
Wednesday, October 04, 2017

THANKSGIVING PROTECTOR - Sharon Dunn - One Free Book

Dear Readers, Thanksgiving Protector is one of three books in the Texas Ranger Holidays series. The other two books are being written by two other authors. We’ll have them on the blog, too. I’m reading this one right now. I’m about halfway through the book. There’s plenty of suspense and romance. And then there is the baby. I highly recommend this novel.

Welcome, Sharon. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
My characters lead action packed lives. The most action in my life is going to the gym or taking my dog to the park. The spiritual journeys and discoveries of my characters is often related to something I’ve been through though.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
In college, I dressed up as a character from a soap opera that all the girls in the dorm watched. I entered a costume contest and won.

Sounds like fun. When did you first discover you were a writer?
Second grade, I stayed up late writing a poem about my mom, my dad, and my dog. The poem about my mom started out “Oh my mom was always calm” Great literary genius, right?

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I usually have two or three books going at once. Reading is like breathing to me. Right now, I am reading Sue Grafton’s Y is for Yesterday, Michael Card’s Scribbling in the Sand, and the Idiots Guide to Christian mysteries.

I have a new T-shirt that reads: A day without reading is like … just kidding. I don’t know. How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
Soak in a hot tub at the end of the day, try to start my mornings slow, say “no” as much as I say yes.

That last one is important. I was on the staff of a church one time. My pastor stopped me and told me, “Just say no.” And the no was very exaggerated. How do you choose your characters’ names?
Baby name book for first names, phone book for last names

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
Several years ago, I lost over 75 pounds and have kept the weight off.

Good for you. That’s quite an accomplishment. If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
Cat. Sleep 16 hours day. Play with string. Rest up for the big nap and be adored and taken care of for doing pretty much nothing.

What is your favorite food?
Salmon and steamed broccoli

Sounds yummy to me. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
I was married for almost 27 years when my husband died of cancer. After he died, I could not even form a sentence on paper. It was like my brain was broken. I started doing word puzzles. At first, it would take me days to finish one. Gradually, I could do a puzzle in a single setting. I gave myself permission to not write for publication. I took the pressure off myself and just journaled about what I was going through. It took almost a year before I was writing books again.

Tell us about the featured book.
Thanksgiving Protector is the first book in the Texas Ranger Holiday series.  It’s about a border patrol agent Kylie and a Texas Ranger, Austin who are working together to catch a drug kingpin. Things get complicated when Kylie’s informant and friend is killed. Kylie promised to take care of her informant’s baby girl if anything ever happened to her. So Kylie is dealing with instant motherhood, trying to do her job and working with Austin whose fellow Rangers call Lone Wolf. Austin is a great cop but kind of closed down emotionally because of his own difficult childhood. The other books in the series will be released in November and December. They are Christmas Double Cross by Jodie Bailey and Texas Christmas Defender by Elizabeth Goddard

Please give us the first page of your book for my readers.
Bad things happen at night.

Border patrol agent Kylie Perry stared through her night vision goggles and repeated the words that had kept her alive every time she went out on patrol at this hour—words that reminded her to be prepared for anything.

Tonight could be big. All intel pointed to the drug lord Rio Garcia crossing the border into El Paso from Juarez, Mexico. Rumor had it he was coming to seek revenge on his sister, Adriana, who had betrayed him.

Catching Garcia would be a coup for both the border patrol and the Texas Rangers she was working with tonight.

With the rushing rumble of the Rio Grande current pressing on her ears, Kylie scanned the high thin grass that surrounded the river.

A voice burst through the radio. “I’ve got movement at ten o’clock.” Austin Rivers, one of the rangers she was assisting, couldn’t hide his excitement. Apparently, he liked the action as much as she did.

Kylie’s heart skipped into double time as she turned her head toward where Austin had indicated. She scanned until her view took in one person moving at a rapid pace across the river. That couldn’t be their target. Rio Garcia would have four or five henchmen with him. He never went anywhere without his bodyguards.

But maybe he was changing tactics.

“Kylie, let’s see if we can catch him.” Austin’s voice came through the radio. “The rest of you hold your position. This could be nothing.”

Heart racing, adrenaline surging. Kylie took off running. A moment later, she heard Austin’s footsteps behind her. Her feet pounded the ground. She knew the fastest route to the river. Because of their knowledge of the people, terrain and geography, border patrol was an invaluable asset on these ranger missions.

The glowing figure disappeared in the tall brush on the American side. One person alone. Who could it be? She couldn’t tell if the yellow glow she’d seen through the night vision goggles had been a man or woman.

Kylie quickened her pace as she gulped in air.

As they approached the river, she slowed down and drew her weapon. Austin came up beside her and pulled his gun, as well. She scanned the landscape looking for the solitary figure. Her ears tuned into every sound. Austin pressed close to her, their shoulders nearly touching.

Where can readers find you on the internet?, sharon west dunn on facebook

Thank you, Sharon, for sharing this new book with us. My readers love holiday stories as much as I do.

Readers, here are links to the book.
Thanksgiving Protector -
Thanksgiving Protector (Texas Ranger Holidays) - Amazon paperback
Thanksgiving Protector (Texas Ranger Holidays) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    sounds so good! Shelia from Mississippi

  2. This sounds like a great book and I enjoyed "meeting" Sharon. Thanks for this giveaway!
    Connie from Kentucky

  3. I love Love Inspired Suspense books. Thank you for the chance to win.

    Cindy W. from Indiana

  4. Vivian Furbay7:41 PM

    This sounds like an action filled book and would enjoy reading it.

  5. Looks great!
    Abigail in VA

  6. Always enjoy love inspired suspense books. north platte nebraska.

  7. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Lena thank you for featuring Thanksgiving Protector. Thank you all for leaving comments. So great to see the Love Inspired fans.
    It's starting to feel like Thanksgiving in my neck of the woods, cold crisp mornings and a light dusting of snow. I love the seasons.

  8. not sure why that last comment came up as anonymous. This is Sharon Dunn loving the seasons as they change and loving writing Love Inspired Suspense. Best luck to everyone in winning a copy of Thanksgiving Protector

  9. Sharon Richmond Bryant6:27 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

  10. Sounds like a great book!Shelia from Mississippi

  11. so great to see all the comments. here can't wait to find out who the winner of the free book is
