
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A PONY EXPRESS ROMANCE - Misty M Beller - One Free Book

Dear Readers, I love Misty’s 19th Century Westerns. As a reader, you actually experience every nuance of the setting. The characters leap from the pages right into your heart, and the story stays with you for a long time after you’ve finished reading the book.

Bio: Misty M. Beller writes Christian historical romance and is the author of the Mountain Dreams Series and the Texas Rancher Trilogy.

She was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and daughters now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

God has placed a desire in Misty’s heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God's abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

Writing is a dream come true for Misty. Her family—both immediate and extended—is the foundation that holds her secure in that dream.

Welcome back, Misty. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
Great question! It seems like so many of my books are tied in some way to the theme of following God’s leading. He has a plan for each of us that rarely seems to follow a logical path, but when we seek His way and submit to His guidance (and submission is an important piece!), His plan turns out to be so much more wonderful than we ever imagined!

That is so true. What other books of yours are coming out soon?
I’m finishing up the sequel to A Pony Express Romance. This new story will be called A Rocky Mountain Romance (book 2 in the Wyoming Mountain Tales) and is already available for pre-order! The official release date is March 21st. This book follows the story of Zeche, Mara’s older brother, as he sets off to explore the Rocky Mountains. But when he takes shelter from a snowstorm in a little mountain cabin, the intriguing Gretta Michelly and her father are the last people he expects to meet. I think readers will love these characters!

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
Hmm…this is a tough one. My first thought was for some of my favorite authors, but I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to meet so many of those wonderful people. I guess I would love to reconnect with old friends from my growing up years. Some have moved away and we’ve lost touch, but they’re still dear!

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
My oldest daughter and I are reading the story of Joseph, and I’m lost again in the beauty of his reunion with his brothers so many years after they sold him into slavery. What an emotional story! God had such an amazing plan for Joseph; I bet he would have been amazing to talk with!

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
Don’t stop! Keep pursuing the dreams God placed in your heart, and seek His direction. He may have a path planned for you that is the last thing you expected. Even though the journey can be painful at times, the outcome will be wonderful!

Tell us about the featured book.
I’d love to!

After growing up as an orphan, Josiah English wants nothing more than to have his own ranch and raise Arabian horses. Riding for the Pony Express seems like the ticket to his dream. And when he meets the stationmaster’s beautiful sister, it seems he may be within reach of the happy life he craves.

Mara Reid is thrilled to finally meet the man of her dreams, and the fact that they both want to raise horses in the Sweetwater River valley seems like confirmation straight from God.

But when the Express shuts down and Mara's family home is in peril, the danger looming over Mara's life may not be half as destructive as that threatening her heart.

Please give us the first page of the book.
November 30, 1860
Ellwood, Kansas
“Don’t move, or I’ll shoot ya right through the ticker.”

Josiah English froze as the hard metal of a rifle barrel pressed into his back. His horse danced beneath him, complaining against his stranglehold on the reins. He didn’t dare release the pressure, though. Not until he had a better grasp on the situation. He tilted his chin ever so slowly, scanning the perimeter to get a look at his captor.

The click of a rifle’s set trigger rang loud in his ears, and the air stilled around him.

“I said freeze.”

The sharp bark drew him up. His blood galloped, pounding in his ears as anger started to build. He wasn’t a coward to be so easily taken by this highway bandit. But was there more than one? He forced air in through his nose and out through his mouth as he strained to decipher the noises behind him.

A whizzing sound flew by his ears, and within the same heartbeat, a rope settled around his shoulders. He jerked to pull it off, but the line yanked tight, strapping his arms to his sides. With a violent lurch, he was snatched sideways from his horse. For a second, his right foot caught in the stirrup, stretching him between opposite forces like a deer hide ready for tanning. Pain shot through his midsection. Would they rip his leg off?

His foot finally slipped from the stirrup, and for a moment he was airborne. Then he landed hard on the ground, the thud ricocheting through his back as the rope clenched tight around his midsection. The air exploded from his lungs. His chest seized, fighting a weight that threatened to smother him as he struggled to breathe.

At last, a precious breath seeped in, and awareness filtered into Josiah’s oxygen-starved brain. He lay on the grass, staring into the blue November sky. A shadow moved across his vision—the dark outline of a man.

I can hardly wait to see what happens next. How can readers find you on the Internet?
I love to connect at my website, FacebookGoodreadsTwitter, Bookbub, and Pinterest

Thank you, Misty, for sharing this book with us. I know my readers are as eager to read it as I am.

Here are buy links to the book:

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. This sounds like a book I would love to read--1860 western historical romance. I'm already wondering what happens to the lassoed guy on the ground.
    I'm from TN.

  2. I love the Pony Express! Would love to read this. It sounds awesome!
    Elly -Indiana-

  3. The 1860s is one of my favorite time periods to read, too!

    And Elly, it was so much fun researching the Pony Express for this book! I wish I could have used shared more of what I learned. So many great stories!

  4. Lena, thanks again for hosting me on your blog. It's always so much fun to share with your readers!

  5. I really enjoy Misty's books, thank you for the chance to win a copy of this one, it sounds great!

    Wendy in FL

    wfnren at aol dot com

  6. Love that opening line. I can hear it in that thick Southern drawl.
    Dianna G. in TN

  7. Wendy, I'm so glad you've enjoyed my other books!

    And, Dianna, I loved that line, too! It's one of my favorite opening lines. :)

    Blessings to you both!

  8. This story looks great!
    Abigail in Clarksville VA

  9. Thanks, Abigail! I hope you get to read it!

  10. Sounds like a fun read.

    Vera in North Carolina

  11. Thanks, Vera! Blessings!

  12. This looks like a great book.
    Susan in Texas

  13. Sounds good. North Platte Nebraska

  14. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Wow! This sounds intriguing. I'd love to win a copy!

    Winnie T from Utah

  15. thanks for the chance to win
    live in ND

  16. I love this title and cover. It reminds me of the westerns that I enjoyed with my Dad. Thanks for sharing!
    Happy New Year!
    Connie from KY

  17. I always love Misty's books. I've gotten to read this one so you don't need to add my name to the drawing. I hope everybody gets a chance to read A Pony Express Romance.

    Happy new year from KY.

  18. Sharon Richmond Bryant5:31 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

  19. Anonymous10:32 AM

    sounds like a great book! Shelia Hall
