
Wednesday, July 06, 2016

THE SADDLEMAKER'S SON - Kelly Irvin - One Free Book

Bio: Kelly Irvin is the author of the critically acclaimed Amish of Bee County series. Kelly is also the author of several Amish series including the Bliss Creek Amish series, the New Hope Amish series, and the Amish of Bee County series. She has been married for twenty-seven years, and they have two young adult children, two cats, and a tank full of fish. In her spare time, she likes to write short stories and read books by her favorite authors. 

Welcome back, Kelly. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
The themes vary depending on what’s happening in my life. What is resonating with me right now is understanding and accepting God’s plan for my life. The Amish believe, as most Christians do, that God has a plan for each one of us. We don’t know how it will unfold, only that He is in charge. In my most recent work-in-progress, I’m exploring the scripture that says we will have trouble in this world, but not to worry because Jesus has overcome the world. As frail humans, it’s almost impossible for us not to worry or to believe that we can be self-reliant. When bad things happen or we find ourselves suffering, we don’t understand. Relying on God for all our needs, even in the darkest of times when we can’t see our way, is often the biggest test of our faith.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
Next spring the first book in my new four-book series will debut from Zondervan. It is entitled On a Spring Breeze.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person, who would it be and why?
Recently I was captivated by the Invictus Games created by Prince Harry to honor, support, and encourage wounded warriors from across the globe. I’ve never been a fan of royalty but I was so impressed with how warm and genuine Prince Harry was. I’d like to visit with him about the challenges of living life and giving back despite being born into a situation I really can’t imagine. I’d like to see what he puts into making those games happen and how he has been changed by them. I’d like to say thank you for being who he is despite what surely must be the temptation to simply let life be handed to him on the proverbial silver platter.

What historical person would you like to meet and why?
My Sunday School class just completed a study called Joseph: How God Builds Character.  I’m so amazed by what he overcame and how he stepped up each time to do God’s bidding. He was thrown in the well, sold into slavery by his own brothers, falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife, thrown in prison, and yet, he never lost his integrity or his faith. I’d love to be in the room when he revealed himself to his brothers. I’d love to know what he was really thinking through all those experiences!

I’d love to be there, too. How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
I remember that feeling. It took me seven years to earn a contract for my first novel. (And it wasn’t the first novel I wrote!). I truly believe that those who get published are those who persevere. They’re also the ones who are willing to hone their craft. They’re willing to embrace kind and uplifting critiques of their works. They go to workshops and keep learning, always keep learning. Never give up on your dream, but be willing to keep putting in the work.

It took me eight years for my first contract. Tell us about the featured book.
Rebekah Lantz feels imprisoned by circumstances she didn’t create. Tobias Byler is haunted by regret. Can two young runaways from half a world away teach them the healing power of true family?

Rebekah isn’t like her sister, but the watchful gaze of her family and small, close knit Amish community makes her feel as if she’s been judged and found lacking. The men avoid her and the women whisper behind her back. She simply longs for the same chance to be a wife and mother that her friends have.

Tobias Byler only wants to escape feelings for a woman he knows he should never have allowed to get close to him. Moving with his family to isolated Bee County, Texas, seemed the best way to leave his mistakes behind. But even a move across the country can’t erase the past that accompanies his every thought.

A surprise encounter with two half-starved runaway children forces both Rebekah and Tobias to turn to each other to help a sister and brother who have traveled thousands of miles in search of lives of unfettered peace and joy.

In doing so, Rebekah and Tobias discover the key to forgetting the past is the one that will open the door to love and the future they both seek.

Please give us the first page of the book:

The Saddle Maker’s Son

Alone at last. Rebekah Lantz tugged the creaking shed door shut and leaned against it. The folded piece of paper from her sister Leila weighed heavy as a stone in her hand. When had she managed to tuck it into the two-seater Rebekah drove with Susan to and from the school five days a week? Did she slip in while Rebekah was helping Susan by listening to the younger scholars read aloud? Surely not. Leila had a baby daughter to think about now and a husband. She couldn’t be roaming the countryside delivering notes. The fact that she had made Rebekah’s stomach rock. Guilt swirled there, mixing with a swelling ache to see her sister and a baby niece who would see her aenti as a complete and utter stranger. A Plain woman such as herself should forgive. No matter how much Leila’s flight hurt. No matter how it left Rebekah with little chance of finding love herself among the young men who looked at her and knew exactly what Leila had done.

