
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

TO THE MOON AND BACK - Kathi Macias - One Free Book

Dear Readers, Kathi has written a number of novels over the years I’ve known her. I always look forward to reading them. They touch a place deep in my heart.

Welcome back, Kathi. Do you have a favorite genre to write? If so, what is it?
Though I’ve also written several nonfiction books, a couple of children’s books, and one historical fiction, my favorite is contemporary fiction, centered around some sort of current “hot-button” issue—i.e., human trafficking, homelessness, Alzheimer’s, etc.

If you didn’t live in the part of the country where you do, where would you live?
My husband and I have spent quite a bit of time in Hawaii and Florida, and certain parts of each state would work for me. However, I suppose I’d have to say the Pacific Northwest would be my first choice. Despite the fact that it rains incessantly, the greenery is lovely, and I never tire of driving through the woods, rolling hills, and farm country.

Sounds lovely. What foreign country would you like to visit and why?
Israel because, of course, it’s the land where both Judaism and Christianity began, and I consider them inseparable. I would also enjoy visiting Germany, as that’s where my father was from, and he told me so many stories about it over the years.

Describe what you think would be the most romantic vacation you could take.
Cruises are nice, but I’m not a fan of the constant eating, etc. I suppose it would be a trip to the Emerald Coast in Florida or the lovely Kona area on the Big Island of Hawaii. We would leave our cell phones behind, opt for no TV, and just enjoy our time together.

James and I have often dreamed of going to Hawaii. Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet?
I suppose the Emerald Coast of Florida would be perfect. And, of course, it would require another visit there for research.

Yes it would. What is the main theme of the featured novel?
The main theme of To the Moon and Back is a woman in her late sixties, as well as her family, coming to terms with the fact that she has Alzheimer’s.

Tell us about the story.
Rachel and her husband have lived in the Pacific Northwest their entire married life. They raised their only child in the home they still live in, and Rachel has been plugged into her banking job and church life. But soon after a car accident, when her husband becomes a semi-invalid, she begins to get confused, even frightened because she has so much trouble remembering things. In the interim, her grown daughter finds herself going through an unwanted divorce. When she realizes her mother has Alzheimer’s and will only get worse, she moves back home to help care for her and also for her father, whose resentful attitude doesn’t help the situation at all. The three of them, with help from an understanding pastor, a support group, and others, wrestle with the acceptance of a heartbreaking disease, and find hope in the middle of the encroaching darkness. (A resource page and discussion questions round out the book, making it useful for individual or group study.) 

Please give us the first page of the book.
The moon was a pale sliver that mid-October night in the small coastal town of Wildflower, Oregon. The diminutive but still attractive sixty-seven-year-old shivered as she stood in the shadows near the rose bushes that had stopped blooming weeks earlier. She clutched her sweater a little tighter across her middle. Was it always so chilly here in the evenings? For some reason, she couldn’t quite remember, but it didn’t really matter. Somewhere, in the nostalgic canyons of her mind, she recalled another moon—a harvest moon. And she remembered a voice promising that he would always love her “to the moon and back.”

She smiled, wondering if the man who spoke those words so very long ago ever thought of her now. Did he still love her “to the moon and back”? Had another love taken her place? Or had he already departed earth and stepped into eternity?

Her smile faded at the thought. She had no idea if the man, whom she considered her first and only true love, had ever made his peace with God. She was certain he hadn’t at the time he declared his love for her—didn’t even believe in God, or so he claimed. But she had been a Christian since her childhood, and she imagined that was the reason the two of them had eventually gone their separate ways. The thought saddened her, as it always did.

“Rachel!” The voice called her back from a precipice of darkness, one that seemed to loom closer and threaten her more often lately. She pushed the fear away and tried to focus on the present.

“Rachel!” The voice was more impatient this time. “Where are you? I need you to help me with something.”

She sighed, as thoughts of a harvest moon and a promise from another time faded from her consciousness. Pete needed her, as he always did. That comforted her somehow, though it also frightened her, as she sensed she was slipping away more often these days and could no longer be trusted to do what she must. That couldn’t be good—for her or for Pete.

