
Friday, June 17, 2016

COLORING THE SCRIPTURES - Michelle Stimpson - One Free Coloring Book

Dear Readers, my friend, Michelle Stimpson, has created a scriptures coloring book. I know you’ve enjoyed her books I’ve featured. Just before I had my second knee-replacement surgery was Adult Coloring Week. Some coloring pages were online for people to print.

I’ve always loved coloring. I colored with my children and grandchildren. Then it became hard to find coloring books with pretty pictures in them. I printed up the pages and bought markers and crayons. I had artist’s coloring pencils. I put all this in my bag to go to rehab when I did. You only do rehab about two hours a day, and I knew I’d want something to keep me busy when I felt a little better.

Since then, I’ve acquired several coloring books for adults. This will be a good addition to my collection.

Welcome back, Michelle. You’ve spent most of your career writing Christian novels and novellas. Why a coloring book now?
Writers need relaxation, too! I’m not a big television-watcher, so I’m kind of getting into this coloring thing during my down-time. I also wanted to combine my coloring time with meditation. What better way than to incorporate the scriptures? I dabble here and there in graphic design, so I decided to give it a try.

Do you use markers or colored pencils when you color?
I mostly use Crayola® markers because they don’t bleed through pages often. I’ve tried colored pencils, but I get tired of sharpening them, so that’s out. If I come across a coloring book where the markers bleed through, I just put a sheet of paper between the page I’m working on and the next page.

When the Inspire Bible, which has illustrated verses to color in it, released earlier this year, I bought one. While I’m coloring the picture, I’m memorizing the verse. I use gel pens for things I want highlighted in the verse. Why do you think so many adults are turning to coloring these days?
Well, this coloring craze began with the art therapy movement some time around the 1940s. But I think it goes back beyond this relatively new form of psychological intervention. Our Heavenly Father is very creative. He’s created so many beautiful things in the earth. We don’t have to look for in order to behold His majesty. As His children, we’re much like Him in our desire to create beauty. Coloring is simply one more way to express our creativity as well.

Did you create the designs in the book by hand?
Well, that depends on what you mean by “by hand.” I clicked “by hand” and purchased some of the backgrounds—LOL! But no, I’m not much for drawing. Everything was done by purchasing fonts and background designs, then manipulating them through graphics software.

Will you be making another coloring book?
I’m thinking about it. When I’m sitting at a booth selling books, people will buy a coloring book often before they’ll buy a chapter book. The coloring books are quite a novelty, so I’ll pray about it and see where it goes!

Can children enjoy this coloring book, too?
Certainly! While most of the designs would take hours for anyone to complete, the book does contain some less intricate designs that would be great for kids.

How can my readers find you on the Internet?
My contact info:
Link to the book on Amazon: 

Thank you, Michelle, for sharing this with my blog readers.

Comment question to answer: Have you tried adult coloring? What is your favorite type of pictures to color?

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. What a wonderful way to learn scriptures by coloring them. I live in south eastern Virginia. I love to color flowers, birds etc.

  2. I LOVE coloring. I, too, colored with my children and always felt childish doing it. Now it's "socially acceptable." LOL

    I love coloring butterflies and flowers, so far those are the only coloring books I have. I think geometric designs would be cool. I remember when I was in high school and bored, I'd take a pen and randomly draw lines on the page and then color in the spaces.

    I would love to win the coloring book. ginger dot solomon at gmail dot com

  3. Arggh... I forgot to say I live in northern Alabama.

  4. Coloring is stress relief, and a great way to meditate on the scriptures. I live in SE Texas.

  5. I love coloring and what a awesome way to relax and stress free! Best thing of all is scriptures to learn while you color. I am from Indiana.

  6. Love to color. Adding Scripture is a bonus. Favorites: flowers & butterflies.

  7. My DIL would love this book. She loves to color and the scriptures is an added bonus for her.

    Linda in CA

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  8. I love coloring! I live on Oklahoma! Thank You!

  9. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Love these adult coloring books! great stress relievers! Shelia from Mississippi

  10. My mom would love this so much!
    J.C. -Indiana-

  11. JoAnne Bennett9:39 PM

    Before my long-time close friend passed away back in 2008, she sent me a box of pastels with a message that read , "It's okay Annie Jo to color outside the lines!" The truth is I am still afraid to use them. I don't remember ever even having a coloring book as a child. But I have a FB friend whose adult son died a couple of years ago. It's sad to watch her still struggling with grieving for such a tremendous loss. I noticed recently that she has started sharing beautiful pictures that she has colored :). I would love to send to this to her as a gift. JoAnne

  12. I have not tried adult coloring yet. It would be fun & relaxing.

    Mary P


  13. I have been thinking about getting an adult coloring book. I always loved to color as a child. Michelle's book looks wonderful and I would love to win a copy.

    Blessings from Indiana,
    Cindy W.

  14. Yes I have some coloring books.. I enjoy coloring the flower with scripture pages, memorize as I color.. I know I'd enjoy this one!

  15. I enjoy coloring and have a couple coloring books. I like to color just about anything.

    Beth in Montana

  16. Cool coloring book. north platte nebraska.

  17. This coloring book looks wonderful--stress relief and relaxation along with scripture reading! I'd love to win a copy.
    Winnie from Utah

  18. Yes, I have tried and enjoy adult coloring. I like realistic pictures best, rather than just designs. I'd love your scripture coloring book.
    Susan in NC

  19. I've never tried adult coloring books even though I've noticed their popularity. I do, however, enjoy coloring all things Disney with my daughter. This book looks beautiful, edifying and fun. Thanks for the opportunity to win! ~Amanda from FL

  20. Yes, I do coloring and love it. I like geometric designs and flowers the most. Love to win this one. teshaw(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

    From Illinois

  21. My teenage daughter & I love coloring together; and what a neat way for us to also memorize scriptures together. Elaine from Wisconsin

  22. I love to color! My favorite is to color flowers and birds. I also often color with my grandson. However, when I color with him we end up coloring cars and trucks!!

    From South Mississippi

  23. I have not tried adult coloring yet, but I love the idea of combining coloring and scriptures!

    Rebecca D.

  24. I have not tried adult coloring yet, but I love the idea of combining coloring and scriptures!

    Rebecca D.

  25. I love coloring! It's something I've never been able to give up, though I do tend to go through coloring jags and then nothing for awhile, and I've always kept the biggest box of Crayolas that I can find plus any supplemental crayons like glitters and metallics. Over the years I've kept buying the same coloring books I liked as a kid but the whole adult coloring thing is such a wonderful change. This coloring books sounds right up my alley for sure!

    Jasmine in Montana

  26. Sharon Richmond Bryant1:00 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway SC.

  27. Brenda Arrington4:44 PM

    I haven't tried adult coloring yet but I'm ready to try. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance.
    Brenda in VA

  28. Anonymous6:26 PM

    would love to win angela in ky

  29. I have not tried but keep thinking I should try. This book looks wonderful!
    Beth from IA

  30. I love coloring books and would love to win this one.Thanks for the chance! Jackie Tessnair from N.C.

  31. Michelle, you've combined two great stress relievers and I would truly enjoy your book. God's word and coloring = relaxation! Thank you feel for sharing.
    Connie from KY

  32. I have not tried the adult coloring book crazy. But just recently while working in the nursery I enjoyed coloring along with the little ones I was trying to entertain, so I think I would enjoy it!

    Patty in SC

  33. Wow! You all are such an encouragement to me!!!

  34. I have been looking for a coloring book like this one! Looks like a great relaxation tool.

    Pam in OH
