
Monday, December 19, 2016

AN AUSSIE SUMMER CHRISTMAS - Six-Author Collection - A Giveaway of 5 Copies of the Ebook

An Aussie Summer Christmas
Six new inspirational romance novellas

Dear Readers, I'm thrilled to introduce this Christmas novella collection to you. I'm personally acquainted with the first 4 authors. I just finished reading this collection last week. It interfered with my working time, but I just had to read a few more pages. Now that I've enjoyed a book by each of the other 2 authors, I'll be looking for more of their books. I know you'll enjoy this collection as much as I did.

Melbourne Memories by USA Today bestselling author Marion Ueckermann

What surprised you the most when writing Melbourne Memories?
I had originally started this story to submit as another Passport to Romance for my publisher. However, when Narelle Atkins asked me about putting the Aussie story I’d started into this set, I decided this was the home for this story. For Passport to Romance stories, the authors have to write using three writing prompts, and so I’d planned my story around those. One of them was an artist. Wanting to think out of the box, I decided that my heroine would own one of the most popular coffee shops in Melbourne and create amazing latte art. What I didn’t know when I started planning and writing this story—and of course I was ecstatic when I discovered it in my research—was that Melbourne is renowned for its coffee culture. I’m always amazed at how God directs my writing—even when I don’t know, He knows, and plants the story ideas in my mind, and then surprises me when I discover how well the story fits for its storyworld.

Next Door Santa by USA Today bestselling author Lacy Williams

What is special about your novella in this collection?
I love Christmas books and movies and always have. (While You Were Sleeping, anyone???). So being invited to this collection was a big YES from the start. I'm from Oklahoma in the U.S. and we have mild/cold winters here, so imagining the warmth of a beach Christmas was great fun! I'd love to go one day when my kids get bigger and experience it myself. Another fun thing that I included in the book was the dog, Ollie. I'm a huge dog person and loved doing some research about dogs and vets in Australia and incorporating that into the story. 

Seaside Christmas by Narelle Atkins

In Seaside Christmas, Gus is a political advisor and Chelsea can’t stand politics. Does politics play a big role in the story?
The answer is yes and no. Gus works for a NSW Senator based in Sydney, Australia. This means Gus lives and works in Canberra, the national capital, when Parliament is sitting. His job involves travel and this aspect of his career is explored in the story. During the story Chelsea meets Gus for coffee in Parliament House and we gain an insight into his political career. His political party affiliation and political views are not mentioned in the story. Chelsea’s father was the mayor of her local council when she was a teen. She’s not interested in talking about politics with anyone, including. Gus. The focus of the story is on their romance and how his career impacts their developing relationship.

A Christmas Resolution by Rose Dee

Considering most resolutions happen on New Year’s Eve, what is your novella, A Christmas Resolution all about?
Resolution is the name of my fictional island that sits off the Australian tropical coast. For those who have no idea where this is, it’s up the top of the country – where the Great Barrier Reef is. This story ties in with my Resolution series. Think long sandy beaches, clear blue ocean, salt air, and as it is set at Christmas time, summer breezes. In the story, you will find romance, some drama, the Aussie larrikinism our country towns are known for, as well as a message of faith and overcoming. Each of my Resolution books hold stories of redemption, and the resolution to our struggles that only comes from faith in Jesus. And I believe those sort of resolutions can happen any day of the year.

All is Bright by Andrea Grigg

You mention that Josh, the hero in All is Bright, is a secondary character in your first book, A Simple Mistake. Why did you decide to write your novella about him?
It was a no-brainer really. I’d always felt sorry for Josh and was thrilled to be able to give him his Happy Ever After. When we’re introduced to Josh in A Simple Mistake, he’s already a widower. He meets Lainey straight after coming back from teaching overseas, where he went to “get away from it all.” He’s ready to find love again, and is pretty annoyed when things don’t work out, and for good reason! (Those of you who’ve read A Simple Mistake will know what I mean J).

The hard part about writing Josh’s story meant I had to write about finding love after losing a spouse; not an easy topic, and not one I’ve experienced myself. Putting myself in his shoes made me teary a few times, believe me!

