Piping, I asked Tristan to voice it. Then with the popularity of series on Audible, I decided to go for it and have each one done as an ebook and audiobook. I've been absolutely delighted with the results.

Do you plan more audiobooks then?
You betcha! I not only love writing, but I love that readers can get the books in any form they like experiencing them.

Any form?
Yes. I will begin taking then to screenplays in the near future as well.

You enjoy writing in any form as well?
I love writing in any form from fiction to non-fiction to articles. But it's the communication I love. That's why I started my podcast, Grace Under Pressure Radio ( or on iTunes). It's yet another form of communication that I hope touches hearts and helps people.

What's your podcast about?
It's about becoming a woman of courage, confidence, and candor. I hope it helps women embrace who they are made to be and to do the dreams God placed inside of them. I consider myself a late bloomer. I hope to help other women that feel like they are late bloomers too.

Tell us what your Montana Beginnings series is about.
I'm really having fun with the Montana Beginnings series! I'm choosing a lesser (or unknown) part of Montana history and building a story around that lost tidbit. We had newsies, a Victorian plunge (indoor hot spring pool), amazing battles in becoming a state, and some of the most colorful or astounding people. The history of Montana is fascinating and fun. So each story deals with something special about our state. The Debutante Queen is set as Montana earns her statehood. That story brings the newsies to life. Those little boys have a statue in our capitol because they were so important at that time. Eleven Pipers Piping shares about the mines and the drive of our people to bring tourism to the state as mines began to shut down (started in book 1). But those little newsies captured my heart and the heart of readers. So we find out what happens to them in book 2. Then the 3rd book, Taking the Plunge, is set in the astoundingly lavish Broadwater Hotel and Natatorium. The builder and owner, Charles A. Broadwater, was a hugely important figure in Montana history. So my characters interact with him as their employer at the resort. And the newsies have a cameo. I'm currently writing the next book set in 1895, Bitterroot Bride, that we plan to release through Forget-Me-Not-Romances in early March (also to audiobook).

But if you're following the series, you'll realize there's a time gap.
There's a very good reason. Seven Medals and a Bride sold to Barbour for the Blue Ribbon Brides Collection. That's my 1893 story. It'll be coming out Jan. 1st, 2017. As the Montana Beginnings series was forming, this particular book actually occurs more at the World's Fair in Chicago. Many Montana women left the state to attend the major event. And so, though it's the story I want to tell, it didn't quite fit into the Montana Beginnings series that's completely set in Helena, Montana. It did fit in the Blue Ribbon Brides where all the stories are set at some special fair venue. I'll plan another book to pop into the series for 1893 in the future. I need to find another fun lesser known historic tidbit in the meantime. There's so many to choose from that it won't be hard. Montana is a very entertaining place ;)

Do you have any special events lined up around your books?
Yes! I coordinated a 9-week Lassoed by Marriage Author Event with a bookstore just outside of Chicago, The Vine. But the cool thing about it is that anyone can participate by clicking into the Google Hangout each Monday night. If you miss one, you can still catch the author's chat and the Q and A on Youtube. Here's the entire schedule and the links are added the week before the event. You can watch it live or later. I'm having so much fun learning more about my sister authors in this collection and helping the store create a brand new book club. The whole world is invited via Google Hangout On Air or Youtube. Definitely the most challenging and interesting event I've ever done because of the coordination skills I'm using and learning each time! Please come! Here's the link to the schedule… (
Here's the link to the Youtube page for past videos of each weekly author chat:

Books and descriptions:
The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection
Nine historical couples find themselves suddenly married. After beginnings involving a bride swap, the gossip mill, angry brothers, ulterior motives, a child’s parentage, jail time, a family feud, mistaken identity, and a well-played trick, can love possibly grow for these couples who have married as virtual strangers?