“I’m coming,” she called, leaving the cool shadows of the backyard that had seen so many parties and get-togethers over the years. Would there ever be another celebration in this place? It seemed unlikely. But the thought scarcely registered as it skittered through Rachel’s mind.

Wow! How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website is I am also on Facebook (Kathi Macias and Kathi Macias, Author) and Twitter (@alandkathi). They can email me from my website. I would love to hear from them!

Thank you, Kathi, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book.
To the Moon and Back - Paperback
To the Moon and Back - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Kathi Macias11:20 AM

    Thanks, Lena. So nice to be back on your excellent blog! I look forward to hearing from your followers. Blessings!

  2. I love to read this! I love Kathy's books. Sounds so good. Enjoyed your blog.

  3. This is a new author for me.
    Dianna (TN)

  4. Kathy's book sounds like a must read to me. Thank you for the great review and wonderful opportunity. Merry Christmas! Melanie Backus, TX

  5. Vivian Furbay1:32 AM

    I can understand the heartbreak of alzheimers. My Mom died of senility-dementia. It was a blessing when she passed away as her suffering was over and she went to be with Jesus. Vivian Furbay of Colorado

  6. I very much would love to read To The Moon And Back!

    When she stated the main theme of To the Moon and Back wass a woman in her late sixties, as well as her family, coming to terms with the fact that she has Alzheimer’s, I know I HAD to read this book. My Mother had Alzheimer. In fact, she lived with us the last five years of her life after a nasty cancer surgery was added to the mix. We were full-time caregivers 24/7. It's a lot of hard work and bunches of times tears flowed, but I have no regrets and wouldn't have done it differently. It's a horrible disease for everyone involved.

    Now a few years later and I'm in my mid-sixties, you wonder from time to time if you will be next. But as we learned with our only child died at age 17, you take live one day at a time and one step after the other.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy of what I know has to be an amazing book,

    Kay from Mountain View, AR
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  7. Great interview! I have read several of Kathi's books. I have enjoyed each of them as she deals with some very tough issues in her books. They are not syrupy sweet romance novels but gut-wrenching real-life stories. This sounds like one of those. I would love to read it. Edward A in VA

  8. I also have been through the heartbreak of Alzheimer's.
    My sisters and I took care of our Mom for 3 years at her house. Thank the Lord, for husbands who understood what we were going through.
    We have Kathi's books in the church library. Even if I don't win, I will be buying this book to give to the library.
    Janet E.

  9. This book struck a chord with me, as my younger sister has just been diagnosed with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. My heart is breaking. I would love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
    VanG in NC

  10. I love Kathi's writing. She and I used to attend the Orange County Christian Writers group in CA. Kathi also gave me the courage to write about "hot button" issues, although my books are not in her esteemed caliber, and my "hot button" issues are different. Her books about human trafficking are eye opening. I would love to win an ebook because I only read on Kindle now, due to my vision.

    Bonnie in AZ

  11. Kathi Macias5:25 PM

    Just checking in and so pleased to read all these wonderful and blessings to all of you!!!

  12. Problems of aging parents are hard. I'd love to read this and can only hope my children will know what to do with us when we reach that point!
    Beth from IA

  13. Kathi Macias10:19 AM

    Good morning to all of you on this day before Christmas Eve. Thank you so much for your comments, and may you have the best Christmas ever!

  14. Kathi, nice to meet you! You are a new author to me :)
    Merry Christmas! Blessings!
    Natalya Lakhno, CA

  15. Kathi Macias9:37 AM

    Merry Christmas to all of you! I look forward to getting to know you all better.

  16. Sharon Richmond Bryant5:13 AM

    Enter me!!
    Conway SC.

  17. Hi Kathi, thanks for sharing the first page of uour new book. I look forward to reading it!
    Happy New Year!!
    Connie from KY

  18. Kathi Macias8:40 AM

    How lovely to have shared the Christmas holiday here with all of you on this great blog! I pray the coming year is your best ever!

  19. sounds like a good book! Shelia from MS
