
Monday, February 22, 2016

CHARITY'S CROSS - MaryLu Tyndall and SHATTERED MEMORIES - Debbie Lynne Costello - Two Free Books or Ebooks

Dear Readers, we have a double feature to day. My friends, MaryLu Tyndall and Debbie Lynne Costello, are introducing their new books together. Instead of interviews, we'll have interesting information about their books, a peek at their stories, and each author's bio. As always, we'll have a giveaway of each book. If the winner is in the US, the book will be a print book, and if the winner is in a foreign country, the book will be an ebook.

Welcome, MaryLu and Debbie Lynne. I'm so happy to host you here.

First we'll look at MaryLu Tyndall and her book, Charity's Cross:

Bio: Award winning and best-selling author MaryLu Tyndall describes herself as an introvert, tall ship enthusiast, friend of pirates and mermaids, obsessive-compulsive control freak, history lover, hopeless romantic, and a sword wielding princess-warrior of the King of Kings. Her books are filled with adventure and romance guaranteed to touch your heart! Her hope is that readers will not only be entertained but will be brought closer to the Creator who loves them beyond measure. In a culture that accepts the occult, wizards, zombies, and vampires without batting an eye, MaryLu hopes to show the awesome present and powerful acts of God in a dying world. She has published over seventeen novels and currently lives in California with her husband, 6 kids, 2 grandkids, and various cats.

Eleven Fun facts about me and my new book Charity’s Cross
By MaryLu Tyndall

Charity’s Cross is my 4th Independently published book (I have 16 traditionally published books before I went Indie).

I never intended to write Charity’s Cross, but after receiving so many reader emails begging me to write it, I relented.

Charity’s Cross is book 4 in my Charles Towne Belles series (originally published in 2009). However, I wrote the story in such a way so it could be read as a stand-alone without having read the other books.

I wrote Charity’s Cross while caring for my very first grandchild.

I have been writing romance novels for 13 years. Before that, I was a software engineer at IBM.

I am an introvert with a rabid fear of public speaking.

I listen to alternative rock while writing battle scenes and classical movie scores while writing romance scenes.

I had to dig deep into the psyche of an abused woman to write some of the scenes in this book. Not fun, I can tell you.

Chocolate and popcorn are my go-to snacks while writing.

Charity’s Cross is a sort-of crossover book between my Legacy of the King’s Pirates series and my Charles Towne Belles series, containing characters from both family lines.

The most important thing to me when writing any book is that God is glorified and readers are brought closer to Him through the pages.

Charity’s Cross Back cover copy:
Suspected of killing her husband, Charity Westcott flees on the first ship out of Portsmouth, England, heading for the colonies. Loathing all men after her abusive marriage, she hopes to reunite with her family in Charles Towne, but the ship ends up in Nassau. When she spots her husband’s brother, who is intent on seeing her hang, boarding her ship, she jumps overboard. 

Pirate turned preacher, Elias Dutton, must get to Barbados as soon as possible. His sister is in danger, and his parents have charged him with her safety. He cannot let them down—again.  But after rescuing a madcap woman from the bay, he now finds himself tricked into masquerading as her husband so they both can procure passage to Barbados.

Pirates, storms, shipwreck, and betrayal threaten to delay the couple in their journey even as sparks fly between them. With her brother-in-law in fast pursuit, the last thing Charity wants is help from a man, especially a religious one, but she has no choice. After Elias’s heart was broken by a sordid woman who nearly ruined his life, he seeks a woman pure as the virgin sands of the Caribbean. He believes he has found such a woman in Charity. Until he discovers she is a murderer and is now faced with two choices: letting her go or turning her in to the authorities.

MaryLu Links
Amazon link to buy Charity’s Cross:
MaryLu Twitter page:
MaryLu Blog and Website:

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Charity's Cross (Charles Towne Belles) (Volume 4) - paperback
Charity's Cross - Kindle

And now we're going to check out Debbie Lynne and her book:

Bio: Debbie Lynne Costello has enjoyed writing stories since she was eight years old. She
raised her family and then embarked on her own career of writing the stories that had been
begging to be told. She and her husband have four children and live in upstate South Carolina.
She has worked in many capacities in her church and is currently the Children’s director. Debbie
Lynne has shown and raised Shetland sheepdogs for eighteen years and still enjoys litters now
and then. In their spare time, She and her husband enjoy camping and riding their Arabian and

Tennessee Walking horses.

