
Monday, November 07, 2016

THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR - Ace Collins - One Free Book, Plus More

Dear Reader, I've known Ace since we have been clients of the same literary agency. We connected, because his wife works at a college where I attended. I've featured many of his novels on this blog before. 

Bio: Ace Collins defines himself as a storyteller. He is the best-selling and award-winning author of more than 60 titles, including The Stories Behind The Best-Loved Songs of Christmas, Darkness Before Dawn, and Lassie: A Dog's Life. Ace frequently speaks across the country and on radio and has appeared on national television shows, including Good Morning America, The Today Show, CNN, Fox and Friends, Entertainment Tonight, The Early Show and more. He has also been the featured speaker at the National Archives Distinguished Lecture Series, hosted a network television special and does college basketball play-by-play. When not writing, he works as a magazine editor and graphic designer, as well as host for a charity organization radio and television broadcast. Ace and his wife, Kathy, are based in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

Celebrate 31 days of a Christ-filled Christmas season.

From December to New Year's Eve, reawaken the wonder, joy, and magic that is Christmas with daily scripture and inspirational readings of stories behind popular Christmas traditions, carols and movies.

Enjoy a wealth of fun activities to help make the most of the season, including heartwarming holiday recipes and homemade gift ideas.

With this soon-to-be-cherished holiday devotional, best-selling author Ace Collins will capture your imagination and help to make each day of December more memorable and meaningful to you, and those you love, by shining a light on the real spirit of the season.

For Christians worldwide, the month of December is filled with joy and wonder as we anticipate the celebration of Christ's birth. There is no other time of the year that can compare to the Christmas season for both the young and young at heart.

Purchase a copy:

Welcome back, Ace. What would you like for our readers to know about you personally?
I think you could describe me as a raccoon in human form. By that I mean I’m always moving, never still and extremely curious. I’m outgoing, love to laugh and am very people-oriented. I love to have company and enjoy hosting guests. I like classic films, music of all genres, and love to hug. I find that I am also a cheerleader. I look for ways to compliment or encourage other people. I also tend to write a lot of thank you notes. I am very optimistic about the future due to the fact that we have between 50-70 college students in our home each Sunday night for supper and I’ve found them to be incredibly service-oriented and lacking their prejudices I see in so much of society. This makes my positive outlook on life even more positive.

Tell us about your family.
I have two sons who have graduated from college and are out on their own. We have a granddaughter who is gifted in all things mathematics and science. My wife, Dr. Kathy Collins, is the Chair of the Education Department and Director of Teacher Education at Ouachita University. She has spoken at national education conventions, her concepts and ideas have been published in very respected journals, she is a dynamic teacher and gifted is so many different areas. Due to her intelligence, creativity and caring nature, she is my most important inspiration. My mother, a former school teacher, has Alzheimer’s and is therefore still teaching me life lessons as she battles this disease. And then there are all those college kids who are in our house on Sunday night. I consider them family as well.

Do you have any other books in the works right now?
I am currently doing research on a nonfiction book on police and military dogs, I have a novel series continuing called In The President’s Service and have several novels under consideration. I also have another idea for a Christmas book that folks seem to want.

What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
I love playing with classic cars. I own a 1934 Auburn 652Y Sedan and a 1965 Mustang Fastback. I drive the Auburn once a week and the Mustang is my daily driver. I enjoy our dogs and cats, I love hiking, watching college sports, playing guitar, reading, watching classic films and visiting small town festivals. I also enjoy traveling to places I’ve never been and observing culture firsthand.

Why did you write the featured book?
I have written Christmas devotionals for years to present as a part of our college home group and at church. I’ve always tried to create in these presentations a bit of history about the songs and traditions of the season. In time I came to realize that these devotionals were the foundation for a book.