Just because Leila had given up everything to follow Jesse into the Englisch world didn’t mean Rebekah would leave too. She longed to scream out those words at the next singing. Put them to music. Write her own song. Still, it wouldn’t change the look on the faces of those boys she’d known her entire life. Deer caught in the headlights of an Englisch truck barreling toward them on the highway.

Still, she had to open the note, read it. Its weight seemed to increase as each second ticked by. The cracks in the weathered boards of the shed allowed afternoon sun to filter through in stripes like bars. The April sun was warm, as if reminding Rebekah Texas didn’t wait around for summer like the northern states did. Her eyes adjusted to the dusky interior after a few seconds. The smell of mold, decaying wood, and dirt floated in the air. Old egg crates, a broken desk, a stack of chairs, a wooden door with white, peeling paint filled the small room. She wasn’t a coward. Swallowing against the knot of apprehension that always choked her when she did something of which her mudder would not approve, Rebekah unfolded the single sheet of notebook paper and peered at Leila’s neat, block writing.

Dear schweschder,
Hope you are well. We must meet. I need to talk to you face to face. Come to where the school path meets the road Friday at lunch. I’ll be driving the green VW bug. Can you believe I drive? Give Hazel a kiss for me. Love Leila

I really want to know what happens next. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Twitter: @Kelly_S_Irvin 
Facebook: Kelly.Irvin.Author

Thank you, Kelly for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
The Saddlemaker's Son -
The Saddle Maker's Son (The Amish of Bee County) - Amazon
The Saddle Maker's Son (The Amish of Bee County) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. I am looking forward to reading "THE SADDLEMAKER'S SON by Kelly Irvin.Thank you for the opportunity to win. I enjoy reading your books.PA.Have a wonderful week.

  2. I would love to receive The Saddlemaker's Son. Kelly Irvin is an excellent author and I love all Amish books! I live in Liberty Township, Ohio, just north of Cincinnati.

  3. Thanks, ladies. Good luck and keep reading!

  4. This has been on my wish list since I first saw it. Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy.

    Wendy in FL

    wfnren at aol dot com

  5. Thank you for sharing this lovely interview and giveaway! I would love to read The Saddle Maker's Son!

    Britney Adams, TX

  6. Linda D. McFarland7:07 PM

    I live in PA, near Lancaster Co. Enjoyed the interview. Thanks for the opportunity to The Saddle Maker's Son. Can't wait to read it!

  7. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Thanks for this interview. Book sounds very interesting. I would sure love to be your winner. I live in Pasadena, Tx. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  8. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Thank you Lena for the interview with Kelly. Amish fiction is my favorite genre. I would love to read her new book. Prayers for Kelly and her husband Tim. They have been through a lot lately and I know God is with them.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Maryann in NY

  9. My kind of read.

    Mary P


  10. Thanks for the prayers, Maryann, they are greatly appreciated!

  11. Lena, thank you for sharing Kelly's interview and the first page of her book. I also send my prayers and best wishes!
    Connie from KY

  12. Love her books. North Platte Nebraska.

  13. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I would love to own this book and to be able to write a review.

  14. There are so many people from the Bible that I'd love to know what they were thinking as they went thru so many trials. Love Kelly's books. Elaine from Wisconsin

  15. I would love to win a copy of The Saddlemaker's Son. I love reading Amish fiction.
    KayLee from NY

  16. Thanks for your kind comments. I truly enjoy writing these books so it's wonderful to know folks like reading them. Blessings to all of you.

  17. Deanna from Nebraska really wants to know what happens next too :)

  18. This sounds good and nice to meet you Kelly. Joseph would definitely be one of the top characters I would like to meet from the Bible too. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Annie from MD.

  19. I would love to read Tobias & Rebekah's story!

    Patty in SC

  20. Thank you for a fun author interview and giveaway chance for "The Saddlemakers Son". I've not YET read a book by Kelly, though I've heard such wonderful things about her writing. :-) Can't wait to find out for myself!

  21. Ooopss....

    Trixi in OR

  22. I have the first two books in this series and have been excited for The Saddlemaker's Son. Kelly mentioned that her next series is 4 books. Are the Amish of Bee Country books finished with this one or will there be a 4th? Thanks.

    Terrill - WA

  23. I read the first book in the series and really enjoyed. The second is in my TBR pile. Looking forward to reading The Saddlemaker's Son. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    Karen G., NY

  24. I'd love to read The Saddlemaker's Son. Thanks for the chance!!
    Beth from IA

  25. Sharon Richmond Bryant5:05 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

  26. I would love to win this for my grandmother. I gave her a copy of The Beekeeper's Son, which was a wonderful story.
    Dianna in TN
    dedezoomsalot AT yahoo DOT com