How Shattered Memories intertwines with Charleston history
In 1886 after some mild earth rumblings, Charleston, South Carolina, was hit with a 7.0+ earthquake that twisted the earth so severely that waterlines broke leaving people without water and gas lines fractured, causing widespread fires.

Very few buildings escaped either total destruction or major damage. Many of the buildings that were salvageable were fitted with earthquake bolts. These are long rods with a washer and nut on the end that runs through both walls of the building. So many buildings and even hospitals were damaged as the ground shifted and rumbled. In Shattered Memories, my hero’s family sets up a makeshift hospital when all the local hospitals are damaged beyond use.

Wires were cut and railroad tracks twisted from the quake, leaving Charleston and its close neighbors temporarily cut off from the world.

An estimated 14,000 chimneys fell from the earthquake and nearly every building had severe damage. My heroine, Olivia experiences this devastation when she returns to her family’s home and finds it in shambles.

Structural damage was reported as far away as Alabama, central Ohio, eastern Kentucky, southern Virginia, and western West Virginia.

Although most numbers say 66 deaths were attributed to the quake, it is hard to know for sure what the true amount was. Due to poor accounting of people, there seems to be a question of how accurate the numbers are. There were people counted who were already sick but it was said their death was hastened from fright of the quake. Then there were the deaths that occurred instantly, and the deaths that came over time as a result of injuries sustained. So a true count will never be known. However, I found numbers as low as 50 and high as 500. Just as the real people of the Charleston earthquake struggled with loss, my characters face the deaths of family and friends.

Doctors saw wide varieties of injuries from the disaster. My hero, Drew, is a doctor as is his father and brothers. His family works hard to treat victims of the earthquake while comforting them through their loss and pain.

The total damage was in excess of 5.5 million dollars (112 million in today's market). Despite South Carolina’s leading role in the Civil War, the country rallied around Charleston and sent aid to help in its rebuilding. In 14 months, Charleston had rebuilt its city.

The people behind my characters in Shattered Memories
Most of my characters come from within my head. I can ask myself what if—and then see how my character responds. As I go through visualizing how they react to different circumstances and questions, I learn my character. It usually takes about 3 chapters for me to truly get to know who they are and before I am comfortable with them. Those first 3 chapters are sometimes slow to write because I’m not sure how they are going to respond to things or how their dialogue with others will progress. I want to keep them true to who I visualize in my head. The more I write the more I know them and know what their response is going to be. I think I can say that all of my characters have something, whether it’s a habit, trait, look, or belief comes from someone I have met, seen, or know.

But the characters of Shattered Memories are a little bit closer to home. Each of the Warwick children has traits of one of my own children. It was fun to mold the characters with a child in mind. Now that isn’t to say my characters are my children. Sweet mercy! They’d tar and feather me if I did that. But I tried to pick out things about them (my children) which would resonate with my character and then I developed the personality from there.

I hope as you read this story that the people within the book will come to life and you’ll somehow connect with them, feeling their pain, uncertainty, turmoil, as well as their relief, discoveries, and happiness. I hope the setting will be real and you will walk through the streets with each of these characters, seeing the devastation and experiencing what they experienced.

But above all I hope you walk away with some nugget that brings you closer to our Lord and Savior. 

Shattered Memories Back Cover Copy:
Olivia Macqueen wakes in a makeshift hospital, recovering from a head injury. With amnesia stealing a year of her memories, she has trouble discerning between lies and truth. When her memories start returning in bits and pieces, she must keep up the charade of amnesia until she can find out the truth behind the embezzlement of her family’s business while evading the danger lurking around her.

Doctor Drew Warwick frantically searches through the rubble left by the Charleston earthquake for the lady who owns his heart. He finds her injured and lifeless. When she regains consciousness, the doctor’s hopes are dashed as he realizes she doesn’t remember him. But things only get worse after he discovers she believes she’s still engaged to the abusive scoundrel, Lloyd Pratt. Now Drew is on a race with the wedding clock to either help her remember or win her heart again before she marries the wrong man.