Falling for Maddie Grace by Meredith Resce

Why did you choose to use Aussie Rules football as the backdrop for your story?
 I am a mad footy fan and watched the emergence of women in this sport, mostly in support-staff roles.  During one game, the young female goal umpire was nearly steam-rolled by one of the players. Fast, fit and large, if he’d hit her, she would have been flattened. This stirred my imagination. I decided Maddie was going to be Australia’s first professional female umpire, who gets hit by one of the players, Zac.

Zac’s public faith is often scrutinised. The media are waiting for him to fall from grace. When they are both knocked unconscious, he regains his senses,  and carefully wipes blood from her face—in the eye of every camera. It’s taken out of context, and they are accused of a secret affair, and a breach of professional ethics.

An Aussie Summer Christmas – six new Novellas set in the land Downunder is available now at Amazon for the special price of $.99.

Thank you, Marion, Lacy, Narelle, Rose, Andrea, and Meredith for sharing this collection with us. I fell in love with Australia decades before it became so popular in the US. As a matter of fact, I have an unpublished novel that is partially set in Australia. Maybe I should pull that out and finish it. Meredith and Andrea--all of you really--I love to promote other Christian authors, and all of you would be welcome to schedule an interview on my blog with your other books. I've feathered Marion, Lacy, Narelle, and Rose before.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the ebook. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Conversation starter question: Have you ever read a book of books set in Australia? Have any of you been to Australia?

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. I haven't been to Australia but the classic novel The Thorn Birds was set in Australia. Thanks for sharing this collection.
    Connie from KY

  2. I love to read holiday themed books and it doesn't even have to be the holidays! And novellas are great, too. Count me in, please.

    Linda in So Cal

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  3. I'm not sure if I've read a book about Australia. I have a book set there but I didn't put my initial in the front so I am not sure.... I like reading books about places away from where I live and in other countries.

  4. Hi Connie, I loved The Thorn Birds - a great Aussie novel. I really enjoyed the tv miniseries, too. I hope you'll enjoy visiting Australia through our stories. :)

    Hi Linda, I could easily read Christmas books all year round, too! I wrote my Christmas novella mid-year and listened to Christmas Carols to get myself into the holiday mood. Enjoy your holiday reading and our Aussie stories. :)

    Hi ablst niki, I hope you'll have a chance to read many books set in Australia. I also like reading stories set in international locations. I hope you'll enjoy visiing Australia in our novellas. :)

    Hi Lena, Thanks so much for the opportunity to visit your blog and meet your readers. I'm glad you enjoyed our Aussie novella collection. :)

    Merry Christmas and blessings to you in 2017!

  5. I have not been to Australia, but would love to someday. I have read a book set there, but can't remember the name of it. I love these novella collections. Merry Christmas!

    Beth in Montana

  6. Cool found me some new author for me to read. north platte nebraska.

  7. Hi Connie,Linda, Niki, Beth and Kim,
    (and Narelle and Lena)
    It's great for me to be able to meet readers from outside Australia. I've been writing for many years, but mainly for the Australian and NZ audience. I really hope you get to read 'An Aussie Summer Christmas', as over the 6 novellas you will get a good idea of what Australian Christmas culture is like. There are loads of similarities to a Northern Hemisphere Cold Christmas, but there are loads of differences too. I've noticed a couple of Christmas stories set in the warm southern states of the US, and though it is warmer there than the snowy north, I imagine their Christmases may be a little more like the Australian ones. Though I don't imagine folks play a lot of backyard cricket after Christmas dinner. Anyway, enjoy, and thanks for your support.

  8. thanks for the chance to win
    live in ND

  9. I love The Thorn Birds too. :-)

    Thank you all for your interest in our box set. I loved writing, A Christmas Resolution, and as it happens, my Christmas day is set to be similar to the one I wrote about in the novella.

    My family and I are off to a resort on the water, tropical islands in the distance, lots of time in air conditioning, and a seafood buffet. Most likely a walk along the beach at the end of this big Christmas lunch.

    Whatever you are doing for Christmas, I hope it is blessed day.

    xo Rose.

  10. Hi everyone - I've come in a bit late due to having guests staying with us, but they're gone now. First of all, thank you so much Lena for your support of our boxset, 'An Aussie Summer Christmas'. Really hope you get to travel Down Under one day soon. And to all the commenters, thanks for stopping by. Appreciate it! Merry Christmas :)

  11. I am Australian. And I miss hot Aussie Christmases!
    Monica, Ontario
