
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

THE AMERICAN CONQUEST - Jenna Brandt - One Free Ebook

Welcome, Jenna. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
Little pieces of how they would react, how they would think in a certain situation are from my own personal way, but if the character is opposite of me, I often think of how I would oppositely react. I also have certain scenarios happen which have happened to me in my own life.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
I decided to take a year off from college and do a year of mission work. I trained in a rural area of Hawaii and then did overseas work in Thailand and Malaysia.

That’s so cool. When did you first discover that you were a writer?
As soon as I could put sentences together. I grew up writing, I am a fourth-generation writer on my mom’s side.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I read sci-fi, fantasy, thrillers, dystopian futures, romance, apocalyptic. I love all types of books.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I spend time with friends, I watch movies with my kids, and I go to church. I also listen to worship music in my car to ground me.

How do you choose your characters’ names?
I pick names I like, names I think readers will like. Some names are references to people I know, but most are just names I like and work for the area and timeframe in which I am writing.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
Having two books at the same time on the best-selling list in my genre.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
I would be a dolphin. I love the water, and they are social.

What is your favorite food?
I love Italian, specifically spaghetti.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
I was a couple of months away from publishing my first book when my infant son passed away from SIDS. It froze everything in place. That was three years ago, and I decided this January that I wanted to start pursuing releasing my books again. My first book came out in May, my second book in June, and my third book in July.

Tell us about the featured book.
The American Conquest is the third book in my 3-part installment of the Window to the Heart Saga. It wraps up the main character Margaret’s journey as she travels the Oregon Trail west to the Colorado Territory and how she finds adventure, danger, and love along the way.

Please give us the first page of the book.
1865 Port of New York, America
Margaret Learingam held on to the ship’s rail with one hand and her toddler son with the other. As her family approached the New England shoreline, fear filled the pit of her stomach. Forced to flee to America, Margaret had no experience outside of Europe, where she had grown up in England and spent a year in France. She left everything behind, including her last name and titles, to keep her son from being taken away. And now, in just a few moments, she would be stepping foot into a new world that held the potential to offer her and her family a way to stay alive and together. It meant leaving behind her title, and the privileges that went with it, but she would do anything to protect her son.

Still haunted by the painful memories of losing the two men she loved, Margaret could not help but feel guilt over their deaths. Her late husband and fiancé were both killed by the invidious hand of the Duke of Witherton.

Her heart was broken when her husband, Henry, the Viscount of Rolantry, was killed in a duel over her “ruined” honor. She had wanted to die with him, but when she realized she was pregnant, she knew she had to force herself to live for her child’s sake. Fearful either the duke or her vengeful sister-in-law would take her son from her, Margaret fled from England to hide in France while she searched for her long-lost twin brother, Randall, whom she eventually found.

She thought she would never be happy after the tremendous loss of her husband, but she eventually found a way to live with the pain. When she met Michel, the Marquis de Badour, he showed her she could love again. But Witherton was not content to destroy her life only once; he had to do it again by killing Michel. In a cruel twist of fate, both men she loved were killed by the monster who had destroyed her life. After the second loss, Margaret shut her heart to the idea of finding love again, knowing the pain would be too crushing to warrant a third attempt. She had her son and brother, and they were the only two men she would need in her life.

The duke was still under the misguided assumption that her son, Henry, was his child, and he was determined to take him for himself. Knowing he would not stop until he got what he wanted, Margaret chose to leave behind her life in Europe and flee to America.

The trip across the Atlantic Ocean had been long and grueling, as they had encountered several storms in the process, lengthening their journey and causing sickness to run rampant on board. In addition, due to Margaret’s appearance, she had been receiving constant unsolicited attention from the single men on the ship, which made her uncomfortable. Her dark violet eyes and long raven locks contrasted against her smooth white skin, and her petite frame had adjusted admirably into shapely proportions after childbirth. But she knew her attractiveness was not going to be able to save her when they reached the new land. In fact, she had the type of appearance that could get her into trouble.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Jenna, for sharing this new book with me and my readers.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
The American Conquest: Christian Western Historical (Window to the Heart Saga Book 3

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  1. This sounds very intriguing. Thank you for sharing.
    Connie from KY

  2. Once again, Lena, you've found a new-to-me author. The "first page" already captured my attention. I'd love to read the rest!

    Pam in OH

  3. This series looks quite interesting. I love historicals. Thanks from Missouri.

  4. This sounds interesting and like a great read,

    Deanne from PA