Debbie Lynne's Links:
Purchase Shattered Memories

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book or ebook. Please tell us if you like reading books about pirates and natural disasters. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. I cannot wait to read her new book! :) Absolutely love them!!! I love pirates!!!

  2. Hey Lisa. MaryLu is an awesome author. I have a lot of respect for her and her writing. She mentored me when I first got started. I wouldn't be where I am today if it hadn't been for Marylu.

  3. Thanks for your excitement, Lisa!!
    You simply must try Debbie Lynne's new book too. She's an awesome writer and I know you'll enjoy it as much as you do mine. ;-) Thanks for coming by

  4. Love pirate books! I live in Nebraska :)

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Enter me for both books! They both sound amazing! I love reading historical novels, especially with suspense in them. My sister LOVES MaryLu Tyndall's books and owns I know not how many of them lol. I've never heard of Ms. Costello, but her synopsis sounds intriguing!
    J.C. -Indiana-

  6. These books sound like great reads! Thank you for the opportunity to be a winner.

    Melanie Backus, TX

  7. Hey Hannah! I have a sweet daughter-in-law with that beautiful name. If you love pirate books than MaryLu's are up your alley and the best out there IMO. So you're at the right place!

  8. Hey J.C. Your sister has good taste in books! You should borrow some of MaryLu's you'll Love them! I hope you get a chance to read Shattered Memories or my debut novel Sword of Forgiveness which is a medieval. I love writing books with a bit of suspense added ito the romance. Thanks for coming by!

    Melanie! Thanks for coming by. I'm in your neck of the woods right now in Houston. I hope you get a chance to read both Charity's Cross and Shattered Memories. Good luck!

  9. Anonymous11:24 AM

    would love to win angela in KY

  10. Welcome Hannah! Nothing like a good pirate book, eh?
    J.C., Tell your sister thank you for me! And I hope you get to read both mine and Debbie Lynne's books!
    Thanks for dropping by, Melanie!! And greetings to Angela in KY!

  11. I really have enjoyed the pirate books by Marylu that I have read. I don't know that I have ever read a natural disaster book. Debbie Lynn is a new to me author, but I look forward to reading this new book of hers.
    Heather in North Idaho

  12. Love this post! Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity. I have already had the privilege of reading Shattered Memories; it's fantastic! Now I'm eager to read Charity's Cross!

    Britney Adams, TX

  13. Thank you for spotlighting these books today. I would love the chance to win one. Thank you so much!

    Cindy W. from Indiana

  14. I greatly enjoy pirate books, and haven't read too many natural disaster books, but it sounds interesting!
    Thank you for this fun spotlight and the chance to win one of these!

  15. Oh, my ... to have to choose between two historicals that both sound exciting. Pirates would be my first choice.

    Sandy Q Texas

  16. I have not read many pirate or natural disaster books, but I find both interesting. In the Christian fiction genre, I think that pirates bring the tension of good vs. evil. Natural disasters inherently have tension so I think they can be good stories as well. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Loraine in TX

  17. Hello Debbie Lynne and MaryLu!! Congratulations on your releases! SHATTERED MEMORIES is exciting and intriguing. I'm ready to go on a high seas adventure with some very handsome pirates.

    Caryl in TEXAS

  18. Good morning Matey's! Thank your for the giveaways!

  19. Both look like fun reads. kamundsen44ATyahooDOTcom. north platte nebraska.

  20. I would love to have both of these books. I really like pirate books but also enjoy natural disaster books. Thanks for the chance to win. Stella in Indianapolis, Indiana.

  21. Both of these books look so good. Love MaryLu Tyndall's books! Enter me.
    Blanch NC

  22. Hi Marylu, Debbie & Lena! I just read the Charles Towne Belles trilogy so look forward to reading this fourth book now as well. Shattered Memories sounds really good too - I love reading of old Charleston history.
    Kristen in OK
    Kam110476 at gmail dot com

  23. Hi, y'all! I love reading books about pirates, and natural tragedies! I look forward to reading these wonderful books.

    Debbie in Oklahoma
    ReadingMama922 at

  24. Lientjie Human4:45 PM

    I really enjoy MaryLu's pirate books! Would love to win a copy of Charity's Cross!

