
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

LEAD ME HOME - Amy K Sorrells - One Free Book

Bio: A lifelong Hoosier and registered nurse, Amy Sorrells has contributed her diverse, award-winning writing to medical journals, newspapers, and Indy Writes Books, an anthology benefitting literacy in central Indiana. She makes her home on the outskirts of town with her husband and three sons. Lead Me Home is her third novel. Connect with Amy at

Welcome, Amy. Tell us a little about this title, Lead Me Home.
When I write, I hear music, whether I’m listening to it or not. Often I write to music, selecting or creating playlists supporting ideas for what the characters are experiencing—much like a filmmaker might imagine music for a movie. When I began this novel, I was drawn to old tent revival hymns, and I often listened to them as I wrote. As the characters and plot took shape, the song “Lead Me Home, Precious Lord” became more and more important to what I felt was nearly all of the characters’ essential journey: trudging through the pain of life with God at our side in order to discover where we truly belong.

What is your hope for this book?
My hope for this book is for the person who picks it up, who feels they’re too small or too broken or too invisible to matter in life, to know that they matter. Not only do they matter, they are essential and beautiful and important.

Please introduce us to your two main characters.
Pastor James Horton is the first protagonist who appears, and in my mind, he is a modern day Jimmy Stewart type of a man who is so beloved but so blind to how much his life matters to the people around him. Broken by the recent death of his wife, as well as the impending closure of his small town church, he feels lost and purposeless until life challenges him to reconsider.

The second protagonist is Noble Burden. He’s a young man who wants nothing more than to follow his dreams of singing and playing music, until his father abandons their dairy farm, mother, and special needs older brother, Eustace, forcing Noble to choose between his dreams and the people he loves. He’s stubborn and handsome, rough and gentle, with a heart that pushes the boundaries of the horizons he feels have him trapped.

You focus on the idea of “home” in your book. Can you unpack this a little for us?
As long as we’re on this planet, we’re going to wish we were somewhere else. James struggles with wondering why God brought him to town. Noble struggles with wanting to get away from town as soon as he can. I think many people struggle with their place in the world. God gave us a longing for our eternal home that can never be fully realized on earth. All we can do is give thanks for where we are and ask Him what He wants from us while we’re here.  Learning to embrace that, which essentially comes down to gratefulness, is something I have to work on. But oh the peace and joy when I remember that it’s true!

You focus on the idea of brokenness in your book. How do you hope to encourage the broken?
The folks in Lead Me Home have a lot of reasons to be broken. We all do. Brokenness is especially difficult when you feel like you’re alone. So much importance is placed on the big and shiny in our world that the small town, small church, and smallness of the characters’ lives might parallel how many of us feel—small, unimportant, and even invisible in the eyes of God and others when we ask for help in the midst of our trials. I think many folks feel like they shouldn’t ask for help when neighbors struggle with something seemingly worse. But I’d like to encourage readers that no person, no place, and no trial is too small or too unnoticeable or too unworthy for our God, who is big enough not only to know us, but also to be with each of us in an intimate and personal way. I am especially grateful for God’s promise in Isaiah 42:3, that “He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle.”

What other themes are explored in this title?
Big versus small, old versus new, past versus future, fame versus marginalization, and hope versus despair, are a few of the other themes explored in Lead Me Home. Another important theme is community versus isolation, and how the Body of Christ plays in to our tendency to want to take care of our problems by ourselves.
In this novel, set in rural Indiana, you explore the idea of how a small town can crush big dreams. Talk more about that.
Small towns seem like unlikely places to fulfill the American Dream, especially if the American Dream is defined by fortune and fame, riches and happiness. We are not a society which celebrates small. Whether stores or churches, dreams or accomplishments, the tendency is to create bigger and better.

No wonder so many of us struggle with being satisfied with what we have and where we are. No wonder small towns, small farms, small churches and more are disappearing from our landscape. No wonder we can hardly claim to have true friendships when friendships have become defined by numbers on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. And no wonder Eustace is my favorite character in the novel.

Jesus says blessed are the poor and those who have lost what they hold dear. Blessed are those who are content and merciful and caring. Blessed are those with pure hearts, who don’t compete or fight. Matthew 5:3 (TMV) says, “With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” Not that those traits can’t be found in large venues. But I do fear what our society misses, more and more, because of the big and loud.