What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
I would like readers to gain a new appreciation for their potential to fully appreciate and enjoy the holidays. I also wanted to connect Christmas to Easter as well as other elements of Christ’s life. Christmas is a beginning, but as the original advent concepts spelled out, the beginning is only important because of what happened down the road. I wanted folks to focus on that thought to gain a deeper appreciation of their experiences in December.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell my readers about you or your book?
This is a very different devotional concept. It is very interactive. It is doing more than reminding folks of the importance of the Christmas, it is asking them to get involved. I also hope that it will inspire deeper appreciation for every element of the holidays as they learn more about the traditions of the season.

Please give us the first page or two from the book.
December 1
It Is a Wonderful Life
The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people. Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:10-11

For millions Christmas is not Christmas until they view the 1946 Frank Capra film It’s A Wonderful Life. In this Hollywood classic George Bailey is given the opportunity to see what the world would have been like had he not been born. When faced with what might have been, George discovers he has set in motion a positive set of events that have brought great light. In fact, without George, the world would have been a far darker place.

A thousand years ago, advent was a time of personal introspection. One element of the tradition centered on how different the world would be if there had been no Jesus. As we begin embracing this new Christmas season, perhaps, to put things into the proper perspective, we first need to visualize a world where Christ was never born.

For starters there would be no cards, no lights, no decorations, no “Silent Night” or “White Christmas,” no shopping, no gifts, and no family gatherings. December 25th would be just another day on the calendar, and the wonder and joy of this season would be something we would never experience. Yet that is just the beginning.

Your salvation would not be anchored on grace but on the law. The church where you attended as a child, the place where you were saved, the building where you now gather with family would have never been constructed. The relationships you built in church would also be lost. There would be no church bells, no “Amazing Grace” and no chance for redemption. The billions who have been touched through the gifts and missions of the church would have never felt the love of Christ. The compassion born of faith would be completely unknown.

Without Christ there would have been no Mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer, Martin Luther, Lottie Moon, or Billy Graham. The purpose for their great work would have not been there to motivate or inspire them.

It is easy to get overwhelmed with the demands of the season and fall into the trap of dreading the holidays. Fighting the crowds at the mall, decorating the house, wrapping the gifts, and meeting all the holiday obligations is never easy, but consider the alternative. If there were no reason for Christmas then, just like Bedford Falls without the influence of George Bailey, our world would be a much darker and depressing place. Christmas celebrates not just the birth of Christ but how Jesus changed the world and changed each of us. That dramatic change is one we should embrace on the day we kick off this month of joy as well as on each day of our lives!
Yes—because of the wonderful life Jesus has given to this world and to each of us—there is a reason to celebrate! Because of Christ, there is not only a Christmas but also hope, light, and joy on each day of the year!

Where on the Internet can the readers find you?


Make this upcoming Christmas holiday a Christ-filled season of joy and wonder with the help of Ace Collins' new devotional, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. From December to New Year’s Eve, reawaken the Christmas season with daily scripture and inspirational readings of stories behind popular Christmas traditions, carols and movies. Enjoy a wealth of fun activities to help make the most of the season, including heartwarming holiday recipes and homemade gift ideas. Download a free sampler of the book by clicking here.

Join Ace's Christmas festivities by entering to win the Magic of Christmas Prize Pack. Create new traditions this holiday season with your family and friends with the goodies included in the giveaway.


One grand prize winner will receive:
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on November 21. The winner will be announced November 22 on the Litfuse blog.


Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book on this blog. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. This would be a wonderful resource to use during this Holy season. Thank you for sharing
    Connie from KY

  2. Please don't enter me in the contest because I already have the book. I enjoyed it very much -- and love the recipes especially. The history is also interesting!

  3. Anonymous10:40 PM

    angela in ky would love to win.

  4. It is the most wonderful time of the year.

    Mary P


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I would love this book. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W. from Indiana

  7. Lena, Thanks for having me on your page. I always enjoy being here. Ace Collins

  8. Brenda Arrington1:46 PM

    I would love to read this book and try the recipes included in it.
    Brenda in VA

  9. Sharon Richmond Bryant5:21 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway SC.