    Lientjie in QLD, Australia

  25. I've been reading reviews about both of these books and I am looking forward to them!
    Beth in Illinois

  26. Sharon Richmond Bryant6:21 PM

    Enter me in your awesome contest for the book copy!!
    Conway, SC.

  27. Brenda Arrington6:25 PM

    Sounds like great reads. Thank you for the chance to win.

  28. I don't remember reading fiction books about pirates but I do enjoy reading about natural disasters. It isn't that I enjoy reading about death or destruction; it us how the human spirit can thrive and overcome with the help of God.
    Lena, thank you for featuring these two wonderful authors.
    Connie from KY

  29. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I prefer books about pirates, Arrrrr! But I would read either one, as I've only read one of MaryLu's books (loved it) and zero of Debbie's (red face). I appreciate that blogs introduce us to other authors. :-) --Kim from East Tennessee.

  30. Though I've not read too many books on pirates or natural disasters (but a few historicals here & there), it would be an interesting subject. MaryLu does a fantastic job on her books and puts you right in the middle of the action....boy howdy! Debbie, you are a new-to-me author, though I have "The Sword of Forgivness" haven't yet read your books. I have read a couple of books about the San Fransisco earthquake (Karen Barnett's books) & enjoyed the history in fiction. So I KNOW "Shattered Memories" would be one I'd love :-) Wonderful author interviews, thanks for sharing!

    Trixi in OR

  31. I have a copy of Charity's Cross, but would love to win Shattered Memories!

    Patty in SC

  32. Charity's Cross sounds exciting. With all of thosse 5-Star reviews how can you go wrong.

    I am also very excited for Shattered Memories since i tend to disaster books. I have a paperback of Debbie's book, Sword of Forgiveness and since mentioning recently that I have yet to read it, I have made a commitment to do so.

    I wish Debbie and Mary Lu the best success with their new releases.

    Terrill - WA

  33. I'm from North Carolina and have enjoyed reading several of MaryLu's books. Pirates? I don't mind reading about pirates as long as their bad deeds aren't too descriptive and scary. It wouldn't do for them to be good though. After all they are pirates! Natural disasters? Yes, they can really add to the plot of a novel. No person can be blamed for it, so that's good.


  34. They both sound like good books! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Beth in Montana

  35. I am a definite fan of MaryLu's! I love the pirate stories! I haven't tried Debbie Lynn's books yet but I sure would love to.

    Jasmine in Montana

  36. Both these books sound great. I would love to read them. I live in SoCal.

  37. Both authors are favorites of mine. I'd love to be entered.
    Beth from IA

  38. Heather and Cindy, I hope you get a chance to read SHATTERED MEMORIES AND CHARITIES CROSS! Thanks for coming by. BRITTANY I'm so glad you enjoyed Shattered Memories. I know you will love MaryLu's books too! CINDY, RACHEL, SANDY and LORAINE, thanks for coming by. I don't now of too many historical romances set in a natural disaster. I think that's what made this so much fun for me. I felt like a pioneer. LOL> Hey CARLY, KAREN AND KIM! Wow that was about a tongue twister. lol thanks for coming by ladies!!

  39. Hey BETH and ABIGAIL, I hope you get a chance to read both of our books. Good luck in the giveaway! LIENTJIE, DEBBIE, and KAM, MaryLu's Charles Towne books are awesome! One can't go wrong when they choose Charleston or Charles Towne as the setting for a book! BETH SHARON, AND BRENDA It was a lot of fun (and a lot of work!) writing and researching the earthquake of Charleston. Especially since I've never been in one. I had to totally rely on eye witness reports from the 1886 earthquake to describe it! CONNIE, It is amazing to see God work in natural disasters. He is always with us! TRIXI AND ANONYMOUS, I hope you get to read my books. Terrill, I hope you can fin time to read SWORD OF FORGIVENESS and I hope you LOVE it! PATTY, I hope you win a copy of SM!

  40. Sylvia, Marylu puts just enough suspense in her books but nothing crosses the line! You know she is an author that loves the Lord. Her pirates are always good guys deep down and you see it shining through. BETH AND BAKERSDOZEN, thanks for coming by and good luck in the giveaway. JASMINE, I do hope you will get a chance to read my books and I hope you enjoy them!!!

    Beth FOR IA, I am VERY honored to be one of your favorites. I am truly humbled!