Taking the Plunge (Book 3, Montana Beginnings series)
A progressive thinker in 1892 Montana, Delphina O'Connor believed in God-given dreams for women didn't stop at marriage and children. Hers might not include a husband or family at all. So when Hugh Thomas rescues the new swimming instructor at the elegant Broadwater Natatorium from near drowning in the plunge, how can anyone believe the freedom to enjoy swimming, competition, and a healthy body is an appropriate activity for a proper lady? Hugh is about to find out status quo is the starting line for a courageous woman with a dream!
Taking the Plunge explores the real-world question: What do you do when you think differently from the world around you?

Eleven Pipers Piping (Book 2, Montana Beginnings series)
What would you do if you were given eleven rowdy street newsies and told either you turn them into model citizens or they get sold into indenture or sent to the military? Of course, start a pipe and drum corps! Eleven Pipers Piping is the story of a sweet music teacher and eleven boys given one chance or else, but one boy doesn't seem like the others. And just who is his father?
(Did you read Snowflake Tiara: The Debutante Queen and wonder what happened to the newsies, Frankie and Joey? Find out in Eleven Pipers Piping, Montana 1890.)

The Debutante Queen (Book 1, Montana Beginnings series)
1889 (Helena, MT): Calista Blythe enters the first Miss Snowflake Pageant celebrating Montana statehood to expose the plight of street urchins. But hiding an indentured orphan could unravel Calista’s reputation, and her budding romance with pageant organizer, Albert Shanahan, if her secret is revealed. Will love or law prevail?

Thank you so much for having me here!

It's my pleasure, Angela. I'm going to join you in making some of my books audiobooks, and soon I'll be turning one into a screenplay.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of an audiobook. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Our church library has a very small collection of audiobook's. Angela's book would be a wonderful addition to our shelf.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
    Janet E.

  2. Anonymous1:15 PM

    The only audiobooks we own are the Lamplighter Theatre audiobooks. (They're REALLY good by the way!) I have listened to the Anne of Green Gables series on audio from the library (that was back when they had books on cassette tapes lol). I'd really enjoy listening to some audiobooks again and yours sound especially enjoyable!
    J.C. -Indiana-

  3. Oh how wonderful to have those Lamplighter Theatre audiobooks! And a church library that carries them! These types of books are wonderful for not only commuters, but busy people who have a lot to get done. My grandpa used to listen to the Bible on vinyl records! To me, not only has the publishing industry adapted, but we've made it so much more accessible to people who can't see to read or can't stop driving, working, chores in a busy family. So many opportunities to enhance our lives through the spoken word.

    Lena, I'm so excited for you that you're going to audiobooks as well. :) For anyone who'd like to visit with voice actors, I've had excellent experiences with Tristan and Forrest Leder and Elizabeth Diane Wells. If you're working with an indie production, you'll have to hire the actors yourself. ACX has some great opportunities. But if you're looking for a little more affordability, you can also check with Hiring actors is both exciting and expensive. So if you're going in that direction, be sure to prep a series (because that's what makes books sell on Audible) and set aside an investment because when you share royalties on ACX, it can be great but you share for 7 years or more. Hiring the actors can work out much better. And as a new author in audio, just like any other business, we have to build the listenership. That's where series really help.
    Thanks so much for having me,

  4. I'm starting on audiobooks. I haven't yet found a way to stay focused throughout while multi-tasking...I know, that seems like they're completely impossible to be both at the same time. Still trying though. And Angela's books are on my TBL (to be listened) list.
    Annie (MD)

  5. Sounds like a great book to listen to.

  6. I've only listened to one audiobook but it was fantastic and something to keep my mind occupied while I fold bulletins on Fridays. Would love to try Angela's books in this way!

    Pam in OH

  7. Audiobooks are a great way to "read" a book when you can't find the time to hold one in your hands!
    Connie from KY

  8. It's fun to hear the new interests of listening to audiobooks! How cool to listen while folding bulletins :)

  9. Brenda Arrington11:42 AM

    I've just recently been introduced to audiobooks. I can't always sit down and read so audiobooks are a good option. I'd love to win.
    Brenda in Va

  10. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Audio-books are fun, and I like how you based Bridal Whispers on your grandparents!

    -Melissa M. in TN
