
Monday, November 21, 2016

OTHER THAN A HALO - Valerie Comer - One Free Book

Welcome back, Valerie. Why did you become an author?
I became an author because God gave me stories to tell, the ability to tell them, and the patience and diligence to study the craft! Over time, I’ve become aware that writing is, for me, an act of worship in which I can create something and offer it back to the One who made me in His Creator image.

If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job?
I once thought being an architect or interior designer would be the best job in the world.

If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why?
I’m very thankful to live in a day and age where glasses and e-readers are a “thing.” Not so many years ago, people with my eye condition (Best Disease) wouldn’t have had written stories available to them. So I’ll take today and be thankful!

What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to?
When I see those Facebook memes going around, I’m often astonished to discover I’ve seen more of the USA than many Americans, though I’m Canadian. Someday I’d love to visit the New England states and their counterpart in Canada, the Maritime provinces.

How about a foreign country you hope to visit?
My husband and I are planning a month-long trip to Great Britain in three or four years. That should check a few things off our bucket list!

What lesson has the Lord taught you recently?
When I was writing Other Than a Halo, God reminded me again that He doesn’t categorize sin as greater or lesser. Sin of any size is what keeps us from God, and He can and will forgive all of it if we only ask. This was something my heroine, Bren, struggled with, and it was a blessing to me to revisit that truth in my own life.

Sometimes, we need to go back and revisit how much the Lord has taught us. I love to do that. Tell us about the featured book.
Other Than a Halo is the second book in my Christmas in Montana Romance series.
Even though she’s a new woman in Christ, single mom Bren Haddock was no angel as a teen. Now managing the Hiller Farm for a CSA, life is good until a friend offers to enter her daughter into the Little Miss Snowflake Pageant. Old insecurities flare when she meets the intriguing head of marketing for the pageant.

Rob Santoro isn’t so sure about handling the pageant portfolio until he meets Bren. Soon he’s fallen for her and her two kids. When a Thanksgiving adventure goes awry, he’s left wondering how to love a woman who refuses to be loved.

What will it take for Bren to retire her tarnished halo and move into the future God has for her?

Please give us the first page of the book.
“Don’t you think it would be great fun for both girls?”

Bren Haddock stared at the mother of her daughter’s best friend. “Um, no. I pretty much think you’re crazy.”

“What’s crazy about it?” Kristen O’Brien’s brown eyes lit up with excitement. “It’s not competitive like the Miss Snowflake is for adult women. It’s just for fun.”

Bren spun her pottery mug on the table in Helena’s Fire Tower Coffee Shop and raised her eyebrows. “Have you never heard of Crowns for Kids?”

“Of course I have.” Kristen giggled. “Wasn’t that reality—” she air-quoted the word “—show nuts? There was nothing real about it. And this won’t be anything like it.”

Bren had watched several episodes, aghast at what some people would do for fortune and fame. She shook her head. “I can’t believe you want to put Lila and Charlotte through that. No way.”

“Todd and I will gladly pay Lila’s entrance fee and buy her dress—”

“No. I’m not a charity case.”

Kristen’s eyes softened. “I know that, Bren. I know how hard you’ve worked to get on your feet and make a solid home for your kids all on your own. How hard you work every single day. This is something Todd and I want to do. Call it our Christmas gift to Lila. She’ll have a couple of adorable outfits and some happy memories of a perfect Christmas week spent with her bestest friend in the whole world.” Kristen’s voice mimicked Lila’s.

“I don’t see how it can lead to anything good.” Bren met her friend’s eyes across the wooden table. Around them, the lunch crowd drifted out. “I really don’t. I appreciate that you guys have money and run in different circles than we do, but I don’t want to get dragged into this. I don’t want Lila thinking she can have whatever Charlotte has. She needs to learn to be satisfied with what I can provide, not want what other people have.”

You can read the full first chapter here:

I’m eager to read the book. I love your writing. How can readers find you on the Internet?
Please visit me at where you can find links to social media and information about all my books as well as my blog. You can also join my email list for a free short Christmas story called “Peppermint Kisses.”

Thank you, Valerie, for sharing this book with us. I'm eager to read it. I love your picture. Your dimple is a lot like mine.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Other Than a Halo: A Christian Romance (Christmas in Montana Romance) (Volume 2) - paperback
Other Than a Halo: A Christian Romance (Christmas in Montana Romance Book 2) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    would love to win. Angela in KY

  2. I'm from TN. This sounds like a story with a purpose to teach the young girl.

  3. Thank you for sharing this story.

    Melanie Backus, TX

  4. Looks good. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Abigail in Clarksville VA

  5. Yay for dimples, Lena! For some reason, many of my story heroes have dimples. I've always loved them. Thanks ladies for your interest in Other Than a Halo!

  6. Thanks for sharing this first page. I look forward to reading Other Than A Halo.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Connie From KY

  7. Other than A Halo looks as if it would be a good book to read.
    ~BJM in Upstate SC

  8. Sounds like a great book! I live in Helena and it would be fun to read a book set in my town! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Beth in Montana

  9. I hope I did your fair city justice, Beth! I loved my visit there and would love to attend Christmas in the Cathedral sometime. One of these years hubby won't have to work that day and we'll be able to visit.

  10. Sharon Richmond Bryant2:39 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway, SC.

  11. I love the reason you became an author. I've never heard it put that way - God gave me stories to tell and the ability to tell them! How cleverly put! The books sounds so good!
    Beth from IA

  12. The first page has me interested!
    Dianna in TN