How is the setting of this novel important to you?
My first two novels were set in places (Alabama, Michigan and Ukraine) familiar to me from travel, but I felt this novel pulling my heart toward my home state of Indiana. Not only that, but this story was also inspired by my cousins and their dairy farm, one of the few remaining, family owned, sustainable dairy farms in the state. The parallel between small, dying churches and the demise of small, privately owned farms in our country was important to me to portray. When we leave pieces of us—whether societal or personal—behind, which are the very things that have historically shaped and sustained us, we lose something. We lose knowledge. We lose the wisdom of generations which have gone before us. And at the end of the day, we lose a bit of our selves.

How do you hope this novel will resonate with your readers?               

I have so many hopes for readers of this novel. First, I hope it makes folks think about where God has placed them, and ask themselves why, especially if they’re unhappy or think they want to be anyplace but where they are. God cares more about our hearts than our circumstances, and sometimes we are where we are because that’s the place where God can shape us and, more importantly, where we can find Him. I hope readers will think about the still, small places neglected in their own lives, and that they will pay closer attention to the whispers of God all around them. And most of all, I hope they’ll see that just like in Lead Me Home, God often uses the least expected, disregarded people and places in our lives to save us.

Thank you, Amy, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Lead Me Home -
Lead Me Home - Amazon
Lead Me Home - Kindle

Comments: When you leave a comment, please tell us whether you'd rather live in a large city, small town, or in the country.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book.  You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Hello, Lena, and thank you SO very much for having me! I can't wait to talk with your readers and hear their thoughts and such.

  2. This sounds like a fantastic story and I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you for sharing!
    Connie from KY

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Sounds like a great book. Shelia Hall from Mississippi

  4. Thank you for visiting, Connie from Kentucky and Shelia from Mississippi! Grateful for your interest!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this lovely interview! Lead Me Home sounds like a poignant story!

    Britney Adams, TX

    1. Thank you, Britney, for visiting and I hope you'll enjoy the book!

  6. A fascinating post thank you.

    Mary P


  7. I have read about this book on a few different blogs and I am completely drawn to the two main characters and their small town life. Having grown up, left, and then settled down with my family in a small rural town, I can understand the pull on Noble Burden. In fact, that pull is already displayed in my 17 year old who now vocalizes her desire to leave our small town and travel the world before settling down into adulthood. I can already sense that I will want to share this book with many other people in my life. Thank you for the beautifully worded and insightful interview, Amy.

    Terrill - Lynden, WA

    1. Hello, Terrill, and thanks so much for sharing your poignant experiences and thoughts about small towns. I do hope you'll enjoy the book!

  8. Amy, I love what you said in your interview, "So much importance is placed on the big and shiny in our world that the small town, small church, and smallness of the characters’ lives might parallel how many of us feel—small, unimportant, and even invisible in the eyes of God ..." What a meaningful theme to explore in your book. Sounds like a must-read.

    The thought of living in the country appeals to me, but after living in the suburbs of large cities all my life, I might find it difficult to adjust to the isolation.

    Sandy Q in TX

    1. Hi Sandy and thanks for visiting! Yeah, I'm pretty much a "city mouse," when it comes down to it, but I've always loved imagining a life in the country. I love BOTH places, to be honest. I hope you'll enjoy Lead Me Home!

  9. I have lived in a big city, a small town, and now, the "in between". There is something to enjoy about all sizes of towns. I enjoy the area we live in now because even though the area is growing, there is still a small town atmosphere. I like to be able to get to know my neighbors.

    1. Hi Melissa, and I completely agree! Plus the fact that a bit of socializing is good for me because I'm such an introvert. If I lived any more rural I'd be a hermit for sure, with no reason to see a human. :) I do hope you'll enjoy Lead Me Home!

  10. Wow. It sounds like this book has a whole lot of great subject matter.

    I live in hot West Texas.

  11. Brenda Arrington10:32 AM

    Sounds like a great story. I really enjoyed the interview. This author sounds like a very caring person. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Brenda in VA

  12. Sharon Richmond Bryant5:16 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway SC.
